.VERSION 24.03.08 .GUID c7fb05cc-1e20-4277-9986-523020060668 .AUTHOR Mike Galvin Contact: mike@gal.vin .COMPANYNAME Mike Galvin .COPYRIGHT (C) Mike Galvin. All rights reserved. .TAGS Hyper-V Virtual Machines Full Backup Export Permissions Zip History 7-Zip .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI https://gal.vin/utils/hyperv-backup-utility/ .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS Hyper-V Backup Utility - Flexible backup of Hyper-V Virtual Machines. .DESCRIPTION Creates a full backup of virtual machines. Run with -help or no arguments for usage. #> ## Set up command line switches. [CmdletBinding()] Param( [alias("BackupTo")] $BackupUsr, [alias("Keep")] $History, [alias("List")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})] $VmList, [alias("Wd")] $WorkDirUsr, [alias("SzOptions")] $SzSwitches, [alias("L")] $LogPathUsr, [alias("LogRotate")] $LogHistory, [alias("Subject")] $MailSubject, [alias("SendTo")] $MailTo, [alias("From")] $MailFrom, [alias("Smtp")] $SmtpServer, [alias("Port")] $SmtpPort, [alias("User")] $SmtpUser, [alias("Pwd")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})] $SmtpPwd, [Alias("Webhook")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})] [string]$Webh, [switch]$UseSsl, [switch]$NoPerms, [switch]$Compress, [switch]$Sz, [switch]$ShortDate, [switch]$Help, [switch]$LowDisk, [switch]$ProgCheck, [switch]$OptimiseVHD, [switch]$NoBanner) If ($NoBanner -eq $False) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black -Object " _ _ __ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | \ \ / / | _ \ | | | | | | | (_) (_) | | |__| |_ _ _ __ ___ _ _\ \ / / | |_) | __ _ ___| | ___ _ _ __ | | | | |_ _| |_| |_ _ _ | __ | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__\ \/ / | _ < / _ |/ __| |/ / | | | '_ \ | | | | __| | | | __| | | | | | | | |_| | |_) | __/ | \ / | |_) | (_| | (__| <| |_| | |_) | | |__| | |_| | | | |_| |_| | |_| |_|\__, | .__/ \___|_| \/ |____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\\__,_| .__/ \____/ \__|_|_|_|\__|\__, | __/ | | | | __/ | |___/|_| |_| |___/ Mike Galvin https://gal.vin Version 24.03.08 Donate: https://www.paypal.me/digressive See -help for usage " } If ($PSBoundParameters.Values.Count -eq 0 -or $Help) { Write-Host -Object " Usage: From a terminal run: [path\]Hyper-V-Backup.ps1 -BackupTo [path\] This will backup all the VMs running to the backup location specified. Use -List [path\]vms.txt to specify a list of vm names to backup. Use -Wd [path\] to configure a working directory for the backup process. Use -Keep [number] to specify how many days worth of backup to keep. Use -ShortDate to use only the Year, Month and Day in backup filenames. Use -LowDisk to remove old backups before new ones are created. For low disk space situations. Use -ProgCheck to send notifications (email or webhook) after each VM is backed up. Use -OptimiseVHD to optimise the VHDs and make them smaller before copy. Must be used with -NoPerms option. -NoPerms should only be used when a regular backup cannot be performed. Please note: this will cause the VMs to shutdown during the backup process. Use -Compress to compress the VM backups in a zip file using Windows compression. Use -Sz to use 7-zip Use -SzOptions ""'-t7z,-v2g,-ppassword'"" to specify 7-zip options like file type, split files or password. To output a log: -L [path\]. To remove logs produced by the utility older than X days: -LogRotate [number]. Run with no ASCII banner: -NoBanner To send the log to a webhook on job completion: Specify a txt file containing the webhook URI with -Webhook [path\]webhook.txt To use the 'email log' function: Specify the subject line with -Subject ""'[subject line]'"" If you leave this blank a default subject will be used Make sure to encapsulate it with double & single quotes as per the example for Powershell to read it correctly. Specify the 'to' address with -SendTo [example@contoso.com] For multiple address, separate with a comma. Specify the 'from' address with -From [example@contoso.com] Specify the SMTP server with -Smtp [smtp server name] Specify the port to use with the SMTP server with -Port [port number]. If none is specified then the default of 25 will be used. Specify the user to access SMTP with -User [example@contoso.com] Specify the password file to use with -Pwd [path\]ps-script-pwd.txt. Use SSL for SMTP server connection with -UseSsl. To generate an encrypted password file run the following commands on the computer and the user that will run the script: " Write-Host -Object ' $creds = Get-Credential $creds.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content [path\]ps-script-pwd.txt' } else { ## If logging is configured, start logging. ## If the log file already exists, clear it. If ($LogPathUsr) { ## Clean User entered string $LogPath = $LogPathUsr.trimend('\') ## Make sure the log directory exists. If ((Test-Path -Path $LogPath) -eq $False) { New-Item $LogPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } $LogFile = ("Hyper-V-Backup_{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}.log" -f (Get-Date)) $Log = "$LogPath\$LogFile" If (Test-Path -Path $Log) { Clear-Content -Path $Log } } ## Function to get date in specific format. Function Get-DateFormat() { Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" } Function Get-DateShort() { Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd" } Function Get-DateLong() { Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss" } ## Function for logging. Function Write-Log($Type,$Evt) { If ($Type -eq "Info") { If ($LogPathUsr) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [INFO] $Evt" } Write-Host -Object " $(Get-DateFormat) [INFO] $Evt" } If ($Type -eq "Succ") { If ($LogPathUsr) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [SUCCESS] $Evt" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green -Object " $(Get-DateFormat) [SUCCESS] $Evt" } If ($Type -eq "Err") { If ($LogPathUsr) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [ERROR] $Evt" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black -Object " $(Get-DateFormat) [ERROR] $Evt" } If ($Type -eq "Conf") { If ($LogPathUsr) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$Evt" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -Object " $Evt" } } ## Function to optimise the VHD Function OptimVHD() { try { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Optimising VHD(s)" $VmVhds = Get-VHD -Path $($Vm | Get-VMHardDiskDrive | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Path") ## Loop through each VHD file and optimise ForEach ($Vhd in $VmVhds) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Used space before optimising VHD [$($Vhd.Path)] = $([math]::ceiling((Get-VHD -Path $Vhd.Path).FileSize / 1GB )) GB" Optimize-VHD -Path "$($Vhd.Path)" -Mode Full Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Used space after optimising VHD [$($Vhd.Path)] = $([math]::ceiling((Get-VHD -Path $Vhd.Path).FileSize / 1GB )) GB" $intTotalDisksSize += (Get-VHD -Path $Vhd.Path).FileSize } Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Done optimising VHD(s)" } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } ## Function for Notifications Function Notify() { ## This whole block is for e-mail, if it is configured. If ($SmtpServer) { If (Test-Path -Path $Log) { ## Default e-mail subject if none is configured. If ($Null -eq $MailSubject) { $MailSubject = "Hyper-V Backup Utility Log" } ## Default Smtp Port if none is configured. If ($Null -eq $SmtpPort) { $SmtpPort = "25" } ## Setting the contents of the log to be the e-mail body. $MailBody = Get-Content -Path $Log | Out-String ForEach ($MailAddress in $MailTo) { ## If an smtp password is configured, get the username and password together for authentication. ## If an smtp password is not provided then send the e-mail without authentication and obviously no SSL. If ($SmtpPwd) { $SmtpPwdEncrypt = Get-Content $SmtpPwd | ConvertTo-SecureString $SmtpCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($SmtpUser, $SmtpPwdEncrypt) ## If -ssl switch is used, send the email with SSL. ## If it isn't then don't use SSL, but still authenticate with the credentials. If ($UseSsl) { Send-MailMessage -To $MailAddress -From $MailFrom -Subject "$MailSubject $Succi/$($Vms.count) VMs Successful" -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $SmtpPort -UseSsl -Credential $SmtpCreds } else { Send-MailMessage -To $MailAddress -From $MailFrom -Subject "$MailSubject $Succi/$($Vms.count) VMs Successful" -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $SmtpPort -Credential $SmtpCreds } } else { Send-MailMessage -To $MailAddress -From $MailFrom -Subject "$MailSubject $Succi/$($Vms.count) VMs Successful" -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Port $SmtpPort } } } else { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black -Object " There's no log file to email." } } ## End of Email block ## Webhook block If ($Webh) { $WebHookUri = Get-Content $Webh $WebHookArr = @() $title = "Hyper-V Backup Utility $Succi/$($Vms.count) VMs Successful" $description = Get-Content -Path $Log | Out-String $WebHookObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ title = $title description = $description } $WebHookArr += $WebHookObj $payload = [PSCustomObject]@{ embeds = $WebHookArr } Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $WebHookUri -Body ($payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 2) -Method Post -ContentType 'application/json' } } ## Function for Update Check Function UpdateCheck() { $ScriptVersion = "24.03.08" $RawSource = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Digressive/HyperV-Backup-Utility/master/Hyper-V-Backup.ps1" try { $SourceCheck = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$RawSource" $VerCheck = $SourceCheck -split '\n' | Select-String -Pattern ".VERSION $ScriptVersion" -SimpleMatch -CaseSensitive -Quiet If ($VerCheck -ne $True) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "-- There is an update available! --" } } catch { } } ## ## Start of backup Options functions ## Function CompressFiles7zip($CompressDateFormat,$CompressDir,$CompressFileName) { $7zipOutput = $null $7zipTestOutput = $null $CompressFileNameSet = $CompressFileName+$CompressDateFormat ## Makeshift error catch for 7zip in PowerShell $7zipOutput = & "$env:programfiles\7-Zip\7z.exe" $SzSwSplit -bso0 a ("$CompressDir\$CompressFileNameSet") "$CompressDir\$Vm\*" *>&1 If ($7zipOutput -match "ERROR:") { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) 7zip encountered an error creating the archive" Set-Variable -Name 'BackupSucc' -Value $false -Scope 2 } else { Set-Variable -Name 'BackupSucc' -Value $true -Scope 2 } $GetTheFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $CompressDir -File -Filter "$CompressFileNameSet.*" $7zipTestOutput = & "$env:programfiles\7-Zip\7z.exe" -bso0 t $($GetTheFile.FullName) *>&1 If ($7zipTestOutput -match "ERROR:") { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) 7zip encountered an error verifying the archive" Set-Variable -Name 'BackupSucc' -Value $false -Scope 2 } else { Set-Variable -Name 'BackupSucc' -Value $true -Scope 2 } } Function CompressFilesWin($CompressDateFormat,$CompressDir,$CompressFileName) { Add-Type -AssemblyName "system.io.compression.filesystem" $CompressFileNameSet = $CompressFileName+$CompressDateFormat ## Windows compression with shortdate try { [io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory("$CompressDir\$Vm", ("$CompressDir\$CompressFileNameSet.zip")) Set-Variable -Name 'BackupSucc' -Value $true -Scope 2 } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" Set-Variable -Name 'BackupSucc' -Value $false -Scope 2 } } Function ShortDateFileNo($ShortDateDir,$ShortDateFilePat) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Backup $VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort) already exists, appending number" $i = 1 $ShortDateNN = ("$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)-{0:D3}" -f $i++)+$ShortDateFilePat $ShortDateExistT = Test-Path -Path $ShortDateDir\$ShortDateNN If ($ShortDateExistT) { do { $ShortDateNN = ("$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)-{0:D3}" -f $i++)+$ShortDateFilePat $ShortDateExistT = Test-Path -Path $ShortDateDir\$ShortDateNN } until ($ShortDateExistT -eq $false) } If ($Compress) { If ($Sz -eq $True -AND $7zT -eq $True) { If ($SzSwSplit -like "-v*") { ## 7-zip compression with shortdate configured and a number appended. $ShortDateNN7zFix = $ShortDateNN -replace '[.*]' CompressFiles7zip -CompressDir $ShortDateDir -CompressFileName $ShortDateNN7zFix } else { ## 7-zip compression with shortdate configured and a number appended. $ShortDateNN7zFix = $ShortDateNN -replace '[.*]' CompressFiles7zip -CompressDir $ShortDateDir -CompressFileName $ShortDateNN7zFix } } else { ## Windows compression with shortdate configured and a number appended. $ShortDateNNWinFix = $ShortDateNN.TrimEnd(".zip") CompressFilesWin -CompressDir $ShortDateDir -CompressFileName $ShortDateNNWinFix } } else { try { Get-ChildItem -Path $ShortDateDir -Filter $Vm -Directory | Rename-Item -NewName ("$ShortDateDir\$ShortDateNN") } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { ## Moving backup folder with shortdate and renaming with number appended. try { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$VmFixed-*-*-*" -Directory | Move-Item -Destination $ShortDateDir\$ShortDateNN -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } } } Function ReportRemove($RemoveDir,$RemoveFilePat,$RemoveDirOpt,$RemoveHistory) { If ($RemoveDirOpt) { $RemoveDirOptSet = @{Directory = $true} } else { $RemoveDirOptSet = @{Directory = $false} } $RemoveFullPath = $VmFixed+$RemoveFilePat ## report old files to remove If ($LogPathUsr) { If (Test-Path -Path $RemoveDir) { Get-ChildItem -Path $RemoveDir -Filter $RemoveFullPath @RemoveDirOptSet | Where-Object CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$RemoveHistory) | Select-Object -Property Name, CreationTime | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders | Out-File -Append $Log -Encoding ASCII } } ## remove old files If (Test-Path -Path $RemoveDir) { Get-ChildItem -Path $RemoveDir -Filter $RemoveFullPath @RemoveDirOptSet | Where-Object CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$RemoveHistory) | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force } } Function RemoveOld() { ## Remove previous backup folders. -Keep switch and -Compress switch are NOT configured. If ($Null -eq $History -And $Compress -eq $False) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Removing previous backups" ## Remove all previous backup folders If ($ShortDate) { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $WorkDir -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*" -RemoveDirOpt $true -RemoveHistory $null } else { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $WorkDir -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*_*-*-*" -RemoveDirOpt $true -RemoveHistory $null } ## If working directory is configured by user, remove all previous backup folders If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { ## Make sure the backup directory exists. If (Test-Path -Path $Backup) { If ($ShortDate) { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $Backup -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*" -RemoveDirOpt $true -RemoveHistory $null } else { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $Backup -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*_*-*-*" -RemoveDirOpt $true -RemoveHistory $null } } } } ## Remove previous backup folders older than X configured days. -Keep switch is configured and -Compress switch is NOT. else { If ($Compress -eq $False) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Removing backup folders older than: $History days" ## Remove previous backup folders older than the configured number of days. If ($ShortDate) { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $WorkDir -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*" -RemoveDirOpt $true -RemoveHistory $History } else { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $WorkDir -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*_*-*-*" -RemoveDirOpt $true -RemoveHistory $History } ## If working directory is configured by user, remove all previous backup folders older than X configured days. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { ## Make sure the backup directory exists. If (Test-Path -Path $Backup) { If ($ShortDate) { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $Backup -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*" -RemoveDirOpt $true -RemoveHistory $History } else { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $Backup -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*_*-*-*" -RemoveDirOpt $true -RemoveHistory $History } } } } } ## Remove ALL previous backup files. -Keep switch is NOT configured and -Compress switch IS. If ($Compress) { If ($Null -eq $History) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Removing all previous compressed backups" ## Remove all previous compressed backups If ($ShortDate) { Remove-Item "$WorkDir\$VmFixed-*-*-*.*" -Force } else { Remove-Item "$WorkDir\$VmFixed-*-*-*_*-*-*.*" -Force } ## If working directory is configured by user, remove all previous backup files. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { ## Make sure the backup directory exists. If (Test-Path -Path $Backup) { If ($ShortDate) { Remove-Item "$Backup\$VmFixed-*-*-*.*" -Force } else { Remove-Item "$Backup\$VmFixed-*-*-*_*-*-*.*" -Force } } } } ## Remove previous backup files older than X days. -Keep and -Compress switch are configured. else { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Removing compressed backups older than: $History days" ## Remove previous compressed backups older than the configured number of days. If ($ShortDate) { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $WorkDir -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*.*" -RemoveDirOpt $false -RemoveHistory $History } else { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $WorkDir -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*_*-*-*.*" -RemoveDirOpt $false -RemoveHistory $History } ## If working directory is configured by user, remove previous backup files older than X days. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { ## Make sure the backup directory exists. If (Test-Path -Path $Backup) { If ($ShortDate) { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $Backup -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*.*" -RemoveDirOpt $false -RemoveHistory $History } else { ReportRemove -RemoveDir $Backup -RemoveFilePat "-*-*-*_*-*-*.*" -RemoveDirOpt $false -RemoveHistory $History } } } } } } Function OptionsRun() { If ($Compress) { ## If -Compress and -Sz are configured AND 7-zip is installed - compress the backup folder, if it isn't fallback to Windows compression. If ($Sz -eq $True -AND $7zT -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Compressing backup using 7-Zip compression" ## If -Shortdate is configured, test for an old backup file, if true append a number (and increase the number if file still exists) before the file extension. If ($ShortDate) { ## If using 7zip's split file feature with short dates, we need to handle the files a little differently. If ($SzSwSplit -like "-v*") { $ShortDateT = Test-Path -Path ("$WorkDir\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort).*.*") If ($ShortDateT) { ShortDateFileNo -ShortDateDir $WorkDir -ShortDateFilePat ".*.*" } else { CompressFiles7zip(Get-DateShort) -CompressDir $WorkDir -CompressFileName "$VmFixed-$CompressDateFormat" } } else { $ShortDateT = Test-Path -Path ("$WorkDir\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort).*") If ($ShortDateT) { ShortDateFileNo -ShortDateDir $WorkDir -ShortDateFilePat ".*" } CompressFiles7zip(Get-DateShort) -CompressDir $WorkDir -CompressFileName "$VmFixed-$CompressDateFormat" } } else { CompressFiles7zip(Get-DateLong) -CompressDir $WorkDir -CompressFileName "$VmFixed-$CompressDateFormat" } } ## Compress the backup folder using Windows compression. -Compress is configured, -Sz switch is not, or it is and 7-zip isn't detected. ## This is also the "fallback" windows compression code. else { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Compressing backup using Windows compression" If ($ShortDate) { $ShortDateT = Test-Path -Path ("$WorkDir\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort).zip") If ($ShortDateT) { ShortDateFileNo -ShortDateDir $WorkDir -ShortDateFilePat ".zip" } else { CompressFilesWin(Get-DateShort) -CompressDir $WorkDir -CompressFileName "$VmFixed-$CompressDateFormat" } } else { CompressFilesWin(Get-DateLong) -CompressDir $WorkDir -CompressFileName "$VmFixed-$CompressDateFormat" } } ## After being compressed, if success remove the VMs export folder. If ($BackupSucc) { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$Vm" -Directory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Compressing backup failed." Set-Variable -Name 'BackupSucc' -Value $false -Scope 1 } ## If working directory has been configured by the user, move the compressed backup to the backup folder and rename to include the date. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { ## Make sure the backup directory exists. If ((Test-Path -Path $Backup) -eq $False) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Backup directory $Backup doesn't exist. Creating it." New-Item $Backup -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } ## Get the exact name of the backup file and append numbers onto the filename, keeping the extension intact. ## This contains special code to do the shortDate renaming with any 7-zip split files. If ($ShortDate) { If ($SzSwSplit -like "-v*") { $SzSplitFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path ("$WorkDir\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort).*.*") -File ForEach ($SplitFile in $SzSplitFiles) { $ShortDateT = Test-Path -Path "$Backup\$($SplitFile.name)" $split7zArray = $SplitFile.basename.Split(".") $archType = $split7zArray[1] If ($ShortDateT) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) File: $($SplitFile.name) already exists, appending number" $FileExist = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Backup\$($SplitFile.name)" -File $i = 1 $ShortDateNN = ("$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)-{0:D3}" -f $i++ + "." + $archType + $FileExist.Extension) $ShortDateExistT = Test-Path -Path $Backup\$ShortDateNN If ($ShortDateExistT) { do { $ShortDateNN = ("$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)-{0:D3}" -f $i++ + "." + $archType + $FileExist.Extension) $ShortDateExistT = Test-Path -Path $Backup\$ShortDateNN } until ($ShortDateExistT -eq $false) } try { Get-ChildItem -Path $SplitFile | Move-Item -Destination $Backup\$ShortDateNN -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } else { try { Get-ChildItem -Path $SplitFile | Move-Item -Destination $Backup\$ShortDateNN -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } } } else { $BackupFile = Get-ChildItem -Path ("$WorkDir\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort).*") -File $BackupFileN = $BackupFile.name $BackupFileNSplit = $BackupFileN.split(".") $ShortDateT = Test-Path -Path $Backup\$BackupFileN If ($ShortDateT) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) File: $BackupFileN already exists, appending number" $FileExist = Get-ChildItem -Path $BackupFile -File $i = 1 If ($Null -eq $BackupFileNSplit[2]) { $ShortDateNN = ("$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)-{0:D3}" -f $i++ + $FileExist.Extension) $ShortDateExistT = Test-Path -Path $Backup\$ShortDateNN } else { $ShortDateNN = ("$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)-{0:D3}" -f $i++ + "." + $BackupFileNSplit[1] + $FileExist.Extension) $ShortDateExistT = Test-Path -Path $Backup\$ShortDateNN } If ($ShortDateExistT) { If ($Null -eq $BackupFileNSplit[2]) { do { $ShortDateNN = ("$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)-{0:D3}" -f $i++ + $FileExist.Extension) $ShortDateExistT = Test-Path -Path $Backup\$ShortDateNN } until ($ShortDateExistT -eq $false) } else { do { $ShortDateNN = ("$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)-{0:D3}" -f $i++ + "." + $BackupFileNSplit[1] + $FileExist.Extension) $ShortDateExistT = Test-Path -Path $Backup\$ShortDateNN } until ($ShortDateExistT -eq $false) } } ## Move with shortdate and appended number try { Get-ChildItem -Path $BackupFile | Move-Item -Destination $Backup\$ShortDateNN -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } ## Move with shortdate try { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$VmFixed-*-*-*.*" | Move-Item -Destination $Backup -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } } ## Move with long date else { try { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$VmFixed-*-*-*_*-*-*.*" | Move-Item -Destination $Backup -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } } } ## -Compress switch is NOT configured and the -Keep switch is configured. ## Rename the export of each VM to include the date. else { If ($ShortDate) { $ShortDateT = Test-Path -Path ("$WorkDir\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)") If ($ShortDateT) { ShortDateFileNo -ShortDateDir $WorkDir -ShortDateFilePat $null } try { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter $Vm -Directory | Rename-Item -NewName ("$WorkDir\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)") } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } else { try { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter $Vm -Directory | Rename-Item -NewName ("$WorkDir\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateLong)") } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } ## If working directory has been configured by the user, move the backup to the backup folder and rename to include the date. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { ## Make sure the backup directory exists. If ((Test-Path -Path $Backup) -eq $False) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Backup directory $Backup doesn't exist. Creating it." New-Item $Backup -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } If ($ShortDate) { $ShortDateT = Test-Path -Path ("$Backup\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)") If ($ShortDateT) { ShortDateFileNo -ShortDateDir $Backup -ShortDateFilePat $null } ## Moving backup folder with shortdate try { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$VmFixed-*-*-*" -Directory | Move-Item -Destination ("$Backup\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateShort)") -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } ## Moving backup folder with longdate else { try { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$VmFixed-*-*-*_*-*-*" -Directory | Move-Item -Destination ("$Backup\$VmFixed-$(Get-DateLong)") -ErrorAction 'Stop' } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" } } } } } ## ## End of backup Options functions ## ## getting Windows Version info $OSVMaj = [environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expand major $OSVMin = [environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expand minor $OSVBui = [environment]::OSVersion.Version | Select-Object -expand build $OSV = "$OSVMaj" + "." + "$OSVMin" + "." + "$OSVBui" If ($Null -eq $BackupUsr) { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -BackupTo [path\]." Exit } else { ## Test for Hyper-V feature installed on local machine. ## Old version of Win Serv have a different service name. try { If ($OSV -eq "6.3.9600") { Get-Service vmms -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } else { Get-Service vmcompute -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } } catch { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "Hyper-V is not installed on this local machine." Exit } If ($Compress -eq $false -And $Sz -eq $true) { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -Compress to use -Sz." Exit } If ($Sz -eq $false -And $Null -ne $SzSwitches) { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -Sz to use -SzOptions." Exit } If ($Null -eq $LogPathUsr -And $Null -ne $LogHistory) { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -L [path\] to use -LogRotate [number]." Exit } If ($Null -eq $LogPathUsr -And $SmtpServer) { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -L [path\] to use the email log function." Exit } If ($Null -eq $LogPathUsr -And $Webh) { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -L [path\] to use send the log to a webhook." Exit } If ($NoPerms -eq $false -And $OptimiseVHD -eq $true) { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "You must specify -NoPerms to use -OptimiseVHD." Exit } ## Clean User entered string If ($BackupUsr) { $Backup = $BackupUsr.trimend('\') } If ($WorkDirUsr) { $WorkDir = $WorkDirUsr.trimend('\') } } ## Setting an easier to use variable for computer name of the Hyper-V server. $Vs = $Env:ComputerName ## If a VM list file is configured, get the content of the file, otherwise just get the running VMs. ## Clean list if it has empty lines. If ($VmList) { $Vms = Get-Content $VmList | Where-Object {$_.trim() -ne ""} } else { $Vms = Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Running'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } ## Check to see if there are any VMs to process. If ($Vms.count -ne 0) { ## If the user has not configured the working directory, set it as the backup directory. If ($Null -eq $WorkDir) { $WorkDir = "$Backup" } If ($Null -eq $ShortDate) { $ShortDate = "$LongDate" } If ($SzSwitches) { $SzSwSplit = $SzSwitches.split(",") } If ($Sz -eq $True) { $7zT = Test-Path -Path "$env:programfiles\7-Zip\7z.exe" } ## ## Display the current config and log if configured. ## Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "--- Running with the following config ---" Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Utility Version: 24.03.08" UpdateCheck ## Run Update checker function Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Hostname: $Vs." Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Windows Version: $OSV." If ($Vms) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "No. of VMs: $($Vms.count)." Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "VMs to backup:" ForEach ($Vm in $Vms) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "$Vm" } } If ($BackupUsr) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Backup directory: $BackupUsr." } If ($WorkDirUsr) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Working directory: $WorkDirUsr." } If ($NoPerms) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "-NoPerms switch: $NoPerms." } If ($ShortDate) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "-ShortDate switch: $ShortDate." } If ($LowDisk) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "-LowDisk switch: $LowDisk." } If ($Compress) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "-Compress switch: $Compress." } If ($Sz) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "-Sz switch: $Sz." } If ($Sz) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "7-zip installed: $7zT." } If ($SzSwitches) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "7-zip Options: $SzSwitches." } If ($Null -ne $History) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Backups to keep: $History days" } If ($LogPathUsr) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Logs directory: $LogPathUsr." } If ($Webh) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "Webhook: Configured" } If ($MailTo) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "E-mail log to: $MailTo." } If ($MailFrom) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "E-mail log from: $MailFrom." } If ($MailSubject) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "E-mail subject: $MailSubject." } If ($SmtpServer) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "SMTP server: Configured" } If ($SmtpUser) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "SMTP auth: Configured" } Write-Log -Type Conf -Evt "---" Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Process started" ## ## Display current config ends here. ## ## For Success/Fail stats $Succi = 0 $Faili = 0 ## ## -NoPerms process starts here. ## ## If the -NoPerms switch is set, start a custom process to copy all the VM data. If ($NoPerms) { ForEach ($Vm in $Vms) { ## Get VM info try { $VhdSize = Get-VHD -Path $($Vm | Get-VMHardDiskDrive | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Path") | Select-Object @{Name = "FileSizeGB"; Expression = {[math]::ceiling($_.FileSize/1GB)}}, @{Name = "MaxSizeGB"; Expression = {[math]::ceiling($_.Size/1GB)}} Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) has [$((Get-VMProcessor $Vm).Count)] CPU cores, [$([math]::ceiling((Get-VMMemory $Vm).Startup / 1gb))GB] RAM, Storage: [Current Size = $($VhdSize.FileSizeGB)GB - Max Size = $($VhdSize.MaxSizeGB)GB]" } catch { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Error getting VM info: $($_.Exception.Message)" } $VmFixed = $Vm.replace(".","-") $VmInfo = Get-VM -Name $Vm ## Remove old backups if -LowDisk is configured If ($LowDisk) { RemoveOld } ## Test for the existence of a previous VM export. If it exists, delete it. If (Test-Path -Path "$WorkDir\$Vm") { Remove-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm" -Recurse -Force } ## Create directories for the VM export. try { New-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null New-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null New-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Hard Disks" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null New-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null $BackupSucc = $true } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" $BackupSucc = $false } ## Check for VM running If (Get-VM | Where-Object {$VmInfo.State -eq 'Running'}) { $VMwasRunning = $true Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) VM is running, saving state" Stop-VM -Name $Vm -Save } else { $VMwasRunning = $false Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) VM not running" } ## If -OptimiseVHD option is set attempt to optimise the VMs VHDs If ($OptimiseVHD) { OptimVHD } ## ## Copy the VM config files and log if there is an error. ## ## Check for VM being in the correct state before continuing $VmState = Get-Vm -Name $Vm If ($VmState.State -ne 'Off' -OR $VmState.State -ne 'Saved' -AND $VmState.Status -ne 'Operating normally') { do { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) VM not in the desired state. Waiting 60 seconds..." Start-Sleep -S 60 } until ($VmState.State -eq 'Off' -OR $VmState.State -eq 'Saved' -AND $VmState.Status -eq 'Operating normally') } $StartTime = $(get-date) try { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Copying config files" Copy-Item "$($VmInfo.ConfigurationLocation)\Virtual Machines\$($VmInfo.id)" "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines\" -Recurse -Force Copy-Item "$($VmInfo.ConfigurationLocation)\Virtual Machines\$($VmInfo.id).*" "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines\" -Recurse -Force $BackupSucc = $true } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" $BackupSucc = $false } ## ## End of VM config files. ## ## ## Copy the VHDs and log if there is an error. ## try { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Copying VHD files" Copy-Item $VmInfo.HardDrives.Path -Destination "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Hard Disks\" -Recurse -Force $BackupSucc = $true } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" $BackupSucc = $false } ## ## End of VHDs. ## ## Get the VM snapshots/checkpoints. $Snaps = Get-VMSnapshot $Vm ForEach ($Snap in $Snaps) { ## ## Copy the snapshot config files and log if there is an error. ## try { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Copying Snapshot config files" Copy-Item "$($VmInfo.ConfigurationLocation)\Snapshots\$($Snap.id)" "$WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots\" -Recurse -Force Copy-Item "$($VmInfo.ConfigurationLocation)\Snapshots\$($Snap.id).*" "$WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots\" -Recurse -Force $BackupSucc = $true } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" $BackupSucc = $false } ## ## End of snapshot config. ## ## Copy the snapshot root VHD. try { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Copying Snapshot root VHD files" Copy-Item $Snap.HardDrives.Path -Destination "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Hard Disks\" -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction 'Stop' $BackupSucc = $true } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" $BackupSucc = $false } } If ($VMwasRunning) { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Starting VM" Start-VM $Vm Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Waiting 60 seconds..." Start-Sleep -S 60 } ## Remove old backups if -LowDisk is NOT configured If ($LowDisk -eq $false) { RemoveOld } If ($BackupSucc) { OptionsRun } If ($BackupSucc) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Backup Successful" $Succi = $Succi+1 } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Backup failed" $Faili = $Faili+1 } $elapsedTime = $(get-date) - $StartTime $totalTime = "{0:HH:mm:ss}" -f ([datetime]$elapsedTime.Ticks) Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Processed in $totalTime" If ($ProgCheck) { Notify } } } ## ## -NoPerms process ends here. ## ## ## Standard export process starts here. ## ## If the -NoPerms switch is NOT set, for each VM check for the existence of a previous export. ## If it exists then delete it, otherwise the export will fail. else { ForEach ($Vm in $Vms) { ## Get VM info try { $VhdSize = Get-VHD -Path $($Vm | Get-VMHardDiskDrive | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Path") | Select-Object @{Name = "FileSizeGB"; Expression = {[math]::ceiling($_.FileSize/1GB)}}, @{Name = "MaxSizeGB"; Expression = {[math]::ceiling($_.Size/1GB)}} Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) has [$((Get-VMProcessor $Vm).Count)] CPU cores, [$([math]::ceiling((Get-VMMemory $Vm).Startup / 1gb))GB] RAM, Storage: [Current Size = $($VhdSize.FileSizeGB)GB - Max Size = $($VhdSize.MaxSizeGB)GB]" } catch { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Error getting VM info: $($_.Exception.Message)" } If (Test-Path -Path "$WorkDir\$Vm") { Remove-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm" -Recurse -Force } If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { If (Test-Path -Path "$Backup\$Vm") { Remove-Item "$Backup\$Vm" -Recurse -Force } } } ## If default key is already null, then disable VSS Legacy Tracing on Windows Server 2016 to prevent possible BSOD on Hyper-V Host. ## Don't want to mess up anyone's config. :) If ($OSV -eq "10.0.14393") { If ($null -eq (get-ItemProperty -literalPath HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSS\Diag\).'(Default)') { $RegVSSFix = $True Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSS\Diag -Name "(default)" -Value "Disabled" Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Disabling VSS Legacy Tracing on Windows Server 2016 to prevent possible BSOD on Hyper-V Host." } } ## Do a regular export of the VMs. ForEach ($Vm in $Vms) { $VmFixed = $Vm.replace(".","-") ## Remove old backups if -LowDisk is configured If ($LowDisk) { RemoveOld } $StartTime = $(get-date) try { Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Attempting to export VM" $Vm | Export-VM -Path "$WorkDir" -ErrorAction 'Stop' $BackupSucc = $true } catch { $_.Exception.Message | Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) $_" $BackupSucc = $false } ## Remove old backups if -LowDisk is NOT configured If ($LowDisk -eq $false) { RemoveOld } If ($BackupSucc) { OptionsRun } If ($BackupSucc) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Export Successful" $Succi = $Succi+1 } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Export failed" $Faili = $Faili+1 } $elapsedTime = $(get-date) - $StartTime $totalTime = "{0:HH:mm:ss}" -f ([datetime]$elapsedTime.Ticks) Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "(VM:$Vm) Processed in $totalTime" If ($ProgCheck) { Notify } } ## If the VSS fix was run, return regkey back to original state. If ($OSV -eq "10.0.14393") { If ($RegVSSFix) { REG DELETE "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VSS\Diag" /ve /f Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Returning VSS Legacy Tracing config to default." } } } ## ## End of standard export block ## } ## If there are no VMs, then do nothing. else { Write-Log -Type Err -Evt "There are no VMs running to backup" } Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Process finished." Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Number of VMs to Backup:$($Vms.count)" Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Backups Successful:$Succi" Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Backups Failed:$Faili" If ($Null -ne $LogHistory) { ## Clean up logs. Write-Log -Type Info -Evt "Deleting logs older than: $LogHistory days" Get-ChildItem -Path "$LogPath\Hyper-V-Backup_*" -File | Where-Object CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$LogHistory) | Remove-Item -Recurse } If ($ProgCheck -eq $false) { Notify } } ## End |