describe "Hubot" { Context "File Paths and Installs" { $pathsToTest = @( 'C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe' 'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe' 'C:\nssm' 'C:\myhubot' 'C:\myhubot\node_modules' 'C:\myhubot\node_modules\edge' 'C:\myhubot\node_modules\edge-ps' 'C:\myhubot\node_modules\coffee-script' ) ForEach ($p in $pathsToTest) { it "$($p) exists" { Test-Path -Path $p | Should Be $true } } } Context "Environment Variables" { $envVarsToTest = @( 'HUBOT_ADAPTER' 'HUBOT_LOG_LEVEL' 'HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN' ) ForEach ($e in $envVarsToTest) { It "environment variable $($e) should exist" { Test-Path -Path "Env:\$($e)" | Should Be $true } } } Context "Hubot Service" { It "should exist" { { Get-Service -Name Hubot_bender } | Should Not throw } It "should be running" { (Get-Service -Name Hubot_bender).Status | Should BeExactly 'Running' } $svc = Get-WMIObject -Class Win32_Service -Filter "Name='hubot_bender'" | Select-Object * It "should have a description of Hubot Service" { $svc.Description | Should BeExactly 'Hubot Service' } It "should be running under Hubot account" { $svc.StartName | Should BeExactly 'LocalSystem' } It "should have a startmode of Auto" { $svc.StartMode | Should BeExactly 'Auto' } It "should create stdout log file at c:\myhubot\Logs\hubot_bender_log.txt" { 'c:\myhubot\Logs\hubot_bender_log.txt' | Should Exist } It "should create stderr log file at c:\myhubot\Logs\hubot_bender_error.txt" { 'c:\myhubot\Logs\hubot_bender_error.txt' | Should Exist } } } |