.VERSION 20.03.20 .GUID c7fb05cc-1e20-4277-9986-523020060668 .AUTHOR Mike Galvin Contact: mike@gal.vin / twitter.com/mikegalvin_ .COMPANYNAME Mike Galvin .COPYRIGHT (C) Mike Galvin. All rights reserved. .TAGS Hyper-V Virtual Machines Full Backup Export Permissions Zip History .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI https://gal.vin/2017/09/18/vm-backup-for-hyper-v .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES #> <# .SYNOPSIS Hyper-V Backup Utility - Flexible backup of Hyper-V Virtual Machines. .DESCRIPTION This script will create a full backup of virtual machines, complete with configuration, snapshots/checkpoints, and VHD files. This script should be run on a Hyper-V host and the Hyper-V PowerShell management modules should be installed. To send a log file via e-mail using ssl and an SMTP password you must generate an encrypted password file. The password file is unique to both the user and machine. To create the password file run this command as the user and on the machine that will use the file: $creds = Get-Credential $creds.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content c:\foo\ps-script-pwd.txt .PARAMETER BackupTo The path the virtual machines should be backed up to. Each VM will have its own folder inside this location. Do not add a trailing backslash. .PARAMETER List Enter the path to a txt file with a list of Hyper-V VM names to backup. If this option is not configured, all running VMs will be backed up. .PARAMETER Wd The path to the working directory to use for the backup before copying it to the final backup directory. Use a directory on local fast media to improve performance. .PARAMETER NoPerms Configures the utility to shut down the running VM(s) to do the file-copy based backup instead of using the Hyper-V export function. If no list is specified and multiple VMs are running, the process will run through the VMs alphabetically. .PARAMETER Keep Instructs the utility to keep a specified number of days’ worth of backups. VM backups older than the number of days specified will be deleted. Every effort has been taken to only remove backup files or folders generated by this utility. .PARAMETER Compress This option will create a zip file of each Hyper-V VM backup. Available disk space should be considered when using this option. .PARAMETER Sz Configure the utility to use 7-Zip to compress the VM backups. 7-Zip must be installed in the default location ($env:ProgramFiles) if it is not found, Windows compression will be used as a fallback. .PARAMETER NoBanner Use this option to hide the ASCII art title in the console. .PARAMETER L The path to output the log file to. The file name will be Hyper-V-Backup_YYYY-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss.log. Do not add a trailing \ backslash. .PARAMETER Subject The subject line for the e-mail log. Encapsulate with single or double quotes. If no subject is specified, the default of "Hyper-V Backup Utility Log" will be used. .PARAMETER SendTo The e-mail address the log should be sent to. .PARAMETER From The e-mail address the log should be sent from. .PARAMETER Smtp The DNS name or IP address of the SMTP server. .PARAMETER User The user account to authenticate to the SMTP server. .PARAMETER Pwd The txt file containing the encrypted password for SMTP authentication. .PARAMETER UseSsl Configures the utility to connect to the SMTP server using SSL. .EXAMPLE Hyper-V-Backup.ps1 -BackupTo \\nas\vms -List C:\scripts\vms.txt -Wd E:\temp -NoPerms -Keep 30 -Compress -Sz -L C:\scripts\logs -Subject 'Server: Hyper-V Backup' -SendTo me@contoso.com -From hyperv@contoso.com -Smtp smtp.outlook.com -User user -Pwd C:\foo\pwd.txt -UseSsl This will shutdown, one at a time, all the VMs listed in the file located in C:\scripts\vms.txt and back up their files to \\nas\vms, using E:\temp as a working directory. A zip file for each VM folder will be created, and the folder will be deleted. Any backups older than 30 days will also be deleted. The log file will be output to C:\scripts\logs and sent via e-mail with a custom subject line. #> ## Set up command line switches. [CmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [alias("BackupTo")] $Backup, [alias("Keep")] $History, [alias("List")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})] $VmList, [alias("Wd")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})] $WorkDir, [alias("L")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType 'Container'})] $LogPath, [alias("Subject")] $MailSubject, [alias("SendTo")] $MailTo, [alias("From")] $MailFrom, [alias("Smtp")] $SmtpServer, [alias("User")] $SmtpUser, [alias("Pwd")] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf})] $SmtpPwd, [switch]$UseSsl, [switch]$NoPerms, [switch]$Compress, [switch]$Sz, [switch]$NoBanner) If ($NoBanner -eq $False) { Write-Host "" Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " _ _ __ __ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " | | | | \ \ / / | _ \ | | | | | | | (_) (_) | " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " | |__| |_ _ _ __ ___ _ _\ \ / / | |_) | __ _ ___| | ___ _ _ __ | | | | |_ _| |_| |_ _ _ " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " | __ | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__\ \/ / | _ < / _ |/ __| |/ / | | | '_ \ | | | | __| | | | __| | | | " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " | | | | |_| | |_) | __/ | \ / | |_) | (_| | (__| <| |_| | |_) | | |__| | |_| | | | |_| |_| | " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " |_| |_|\__, | .__/ \___|_| \/ |____/ \__,_|\___|_|\_\\__,_| .__/ \____/ \__|_|_|_|\__|\__, | " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " __/ | | | | __/ | " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " |___/|_| Mike Galvin https://gal.vin |_| Version 20.03.20 |___/ " Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor Black " " Write-Host "" } ## If logging is configured, start logging. ## If the log file already exists, clear it. If ($LogPath) { $LogFile = ("Hyper-V-Backup_{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}.log" -f (Get-Date)) $Log = "$LogPath\$LogFile" $LogT = Test-Path -Path $Log If ($LogT) { Clear-Content -Path $Log } Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") [INFO] Log started" } ## Function to get date in specific format. Function Get-DateFormat { Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" } ## Function for logging. Function Write-Log($Type, $Event) { If ($Type -eq "Info") { If ($Null -ne $LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [INFO] $Event" } Write-Host "$(Get-DateFormat) [INFO] $Event" } If ($Type -eq "Succ") { If ($Null -ne $LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [SUCCESS] $Event" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "$(Get-DateFormat) [SUCCESS] $Event" } If ($Type -eq "Err") { If ($Null -ne $LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-DateFormat) [ERROR] $Event" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red -BackgroundColor Black "$(Get-DateFormat) [ERROR] $Event" } If ($Type -eq "Conf") { If ($Null -ne $LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$Event" } Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan -Object "$Event" } } ## Function for the options post backup. Function OptionsRun { ## If the -keep switch AND the -compress switch are NOT configured. If ($Null -eq $History -And $Compress -eq $False) { ## Remove all previous backup folders, including ones from previous versions of this script. Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$Vm-*-*-***-*-*" -Directory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force ## If a working directory is configured by the user, remove all previous backup folders, including ## ones from previous versions of this script. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { Get-ChildItem -Path $Backup -Filter "$Vm-*-*-***-*-*" -Directory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force } Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Removing previous backups of $Vm" } ## If the -keep option IS configured AND the -compress option is NOT configured. else { If ($Compress -eq $False) { ## Remove previous backup folders older than the configured number of days, including ## ones from previous versions of this script. Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$Vm-*-*-***-*-*" -Directory | Where-Object CreationTime –lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$History) | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force ## If a working directory is configured by the user, remove previous backup folders ## older than the configured number of days remove all previous backup folders, ## including ones from previous versions of this script. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { Get-ChildItem -Path $Backup -Filter "$Vm-*-*-***-*-*" -Directory | Where-Object CreationTime –lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$History) | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force } Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Removing backup folders older than: $History days" } } ## Check to see if the -compress switch IS configured AND if the -keep switch is NOT configured. If ($Compress) { If ($Null -eq $History) { ## Remove all previous compressed backups, including ones from previous versions of this script. Remove-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm-*-*-***-*-*.zip" -Force ## If a working directory is configured by the user, remove all previous compressed backups, ## including ones from previous versions of this script. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { Remove-Item "$Backup\$Vm-*-*-***-*-*.zip" -Force } Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Removing previous compressed backups" } ## If the -compress switch IS configured AND if the -keep switch IS configured. else { ## Remove previous compressed backups older than the configured number of days, including ## ones from previous versions of this script. Get-ChildItem -Path "$WorkDir\$Vm-*-*-***-*-*.zip" | Where-Object CreationTime –lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$History) | Remove-Item -Force ## If a working directory is configured by the user, remove previous compressed backups older ## than the configured number of days, including ones from previous versions of this script. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { Get-ChildItem -Path "$Backup\$Vm-*-*-***-*-*.zip" | Where-Object CreationTime –lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-$History) | Remove-Item -Force } Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Removing compressed backups older than: $History days" } ## If the -compress switch and the -Sz switch IS configured, test for 7zip being installed. ## If it is, compress the backup folder, if it is not use Windows compression. If ($Sz -eq $True) { $7zT = Test-Path "$env:programfiles\7-Zip\7z.exe" If ($7zT -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Compressing using 7-Zip compression" & "$env:programfiles\7-Zip\7z.exe" -bso0 a -tzip ("$WorkDir\$Vm-{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}.zip" -f (Get-Date)) "$WorkDir\$Vm\*" } else { Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Compressing using Windows compression" Add-Type -AssemblyName "system.io.compression.filesystem" [io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory("$WorkDir\$Vm", ("$WorkDir\$Vm-{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}.zip" -f (Get-Date))) } } ## If the -compress switch IS configured and the -Sz switch is NOT configured, compress ## the backup folder using Windows compression. else { Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Compressing using Windows compression" Add-Type -AssemblyName "system.io.compression.filesystem" [io.compression.zipfile]::CreateFromDirectory("$WorkDir\$Vm", ("$WorkDir\$Vm-{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}.zip" -f (Get-Date))) } ## Test if the compressed file was created. $VmZipT = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm-*-*-***-*-*.zip" If ($VmZipT -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully created compressed backup of $Vm in $WorkDir" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem creating a compressed backup of $Vm in $WorkDir" } ## End of testing for file creation. ## Remove the VMs export folder. Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$Vm" -Directory | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force ## If a working directory has been configured by the user, move the compressed ## backup to the backup location and rename to include the date. If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$Vm-*-*-*-*-*.zip" | Move-Item -Destination $Backup ## Test if the move suceeded. $VmMoveT = Test-Path "$Backup\$Vm-*-*-*-*-*.zip" If ($VmMoveT -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully moved compressed backup of $Vm to $Backup" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem moving compressed backup of $Vm to $Backup" } ## End of testing for move. } } ## If the -compress switch is NOT configured AND if the -keep switch is NOT configured, rename ## the export of each VM to include the date. else { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter $Vm -Directory | Rename-Item -NewName ("$WorkDir\$Vm-{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}" -f (Get-Date)) If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { Get-ChildItem -Path $WorkDir -Filter "$Vm-*-*-***-*-*" -Directory | Move-Item -Destination ("$Backup\$Vm-{0:yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}" -f (Get-Date)) ## Test if the move suceeded. $VmMoveT = Test-Path "$Backup\$Vm-*-*-***-*-*" If ($VmMoveT -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully moved export of $Vm to $Backup" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem moving export of $Vm to $Backup" } ## End of testing. } } } ## Set a variable for computer name of the Hyper-V server. $Vs = $Env:ComputerName ## If a VM list file is configured, get the content of the file. ## If a VM list file is not configured, just get the running VMs. If ($VmList) { $Vms = Get-Content $VmList } else { $Vms = Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.State -eq 'Running'} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name } ## Check to see if there are any running VMs. ## If there are no VMs, then do nothing. If ($Vms.count -ne 0) { ## If the user has not configured the working directory, set it as the backup directory. If ($Null -eq $WorkDir) { $WorkDir = "$Backup" } ## ## Display the current config and log if configured. ## Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "************ Running with the following config *************." Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "This virtual host is:..$Vs." Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "VMs to backup:........." ForEach ($Vm in $Vms) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event ".......................$Vm" } Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "Backup directory is:...$Backup." Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "Working directory is:..$WorkDir." If ($Null -ne $History) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "Backups to keep:.......$History days" } else { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "Backups to keep:.......No Config" } If ($Null -ne $LogPath) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "Logs directory:........$LogPath." } else { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "Logs directory:........No Config" } If ($MailTo) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "E-mail log to:.........$MailTo." } else { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "E-mail log to:.........No Config" } If ($MailFrom) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "E-mail log from:.......$MailFrom." } else { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "E-mail log from:.......No Config" } If ($MailSubject) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "E-mail subject:........$MailSubject." } else { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "E-mail subject:........Default" } If ($SmtpServer) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "SMTP server is:........$SmtpServer." } else { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "SMTP server is:........No Config" } If ($SmtpUser) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "SMTP user is:..........$SmtpUser." } else { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "SMTP user is:..........No Config" } If ($SmtpPwd) { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "SMTP pwd file:.........$SmtpPwd." } else { Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "SMTP pwd file:.........No Config" } Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "-UseSSL switch is:.....$UseSsl." Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "-NoPerms switch is:....$NoPerms." Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "-Compress switch is:...$Compress." Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "-Sz switch is:.........$Sz." Write-Log -Type Conf -Event "************************************************************" Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Process started." ## ## Display current config ends here. ## ## ## -NoPerms process starts here. ## ## If the -noperms switch is set, start a custom process to copy all the VM data. If ($NoPerms) { ForEach ($Vm in $Vms) { $VmInfo = Get-VM -name $Vm ## Test for the existence of a previous VM export. If it exists, delete it. $VmExportBackupTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm" If ($VmExportBackupTest -eq $True) { Remove-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm" -Recurse -Force } ## Create directories for the VM export. New-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null New-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null New-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm\VHD" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null New-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots" -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null ## ## Test for the creation of backup folders. If they created sucessfully, report it. If they didn't, also report it. ## $VmFolderTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines" If ($VmFolderTest -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully created backup folder $WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem creating folder $WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines" } $VmVHDTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm\VHD" If ($VmVHDTest -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully created backup folder $WorkDir\$Vm\VHD" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem creating folder $WorkDir\$Vm\VHD" } $VmSnapTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots" If ($VmSnapTest -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully created backup folder $WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem creating folder $WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots" } ## ## End of folder creation testing. ## Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Stopping VM: $Vm" Stop-VM $Vm ## ## Copy the VM config files and test for success or failure. ## Copy-Item "$($VmInfo.ConfigurationLocation)\Virtual Machines\$($VmInfo.id)" "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines\" -Recurse -Force Copy-Item "$($VmInfo.ConfigurationLocation)\Virtual Machines\$($VmInfo.id).*" "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines\" -Recurse -Force $VmConfigTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines\*" If ($VmConfigTest -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully copied $Vm configuration to $WorkDir\$Vm\Virtual Machines" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem copying the configuration for $Vm" } ## ## End of VM config files. ## ## ## Copy the VHDs and test for success or failure. ## Copy-Item $VmInfo.HardDrives.Path -Destination "$WorkDir\$Vm\VHD\" -Recurse -Force $VmVHDCopyTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm\VHD\*" If ($VmVHDCopyTest -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully copied $Vm VHDs to $WorkDir\$Vm\VHD" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem copying the VHDs for $Vm" } ## ## End of VHDs. ## ## Get the VM snapshots/checkpoints. $Snaps = Get-VMSnapshot $Vm ForEach ($Snap in $Snaps) { ## ## Copy the snapshot config files and test for success or failure. ## Copy-Item "$($VmInfo.ConfigurationLocation)\Snapshots\$($Snap.id)" "$WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots\" -Recurse -Force Copy-Item "$($VmInfo.ConfigurationLocation)\Snapshots\$($Snap.id).*" "$WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots\" -Recurse -Force $VmSnapCopyTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots\*" If ($VmSnapCopyTest -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully copied checkpoint configuration for $WorkDir\$Vm\Snapshots" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem copying the checkpoint configuration for $Vm" } ## ## End of snapshot config. ## ## Copy the snapshot root VHD. Copy-Item $Snap.HardDrives.Path -Destination "$WorkDir\$Vm\VHD\" -Recurse -Force Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully copied checkpoint VHDs for $Vm to $WorkDir\$Vm\VHD" } Start-VM $Vm Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Starting VM: $Vm" Start-Sleep -S 60 OptionsRun } } ## ## -NoPerms process ends here. ## ## ## ## Standard export process starts here. ## ## If the -NoPerms switch is NOT set, for each VM check for the existence of a previous export. ## If it exists then delete it, otherwise the export will fail. else { ForEach ($Vm in $Vms) { $VmExportBackupTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\$Vm" If ($VmExportBackupTest -eq $True) { Remove-Item "$WorkDir\$Vm" -Recurse -Force } If ($WorkDir -ne $Backup) { $VmExportWDT = Test-Path "$Backup\$Vm" If ($VmExportWDT -eq $True) { Remove-Item "$Backup\$Vm" -Recurse -Force } } } ## Do a regular export of the VMs. $Vms | Export-VM -Path "$WorkDir" ## Test if the export suceeded. $VmExportTest = Test-Path "$WorkDir\*" If ($VmExportTest -eq $True) { Write-Log -Type Succ -Event "Successfully exported specified VMs to $WorkDir" } else { Write-Log -Type Err -Event "There was a problem exporting the specified VMs to $WorkDir" } ## Run the configuration options on the above backup files and folders. ForEach ($Vm in $Vms) { OptionsRun } } } ## If there are no VMs running, then do nothing. else { Write-Log -Type Info -Event "There are no VMs running to backup" } Write-Log -Type Info -Event "Process finished." ## If logging is configured then finish the log file. If ($LogPath) { Add-Content -Path $Log -Encoding ASCII -Value "$(Get-Date -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") [INFO] Log finished" ## This whole block is for e-mail, if it is configured. If ($SmtpServer) { ## Default e-mail subject if none is configured. If ($Null -eq $MailSubject) { $MailSubject = "Hyper-V Backup Utility Log" } ## Setting the contents of the log to be the e-mail body. $MailBody = Get-Content -Path $Log | Out-String ## If an smtp password is configured, get the username and password together for authentication. ## If an smtp password is not provided then send the e-mail without authentication and obviously no SSL. If ($SmtpPwd) { $SmtpPwdEncrypt = Get-Content $SmtpPwd | ConvertTo-SecureString $SmtpCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList ($SmtpUser, $SmtpPwdEncrypt) ## If -ssl switch is used, send the email with SSL. ## If it isn't then don't use SSL, but still authenticate with the credentials. If ($UseSsl) { Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -UseSsl -Credential $SmtpCreds } else { Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer -Credential $SmtpCreds } } else { Send-MailMessage -To $MailTo -From $MailFrom -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -SmtpServer $SmtpServer } } } ## End |