#Region './Private/ArgumentCompleters/AssetLayoutCompleter.ps1' -1 $AssetLayoutCompleter = { param ( $CommandName, $ParamName, $AssetLayout, $CommandAst, $fakeBoundParameters ) if (!$script:AssetLayouts) { Get-HuduAssetLayouts | Out-Null } $AssetLayout = $AssetLayout -replace "'", '' ($script:AssetLayouts).name | Where-Object { $_ -match "$AssetLayout" } | ForEach-Object { "'$_'" } } Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Get-HuduAssets -ParameterName AssetLayout -ScriptBlock $AssetLayoutCompleter #EndRegion './Private/ArgumentCompleters/AssetLayoutCompleter.ps1' 18 #Region './Private/Get-HuduCompanyFolders.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduCompanyFolders { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [PSCustomObject]$FoldersRaw ) $RootFolders = $FoldersRaw | Where-Object { $null -eq $_.parent_folder_id } $ReturnObject = [PSCustomObject]@{} foreach ($folder in $RootFolders) { $SubFolders = Get-HuduSubFolders -id $ -FoldersRaw $FoldersRaw foreach ($SubFolder in $SubFolders) { $Folder | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $(Get-HuduFolderCleanName $($ -Value $SubFolder.PSObject.Properties.value } $ReturnObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $(Get-HuduFolderCleanName $($ -Value $folder } return $ReturnObject } #EndRegion './Private/Get-HuduCompanyFolders.ps1' 18 #Region './Private/Get-HuduFolderCleanName.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduFolderCleanName { [CmdletBinding()] param( [string]$Name ) $FieldNames = @('id', 'company_id', 'icon', 'description', 'name', 'parent_folder_id', 'created_at', 'updated_at') if ($Name -in $FieldNames) { Return "fld_$Name" } else { Return $Name } } #EndRegion './Private/Get-HuduFolderCleanName.ps1' 16 #Region './Private/Get-HuduSubFolders.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduSubFolders { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [int]$id, [PSCustomObject]$FoldersRaw ) $SubFolders = $FoldersRaw | Where-Object { $_.parent_folder_id -eq $id } $ReturnFolders = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() foreach ($Folder in $SubFolders) { $SubSubFolders = Get-HuduSubFolders -id $ -FoldersRaw $FoldersRaw foreach ($AddFolder in $SubSubFolders) { $null = $folder | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $(Get-HuduFolderCleanName $($ -Value $AddFolder.PSObject.Properties.value } $ReturnObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ $(Get-HuduFolderCleanName $($ = $Folder } $null = $ReturnFolders.add($ReturnObject) } return $ReturnFolders } #EndRegion './Private/Get-HuduSubFolders.ps1' 24 #Region './Private/Invoke-HuduRequest.ps1' -1 function Invoke-HuduRequest { <# .SYNOPSIS Main Hudu API function .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API with token .PARAMETER Method GET,POST,DELETE,PUT,etc .PARAMETER Path Path to API endpoint .PARAMETER Params Hashtable of parameters .PARAMETER Body JSON encoded body string .PARAMETER Form Multipart form data .EXAMPLE Invoke-HuduRequest -Resource '/api/v1/articles' -Method GET #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter()] [string]$Method = 'GET', [Parameter()] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string]$Resource, [Parameter()] [hashtable]$Params = @{}, [Parameter()] [string]$Body, [Parameter()] [hashtable]$Form ) $HuduAPIKey = Get-HuduApiKey $HuduBaseURL = Get-HuduBaseURL # Assemble parameters $ParamCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) # Sort parameters foreach ($Item in ($Params.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -CaseSensitive -Property Key)) { $ParamCollection.Add($Item.Key, $Item.Value) } # Query string $Request = $ParamCollection.ToString() $Headers = @{ 'x-api-key' = (New-Object PSCredential 'user', $HuduAPIKey).GetNetworkCredential().Password; } if (($Script:Int_HuduCustomHeaders | Measure-Object).count -gt 0){ foreach($Entry in $Int_HuduCustomHeaders.GetEnumerator()) { $Headers[$Entry.Name] = $Entry.Value } } $ContentType = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' $Uri = '{0}{1}' -f $HuduBaseURL, $Resource # Make API call URI if ($Request) { $UriBuilder = [System.UriBuilder]$Uri $UriBuilder.Query = $Request $Uri = $UriBuilder.Uri } Write-Verbose ( '{0} [{1}]' -f $Method, $Uri ) $RestMethod = @{ Method = $Method Uri = $Uri Headers = $Headers ContentType = $ContentType } if ($Body) { $RestMethod.Body = $Body Write-Verbose $Body } if ($Form) { $RestMethod.Form = $Form Write-Verbose ( $Form | Out-String ) } try { $Results = Invoke-RestMethod @RestMethod } catch { if ("$_".trim() -eq 'Retry later' -or "$_".trim() -eq 'The remote server returned an error: (429) Too Many Requests.') { Write-Information 'Hudu API Rate limited. Waiting 30 Seconds then trying again' Start-Sleep 30 $Results = Invoke-HuduRequest @RestMethod } else { Write-Error "'$_'" } } $Results } #EndRegion './Private/Invoke-HuduRequest.ps1' 113 #Region './Private/Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated.ps1' -1 function Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated { <# .SYNOPSIS Paginated requests to Hudu API .DESCRIPTION Wraps Invoke-HuduRequest with page sizes .PARAMETER HuduRequest Request to paginate .PARAMETER Property Property name to return (don't specify to return entire response object) .PARAMETER PageSize Number of results to return per page (default 1000) #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [hashtable]$HuduRequest, [string]$Property, [int]$PageSize = 1000 ) $i = 1 do { $ = $i $HuduRequest.Params.page_size = $PageSize $Response = Invoke-HuduRequest @HuduRequest $i++ if ($Property) { $Response.$Property } else { $Response } } while (($Property -and $Response.$Property.count % $PageSize -eq 0 -and $Response.$Property.count -ne 0) -or (!$Property -and $Response.count % $PageSize -eq 0 -and $Response.count -ne 0)) } #EndRegion './Private/Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated.ps1' 41 #Region './Public/Get-HuduActivityLogs.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduActivityLogs { <# .SYNOPSIS Get activity logs for account .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve activity logs with filters .PARAMETER UserId Filter logs by user_id .PARAMETER UserEmail Filter logs by email address .PARAMETER ResourceId Filter logs by resource id. Must be coupled with resource_type .PARAMETER ResourceType Filter logs by resource type (Asset, AssetPassword, Company, Article, etc.). Must be coupled with resource_id .PARAMETER ActionMessage Filter logs by action .PARAMETER StartDate Filter logs by start date. Converts string to ISO 8601 format .PARAMETER EndDate Filter logs by end date, should be coupled with start date to limit results .EXAMPLE Get-HuduActivityLogs -StartDate 2023-02-01 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Alias('user_id')] [Int]$UserId = '', [Alias('user_email')] [String]$UserEmail = '', [Alias('resource_id')] [Int]$ResourceId = '', [Alias('resource_type')] [String]$ResourceType = '', [Alias('action_message')] [String]$ActionMessage = '', [Alias('start_date')] [DateTime]$StartDate, [Alias('end_date')] [DateTime]$EndDate ) $Params = @{} if ($UserId) { $Params.user_id = $UserId } if ($UserEmail) { $Params.user_email = $UserEmail } if ($ResourceId) { $Params.resource_id = $ResourceId } if ($ResourceType) { $Params.resource_type = $ResourceType } if ($ActionMessage) { $Params.action_message = $ActionMessage } if ($StartDate) { $ISO8601Date = $StartDate.ToString('o'); $Params.start_date = $ISO8601Date } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/activity_logs' Params = $Params } $AllActivity = Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest if ($EndDate) { $AllActivity = $AllActivity | Where-Object { $([DateTime]::Parse($_.created_at)) -le $EndDate } } return $AllActivity } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduActivityLogs.ps1' 78 #Region './Public/Get-HuduApiKey.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduApiKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Hudu API key .DESCRIPTION Returns Hudu API key in securestring format .EXAMPLE Get-HuduApiKey #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() if ($null -eq $Int_HuduAPIKey) { Write-Error 'No API key has been set. Please use New-HuduAPIKey to set it.' } else { $Int_HuduAPIKey } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduApiKey.ps1' 21 #Region './Public/Get-HuduAppInfo.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduAppInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve information regarding API .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve version number and date .EXAMPLE Get-HuduAppInfo #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() [version]$script:HuduRequiredVersion = '2.21' try { Invoke-HuduRequest -Resource '/api/v1/api_info' } catch { [PSCustomObject]@{ version = '' date = '2000-01-01' } } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduAppInfo.ps1' 27 #Region './Public/Get-HuduArticles.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduArticles { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Knowledge Base Articles .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve KB articles by Id or a list .PARAMETER Id Id of the Article .PARAMETER CompanyId Filter by company id .PARAMETER Name Filter by name of article .PARAMETER Slug Filter by slug of article .EXAMPLE Get-HuduArticles -Name 'Article name' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Int]$Id = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '', [String]$Name = '', [String]$Slug ) if ($Id) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method get -Resource "/api/v1/articles/$Id" } else { $Params = @{} if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Slug) { $Params.slug = $Slug } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/articles' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property articles } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduArticles.ps1' 52 #Region './Public/Get-HuduAssetLayoutFieldID.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduAssetLayoutFieldID { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Hudu Asset Layout Field ID .DESCRIPTION Retrieves ID for Hudu Asset Layout Fields .PARAMETER Name Name of Field .PARAMETER LayoutId Asset Layout Id .EXAMPLE Get-HuduAssetLayoutFieldID -Name 'Extra Info' -LayoutId 1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Alias('asset_layout_id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$LayoutId ) $Layout = Get-HuduAssetLayouts -LayoutId $LayoutId $Fields = [Collections.Generic.List[Object]]($Layout.fields) $Index = $Fields.FindIndex( { $args[0].label -eq $Name } ) $Fields[$Index].id } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduAssetLayoutFieldID.ps1' 34 #Region './Public/Get-HuduAssetLayouts.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduAssetLayouts { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of Asset Layouts .DESCRIPTION Call Hudu API to retrieve asset layouts for server .PARAMETER Name Filter by name of Asset Layout .PARAMETER LayoutId Id of Asset Layout .PARAMETER Slug Filter by url slug .EXAMPLE Get-HuduAssetLayouts -Name 'Contacts' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [String]$Name, [Alias('id', 'layout_id')] [int]$LayoutId, [String]$Slug ) $HuduRequest = @{ Resource = '/api/v1/asset_layouts' Method = 'GET' } if ($LayoutId) { $HuduRequest.Resource = '{0}/{1}' -f $HuduRequest.Resource, $LayoutId $AssetLayout = Invoke-HuduRequest @HuduRequest return $AssetLayout.asset_layout } else { $Params = @{} if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Slug) { $Params.slug = $Slug } $HuduRequest.Params = $Params $AssetLayouts = Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property 'asset_layouts' -PageSize 25 if (!$Name -and !$Slug) { $script:AssetLayouts = $AssetLayouts | Sort-Object -Property name } $AssetLayouts } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduAssetLayouts.ps1' 53 #Region './Public/Get-HuduAssets.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduAssets { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of Assets .DESCRIPTION Call Hudu API to retrieve Assets .PARAMETER Id Id of requested asset .PARAMETER AssetLayoutId Id of the requested asset layout .PARAMETER AssetLayout Name of the requested asset layout .PARAMETER CompanyId Id of the requested company .PARAMETER Name Filter by name .PARAMETER Archived Show archived results .PARAMETER PrimarySerial Filter by primary serial .PARAMETER Slug Filter by slug .EXAMPLE Get-HuduAssets -AssetLayout 'Contacts' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [Int]$Id = '', [Alias('asset_layout_id')] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [Int]$AssetLayoutId = '', [string]$AssetLayout, [Alias('company_id')] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [Int]$CompanyId = '', [String]$Name = '', [switch]$Archived, [Alias('primary_serial')] [String]$PrimarySerial = '', [String]$Slug ) if ($AssetLayout) { if (!$script:AssetLayouts) { Get-HuduAssetLayouts | Out-Null } $AssetLayoutId = $script:AssetLayouts | Where-Object { $ -eq $AssetLayout } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id } if ($id -and $CompanyId) { $HuduRequest = @{ Resource = "/api/v1/companies/$CompanyId/assets/$Id" Method = 'GET' } Invoke-HuduRequest @HuduRequest } else { $Params = @{} if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($AssetLayoutId) { $Params.asset_layout_id = $AssetLayoutId } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Archived.IsPresent) { $params.archived = $Archived.IsPresent } if ($PrimarySerial) { $Params.primary_serial = $PrimarySerial } if ($Id) { $ = $Id } if ($Slug) { $Params.slug = $Slug } $HuduRequest = @{ Resource = '/api/v1/assets' Method = 'GET' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property assets } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduAssets.ps1' 84 #Region './Public/Get-HuduBaseURL.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduBaseURL { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Hudu Base URL .DESCRIPTION Returns Hudu Base URL .EXAMPLE Get-HuduBaseURL #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() if ($null -eq $Int_HuduBaseURL) { Write-Error 'No Base URL has been set. Please use New-HuduBaseURL to set it.' } else { $Int_HuduBaseURL } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduBaseURL.ps1' 21 #Region './Public/Get-HuduCard.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduCard { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Integration Cards .DESCRIPTION Lookup cards with outside integration details .PARAMETER IntegrationSlug Identifier of outside integration .PARAMETER IntegrationId ID in the integration. Must be present, unless integration_identifier is set .PARAMETER IntegrationIdentifier Identifier in the integration (if integration_id is not set) .EXAMPLE Get-HuduCard -IntegrationSlug cw_manage -IntegrationId 1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('integration_slug')] [String]$IntegrationSlug, [Alias('integration_id')] [String]$IntegrationId, [Alias('integration_identifier')] [String]$IntegrationIdentifier ) $Params = @{ integration_slug = $IntegrationSlug } if ($IntegrationId) { $Params.integration_id = $IntegrationId } if ($IntegrationIdentifier) { $Params.integration_identifier = $IntegrationIdentifier } if (!$IntegrationId -and !$IntegrationIdentifier) { throw 'IntegrationId or IntegrationIdentifier required' } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/cards/lookup' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property integrator_cards } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduCard.ps1' 54 #Region './Public/Get-HuduCompanies.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduCompanies { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of companies .DESCRIPTION Call Hudu API to retrieve company list .PARAMETER Id Filter companies by id .PARAMETER Name Filter companies by name .PARAMETER PhoneNumber filter companies by phone number .PARAMETER Website Filter companies by website .PARAMETER City Filter companies by city .PARAMETER State Filter companies by state .PARAMETER Search Filter by search query .PARAMETER Slug Filter by url slug .PARAMETER IdInIntegration Filter companies by id/identifier in PSA/RMM/outside integration .EXAMPLE Get-HuduCompanies -Search 'Vendor' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [String]$Name = '', [Alias('phone_number')] [String]$PhoneNumber = '', [String]$Website = '', [String]$City = '', [String]$State = '', [Alias('id_in_integration')] [Int]$IdInIntegration = '', [Int]$Id = '', [string]$Search, [String]$Slug ) if ($Id) { $Company = (Invoke-HuduRequest -Method get -Resource "/api/v1/companies/$Id").company return $Company } else { $Params = @{} if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($PhoneNumber) { $Params.phone_number = $PhoneNumber } if ($Website) { $ = $Website } if ($City) { $ = $City } if ($State) { $Params.state = $State } if ($IdInIntegration) { $Params.id_in_integration = $IdInIntegration } if ($Search) { $ = $Search } if ($Slug) { $Params.slug = $Slug } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/companies' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property 'companies' } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduCompanies.ps1' 78 #Region './Public/Get-HuduExpirations.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduExpirations { <# .SYNOPSIS Get expirations for account .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve expirations .PARAMETER CompanyId Filter expirations by company_id .PARAMETER ExpirationType Filter expirations by expiration type (undeclared, domain, ssl_certificate, warranty, asset_field, article_expiration) .PARAMETER ResourceId Filter logs by resource id. Must be coupled with resource_type .PARAMETER ResourceType Filter logs by resource type (Asset, AssetPassword, Company, Article, etc.). Must be coupled with resource_id .EXAMPLE Get-HuduExpirations -ExpirationType domain #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '', [ValidateSet('undeclared', 'domain', 'ssl_certificate', 'warranty', 'asset_field', 'article_expiration')] [Alias('expiration_type')] [String]$ExpirationType = '', [Alias('resource_id')] [Int]$ResourceId = '', [Alias('resource_type')] [String]$ResourceType = '' ) $Params = @{} if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($ExpirationType) { $Params.expiration_type = $ExpirationType } if ($ResourceType) { $Params.resource_type = $ResourceType } if ($ResourceId) { $Params.resource_id = $ResourceId } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/expirations' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduExpirations.ps1' 56 #Region './Public/Get-HuduFolderMap.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduFolderMap { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '' ) if ($CompanyId) { $FoldersRaw = Get-HuduFolders -company_id $CompanyId $SubFolders = Get-HuduCompanyFolders -FoldersRaw $FoldersRaw } else { $FoldersRaw = Get-HuduFolders $FoldersProcessed = $FoldersRaw | Where-Object { $null -eq $_.company_id } $SubFolders = Get-HuduCompanyFolders -FoldersRaw $FoldersProcessed } return $SubFolders } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduFolderMap.ps1' 19 #Region './Public/Get-HuduFolders.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduFolders { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of Folders .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve folders .PARAMETER Id Id of the folder .PARAMETER Name Filter by name .PARAMETER CompanyId Filter by company_id .EXAMPLE Get-HuduFolders #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Int]$Id = '', [String]$Name = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '' ) if ($id) { $Folder = Invoke-HuduRequest -Method get -Resource "/api/v1/folders/$id" return $Folder.Folder } else { $Params = @{} if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/folders' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property folders } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduFolders.ps1' 47 #Region './Public/Get-HuduIntegrationMatchers.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduIntegrationMatchers { <# .SYNOPSIS List matchers for an integration .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to get list of integration matching .PARAMETER IntegrationId ID of the integration. Can be found in the URL when editing an integration .PARAMETER Matched Filter on whether the company already been matched .PARAMETER SyncId Filter by ID of the record in the integration. This is used if the id that the integration uses is an integer. .PARAMETER Identifier Filter by Identifier in the integration (if sync_id is not set). This is used if the id that the integration uses is a string. .PARAMETER CompanyId Filter on company id .EXAMPLE Get-HuduIntegrationMatchers -IntegrationId 1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$IntegrationId, [switch]$Matched, [int]$SyncId = '', [string]$Identifier = '', [int]$CompanyId ) $Params = @{ integration_id = $IntegrationId } if ($Matched.IsPresent) { $Params.matched = 'true' } if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($Identifier) { $Params.identifier = $Identifier } if ($SyncId) { $Params.sync_id = $SyncId } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/matchers' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property 'matchers' } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduIntegrationMatchers.ps1' 58 #Region './Public/Get-HuduMagicDashes.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduMagicDashes { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all Magic Dash Items .DESCRIPTION Call Hudu API to retrieve Magic Dashes .PARAMETER CompanyId Filter by company id .PARAMETER Title Filter by title .EXAMPLE Get-HuduMagicDashes -Title 'Microsoft 365 - ...' #> Param ( [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId, [String]$Title ) $Params = @{} if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($Title) { $Params.title = $Title } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/magic_dash' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduMagicDashes.ps1' 37 #Region './Public/Get-HuduObjectByUrl.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduObjectByUrl { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Hudu object from URL .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve object based on URL string .PARAMETER Url Url to retrieve object from .EXAMPLE Get-HuduObject -Url https://your-hudu-server/a/some-asset-1z8z7a #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [uri]$Url ) if ((Get-HuduBaseURL) -match $Url.Authority) { $null, $Type, $Slug = $Url.PathAndQuery -split '/' $SlugSplat = @{ Slug = $Slug } switch ($Type) { 'a' { # Asset Get-HuduAssets @SlugSplat } 'admin' { # Admin path $null, $null, $Type, $Slug = $Url.PathAndQuery -split '/' $SlugSplat = @{ Slug = $Slug } switch ($Type) { 'asset_layouts' { # Asset layouts Get-HuduAssetLayouts @SlugSplat } } } 'c' { # Company Get-HuduCompanies @SlugSplat } 'kba' { # KB article Get-HuduArticles @SlugSplat } 'passwords' { # Passwords Get-HuduPasswords @SlugSplat } 'websites' { # Website Get-HuduWebsites @SlugSplat } default { Write-Error "Unsupported object type $Type" } } } else { Write-Error 'Provided URL does not match Hudu Base URL' } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduObjectByUrl.ps1' 70 #Region './Public/Get-HuduPasswordFolders.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduPasswordFolders { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of Password Folders .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve folders .PARAMETER Id Id of the folder .PARAMETER Name Filter by name .PARAMETER CompanyId Filter by company_id .EXAMPLE Get-HuduFolders #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Int]$Id = '', [String]$Name = '', [String]$Search = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '', [Int]$page = '', [Int]$page_size = '' ) if ($id) { $Folder = Invoke-HuduRequest -Method get -Resource "/api/v1/password_folders/$id" return $Folder.password_folder } else { $Params = @{} if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/password_folders' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property password_folders } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduPasswordFolders.ps1' 50 #Region './Public/Get-HuduPasswords.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduPasswords { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of Passwords .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to list password assets .PARAMETER Id Id of the password .PARAMETER CompanyId Filter by company id .PARAMETER Name Filter by password name .PARAMETER Slug Filter by url slug .PARAMETER Search Filter by search query .EXAMPLE Get-HuduPasswords -CompanyId 1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Int]$Id, [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId, [String]$Name, [String]$Slug, [string]$Search ) if ($Id) { $Password = Invoke-HuduRequest -Method get -Resource "/api/v1/asset_passwords/$id" return $Password } else { $Params = @{} if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Slug) { $Params.slug = $Slug } if ($Search) { $ = $Search } } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/asset_passwords' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property 'asset_passwords' } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduPasswords.ps1' 60 #Region './Public/Get-HuduProcesses.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduProcesses { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of Procedures (Processes) .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve list of procedures .PARAMETER Id Id of the Procedure .PARAMETER CompanyId Filter by company id .PARAMETER Name Fitler by name of article .PARAMETER Slug Filter by url slug .EXAMPLE Get-HuduProcedures -Name 'Procedure 1' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Int]$Id = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '', [String]$Name = '', [String]$Slug ) if ($Id) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method get -Resource "/api/v1/procedures/$id" } else { $Params = @{} if ($CompanyId) { $Params.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Slug) { $Params.slug = $Slug } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/procedures' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property 'procedures' } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduProcesses.ps1' 52 #Region './Public/Get-HuduPublicPhotos.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduPublicPhotos { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of Public_Photos .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve public photos .EXAMPLE Get-HuduPublicPhotos #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/public_photos' Params = @{} } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property 'public_photos' } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduPublicPhotos.ps1' 23 #Region './Public/Get-HuduRelations.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduRelations { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of all relations .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve object relationsihps .EXAMPLE Get-HuduRelations -CompanyId 1 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param() $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/relations' Params = @{} } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest -Property 'relations' } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduRelations.ps1' 24 #Region './Public/Get-HuduUploads.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduUploads { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of uploads .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to retrieve uploads .EXAMPLE Get-HuduUploads #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Int]$Id ) if ($Id) { $Upload = Invoke-HuduRequest -Method Get -Resource "/api/v1/uploads/$Id" } else { $Upload = Invoke-HuduRequest -Method Get -Resource "/api/v1/uploads" } return $Upload } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduUploads.ps1' 25 #Region './Public/Get-HuduWebsites.ps1' -1 function Get-HuduWebsites { <# .SYNOPSIS Get a list of all websites .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to get websites .PARAMETER Name Filter websites by name .PARAMETER Id ID of website .PARAMETER Slug Filter by url slug .PARAMETER Search Fitler by search query .EXAMPLE Get-HuduWebsites -Search '' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [String]$Name, [Alias('website_id')] [Int]$WebsiteId, [String]$Slug, [string]$Search ) if ($WebsiteId) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method get -Resource "/api/v1/websites/$($WebsiteId)" } else { $Params = @{} if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Slug) { $Params.slug = $Slug } if ($Search) { $ = $Search } $HuduRequest = @{ Method = 'GET' Resource = '/api/v1/websites' Params = $Params } Invoke-HuduRequestPaginated -HuduRequest $HuduRequest } } #EndRegion './Public/Get-HuduWebsites.ps1' 50 #Region './Public/Initialize-HuduFolder.ps1' -1 function Initialize-HuduFolder { [CmdletBinding()] param( [String[]]$FolderPath, [Alias('company_id')] [int]$CompanyId ) if ($CompanyId) { $FolderMap = Get-HuduFolderMap -company_id $CompanyId } else { $FolderMap = Get-HuduFolderMap } $CurrentFolder = $Foldermap foreach ($Folder in $FolderPath) { if ($CurrentFolder.$(Get-HuduFolderCleanName $Folder)) { $CurrentFolder = $CurrentFolder.$(Get-HuduFolderCleanName $Folder) } else { $CurrentFolder = (New-HuduFolder -Name $Folder -company_id $CompanyID -parent_folder_id $ } } return $CurrentFolder } #EndRegion './Public/Initialize-HuduFolder.ps1' 26 #Region './Public/Move-HuduAssetsToNewLayout.ps1' -1 function Move-HuduAssetsToNewLayout { <# .SYNOPSIS Helper function that uses the Set-HuduAsset function to move an asset between asset layouts. This will leave behind orphan data in the database. Review the article for more details. .DESCRIPTION Calls the Hudu API to update an asset by switching its asset_layout_id property to a different asset layout. This function migrates the asset to the specified new layout while maintaining its fields. Note that this operation may leave behind orphaned data in the Hudu database, so use it with caution. .PARAMETER AssetsToMove An array of assets to be moved to a new asset layout. Each asset must contain both 'id' and 'fields' properties. .PARAMETER NewAssetLayoutID The ID of the new asset layout to which the assets will be moved. .EXAMPLE $AssetLayout = Get-HuduAssetLayouts -Name "Servers" $AssetsToUpdate = Get-HuduAssets -AssetLayoutId 9 Move-HuduAssetsToNewLayout -AssetsToMove $AssetsToUpdate -NewAssetLayoutID $ This example retrieves the asset layout with the name "Servers" and the assets with the layout ID 9, then moves those assets to the new layout. .NOTES Ensure that the new asset layout ID is valid and that the assets to be moved contain the required properties. Using this function may result in orphaned data in your Hudu database. Review the provided article for more details. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ if ($BadAssets = ($_ | where {(-not $})) { $BadAssets throw "Assets must be an object with an ID" } return $true })] [array] $AssetsToMove, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int] $NewAssetLayoutID ) Write-Warning "Performing this function will leave behind orphaned data in your Hudu database. Please review" Read-Host "Press Enter to continue or (CTRL+C) to cancel..." $assets = foreach ($AssetToMove in $AssetsToMove) { if (-not ($AssetToMove.PSObject.Properties.Match('id')) -or -not ($AssetToMove.PSObject.Properties.Match('fields'))) { Write-Error "Asset does not contain both 'id' and 'fields' properties. Skipping this asset." continue } if (-not $AssetToMove.fields) { Write-Warning "Asset ID: $($ has no fields. Proceeding with moving the asset." } $assetId = $ if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Asset ID: $assetId", "Move to new layout with ID $NewAssetLayoutID")) { try { Write-Verbose "Processing Asset ID: $assetId" $fields = New-Object -TypeName psobject foreach ($field in $AssetToMove.fields) { $fieldName = $field.label.replace(' ', '_').tolower() $fields | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $fieldName -Value $field.value -Force } (Set-HuduAsset -Id $assetId -AssetLayoutId $NewAssetLayoutID -Fields $fields).asset Write-Verbose "Successfully moved Asset ID: $assetId" } catch { Write-Error "Failed to move Asset ID: $assetId. Error: $_" } finally { Remove-Variable -Name fields -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } } return $assets } #EndRegion './Public/Move-HuduAssetsToNewLayout.ps1' 87 #Region './Public/New-HuduAPIKey.ps1' -1 function New-HuduAPIKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Set Hudu API Key .DESCRIPTION API keys are required to interact with Hudu .PARAMETER ApiKey The API key .EXAMPLE New-HuduAPIKey -ApiKey abdc1234 #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingConvertToSecureStringWithPlainText', '', Scope = 'Function')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Scope = 'Function')] [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [String]$ApiKey ) process { if ($ApiKey) { $SecApiKey = ConvertTo-SecureString $ApiKey -AsPlainText -Force } else { $SecApiKey = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter your Hudu API key, you can obtain it from https://your-hudu-domain/admin/api_keys:' -AsSecureString } Set-Variable -Name 'Int_HuduAPIKey' -Value $SecApiKey -Visibility Private -Scope script -Force if ($script:Int_HuduBaseURL) { [version]$version = (Get-HuduAppInfo).version if ($version -lt $script:HuduRequiredVersion) { Write-Warning "A connection error occured or Hudu version is below $script:HuduRequiredVersion" } } } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduAPIKey.ps1' 40 #Region './Public/New-HuduArticle.ps1' -1 function New-HuduArticle { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Knowledge Base Article .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to create KB articles .PARAMETER Name Name of article .PARAMETER Content Article HTML contents .PARAMETER EnableSharing Create public URL for users to view without being authenticated .PARAMETER FolderId Associate article with folder id .PARAMETER CompanyId Associate article with company id .PARAMETER Slug Manually define slug for Article .EXAMPLE New-HuduArticle -Name "Test" -CompanyId 1 -Content '<h1>Testing</h1>' -EnableSharing -Slug 'this-is-a-test' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Content, [switch]$EnableSharing, [Alias('folder_id')] [Int]$FolderId = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '', [string]$Slug ) $Article = [ordered]@{article = [ordered]@{} } $Article.article.add('name', $Name) $Article.article.add('content', $Content) if ($FolderId) { $Article.article.add('folder_id', $FolderId) } if ($CompanyId) { $Article.article.add('company_id', $CompanyId) } if ($EnableSharing.IsPresent) { $Article.article.add('enable_sharing', 'true') } if ($Slug) { $Article.article.add('slug', $Slug) } $JSON = $Article | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource '/api/v1/articles' -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduArticle.ps1' 77 #Region './Public/New-HuduAsset.ps1' -1 function New-HuduAsset { <# .SYNOPSIS Create an Asset .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to create assets using custom layouts .PARAMETER Name Name of the Asset .PARAMETER CompanyId Company id for asset .PARAMETER AssetLayoutId Asset layout id .PARAMETER Fields Array of custom fields and values .PARAMETER PrimarySerial Asset primary serial number .PARAMETER PrimaryMail Asset primary mail .PARAMETER PrimaryModel Asset primary model .PARAMETER PrimaryManufacturer Asset primary manufacturer .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE New-HuduAsset -Name 'Some asset' -CompanyId 1 -Fields @(@{'field_name'='Field Value'}) #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Alias('company_id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$CompanyId, [Alias('asset_layout_id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$AssetLayoutId, [Array]$Fields, [Alias('primary_serial')] [string]$PrimarySerial, [Alias('primary_mail')] [string]$PrimaryMail, [Alias('primary_model')] [string]$PrimaryModel, [Alias('primary_manufacturer')] [string]$PrimaryManufacturer ) $Asset = [ordered]@{asset = [ordered]@{} } $Asset.asset.add('name', $Name) $Asset.asset.add('asset_layout_id', $AssetLayoutId) if ($PrimarySerial) { $Asset.asset.add('primary_serial', $PrimarySerial) } if ($PrimaryMail) { $Asset.asset.add('primary_mail', $PrimaryMail) } if ($PrimaryModel) { $Asset.asset.add('primary_model', $PrimaryModel) } if ($PrimaryManufacturer) { $Asset.asset.add('primary_manufacturer', $PrimaryManufacturer) } if ($Fields) { $Asset.asset.add('custom_fields', $Fields) } if ($Slug) { $Asset.asset.add('slug', $Slug) } $JSON = $Asset | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource "/api/v1/companies/$CompanyId/assets" -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduAsset.ps1' 104 #Region './Public/New-HuduAssetLayout.ps1' -1 function New-HuduAssetLayout { <# .SYNOPSIS Create an Asset Layout .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to create new custom asset layout .PARAMETER Name Name of the layout .PARAMETER Icon FontAwesome Icon class name, example: "fas fa-home" .PARAMETER Color Background color hex code .PARAMETER IconColor Icon color hex code .PARAMETER IncludePasswords Boolean for including passwords .PARAMETER IncludePhotos Boolean for including photos .PARAMETER IncludeComments Boolean for including comments .PARAMETER IncludeFiles Boolean for including files .PARAMETER PasswordTypes List of password types, separated with new line characters .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .PARAMETER Fields Array of hashtable or custom objects representing layout fields. Most field types only require a label and type. Valid field types are: Text, RichText, Heading, CheckBox, Website (aka Link), Password (aka ConfidentialText), Number, Date, DropDown, Embed, Email (aka CopyableText), Phone, AssetLink Field types are Case Sensitive as of Hudu V2.27 due to a known issue with asset type validation. .EXAMPLE New-HuduAssetLayout -Name 'Test asset layout' -Icon 'fas fa-home' -IncludePassword $true .EXAMPLE New-HuduAssetLayout -Name 'Test asset layout' -Icon 'fas fa-home' -IncludePassword $true -Fields @( @{label = 'Test field'; 'field_type' = 'Text'} ) #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] # This will silence the warning for variables with Password in their name. [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword', '')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Icon, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Color, [Alias('icon_color')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$IconColor, [Alias('include_passwords')] [bool]$IncludePasswords = '', [Alias('include_photos')] [bool]$IncludePhotos = '', [Alias('include_comments')] [bool]$IncludeComments = '', [Alias('include_files')] [bool]$IncludeFiles = '', [Alias('password_types')] [String]$PasswordTypes = '', [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [system.collections.generic.list[hashtable]]$Fields ) foreach ($field in $fields) { if ($field.show_in_list) { $field.show_in_list = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($field.show_in_list) } else { $field.remove('show_in_list') } if ($field.required) { $field.required = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($field.required) } else { $field.remove('required') } if ($field.expiration) { $field.expiration = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($field.expiration) } else { $field.remove('expiration') } # A bug in versions of Hudu 2.27 and earlier can cause asset layouts to become corrupted if the field type value is not properly cased. switch ($field.'field_type') { 'text' { $field.'field_type' = 'Text' } 'richtext' { $field.'field_type' = 'RichText' } 'heading' { $field.'field_type' = 'Heading' } 'checkbox' { $field.'field_type' = 'CheckBox' } 'number' { $field.'field_type' = 'Number' } 'date' { $field.'field_type' = 'Date' } 'dropdown' { $field.'field_type' = 'Dropdown' } 'embed' { $field.'field_type' = 'Embed' } 'phone' { $field.'field_type' = 'Phone' } 'email' { $field.'field_type' = 'Email' } 'copyabletext' { $field.'field_type' = 'Email' } 'assettag' { $field.'field_type' = 'AssetTag' } 'assetlink' { $field.'field_type' = 'AssetTag' } 'website' { $field.'field_type' = 'Website' } 'link' { $field.'field_type' = 'Website' } 'password' { $field.'field_type' = 'Password' } 'confidentialtext' { $field.'field_type' = 'Password' } Default { throw "Invalid field type: $($field.'field_type') found in field $($" } } } $AssetLayout = [ordered]@{asset_layout = [ordered]@{} } $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('name', $Name) $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('icon', $Icon) $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('color', $Color) $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('icon_color', $IconColor) $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('fields', $Fields) #$AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('active', $Active) if ($IncludePasswords) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('include_passwords', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IncludePasswords)) } if ($IncludePhotos) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('include_photos', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IncludePhotos)) } if ($IncludeComments) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('include_comments', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IncludeComments)) } if ($IncludeFiles) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('include_files', [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IncludeFiles)) } if ($PasswordTypes) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('password_types', $PasswordTypes) } if ($Slug) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.add('slug', $Slug) } $JSON = $AssetLayout | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Verbose $JSON if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource '/api/v1/asset_layouts' -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduAssetLayout.ps1' 156 #Region './Public/New-HuduBaseURL.ps1' -1 function New-HuduBaseURL { <# .SYNOPSIS Set Hudu Base URL .DESCRIPTION In order to access the Hudu API the Base URL must be set .PARAMETER BaseURL Url with no trailing slash e.g. .EXAMPLE New-HuduBaseURL -BaseURL .NOTES General notes #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Scope = 'Function')] [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [String] $BaseURL ) process { if (!$BaseURL) { $BaseURL = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please enter your Hudu Base URL with no trailing /, for example :' } $Protocol = $BaseURL[0..7] -join '' if ($Protocol -ne 'https://') { if ($Protocol -like 'http://*') { Write-Warning "Non HTTPS Base URL was set, rewriting URL to be secure transport only. If connection fails please make sure hostname is correct and HTTPS is enabld." $BaseURL = $BaseURL.Replace('http://','https://') } else { Write-Warning "No protocol was specified, adding https:// to the beginning of the specified hostname" $BaseURL = "https://$BaseURL" } } Set-Variable -Name 'Int_HuduBaseURL' -Value $BaseURL -Visibility Private -Scope script -Force if ($script:Int_HuduAPIKey) { [version]$Version = (Get-HuduAppInfo).version if ($Version -lt $script:HuduRequiredVersion) { Write-Warning "A connection error occured or Hudu version is below $script:HuduRequiredVersion" } } } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduBaseURL.ps1' 53 #Region './Public/New-HuduCompany.ps1' -1 function New-HuduCompany { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a company .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to create a new company .PARAMETER Name Company name .PARAMETER Nickname Company nickname .PARAMETER CompanyType Company type .PARAMETER AddressLine1 Address line 1 .PARAMETER AddressLine2 Address line 2 .PARAMETER City City .PARAMETER State State .PARAMETER Zip Zip .PARAMETER CountryName Country .PARAMETER PhoneNumber Phone number .PARAMETER FaxNumber Fax number .PARAMETER Website Website .PARAMETER IdNumber Company id number .PARAMETER ParentCompanyId Parent company id number .PARAMETER Notes Parameter description .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE New-HuduCompany -Name 'Company name' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [String]$Nickname = '', [Alias('company_type')] [String]$CompanyType = '', [Alias('address_line_1')] [String]$AddressLine1 = '', [Alias('address_line_2')] [String]$AddressLine2 = '', [String]$City = '', [String]$State = '', [Alias('PostalCode', 'PostCode')] [String]$Zip = '', [Alias('country_name')] [String]$CountryName = '', [Alias('phone_number')] [String]$PhoneNumber = '', [Alias('fax_number')] [String]$FaxNumber = '', [String]$Website = '', [Alias('id_number')] [String]$IdNumber = '', [Alias('parent_company_id')] [int]$ParentCompanyId, [String]$Notes = '', [string]$Slug ) $Company = [ordered]@{company = [ordered]@{} } $'name', $Name) if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Nickname))) { $'nickname', $Nickname) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Nickname))) { $'company_type', $CompanyType) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AddressLine1))) { $'address_line_1', $AddressLine1) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AddressLine2))) { $'address_line_2', $AddressLine2) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($City))) { $'city', $City) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($State))) { $'state', $State) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Zip))) { $'zip', $Zip) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($CountryName))) { $'country_name', $CountryName) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PhoneNumber))) { $'phone_number', $PhoneNumber) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FaxNumber))) { $'fax_number', $FaxNumber) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Website))) { $'website', $Website) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($IdNumber))) { $'id_number', $IdNumber) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ParentCompanyId))) { $'parent_company_id', $ParentCompanyId) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Notes))) { $'notes', $Notes) } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Slug))) { $'slug', $Slug) } $JSON = $Company | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 Write-Verbose $JSON if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource '/api/v1/companies' -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduCompany.ps1' 133 #Region './Public/New-HuduCustomHeaders.ps1' -1 function New-HuduCustomHeaders { <# .SYNOPSIS Set Hudu custom headers to be injected into each request .DESCRIPTION There may be times when one might need to use custom headers e.g. Service Tokens for Cloudflare Zero Trust .PARAMETER Headers Hashtable with the Custom Headers that need to be injected into each request .EXAMPLE New-HuduCustomHeaders -Headers @{"CF-Access-Client-Id" = "x"; "CF-Access-Client-Secret" = "y"} .NOTES General notes #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Scope = 'Function')] [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [hashtable] $Headers ) process { if ($Headers.Count -eq 0) { Write-Host "Empty Custom Header hashtable was provided, no Custom Headers will be set" return 0 } Set-Variable -Name 'Int_HuduCustomHeaders' -Value $Headers -Visibility Private -Scope script -Force } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduCustomHeaders.ps1' 35 #Region './Public/New-HuduFolder.ps1' -1 function New-HuduFolder { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Folder .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to create a new folder .PARAMETER Name Name of the folder .PARAMETER Icon Folder Icon .PARAMETER Description Folder description .PARAMETER ParentFolderId Parent folder ID .PARAMETER CompanyId Company id .EXAMPLE New-HuduFolder -Name 'Test folder' -CompanyId 1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [String]$Icon = '', [String]$Description = '', [Alias('parent_folder_id')] [Int]$ParentFolderId = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '' ) $Folder = [ordered]@{folder = [ordered]@{} } $Folder.folder.add('name', $Name) if ($Icon) { $Folder.folder.add('icon', $Icon) } if ($Description) { $Folder.folder.add('description', $Description) } if ($ParentFolderId) { $Folder.folder.add('parent_folder_id', $ParentFolderId) } if ($CompanyId) { $Folder.folder.add('company_id', $CompanyId) } $JSON = $Folder | ConvertTo-Json if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource '/api/v1/folders' -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduFolder.ps1' 66 #Region './Public/New-HuduPassword.ps1' -1 function New-HuduPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Password .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to create a new password .PARAMETER Name Name of the password .PARAMETER CompanyId Company id .PARAMETER PasswordableType Asset type for the password .PARAMETER PasswordableId Asset id for the password .PARAMETER InPortal Boolean for in portal .PARAMETER Password Password .PARAMETER OTPSecret OTP secret .PARAMETER URL Password URL .PARAMETER Username Username .PARAMETER Description Password description .PARAMETER PasswordType Password type .PARAMETER PasswordFolderId Password folder id .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE New-HuduPassword -Name 'Some website password' -Username '' -Password '12345' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] # This will silence the warning for variables with Password in their name. [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword', '')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingUsernameAndPasswordParams', '')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [Alias('company_id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$CompanyId, [Alias('passwordable_type')] [String]$PasswordableType = '', [Alias('passwordable_id')] [int]$PasswordableId = '', [Alias('in_portal')] [Bool]$InPortal = $false, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Password = '', [Alias('otp_secret')] [string]$OTPSecret = '', [String]$URL = '', [String]$Username = '', [String]$Description = '', [Alias('password_type')] [String]$PasswordType = '', [Alias('password_folder_id')] [int]$PasswordFolderId, [string]$Slug ) $AssetPassword = [ordered]@{asset_password = [ordered]@{} } $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('name', $Name) $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('company_id', $CompanyId) $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('password', $Password) $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('in_portal', $InPortal) if ($PasswordableType) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('passwordable_type', $PasswordableType) } if ($PasswordableId) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('passwordable_id', $PasswordableId) } if ($OTPSecret) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('otp_secret', $OTPSecret) } if ($URL) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('url', $URL) } if ($Username) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('username', $Username) } if ($Description) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('description', $Description) } if ($PasswordType) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('password_type', $PasswordType) } if ($PasswordFolderId) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('password_folder_id', $PasswordFolderId) } if ($Slug) { $AssetPassword.asset_password.add('slug', $Slug) } $JSON = $AssetPassword | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource '/api/v1/asset_passwords' -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduPassword.ps1' 142 #Region './Public/New-HuduPublicPhoto.ps1' -1 function New-HuduPublicPhoto { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Public Photo .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to upload an image for use in an asset or article .PARAMETER FilePath Path to the image .PARAMETER RecordId Record id to associate with the photo .PARAMETER RecordType Record type to associate with the photo .EXAMPLE New-HuduPublicPhoto -FilePath 'c:\path\to\image.png' -RecordId 1 -RecordType 'asset' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$FilePath, [Alias('record_id')] [int]$RecordId, [Alias('record_type')] [string]$RecordType ) $File = Get-Item $FilePath $form = @{ photo = $File } if ($RecordId) { $form['record_id'] = $RecordId } if ($RecordType) { $form['record_type'] = $RecordType } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($File.FullName)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method POST -Resource '/api/v1/public_photos' -Form $form } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduPublicPhoto.ps1' 46 #Region './Public/New-HuduRelation.ps1' -1 function New-HuduRelation { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Relation .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to create relationships between objects .PARAMETER Description Give a description to the relation so you know why two things are related .PARAMETER FromableType The type of the FROM relation (Asset, Website, Procedure, AssetPassword, Company, Article) .PARAMETER FromableID The ID of the FROM relation .PARAMETER ToableType The type of the TO relation (Asset, Website, Procedure, AssetPassword, Company, Article) .PARAMETER ToableID The ID of the TO relation .PARAMETER IsInverse When a relation is created, it will also create another relation that is the inverse. When this is true, this relation is the inverse. .EXAMPLE An example .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [String]$Description, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateSet('Asset', 'Website', 'Procedure', 'AssetPassword', 'Company', 'Article')] [Alias('fromable_type')] [String]$FromableType, [Alias('fromable_id')] [int]$FromableID, [Alias('toable_type')] [String]$ToableType, [Alias('toable_id')] [int]$ToableID, [Alias('is_inverse')] [string]$IsInverse ) $Relation = [ordered]@{relation = [ordered]@{} } $Relation.relation.add('fromable_type', $FromableType) $Relation.relation.add('fromable_id', $FromableID) $Relation.relation.add('toable_type', $ToableType) $Relation.relation.add('toable_id', $ToableID) if ($Description) { $Relation.relation.add('description', $Description) } if ($ISInverse) { $Relation.relation.add('is_inverse', $ISInverse) } $JSON = $Relation | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($FromableType)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource '/api/v1/relations' -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduRelation.ps1' 76 #Region './Public/New-HuduUpload.ps1' -1 function New-HuduUpload { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Upload .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to upload a file for use in an asset. RecordType can be of 'asset','website','procedure','assetpassword','comapny','article'. .PARAMETER FilePath Path to the file .PARAMETER RecordId Record id to associate with the Upload .PARAMETER RecordType Record type to associate with the Upload .EXAMPLE New-HuduUpload -FilePath 'c:\path\to\file.png' -RecordId 1 -RecordType 'asset' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$FilePath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('record_id','recordid')] [int]$uploadable_id, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Alias('record_type','recordtype')] [ValidateSet('Asset', 'Website', 'Procedure', 'AssetPassword', 'Company', 'Article')] [string]$uploadable_type ) $File = Get-Item $FilePath $form = @{ file = $File "upload[uploadable_id]" = $uploadable_id "upload[uploadable_type]" = $uploadable_type } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($File.FullName)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method POST -Resource '/api/v1/uploads' -Form $form } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduUpload.ps1' 49 #Region './Public/New-HuduWebsite.ps1' -1 function New-HuduWebsite { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Website .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to create a website .PARAMETER Name Website name (e.g. .PARAMETER Notes Used to add additional notes to a website .PARAMETER Paused When true, website monitoring is paused .PARAMETER CompanyId Used to associate website with company .PARAMETER DisableDNS When true, dns monitoring is paused. .PARAMETER DisableSSL When true, ssl cert monitoring is paused. .PARAMETER DisableWhois When true, whois monitoring is paused. .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE New-HuduWebsite -CompanyId 1 -Name #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [String]$Notes = '', [String]$Paused = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$CompanyId, [Alias('disable_dns')] [String]$DisableDNS = '', [Alias('disable_ssl')] [String]$DisableSSL = '', [Alias('disable_whois')] [String]$DisableWhois = '', [string]$Slug ) $Website = [ordered]@{website = [ordered]@{} } $'name', $Name) if ($Notes) { $'notes', $Notes) } if ($Paused) { $'paused', $Paused) } $'company_id', $CompanyId) if ($DisableDNS) { $'disable_dns', $DisableDNS) } if ($DisableSSL) { $'disable_ssl', $DisableSSL) } if ($DisableWhois) { $'disable_whois', $DisableWhois) } if ($Slug) { $'slug', $Slug) } $JSON = $Website | ConvertTo-Json if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource '/api/v1/websites' -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/New-HuduWebsite.ps1' 98 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduAPIKey.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduAPIKey { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove API key .DESCRIPTION Unsets the variable for the Hudu API Key .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduAPIKey #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param() if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('API Key')) { Remove-Variable -Name 'Int_HuduAPIKey' -Scope script -Force } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduAPIKey.ps1' 20 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduArticle.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduArticle { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Knowledge Base Article .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to remove a KB article .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested article .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduArticle -Id 1 .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource "/api/v1/articles/$Id" } } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduArticle.ps1' 29 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduAsset.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduAsset { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete an Asset .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to remove an Asset from a company .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested Asset .PARAMETER CompanyId Id of the requested parent Company .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduAsset -CompanyId 1 -Id 1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [Alias('company_id')] [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$CompanyId ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource "/api/v1/companies/$CompanyId/assets/$Id" } } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduAsset.ps1' 34 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduBaseURL.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduBaseURL { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove base URL .DESCRIPTION Unsets the Hudu Base URL variable .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduBaseURL #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param() if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Base URL')) { Remove-Variable -Name 'Int_HuduBaseURL' -Scope script -Force } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduBaseURL.ps1' 19 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduCompany.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduCompany { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Website .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to delete a company .PARAMETER Id Id of the Company to delete .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduCompany -Id 1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource "/api/v1/companies/$Id" } } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduCompany.ps1' 28 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduCustomHeaders.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduCustomHeaders { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove Custom Headers that are injected into each request .DESCRIPTION Unsets the Hudu Custom Header variable .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduCustomHeaders #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param() if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Custom Headers')) { Remove-Variable -Name 'Int_HuduCustomHeaders' -Scope script -Force } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduCustomHeaders.ps1' 19 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduMagicDash.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduMagicDash { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Magic Dash Item .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to remove Magic Dash by Id or Title and Company Name .PARAMETER Title Title of the Magic Dash .PARAMETER CompanyName Company Name .PARAMETER Id Id of the Magic Dash .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduMagicDash -Id 1 .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduMagicDash -Title 'Microsoft 365' -CompanyName 'AcmeCorp' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High', DefaultParameterSetName = 'Id')] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TitleCompany')] [String]$Title, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'TitleCompany')] [Alias('company_name')] [String]$CompanyName, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Id')] [int]$Id ) process { if ($id) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { $null = Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource "/api/v1/magic_dash/$Id" } } else { $MagicDash = @{} $MagicDash.add('title', $Title) $MagicDash.add('company_name', $CompanyName) $JSON = $MagicDash | ConvertTo-Json if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Company - $Title")) { $null = Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource '/api/v1/magic_dash' -Body $JSON } } } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduMagicDash.ps1' 57 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduPassword.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Password .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to remove asset password .PARAMETER Id Id of the password .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduPassword -Id 1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource "/api/v1/asset_passwords/$Id" } } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduPassword.ps1' 27 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduRelation.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduRelation { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Relation .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to delete object relationships .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested Relation .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduRelation -Id 1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource "/api/v1/relations/$Id" } } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduRelation.ps1' 28 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduUpload.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduUpload { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete an Upload by ID .DESCRIPTION Calls Hudu API to delete uploads by specifying the ID value .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduUpload #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource "/api/v1/uploads/$Id" } } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduUpload.ps1' 26 #Region './Public/Remove-HuduWebsite.ps1' -1 function Remove-HuduWebsite { <# .SYNOPSIS Delete a Website .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to delete a website .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested Website .EXAMPLE Remove-HuduWebsite -Id 1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id ) process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method delete -Resource "/api/v1/websites/$Id" } } } #EndRegion './Public/Remove-HuduWebsite.ps1' 28 #Region './Public/Set-HuduArticle.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduArticle { <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Knowledge Base Article .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to update KB Article .PARAMETER Name Name of the Article .PARAMETER Content Article Content .PARAMETER EnableSharing Set article to public and generate a URL .PARAMETER FolderId Used to associate article with folder .PARAMETER CompanyId Used to associate article with company .PARAMETER ArticleId Id of the requested article .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE Set-HuduArticle -ArticleId 1 -Name 'Article Name' -Content '<h1>New article contents</h1>' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [String]$Name, [String]$Content, [switch]$EnableSharing, [Alias('folder_id')] [Int]$FolderId = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '', [Alias('article_id', 'id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$ArticleId, [string]$Slug ) $Object = Get-HuduArticles -Id $ArticleId $Article = [ordered]@{article = $Object.article } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Content) { $Article.article.content = $Content } if ($FolderId) { $Article.article.folder_id = $FolderId } if ($CompanyId) { $Article.article.company_id = $CompanyId } if ($EnableSharing.IsPresent) { $Article.article.enable_sharing = $true } if ($Slug) { $Article.article.slug = $Slug } $JSON = $Article | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Name)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/articles/$ArticleId" -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduArticle.ps1' 87 #Region './Public/Set-HuduArticleArchive.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduArticleArchive { <# .SYNOPSIS Archive/Unarchive a Knowledge Base Article .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to archive or unarchive an article .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested article .PARAMETER Archive Boolean for archive status .EXAMPLE Set-HuduArticleArchive -Id 1 -Archive $true #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Bool]$Archive ) if ($Archive) { $Action = 'archive' } else { $Action = 'unarchive' } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/articles/$Id/$Action" } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduArticleArchive.ps1' 37 #Region './Public/Set-HuduAsset.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduAsset { <# .SYNOPSIS Update an Asset .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to update an Asset .PARAMETER Name Name of the Asset .PARAMETER CompanyId Company id of the Asset .PARAMETER AssetLayoutId Asset layout id .PARAMETER Fields List of fields .PARAMETER AssetId Id of the requested Asset .PARAMETER PrimarySerial Primary serial number .PARAMETER PrimaryMail Primary mail .PARAMETER PrimaryModel Primary model .PARAMETER PrimaryManufacturer Primary manufacturer .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE Set-HuduAsset -AssetId 1 -CompanyId 1 -Fields @(@{'field_name'='Field Value'}) .NOTES General notes #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [String]$Name, [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId, [Alias('asset_layout_id')] [Int]$AssetLayoutId, [Array]$Fields, [Alias('asset_id','assetid')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateRange(1, [int]::MaxValue)] [Int]$Id, [Alias('primary_serial')] [string]$PrimarySerial, [Alias('primary_mail')] [string]$PrimaryMail, [Alias('primary_model')] [string]$PrimaryModel, [Alias('primary_manufacturer')] [string]$PrimaryManufacturer, [string]$Slug ) $Object = Get-HuduAssets -id $Id | Select-Object name,asset_layout_id,company_id,slug,primary_serial,primary_model,primary_mail,id,primary_manufacturer,@{n='custom_fields';e={$_.fields | ForEach-Object {[pscustomobject]@{$_.label.replace(' ','_').tolower()= $_.value}}}} if ($Object) { $Asset = [ordered]@{asset = $Object } $CompanyId = $Object.company_id if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($AssetLayoutId) { $Asset.asset.asset_layout_id = $AssetLayoutId } if ($PrimarySerial) { $Asset.asset.primary_serial = $PrimarySerial } if ($PrimaryMail) { $Asset.asset.primary_mail = $PrimaryMail } if ($PrimaryModel) { $Asset.asset.primary_model = $PrimaryModel } if ($PrimaryManufacturer) { $Asset.asset.primary_manufacturer = $PrimaryManufacturer } if ($Fields) { $Asset.asset.custom_fields = $Fields } if ($Slug) { $Asset.asset.slug = $Slug } $JSON = $Asset | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("ID: $($ Name: $($Asset.Name)", "Set Hudu Asset")) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/companies/$CompanyId/assets/$Id" -Body $JSON } } else { throw "A valid asset could not be found to update, please double check the ID and try again" } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduAsset.ps1' 123 #Region './Public/Set-HuduAssetArchive.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduAssetArchive { <# .SYNOPSIS Archive/Unarchive an Asset .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to archive or unarchive an asset .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested Asset .PARAMETER CompanyId Id of the requested parent company .PARAMETER Archive Boolean for archive status .EXAMPLE Set-HuduAssetArchive -Id 1 -CompanyId 1 -Archive $true #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [Alias('company_id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$CompanyId, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Bool]$Archive ) if ($Archive) { $Action = 'archive' } else { $Action = 'unarchive' } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/companies/$CompanyId/assets/$Id/$Action" } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduAssetArchive.ps1' 43 #Region './Public/Set-HuduAssetLayout.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduAssetLayout { <# .SYNOPSIS Update an Asset Layout .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to update an Asset Layout .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested Asset Layout .PARAMETER Name Name of the Asset Layout .PARAMETER Icon Icon class name, example: "fas fa-home" .PARAMETER Color Hex code for background color, example: #000000 .PARAMETER IconColor Hex code for background color, example: #000000 .PARAMETER IncludePasswords Boolean to include passwords .PARAMETER IncludePhotos Boolean to include photos .PARAMETER IncludeComments Boolean to include comments .PARAMETER IncludeFiles Boolean to include files .PARAMETER PasswordTypes List of password types, separated with new line characters .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .PARAMETER Fields Array of hashtable or custom objects representing layout fields. Most field types only require a label and type. Valid field types are: Text, RichText, Heading, CheckBox, Website (aka Link), Password (aka ConfidentialText), Number, Date, DropDown, Embed, Email (aka CopyableText), Phone, AssetLink Field types are Case Sensitive as of Hudu V2.27 due to a known issue with asset type validation. .EXAMPLE Set-HuduAssetLayout -Id 12 -Name 'Test asset layout' -Icon 'fas fa-home' -IncludePassword $true .EXAMPLE Set-HuduAssetLayout -Id 12 -Fields @( @{label = 'Test field'; 'field_type' = 'Text'} ) #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] # This will silence the warning for variables with Password in their name. [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword', '')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [String]$Name, [String]$Icon, [String]$Color, [Alias('icon_color')] [String]$IconColor, [Alias('include_passwords')] [bool]$IncludePasswords, [Alias('include_photos')] [bool]$IncludePhotos, [Alias('include_comments')] [bool]$IncludeComments, [Alias('include_files')] [bool]$IncludeFiles, [Alias('password_types')] [String]$PasswordTypes = '', [bool]$Active, [string]$Slug, [array]$Fields ) foreach ($Field in $Fields) { $Field.show_in_list = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Field.show_in_list) $Field.required = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Field.required) $Field.expiration = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Field.expiration) # A bug in versions of Hudu 2.27 and earlier can cause asset layouts to become corrupted if the field type value is not properly cased. switch ($field.'field_type') { 'text' { $field.'field_type' = 'Text' } 'richtext' { $field.'field_type' = 'RichText' } 'heading' { $field.'field_type' = 'Heading' } 'checkbox' { $field.'field_type' = 'CheckBox' } 'number' { $field.'field_type' = 'Number' } 'date' { $field.'field_type' = 'Date' } 'dropdown' { $field.'field_type' = 'Dropdown' } 'embed' { $field.'field_type' = 'Embed' } 'phone' { $field.'field_type' = 'Phone' } ('email' -or 'copyabletext') { $field.'field_type' = 'Email' } ('assettag' -or 'assetlink') { $field.'field_type' = 'AssetTag' } ('website' -or 'link') { $field.'field_type' = 'Website' } ('password' -or 'confidentialtext') { $field.'field_type' = 'Password' } Default { Write-Error "Invalid field type: $($field.'field_type') found in field $($"; break } } } $Object = Get-HuduAssetLayouts -id $Id $AssetLayout = [ordered]@{asset_layout = $Object } #$AssetLayout.asset_layout = $Object if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Icon) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.icon = $Icon } if ($Color) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.color = $Color } if ($IconColor) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.icon_color = $IconColor } if ($Fields) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.fields = $Fields } if ($IncludePasswords) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.include_passwords = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IncludePasswords) } if ($IncludePhotos) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.include_photos = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IncludePhotos) } if ($IncludeComments) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.include_comments = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IncludeComments) } if ($IncludeFiles) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.include_files = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($IncludeFiles) } if ($PasswordTypes) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.password_types = $PasswordTypes } if ($SidebarFolderID) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.sidebar_folder_id = $SidebarFolderID } if ($Slug) { $AssetLayout.asset_layout.slug = $Slug } if ($Active) { $ = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($Active) } $JSON = $AssetLayout | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/asset_layouts/$Id" -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduAssetLayout.ps1' 178 #Region './Public/Set-HuduCompany.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduCompany { <# .SYNOPSIS Update a company .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to update a Company .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested company .PARAMETER Name Name of the company .PARAMETER Nickname Nickname of the company .PARAMETER CompanyType Company type .PARAMETER AddressLine1 Address line 1 .PARAMETER AddressLine2 Address line 2 .PARAMETER City City .PARAMETER State State .PARAMETER Zip Zip .PARAMETER CountryName Country name .PARAMETER PhoneNumber Phone number .PARAMETER FaxNumber Fax number .PARAMETER Website Webste .PARAMETER IdNumber Id number .PARAMETER ParentCompanyId Parent company id .PARAMETER Notes Company notes .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE Set-HuduCompany -Id 1 -Name 'New company name' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [String]$Name, [String]$Nickname = '', [Alias('company_type')] [String]$CompanyType = '', [Alias('address_line_1')] [String]$AddressLine1 = '', [Alias('address_line_2')] [String]$AddressLine2 = '', [String]$City = '', [String]$State = '', [Alias('PostalCode', 'PostCode')] [String]$Zip = '', [Alias('country_name')] [String]$CountryName = '', [Alias('phone_number')] [String]$PhoneNumber = '', [Alias('fax_number')] [String]$FaxNumber = '', [String]$Website = '', [Alias('id_number')] [String]$IdNumber = '', [Alias('parent_company_id')] [Int]$ParentCompanyId, [String]$Notes = '', [string]$Slug ) $Object = Get-HuduCompanies -Id $Id $Company = [ordered]@{company = $Object } if ($Name) { $ = $Name } if ($Nickname) { $ = $Nickname } if ($CompanyType) { $ = $CompanyType } if ($AddressLine1) { $ = $AddressLine1 } if ($AddressLine2) { $ = $AddressLine2 } if ($City) { $ = $City } if ($State) { $ = $State } if ($Zip) { $ = $Zip } if ($CountryName) { $ = $CountryName } if ($PhoneNumber) { $ = $PhoneNumber } if ($FaxNumber) { $ = $FaxNumber } if ($Website) { $ = $Website } if ($IdNumber) { $ = $IdNumber } if ($ParentCompanyId) { $ = $ParentCompanyId } if ($Notes) { $ = $Notes } if ($Slug) { $ = $Slug } $JSON = $Company | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/companies/$Id" -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduCompany.ps1' 185 #Region './Public/Set-HuduCompanyArchive.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduCompanyArchive { <# .SYNOPSIS Archive/Unarchive a company .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to set archive status on a company .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested company .PARAMETER Archive Boolean for archive status .EXAMPLE Set-HuduCompanyArchive -Id 1 -Archive $true #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Bool]$Archive ) if ($Archive -eq $true) { $Action = 'archive' } else { $Action = 'unarchive' } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/companies/$Id/$Action" } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduCompanyArchive.ps1' 36 #Region './Public/Set-HuduFolder.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduFolder { <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Folder .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to update a folder .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested folder .PARAMETER Name Name of the folder .PARAMETER Icon Folder icon .PARAMETER Description Folder description .PARAMETER ParentFolderId Folder parent id .PARAMETER CompanyId Folder company id .EXAMPLE Set-HuduFolder -Id 1 -Name 'New folder name' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [String]$Icon = '', [String]$Description = '', [Alias('parent_folder_id')] [Int]$ParentFolderId = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId = '' ) $Folder = [ordered]@{folder = [ordered]@{} } $Folder.folder.add('name', $Name) if ($icon) { $Folder.folder.add('icon', $Icon) } if ($Description) { $Folder.folder.add('description', $Description) } if ($ParentFolderId) { $Folder.folder.add('parent_folder_id', $ParentFolderId) } if ($CompanyId) { $Folder.folder.add('company_id', $CompanyId) } $JSON = $Folder | ConvertTo-Json if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/folders/$Id" -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduFolder.ps1' 76 #Region './Public/Set-HuduIntegrationMatcher.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduIntegrationMatcher { <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Matcher .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to set integration matchers .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested matcher .PARAMETER AcceptSuggestedMatch Set the Sync Id/Identifier to the suggested one .PARAMETER CompanyId Requested company id to match .PARAMETER PotentialCompanyId Potential company id to match .PARAMETER SyncId Sync id to match .PARAMETER Identifier Identifier to match .EXAMPLE Set-HuduIntegrationMatcher -Id 1 -AcceptSuggestedMatch #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [String]$Id, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'AcceptSuggestedMatch')] [switch]$AcceptSuggestedMatch, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'SetCompanyId')] [Alias('company_id')] [String]$CompanyId, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('potential_company_id')] [String]$PotentialCompanyId, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias('sync_id')] [String]$SyncId, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [String]$Identifier ) process { $Matcher = [ordered]@{matcher = [ordered]@{} } if ($AcceptSuggestedMatch) { $Matcher.matcher.add('company_id', $PotentialCompanyId) | Out-Null } else { $Matcher.matcher.add('company_id', $CompanyId) | Out-Null } if ($PotentialCompanyId) { $Matcher.matcher.add('potential_company_id', $PotentialCompanyId) | Out-Null } if ($SyncId) { $Matcher.matcher.add('sync_id', $SyncId) | Out-Null } if ($Identifier) { $Matcher.matcher.add('identifier', $identifier) | Out-Null } $JSON = $Matcher | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/matchers/$Id" -Body $JSON } } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduIntegrationMatcher.ps1' 81 #Region './Public/Set-HuduMagicDash.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduMagicDash { <# .SYNOPSIS Create or Update a Magic Dash Item .DESCRIPTION Magic Dash takes just simple key-pairs. Whether you want to add a new Magic Dash Item, or update one, you can use the same endpoint, so it is really easy! It uses the title, and company_name to match. .PARAMETER Title This is the title. If there is an existing Magic Dash Item with matching title and company_name, then it will match into that item. .PARAMETER CompanyName This is the attribute we use to match to an existing company. If there is an existing Magic Dash Item with matching title and company_name, then it will match into that item. .PARAMETER Message This will be the first content that will be displayed on the Magic Dash Item. .PARAMETER Icon Either fill this in, or image_url. Use a (FontAwesome icon for the header of a Magic Dash Item. Must be in the format of fas fa-circle .PARAMETER ImageURL Either fill this in, or icon. Used in the header of a Magic Dash Item. .PARAMETER ContentLink Either fill this in, or content, or leave both blank. Used to have a link to an external website. .PARAMETER Content Either fill this in, or content_link, or leave both blank. Fill in with HTML (tables, images, videos, etc.) to display more content in your Magic Dash Item. .PARAMETER Shade Use a different color for your Magic Dash Item for different contextual states. Options are to leave it blank, success, or danger .EXAMPLE Set-HuduMagicDash -Title 'Test Dash' -CompanyName 'Test Company' -Message 'This will be displayed first' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Title, [Alias('company_name')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$CompanyName, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Message, [String]$Icon = '', [Alias('image_url')] [String]$ImageURL = '', [Alias('content_link')] [String]$ContentLink = '', [String]$Content = '', [String]$Shade = '' ) if ($Icon -and $ImageURL) { Write-Error ('You can only use one of icon or image URL') exit 1 } if ($content_link -and $content) { Write-Error ('You can only use one of content or content_link') exit 1 } $MagicDash = [ordered]@{} if ($Title) { $MagicDash.add('title', $Title) } if ($CompanyName) { $MagicDash.add('company_name', $CompanyName) } if ($Message) { $MagicDash.add('message', $Message) } if ($Icon) { $MagicDash.add('icon', $Icon) } if ($ImageURL) { $MagicDash.add('image_url', $ImageURL) } if ($ContentLink) { $MagicDash.add('content_link', $ContentLink) } if ($Content) { $MagicDash.add('content', $Content) } if ($Shade) { $MagicDash.add('shade', $Shade) } $JSON = $MagicDash | ConvertTo-Json if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$Companyname - $Title")) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method post -Resource '/api/v1/magic_dash' -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduMagicDash.ps1' 112 #Region './Public/Set-HuduPassword.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduPassword { <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Password .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to update a password .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested Password .PARAMETER Name Password name .PARAMETER CompanyId Id of requested company .PARAMETER PasswordableType Type of asset to associate with the password .PARAMETER PasswordableId Id of the asset to associate with the password .PARAMETER InPortal Display password in portal .PARAMETER Password Password .PARAMETER OTPSecret OTP secret .PARAMETER URL Url for the password .PARAMETER Username Username .PARAMETER Description Password description .PARAMETER PasswordType Password type .PARAMETER PasswordFolderId Id of requested password folder .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE Set-HuduPassword -Id 1 -CompanyId 1 -Password 'this_is_my_new_password' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] # This will silence the warning for variables with Password in their name. [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingPlainTextForPassword', '')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingUsernameAndPasswordParams', '')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [String]$Name, [Alias('company_id')] [Int]$CompanyId, [Alias('passwordable_type')] [String]$PasswordableType = '', [Alias('passwordable_id')] [int]$PasswordableId = '', [Alias('in_portal')] [Bool]$InPortal = $false, [String]$Password = '', [Alias('otp_secret')] [string]$OTPSecret = '', [String]$URL = '', [String]$Username = '', [String]$Description = '', [Alias('password_type')] [String]$PasswordType = '', [Alias('password_folder_id')] [int]$PasswordFolderId, [string]$Slug ) $Object = Get-HuduPasswords -Id $Id $AssetPassword = [ordered]@{asset_password = $Object } if ($Name) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name name -Force -Value $Name } if ($CompanyId) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name company_id -Force -Value $CompanyId } if ($Password) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password -Force -Value $Password } if ($InPortal) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name in_portal -Force -Value $InPortal } if ($PasswordableType) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name passwordable_type -Force -Value $PasswordableType } if ($PasswordableId) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name passwordable_id -Force -Value $PasswordableId } if ($OTPSecret) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name otp_secret -Force -Value $OTPSecret } if ($URL) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name url -Force -Value $URL } if ($Username) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name username -Force -Value $Username } if ($Description) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name description -Force -Value $Description } if ($PasswordType) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password_type -Force -Value $PasswordType } if ($PasswordFolderId) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name password_folder_id -Force -Value $PasswordFolderId } if ($Slug) { $AssetPassword.asset_password | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name slug -Force -Value $Slug } $JSON = $AssetPassword | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/asset_passwords/$Id" -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduPassword.ps1' 158 #Region './Public/Set-HuduPasswordArchive.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduPasswordArchive { <# .SYNOPSIS Archive/Unarchive a Password .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to archive or unarchive a password .PARAMETER Id Id of the requested Password .PARAMETER Archive Boolean of archive status .EXAMPLE Set-HuduPasswordArchive -Archive $true -Id 1 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Bool]$Archive ) process { if ($Archive) { $Action = 'archive' } else { $Action = 'unarchive' } if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/asset_passwords/$Id/$Action" } } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduPasswordArchive.ps1' 39 #Region './Public/Set-HuduWebsite.ps1' -1 function Set-HuduWebsite { <# .SYNOPSIS Update a Website .DESCRIPTION Uses Hudu API to update a website .PARAMETER Id Id of requested website .PARAMETER Name Website name (e.g. .PARAMETER Notes Website Notes .PARAMETER Paused When true, website monitoring is paused. .PARAMETER CompanyId Used to associate website with company .PARAMETER DisableDNS When true, dns monitoring is paused. .PARAMETER DisableSSL When true, ssl cert monitoring is paused. .PARAMETER DisableWhois When true, whois monitoring is paused. .PARAMETER Slug Url identifier .EXAMPLE Set-HuduWebsite -Id 1 -Paused $true #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$Id, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [String]$Name, [String]$Notes = '', [String]$Paused = '', [Alias('company_id')] [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Int]$CompanyId, [Alias('disable_dns')] [String]$DisableDNS = '', [Alias('disable_ssl')] [String]$DisableSSL = '', [Alias('disable_whois')] [String]$DisableWhois = '', [string]$Slug ) $Website = [ordered]@{website = [ordered]@{} } $'name', $Name) if ($Notes) { $'notes', $Notes) } if ($Paused) { $'paused', $Paused) } $'company_id', $companyid) if ($DisableDNS) { $'disable_dns', $DisableDNS) } if ($DisableSSL) { $'disable_ssl', $DisableSSL) } if ($DisableWhois) { $'disable_whois', $DisableWhois) } if ($Slug) { $'slug', $Slug) } $JSON = $Website | ConvertTo-Json if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Id)) { Invoke-HuduRequest -Method put -Resource "/api/v1/websites/$Id" -Body $JSON } } #EndRegion './Public/Set-HuduWebsite.ps1' 104 |