################# # TEST HEADER # ################# $dscModule = 'Hubot' $originalLocation = Get-Location $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Set-Location $here describe "HubotHelpers" { ###################################### # USED FOR TESTING CLASS BASED DSC # ###################################### # To support $root\Tests folder structure If (Test-Path "..\$dscModule.psm1") {Copy-Item "..\$dscModule.psm1" 'TestDrive:\script.ps1'} # To support $root\Tests\Unit folder structure ElseIf (Test-Path "..\..\$dscModule.psm1") {Copy-Item "..\..\$dscModule.psm1" 'TestDrive:\script.ps1'} # Or simply throw... Else {Throw 'Unable to find source .psm1 file to test against.'} # Dot source the file to brint classes into current session . 'TestDrive:\script.ps1' ################ # TEST START # ################ $guid = (New-Guid).Guid context "RefreshPathVariable" { it "returns something" { [HubotHelpers]::new().RefreshPathVariable() | Should Not Be Null } it "return should contain atleast one semicolon" { [HubotHelpers]::new().RefreshPathVariable() | Should BeLike "*;*" } it "when split into array should have 2 or more items" { $array = [HubotHelpers]::new().RefreshPathVariable() -split ';' $array.Count | Should BeGreaterThan 1 } } context "CheckPathExists" { it "returns true when path that exists is passed" { [HubotHelpers]::new().CheckPathExists("TestDrive:\") | Should Be $true } it "returns false when path that does not exist is passed" { [HubotHelpers]::new().CheckPathExists("TestDrive:\$($guid)") | Should Be $false } } } Set-Location $originalLocation |