#Requires -Version 5.0 function New-LabEnvironment { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', 'Impact is low, no point in supporting ShouldProcess')] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$Path = '.', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$MachinesPath = '.\Machines', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$FilesPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ConfigurationFilePath = '.\Configuration\LabConfiguration.ps1', [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string]$ConfigurationName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [Hashtable]$Properties, [switch]$Force ) # TODO: validate parameters if ($Path -ne [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($Path)) { $Path = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath((Join-Path -Path (Get-Location) -ChildPath $Path)) } $labFilePath = Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath 'environment.json' if ((Test-Path -Path $labFilePath -PathType Leaf) -and -not $Force.IsPresent) { throw "The environment-file '$labFilePath' already exists; use -Force to create the lab-environment in this location." } if ($MachinesPath -and $MachinesPath.ToUpper().StartsWith($Path.ToUpper())) { $MachinesPath = Join-Path -Path '.' -ChildPath $MachinesPath.Substring($Path.Length) } if ($FilesPath -and $FilesPath.ToUpper().StartsWith($Path.ToUpper())) { $FilesPath = Join-Path -Path '.' -ChildPath $FilesPath.Substring($Path.Length) } if ($ConfigurationFilePath -and $ConfigurationFilePath.ToUpper().StartsWith($Path.ToUpper())) { $ConfigurationFilePath = Join-Path -Path '.' -ChildPath $ConfigurationFilePath.Substring($Path.Length) } $environment = New-Object LabEnvironment $environment.Name = $Name $environment.Path = $Path $environment.MachinesPath = $MachinesPath $environment.FilesPath = $FilesPath $environment.ConfigurationFilePath = $ConfigurationFilePath $environment.ConfigurationName = $ConfigurationName $environment.Properties = @{} if ($Properties) { foreach ($key in $Properties.Keys) { $environment.Properties.$key = $Properties.$key } } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Path)) { New-Item -Path $Path -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } $environment | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 9 | Out-File -FilePath $labFilePath if ($environment.ConfigurationFilePath) { $ConfigurationFilePath = $environment.ConfigurationFilePath if ($ConfigurationFilePath.StartsWith('.')) { $ConfigurationFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath((Join-Path -Path $Path -ChildPath $ConfigurationFilePath)) } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ConfigurationFilePath -PathType Leaf)) { $ConfigurationContent = '' if ($ConfigurationName) { $ConfigurationContent = @("Configuration $ConfigurationName {",'}') } $ConfigurationFolderPath = Split-Path -Path $ConfigurationFilePath -Parent if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ConfigurationFolderPath -PathType Container)) { New-item -Path $ConfigurationFolderPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } if ($update) { $ConfigurationContent | Out-File -FilePath $ConfigurationFilePath } } } Register-LabEnvironment -Environment $environment -Force:$Force.IsPresent return $environment } |