$Script:PSModuleRoot = $PSScriptRoot $Script:ModuleName = "HubSpotPS" $Script:LSAppDataPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('ApplicationData') $Script:ModuleDataRoot = (Join-Path -Path $Script:LSAppDataPath -ChildPath $Script:ModuleName) $Script:ModuleDataPath = (Join-Path -Path $Script:ModuleDataRoot -ChildPath "ModuleData.json") if (-not (Test-Path $Script:ModuleDataRoot)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $Script:ModuleDataRoot -Force} # Imported from [D:\a\1\s\HubSpotPS\Private] # Enums.ps1 enum AssociationType { undocumented0 Contact_to_company Company_to_contact Deal_to_contact Contact_to_deal Deal_to_company Company_to_deal Company_to_engagement Engagement_to_company Contact_to_engagement Engagement_to_contact Deal_to_engagement Engagement_to_deal Parent_company_to_child_company Child_company_to_parent_company Contact_to_ticket Ticket_to_contact Ticket_to_engagement Engagement_to_ticket Deal_to_line_item Line_item_to_deal Company_to_ticket Ticket_to_company Deal_to_ticket Ticket_to_deal undocumented29 undocumented30 undocumented31 undocumented32 Advisor_to_company Company_to_advisor Board_member_to_company Company_to_board_member Contractor_to_company Company_to_contractor Manager_to_company Company_to_manager Business_owner_to_company Company_to_business_owner Partner_to_company Company_to_partner Reseller_to_company Company_to_reseller } # Get-HSApiEndpoint.ps1 function Get-HSApiEndpoint { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the api uri endpoint. .DESCRIPTION Returns the api uri endpoint base on the api type. .PARAMETER ApiType Type of the api endpoint to use. .OUTPUTS String, The uri endpoint that will be used by Set-HSUri. .EXAMPLE Returns the api endpoint for 'release-releases' Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType release-releases .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ApiType ) begin { } process { Switch ($ApiType) { 'crm-contacts' { return 'crm/v3/objects/contacts' } 'crm-contactId' { return 'crm/v3/objects/contacts/{0}' } 'crm-contacts-batch-create' { return 'crm/v3/objects/contacts/batch/create' } 'crm-contacts-batch-update' { return 'crm/v3/objects/contacts/batch/update' } 'crm-deals' { return 'crm/v3/objects/deals' } 'crm-dealId' { return 'crm/v3/objects/deals/{0}' } 'crm-deals-batch-create' { return 'crm/v3/objects/deals/batch/create' } 'crm-deals-associations' { return 'crm/v3/objects/deals/{0}/associations/{1}' } 'crm-deals-associationType' { return 'crm/v3/objects/deals/{0}/associations/{1}/{2}/{3}' } 'crm-owners' { return 'crm/v3/owners' } 'crm-properties-objectType' { return 'crm/v3/properties/{0}' } 'crm-properties-objectType-groups' { return 'crm/v3/properties/{0}/groups' } 'crm-properties-objectType-groupName' { return 'crm/v3/properties/{0}/groups/{1}' } default { Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: [$ApiType] is not supported" -ErrorAction Stop } } } end { } } # Set-HSQueryParameters.ps1 function Set-HSQueryParameters { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the formated query parameter string. .DESCRIPTION Returns the formated query parameter string. .PARAMETER InputObject The PS bound parameters. .PARAMETER SplitProperties Switch, splits the properties array into multiple property queries.' .OUTPUTS String, The formated query parameter string. .EXAMPLE .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter()] [object] $InputObject, [Parameter()] [securestring] $PersonalAccessToken, [Parameter()] [switch] $SplitProperties ) begin { } process { $nonQueryParams = @( 'Instance' 'Session' 'Credential' 'Verbose' 'Debug' 'ErrorAction' 'WarningAction' 'InformationAction' 'ErrorVariable' 'WarningVariable' 'InformationVariable' 'OutVariable' 'OutBuffer' ) $queryParams = Foreach ($key in $InputObject.Keys) { If ($nonQueryParams -contains $key) { Continue } ElseIf (($key -eq 'Properties') -and $SplitProperties.IsPresent) { Foreach ($prop in $InputObject.$Key) { "properties=$prop" } } ElseIf ($key -in 'Limit', 'After') { "$($key.ToLower())=$($InputObject.$key)" } ElseIf ($key -Match '[A-Za-z0-9]+_[A-Za-z0-9]+') # keys with underscores convert to dot-delimited { $fixedKey = $key.Replace("_", ".") "$fixedKey=$($InputObject.$key)" } ElseIf ($InputObject.$key.count) { "$key={0}" -f ($InputObject.$key -join ',') } Else { "$key=$($InputObject.$key)" } } If ($PersonalAccessToken) { $rawPersonalAccessToken = Unprotect-HSSecurePersonalAccessToken -PersonalAccessToken $PersonalAccessToken $queryParams += "&hapikey=$rawPersonalAccessToken" } Return ($queryParams -join '&') } end { } } # Set-HSUri.ps1 function Set-HSUri { <# .SYNOPSIS Sets the uri used by Invoke-HSRestMethod. .DESCRIPTION Sets the uri used by Invoke-HSRestMethod. .PARAMETER Instance The Team Services account or TFS server. .PARAMETER Query Url query parameter. .PARAMETER ApiEndpoint The api endpoint provided by Get-HSApiEndpoint. .PARAMETER ApiVersion Version of the api to use. .OUTPUTS Uri, The uri that will be used by Invoke-HSRestMethod. .EXAMPLE Set-HSUri -Instance ' ' -ApiEndpoint 'crm/v3/objects/contacts' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter()] [uri] $Instance, [Parameter()] [string] $Query, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ApiEndpoint ) begin { } process { If ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $ApiEndpoint -and $Query) { return '{0}{1}?{2}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri, $ApiEndpoint, $Query } elseIf ($Instance.AbsoluteUri -and $ApiEndpoint) { return '{0}{1}' -f $Instance.AbsoluteUri, $ApiEndpoint } } end { } } # Unprotect-HSSecurePersonalAccessToken.ps1 Function Unprotect-HSSecurePersonalAccessToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns decrypted personal access token. .DESCRIPTION Returns decrypted personal access token that is stored in the session data. .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string. .OUTPUTS String, unsecure personal access token. .EXAMPLE Unprotects the personal access token from secure string to plain text. Unprotect-SecurePersonalAccessToken -PersonalAccessToken $mySecureToken .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Security.SecureString] $PersonalAccessToken ) Process { $BSTR = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($PersonalAccessToken) $plainText = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto($BSTR) Return $plainText } } # Imported from [D:\a\1\s\HubSpotPS\Public] # Get-HSContact.ps1 function Get-HSContact { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a HubSpot contact. .DESCRIPTION Gets a HubSpot contact by id. Identify the contact id with Get-HSContactList. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER ContactId The id of the contact. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS contact. .EXAMPLE Returns a contact with the id of 7. Get-HSContact -Session 'mySession' -ContactId '7' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ContactId ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-contactId') -f $ContactId $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # Get-HSContactList.ps1 function Get-HSContactList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of HubSpot contacts. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of HubSpot contacts. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER Limit The maximum number of results to display per page. Defaults to 10. .PARAMETER After The paging cursor token of the last successfully read resource will be returned as the JSON property of a paged response containing more results. .PARAMETER Properties A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. If any of the specified properties are not present on the requested object(s), they will be ignored. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, List of HubSpot contacts. .EXAMPLE Returns a list of HubSpot contacts for 'mySession' Get-HSContactList -Session 'mySession' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter()] [int] $Limit = 10, [Parameter()] [string] $After, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Properties ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-contacts' $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken -SplitProperties $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat if ($ { $results.results $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('After') Get-HSContactList @PSBoundParameters -After $ } elseIf ($results.results) { $results.results } } end { } } # Get-HSDeal.ps1 function Get-HSDeal { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a HubSpot deal. .DESCRIPTION Gets a HubSpot deal by name. Identify the deal name with Get-HSDealList. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER DealId The name of the deal. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS deal. .EXAMPLE Returns a deal with the id of 7. Get-HSDeal -Session 'mySession' -DealId '7' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DealId ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-dealId') -f $ObjectType, $DealId $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results.results) { $results.results } } end { } } # Get-HSDealAssociationList.ps1 function Get-HSDealAssociationList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of HubSpot deal associations. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of HubSpot deal associations. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER DealId The name of the deal. .PARAMETER ObjectType CRM objects are defined by a primary type and a set of properties. Each type has a unique set of standard properties, represented by a map of name-value pairs. - Contacts - Companies - Deals - Tickets .PARAMETER Limit The maximum number of results to display per page. Defaults to 10. .PARAMETER After The paging cursor token of the last successfully read resource will be returned as the JSON property of a paged response containing more results. .PARAMETER Properties A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. If any of the specified properties are not present on the requested object(s), they will be ignored. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, List of HubSpot deals. .EXAMPLE Returns a list of HubSpot deals for 'mySession' Get-HSDealAssociationList -Session 'mySession' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DealId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Contacts', 'Companies', 'Deals', 'Tickets')] [string] $ObjectType, [Parameter()] [int] $Limit = 10, [Parameter()] [string] $After, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Properties ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-deals-associations') -f $DealId, $ObjectType $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken -SplitProperties $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat if ($ { $results.results $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('After') Get-HSDealAssociationList @PSBoundParameters -After $ } elseIf ($results.results) { $results.results } } end { } } # Get-HSDealList.ps1 function Get-HSDealList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of HubSpot deals. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of HubSpot deals. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER Limit The maximum number of results to display per page. Defaults to 10. .PARAMETER After The paging cursor token of the last successfully read resource will be returned as the JSON property of a paged response containing more results. .PARAMETER Properties A comma separated list of the properties to be returned in the response. If any of the specified properties are not present on the requested object(s), they will be ignored. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, List of HubSpot deals. .EXAMPLE Returns a list of HubSpot deals for 'mySession' Get-HSDealList -Session 'mySession' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter()] [int] $Limit = 10, [Parameter()] [string] $After, [Parameter()] [string[]] $Properties ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-deals' $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken -SplitProperties $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat if ($ { $results.results $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('After') Get-HSDealList @PSBoundParameters -After $ } elseIf ($results.results) { $results.results } } end { } } # Get-HSGroup.ps1 function Get-HSGroup { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a HubSpot group. .DESCRIPTION Gets a HubSpot group by name. Identify the group name with Get-HSGroupList. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER GroupName The name of the group. .PARAMETER ObjectType CRM objects are defined by a primary type and a set of properties. Each type has a unique set of standard properties, represented by a map of name-value pairs. - Contacts - Companies - Deals - Tickets .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS group. .EXAMPLE Returns a group with the id of 7. Get-HSGroup -Session 'mySession' -GroupName '7' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GroupName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Contacts', 'Companies', 'Deals', 'Tickets')] [string] $ObjectType ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-properties-objectType-groupName') -f $ObjectType, $GroupName $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # Get-HSGroupList.ps1 function Get-HSGroupList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of HubSpot groups. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of HubSpot groups. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER ObjectType CRM objects are defined by a primary type and a set of properties. Each type has a unique set of standard properties, represented by a map of name-value pairs. - Contacts - Companies - Deals - Tickets .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, List of HubSpot groups. .EXAMPLE Returns a list of HubSpot groups for 'mySession' Get-HSGroupList -Session 'mySession' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Contacts', 'Companies', 'Deals', 'Tickets')] [string] $ObjectType ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-properties-objectType-groups') -f $ObjectType $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results.results) { $results.results } } end { } } # Get-HSOwnerList.ps1 function Get-HSOwnerList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of HubSpot owners. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of HubSpot owners. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER Limit The maximum number of results to display per page. Defaults to 10. .PARAMETER Email Filter by email address. .PARAMETER After The paging cursor token of the last successfully read resource will be returned as the JSON property of a paged response containing more results. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, List of HubSpot owners. .EXAMPLE Returns a list of HubSpot owners for 'mySession' Get-HSOwnerList -Session 'mySession' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter()] [int] $Limit = 10, [Parameter()] [string] $Email, [Parameter()] [string] $After ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-owners' $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken -SplitProperties $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat if ($ { $results.results $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('After') Get-HSOwnerList @PSBoundParameters -After $ } elseIf ($results.results) { $results.results } } end { } } # Get-HSPropertyList.ps1 function Get-HSPropertyList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of HubSpot properties. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of HubSpot properties. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER ObjectType CRM objects are defined by a primary type and a set of properties. Each type has a unique set of standard properties, represented by a map of name-value pairs. - Contacts - Companies - Deals - Tickets .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, List of HubSpot properties. .EXAMPLE Returns a list of HubSpot properties for 'mySession' Get-HSPropertyList -Session 'mySession' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Contacts', 'Companies', 'Deals', 'Tickets')] [string] $ObjectType ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-properties-objectType') -f $ObjectType $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results.results) { $results.results } } end { } } # Get-HSSession.ps1 Function Get-HSSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns HubSpotPS session data. .DESCRIPTION Returns HubSpotPS session data that has been stored in the users local application data. Use Save-HSSession to persist the session data to disk. The sensetive data is returned encrypted. .PARAMETER Id Session id. .PARAMETER SessionName The friendly name of the session. .PARAMETER Path The path where session data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath. .LINK Save-HSSession Remove-HSSession .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject. Get-HSSession returns a PSObject that contains the following: Instance Collection PersonalAccessToken .EXAMPLE Returns all AP sessions saved or in memory. Get-HSSession .EXAMPLE Returns AP session with the session name of 'myFirstSession'. Get-HSSession -SessionName 'myFirstSession' #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $SessionName, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ById', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [int] $Id, [Parameter()] [string] $Path = $Script:ModuleDataPath ) Process { # Process memory sessions $_sessions = @() If ($null -ne $Global:_HSSessions) { Foreach ($_memSession in $Global:_HSSessions) { $_sessions += $_memSession } } # Process saved sessions If (Test-Path $Path) { $data = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json Foreach ($_data in $data.SessionData) { $_object = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ Id = $_data.Id SessionName = $_data.SessionName Instance = $_data.Instance Saved = $_data.Saved } If ($_data.PersonalAccessToken) { $_object | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'PersonalAccessToken' -NotePropertyValue ($_data.PersonalAccessToken | ConvertTo-SecureString) } If ($_data.Credential) { $_psCredentialObject = [pscredential]::new($_data.Credential.Username, ($_data.Credential.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString)) $_object | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Credential' -NotePropertyValue $_psCredentialObject } If ($_data.Proxy) { $_object | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Proxy' -NotePropertyValue $_data.Proxy } If ($_data.ProxyCredential) { $_psProxyCredentialObject = [pscredential]::new($_data.ProxyCredential.Username, ($_data.ProxyCredential.Password | ConvertTo-SecureString)) $_object | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'ProxyCredential' -NotePropertyValue $_psProxyCredentialObject } $_sessions += $_object } } If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'ById') { $_sessions = $_sessions | Where-Object { $PSItem.Id -eq $Id } } If ($SessionName) { $_sessions = $_sessions | Where-Object { $PSItem.SessionName -eq $SessionName } } If ($_sessions) { return $_sessions } elseIf ($ErrorActionPreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') { Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Unable to locate any HubSpot sessions in memory or stored at [$Path]" -ErrorAction 'Stop' } } } # Invoke-HSRestMethod.ps1 function Invoke-HSRestMethod { <# .SYNOPSIS Invokes a rest method. .DESCRIPTION Invokes a rest method. .PARAMETER Method Specifies the method used for the web request. .PARAMETER Body Specifies the body of the request. The body is the content of the request that follows the headers. .PARAMETER ContentType Specifies the content type of the web request. If this parameter is omitted and the request method is POST, Invoke-RestMethod sets the content type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Otherwise, the content type is not specified in the call. .PARAMETER Headers The headers to append to the invocation. .PARAMETER Uri Specifies the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the Internet resource to which the web request is sent. This parameter supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and FILE values. .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string. .PARAMETER Credential Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request. The default is the Personal Access Token if it is defined, otherwise it is the current user. .PARAMETER Proxy Use a proxy server for the request, rather than connecting directly to the Internet resource. Enter the URI of a network proxy server. .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Specifie a user account that has permission to use the proxy server that is specified by the -Proxy parameter. The default is the current user. .PARAMETER Path The directory to output files to. .PARAMETER FormatBody Switch, the HubSpot rest api requires lowercase key value pairs, this switch formats all key values to lowercase. .OUTPUTS System.Int64, System.String, System.Xml.XmlDocument, The output of the cmdlet depends upon the format of the content that is retrieved. .OUTPUTS PSObject, If the request returns JSON strings, Invoke-RestMethod returns a PSObject that represents the strings. .EXAMPLE Invoke-HSRestMethod -Method PATCH -Body $Body -ContentType 'application/json' -Uri 'https://myURL/api/endpoint' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Method, [Parameter()] [psobject] $Body, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [uri] $Uri, [Parameter()] [string] $ContentType, [Parameter()] [psobject] $Headers, [Parameter()] [Security.SecureString] $PersonalAccessToken, [Parameter()] [pscredential] $Credential, [Parameter()] [string] $Proxy, [Parameter()] [pscredential] $ProxyCredential, [Parameter()] [string] $Path, [Parameter()] [Switch] $FormatBody ) begin { } process { $invokeRestMethodSplat = @{ ContentType = $ContentType Method = $Method UseBasicParsing = $true Uri = $uri.AbsoluteUri } If ($Body) { If ($FormatBody.IsPresent) { # Formats the property names to all lowercase $invokeRestMethodSplat.Body = [regex]::Replace( ($Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20), '(?<=")(\w+)(?=":)', {$args[0].Groups[1].Value.ToLower()} ) } else { $invokeRestMethodSplat.Body = ($Body | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20) } } If ($Headers) { $invokeRestMethodSplat.Headers = $Headers } If ($Proxy) { $invokeRestMethodSplat.Proxy = $Proxy If ($ProxyCredential) { $invokeRestMethodSplat.ProxyCredential = $ProxyCredential } else { $invokeRestMethodSplat.ProxyUseDefaultCredentials = $true } } If ($Path) { $invokeRestMethodSplat.OutFile = $Path } $results = Invoke-RestMethod @invokeRestMethodSplat Return $results } end { } } # New-HSAccountToken.ps1 function New-HSAccountToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new LS account token. .DESCRIPTION Creates a new LS account token. .PARAMETER Instance The HubSpot api instance. Example: .PARAMETER Credential Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request. .PARAMETER Proxy Use a proxy server for the request, rather than connecting directly to the Internet resource. Enter the URI of a network proxy server. .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Specifie a user account that has permission to use the proxy server that is specified by the -Proxy parameter. The default is the current user. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER GrantType The type of grant to use. .PARAMETER Scope The scope of token to request. .PARAMETER Origin The DNS entry for the company name. .PARAMETER Referer The DNS entry for the company name. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, LS account token. .EXAMPLE Returns an access token with a 'password' grant for the 'Admin' scope for the ''. New-HSAccountToken -Session 'mySession' -GrantType 'password' -Scope 'Admin' -Origin '' -Referer '' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')] [uri] $Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')] [pscredential] $Credential, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')] [string] $Proxy, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')] [pscredential] $ProxyCredential, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'BySession')] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GrantType, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Scope, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Origin, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Referer ) begin { If ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'BySession') { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $Instance = $currentSession.Instance $Credential = $currentSession.Credential $Proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $ProxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } } process { $headers = @{ origin = $Origin referer = $Referer } $body = @{ 'grant_type' = $GrantType scope = $Scope username = $Credential.UserName password = $Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password } $apiEndpoint = Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'account-token' $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $Instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = $uri Credential = $Credential Headers = $headers Body = $body ContentType = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' Proxy = $Proxy ProxyCredential = $ProxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { return $results } } end { } } # New-HSContact.ps1 function New-HSContact { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a HubSpot contact. .DESCRIPTION Creates a contact with the given properties and returns a copy of the object, including the id. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER Properties The property object used to update the contact. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS contact. .EXAMPLE Creates a contact with the provided properties. $props = @{ firstname = 'John' lastname = 'Cena' email = '' } New-HSContact -Session 'mySession' -Properties $props .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Object] $Properties ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $body = @{ properties = $Properties } $apiEndpoint = Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-contacts' $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = $uri Body = $body FormatBody = $true ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # New-HSContactBatch.ps1 function New-HSContactBatch { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a batch of HubSpot contacts. .DESCRIPTION Creates a batch of HS contacts with the given properties and returns a copy of the object, including the status. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER InputObject Array of contact properties. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS contact. .EXAMPLE Creates a contact with the provided properties. $inputs = @( @{ properties = @{ firstname = 'John' lastname = 'Cena' email = '' } }, @{ properties = @{ firstname = 'Jack' lastname = 'Black' email = '' } } ) New-HSContactBatch -Session $session -InputObject $inputs .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Object[]] $InputObject ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $body = @{ inputs = $InputObject } $apiEndpoint = Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-contacts-batch-create' $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = $uri Body = $body FormatBody = $true ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # New-HSDeal.ps1 function New-HSDeal { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a HubSpot deal. .DESCRIPTION Creates a deal with the given properties and returns a copy of the object, including the id. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER Properties The property object used to update the deal. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS deal. .EXAMPLE Creates a deal with the provided properties. $props = @{ firstname = 'John' lastname = 'Cena' email = '' } New-HSDeal -Session 'mySession' -Properties $props .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Object] $Properties ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $body = @{ properties = $Properties } $apiEndpoint = Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-deals' $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = $uri Body = $body FormatBody = $true ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # New-HSDealAssociation.ps1 function New-HSDealAssociation { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a HubSpot deal. .DESCRIPTION Associate a deal with another object using the deal id. Identify the deal name with Get-HSDealList. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER DealId The name of the deal. .PARAMETER ToObjectType CRM objects are defined by a primary type and a set of properties. Each type has a unique set of standard properties, represented by a map of name-value pairs. - Contacts - Companies - Deals - Tickets .PARAMETER ToObjectId The target object id. .PARAMETER AssociationType Associations represent the relationships between objects in the HubSpot CRM. The CRM associations endpoints help manage and define those relationships, allowing you to create a more holistic picture of your customer interactions and improving your ability to market, sell, and serve. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS deal. .EXAMPLE Associate a deal with another object using the deal id. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DealId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Contacts', 'Companies', 'Deals', 'Tickets')] [string] $ToObjectType, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ToObjectId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet( 'Contact_to_company', 'Company_to_contact', 'Deal_to_contact', 'Contact_to_deal', 'Deal_to_company', 'Company_to_deal', 'Company_to_engagement', 'Engagement_to_company', 'Contact_to_engagement', 'Engagement_to_contact', 'Deal_to_engagement', 'Engagement_to_deal', 'Parent_company_to_child_company', 'Child_company_to_parent_company', 'Contact_to_ticket', 'Ticket_to_contact', 'Ticket_to_engagement', 'Engagement_to_ticket', 'Deal_to_line_item', 'Line_item_to_deal', 'Company_to_ticket', 'Ticket_to_company', 'Deal_to_ticket', 'Ticket_to_deal', 'Advisor_to_company', 'Company_to_advisor', 'Board_member_to_company', 'Company_to_board_member', 'Contractor_to_company', 'Company_to_contractor', 'Manager_to_company', 'Company_to_manager', 'Business_owner_to_company', 'Company_to_business_owner', 'Partner_to_company', 'Company_to_partner', 'Reseller_to_company', 'Company_to_reseller' )] [AssociationType] $AssociationType ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $PSBoundParameters.AssociationType = [AssociationType]::$AssociationType.value__ $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-deals-associationType') -f $DealId, $ToObjectType, $ToObjectId, $AssociationType $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'PUT' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # New-HSDealBatch.ps1 function New-HSDealBatch { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a batch of HubSpot deals. .DESCRIPTION Create a batch of deals. This follows the same rules as creating an individual deal. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER InputObject Array of deal properties. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS deal. .EXAMPLE Creates a deal with the provided properties. $inputs = @( @{ properties = @{ firstname = 'John' lastname = 'Cena' email = '' } }, @{ properties = @{ firstname = 'Jack' lastname = 'Black' email = '' } } ) New-HSDealBatch -Session $session -InputObject $inputs .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Object[]] $InputObject ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $body = @{ inputs = $InputObject } $apiEndpoint = Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-deals-batch-create' $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = $uri Body = $body FormatBody = $true ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # New-HSProperty.ps1 function New-HSProperty { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a HubSpot property. .DESCRIPTION Creates a property with the given properties and returns a copy of the object, including the id. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER ObjectType CRM objects are defined by a primary type and a set of properties. Each type has a unique set of standard properties, represented by a map of name-value pairs. - Contacts - Companies - Deals - Tickets .PARAMETER Name The internal property name, which must be used when referencing the property via the API. .PARAMETER Label A human-readable property label that will be shown in HubSpot. .PARAMETER Type The data type of the property. .PARAMETER FieldType Controls how the property appears in HubSpot. .PARAMETER GroupName The name of the property group the property belongs to. .PARAMETER Description A description of the property that will be shown as help text in HubSpot. .PARAMETER Options A list of valid options for the property. This field is required for enumerated properties. .PARAMETER DisplayOrder Properties are displayed in order starting with the lowest positive integer value. Values of -1 will cause the property to be displayed after any positive values. .PARAMETER HasUniqueValue Whether or not the property's value must be unique. Once set, this can't be changed. .PARAMETER Hidden If true, the property won't be visible and can't be used in HubSpot. .PARAMETER FormField Whether or not the property can be used in a HubSpot form. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS property. .EXAMPLE Creates a property with the provided properties. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('Contacts', 'Companies', 'Deals', 'Tickets')] [string] $ObjectType, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Label, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('string', 'number', 'date', 'datetime', 'enumeration')] [string] $Type, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('testarea', 'text', 'date', 'file', 'number', 'select', 'radio', 'checkbox', 'booleancheckbox')] [string] $FieldType, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $GroupName, [Parameter()] [string] $Description, [Parameter()] [object[]] $Options, [Parameter()] [int] $DisplayOrder, [Parameter()] [bool] $HasUniqueValue, [Parameter()] [bool] $Hidden, [Parameter()] [bool] $FormField ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $body = @{ name = $Name.ToLower() groupName = $GroupName hidden = $Hidden displayOrder = $DisplayOrder options = $Options label = $Label hasUniqueValue = $HasUniqueValue type = $Type fieldType = $FieldType formField = $FormField } $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-properties-objectType') -f $ObjectType $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = $uri Body = $body ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # New-HSSession.ps1 Function New-HSSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a HubSpot session. .DESCRIPTION Creates a HubSpot session. Use Save-HSSession to persist the session data to disk. Save the session to a variable to pass the session to other functions. .PARAMETER SessionName The name of the session. .PARAMETER Instance The HubSpot api instance. .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken Specifies a user account that has permission to send the request. .PARAMETER Proxy Use a proxy server for the request, rather than connecting directly to the Internet resource. Enter the URI of a network proxy server. .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Specifie a user account that has permission to use the proxy server that is specified by the -Proxy parameter. The default is the current user. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER Path The path where module data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath. .LINK Save-HSSession Remove-HSSession .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject. New-HSSession returns a PSObject. .EXAMPLE #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SessionName, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [uri] $Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $PersonalAccessToken, [Parameter()] [string] $Proxy, [Parameter()] [pscredential] $ProxyCredential ) Process { [int] $_sessionIdcount = (Get-HSSession -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' | Sort-Object -Property 'Id' | Select-Object -Last 1 -ExpandProperty 'Id') + 1 $_session = New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property @{ SessionName = $SessionName Instance = $Instance PersonalAccessToken = ($PersonalAccessToken | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) Id = $_sessionIdcount } If ($Proxy) { $_session | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'Proxy' -NotePropertyValue $Proxy } If ($ProxyCredential) { $_session | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'ProxyCredential' -NotePropertyValue $ProxyCredential } If ($null -eq $Global:_HSSessions) { $Global:_HSSessions = @() } $Global:_HSSessions += $_session Return $_session } } # Remove-HSContact.ps1 function Remove-HSContact { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a HubSpot contact. .DESCRIPTION Moves a contact identified by contactId to the recycling bin. Identify the contact id with Remove-HSContactList. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER ContactId The id of the contact. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS contact. .EXAMPLE Removes a contact with the id of 7. Remove-HSContact -Session 'mySession' -ContactId '7' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ContactId ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-contactId') -f $ContactId $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'DELETE' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # Remove-HSDeal.ps1 function Remove-HSDeal { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a HubSpot deal. .DESCRIPTION Moves a deal identified by dealId to the recycling bin. Identify the deal id with Remove-HSDealList. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER DealId The id of the deal. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS deal. .EXAMPLE Removes a deal with the id of 7. Remove-HSDeal -Session 'mySession' -DealId '7' .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DealId ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-dealId') -f $DealId $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'DELETE' Uri = $uri ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # Remove-HSSession.ps1 Function Remove-HSSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes a HubSpot session. .DESCRIPTION Removes a HubSpot session. If the session is saved, it will be removed from the saved sessions as well. .PARAMETER Id Session id. .PARAMETER Path The path where session data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath. .LINK Save-HSSession Remove-HSSession .INPUTS PSObject. Get-HSSession .OUTPUTS None. Does not supply output. .EXAMPLE Deletes AP session with the id of '2'. Remove-HSSession -Id 2 .EXAMPLE Deletes all AP sessions in memory and stored on disk. Remove-HSSession #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [int] $Id, [Parameter()] [string] $Path = $Script:ModuleDataPath ) Process { $sessions = Get-HSSession -Id $Id Foreach ($session in $sessions) { If ($session.Saved -eq $true) { $newData = @{SessionData = @() } $data = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json Foreach ($_data in $data.SessionData) { If ($_data.Id -eq $session.Id) { Continue } else { $newData.SessionData += $_data } } $newData | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File -FilePath $Path } [array] $Global:_HSSessions = $Global:_HSSessions | Where-Object { $PSItem.Id -ne $session.Id } } } } # Save-HSSession.ps1 Function Save-HSSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Saves an HubSpot PS session to disk. .DESCRIPTION Saves an HubSpot PS session to disk. The sensetive data is encrypted and stored in the users local application data. These saved sessions will be available next time the module is imported. .PARAMETER Session HubSpotPS session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER Path The path where session data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath. .PARAMETER PassThru Returns the saved session object. .INPUTS PSbject. Get-HSSession, New-HSSession .OUTPUTS None. Save-HSSession does not generate any output. .EXAMPLE #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [object] $Session, [Parameter()] [string] $Path = $Script:ModuleDataPath ) Begin { If (-not(Test-Path $Path)) { $data = @{SessionData = @() } } else { $data = Get-Content -Path $Path -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json } } Process { If ($data.SessionData.Id -notcontains $session.Id) { $_object = @{ Version = $Session.Version ApiVersion = $Session.ApiVersion Instance = $Session.Instance Id = $Session.Id SessionName = $Session.SessionName Collection = $Session.Collection Project = $Session.Project Saved = $true } If ($Session.PersonalAccessToken) { $_object.PersonalAccessToken = ($Session.PersonalAccessToken | ConvertFrom-SecureString) } If ($Session.Credential) { $_credentialObject = @{ Username = $Session.Credential.UserName Password = ($Session.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().SecurePassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString) } $_object.Credential = $_credentialObject } If ($Session.Proxy) { $_object.Proxy = $Session.Proxy } If ($Session.ProxyCredential) { $_proxyCredentialObject = @{ Username = $Session.ProxyCredential.UserName Password = ($Session.ProxyCredential.GetNetworkCredential().SecurePassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString) } $_object.ProxyCredential = $_proxyCredentialObject } $data.SessionData += $_object $session | Remove-HSSession -Path $Path } } End { $data | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 | Out-File -FilePath $Path Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: [$SessionName]: Session data has been stored at [$Path]" } } # Update-HSContact.ps1 function Update-HSContact { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a HubSpot contact to the data provided by contact id. .DESCRIPTION Perform a partial update of an Object identified by contactId. Identify the contactId with Get-HSContactList. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER ContactId The id of the contact. .PARAMETER Properties The property object used to update the contact. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS contact. .EXAMPLE Updates the contact properties for the contact with the id of 7. $props = @{ firstname = 'John' lastname = 'Cena' email = ' } Update-HSContact -Session 'mySession' -ContactId '7' -Properties $props .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $ContactId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Object] $Properties ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $body = @{ properties = $Properties } $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-contactId') -f $ContactId $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'PATCH' Uri = $uri Body = $body FormatBody = $true ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # Update-HSDeal.ps1 function Update-HSDeal { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates a HubSpot deal to the data provided by deal id. .DESCRIPTION Perform a partial update of an Object identified by dealId. Identify the dealId with Get-HSDealList. Provided property values will be overwritten. Read-only and non-existent properties will be ignored. Properties values can be cleared by passing an empty string. .PARAMETER Session HubSpot session, created by New-HSSession. .PARAMETER DealId The id of the deal. .PARAMETER Properties The property object used to update the deal. .INPUTS None, does not support pipeline. .OUTPUTS PSObject, HS deal. .EXAMPLE Updates the deal properties for the deal with the id of 7. $props = @{ firstname = 'John' lastname = 'Cena' email = ' } Update-HSDeal -Session 'mySession' -DealId '7' -Properties $props .LINK #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [object] $Session, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $DealId, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [Object] $Properties ) begin { $currentSession = $Session | Get-HSSession If ($currentSession) { $instance = $currentSession.Instance $personalaccesstoken = $currentSession.PersonalAccessToken $proxy = $currentSession.Proxy $proxyCredential = $currentSession.ProxyCredential } } process { $body = @{ properties = $Properties } $apiEndpoint = (Get-HSApiEndpoint -ApiType 'crm-dealId') -f $DealId $queryParameters = Set-HSQueryParameters -InputObject $PSBoundParameters -PersonalAccessToken $personalaccesstoken $setAPUriSplat = @{ Instance = $instance ApiEndpoint = $apiEndpoint Query = $queryParameters } [uri] $uri = Set-HSUri @setAPUriSplat $invokeAPRestMethodSplat = @{ Method = 'PATCH' Uri = $uri Body = $body FormatBody = $true ContentType = 'application/json' Proxy = $proxy ProxyCredential = $proxyCredential } $results = Invoke-HSRestMethod @invokeAPRestMethodSplat If ($results) { $results } } end { } } # Update-HSSession.ps1 Function Update-HSSession { <# .SYNOPSIS Updates an HubSpotPS session. .DESCRIPTION Updates an HubSpotPS session. The sensetive data is encrypted and stored in the users local application data. These updated sessions are available immediately. If the session was previously saved is will remain saved. .PARAMETER SessionName The friendly name of the session. .PARAMETER Id The id of the session. .PARAMETER Instance The Team Services account or TFS server. .PARAMETER PersonalAccessToken Personal access token used to authenticate that has been converted to a secure string. .PARAMETER Credential Specifies a user account that has permission to the project. .PARAMETER Version TFS version, this will provide the module with the api version mappings. .PARAMETER ApiVersion Version of the api to use. .PARAMETER Proxy Use a proxy server for the request, rather than connecting directly to the Internet resource. Enter the URI of a network proxy server. .PARAMETER ProxyCredential Specifie a user account that has permission to use the proxy server that is specified by the -Proxy parameter. The default is the current user. .PARAMETER Path The path where module data will be stored, defaults to $Script:ModuleDataPath. .INPUTS PSbject. Get-HSSession, New-HSSession .OUTPUTS None. Update-HSSession does not generate any output. .EXAMPLE Updates the AP session named 'myFirstSession' with the api version of '6.0-preview.1' Update-HSSession -SessionName 'myFirstSession' -HSiVersion '6.0-preview.1' #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $SessionName, [Parameter()] [string] $Id, [Parameter()] [uri] $Instance, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByPersonalAccessToken')] [string] $PersonalAccessToken, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'ByCredential')] [pscredential] $Credential, [Parameter()] [string] $Proxy, [Parameter()] [pscredential] $ProxyCredential, [Parameter()] [string] $Path = $Script:ModuleDataPath ) Begin { } Process { $getLSSessionSplat = @{ SessionName = $SessionName } If ($Id) { $getLSSessionSplat.Id = $Id } $existingSessions = Get-HSSession @getLSSessionSplat If ($existingSessions) { Foreach ($existingSession in $existingSessions) { $newLSSessionSplat = @{ SessionName = $SessionName } If ($Instance) { $newLSSessionSplat.Instance = $Instance } else { If ($existingSession.Instance) { $newLSSessionSplat.Instance = $existingSession.Instance } } If ($PersonalAccessToken) { $newLSSessionSplat.PersonalAccessToken = $PersonalAccessToken } else { If ($existingSession.PersonalAccessToken) { $newLSSessionSplat.PersonalAccessToken = (Unprotect-HSSecurePersonalAccessToken -PersonalAccessToken $existingSession.PersonalAccessToken) } } If ($Credential) { $_credentialObject = @{ Username = $Session.Credential.UserName Password = ($Session.Credential.GetNetworkCredential().SecurePassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString) } $newLSSessionSplat.Credential = $_credentialObject } else { If ($existingSession.Credential) { $newLSSessionSplat.Credential = $existingSession.Credential } } If ($Proxy) { $newLSSessionSplat.Proxy = $Session.Proxy } else { If ($existingSession.Proxy) { $newLSSessionSplat.Proxy = $existingSession.Proxy } } If ($ProxyCredential) { $_proxyCredentialObject = @{ Username = $Session.ProxyCredential.UserName Password = ($Session.ProxyCredential.GetNetworkCredential().SecurePassword | ConvertFrom-SecureString) } $newLSSessionSplat.ProxyCredential = $_proxyCredentialObject } else { If ($existingSession.ProxyCredential) { $newLSSessionSplat.ProxyCredential = $existingSession.ProxyCredential } } If ($existingSession.Saved) { $existingSession | Remove-HSSession -Path $Path $session = New-HSSession @newLSSessionSplat | Save-HSSession } else { $existingSession | Remove-HSSession -Path $Path $session = New-HSSession @newLSSessionSplat } } } else { Write-Error "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)]: Unable to locate an AP session with the name [$SessionName]." -ErrorAction Stop } } End { } } # Imported from [D:\a\1\s\HubSpotPS\Tests] |