function Get-HuduPasswords { param( [Int]$id = '', #Return Password by ID (from API) [Int]$companyid = '', #Filter Passwords by Company ID [String]$name ='' #Filter Passwords By Name ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web $ParamCollection = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty) $ParamCollection.add('page', 1) $ParamCollection.add('page_size',1000) if ($id) { $Resource = "/api/v1/asset_passwords/$($id)" } else { $Resource = "/api/v1/asset_passwords" } $i = 1; #Pull multiple "Pages" of passwords with 1000 per page (make sure we get all possible objects) $AllPasswords = do { $ParamCollection['page']=$i $response = Invoke-HuduRequest -method "GET" -Resource $( $Resource + '?' + $ParamCollection.ToString() ) $i++ $Passwords = @() if ($response.asset_passwords) { $Passwords += $response.asset_passwords } else { $Passwords += $response.asset_password } $Passwords Write-Host "Retrieved $($Passwords.count) Passwords" -ForegroundColor Yellow } while ($Passwords.count % 1000 -eq 0 -and $Passwords.count -ne 0) #Since these cant be done by API we pull in all possible then filter out if ($companyid) { $AllPasswords = $AllPasswords | where-object {$_.company_id -eq $companyid} } if ($name) { $AllPasswords = $AllPasswords | where-object {$ -eq $name} } return $AllPasswords } |