# Copyright (C) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the MIT License # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # MIT License for more detail <# NOTE: iBMC Setting module Cmdlets #> function Reset-iBMC { <# .SYNOPSIS Reset iBMC. .DESCRIPTION Reset iBMC. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .OUTPUTS None Returns None if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> Reset-iBMC $session .LINK Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $"Invoke Reset iBMC function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession, $Payload) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke Reset iBMC now")) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/Actions/Manager.Reset" $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Sending payload: $($Payload | ConvertTo-Json)")) Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'POST' $Payload | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $Payload = @{"ResetType" = "ForceRestart"; } $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $Payload) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Reset iBMC task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock $Parameters)) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Restore-iBMCFactorySetting { <# .SYNOPSIS Restore the factory settings. .DESCRIPTION Restore the factory settings. Note: This cmdlet is a high-risk operation. It should be used with caution. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .OUTPUTS None Returns None if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE Restore factory settings PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> Restore-iBMCFactorySetting $session .LINK Export-iBMCBIOSSetting Import-iBMCBIOSSetting Reset-iBMCBIOSSetting Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $"Invoke Restore BIOS Factory function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/Actions/Oem/Huawei/Manager.RestoreFactory" Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'Post' | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Restore BIOS Factory task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock @($RedfishSession))) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Get-iBMCIP { <# .SYNOPSIS Querying an iBMC Network Port Resource. .DESCRIPTION Querying an iBMC Network Port Resource. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .OUTPUTS PSObject[] Returns PSObject which contains all support services infomation if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $iBMCIP = Get-iBMCIP -Session $Session PS C:\> $iBMCIP Host : Id : 04338932ede2 Name : Manager Ethernet Interface PermanentMACAddress : 04:33:89:32:ed:e2 HostName : server2 FQDN : VLAN : @{VLANEnable=False; VLANId=0} IPv4Addresses : {@{Address=; SubnetMask=; Gateway=; AddressOrigin=Static}} IPv6Addresses : {@{Address=fc00:10::2; PrefixLength=64; AddressOrigin=Static}, @{Address=fe80::633:89ff:fe32:ede2; PrefixLength=64; AddressOrigin=LinkLocal}} IPv6StaticAddresses : {@{Address=fc00:10::2; PrefixLength=64}} IPv6DefaultGateway : fc00:10::1 NameServers : {, } IPVersion : IPv4AndIPv6 NetworkPortMode : Fixed ManagementNetworkPort : @{Type=Dedicated; PortNumber=1} This example shows how to query the IP of a server .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $iBMCIP = Get-iBMCIP -Session $Session PS C:\> $iBMCIP Host : Id : 04338932ede2 Name : Manager Ethernet Interface PermanentMACAddress : 04:33:89:32:ed:e2 HostName : server2 FQDN : VLAN : @{VLANEnable=False; VLANId=0} IPv4Addresses : {@{Address=; SubnetMask=; Gateway=; AddressOrigin=Static}} IPv6Addresses : {@{Address=fc00:10::2; PrefixLength=64; AddressOrigin=Static}, @{Address=fe80::633:89ff:fe32:ede2; PrefixLength=64; AddressOrigin=LinkLocal}} IPv6StaticAddresses : {@{Address=fc00:10::2; PrefixLength=64}} IPv6DefaultGateway : fc00:10::1 NameServers : {, } IPVersion : IPv4AndIPv6 NetworkPortMode : Fixed ManagementNetworkPort : @{Type=Dedicated; PortNumber=1} Host : Id : 04885fd4c9d6 Name : Manager Ethernet Interface PermanentMACAddress : 04:88:5f:d4:c9:d6 HostName : server3 FQDN : VLAN : @{VLANEnable=False; VLANId=0} IPv4Addresses : {@{Address=; SubnetMask=; Gateway=; AddressOrigin=Static}} IPv6Addresses : {@{Address=fc00:10::3; PrefixLength=64; AddressOrigin=Static}, @{Address=fe80::633:89ff:fe32:ede3; PrefixLength=64; AddressOrigin=LinkLocal}} IPv6StaticAddresses : {@{Address=fc00:10::3; PrefixLength=64}} IPv6DefaultGateway : fc00:10::1 NameServers : {, } IPVersion : IPv4AndIPv6 NetworkPortMode : Fixed ManagementNetworkPort : @{Type=Dedicated; PortNumber=1} This example shows how to query the IP of multiple server .LINK Set-iBMCIP Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $"Invoke Get BMC IP function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke get BMC IP now")) $EthernetInterfaces_ID = Get-EthernetInterfaces-ID $RedfishSession $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/EthernetInterfaces/$EthernetInterfaces_ID" $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path | ConvertFrom-WebResponse $Properties = @( "Id", "Name", "PermanentMACAddress", "HostName", "FQDN", "VLAN", "IPv4Addresses", "IPv6Addresses", "IPv6StaticAddresses", "IPv6DefaultGateway", "NameServers" ) $iBMCIP = Copy-ObjectProperties $Response $Properties $iBMCIP | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "IPVersion" $Response.Oem.Huawei.IPVersion $iBMCIP | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "NetworkPortMode" $Response.Oem.Huawei.NetworkPortMode $iBMCIP | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "ManagementNetworkPort" $Response.Oem.Huawei.ManagementNetworkPort return $(Update-SessionAddress $RedfishSession $iBMCIP) } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit get BMC IP task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock @($RedfishSession))) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Set-iBMCIP { <# .SYNOPSIS Modify iBMC network port information. .DESCRIPTION Modify iBMC network port information. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .PARAMETER IPVersion Whether IPv4/IPv6 is enabled. Available Value Set: ('IPv4', 'IPv6', 'IPv4AndIPv6') .PARAMETER IPv4Address Indicates the IPv4 address. .PARAMETER IPv4SubnetMask Indicates the subnet mask of the IPv4 address. .PARAMETER IPv4Gateway Indicates the gateway IP address. .PARAMETER IPv4AddressOrigin How the IPv4 address is allocated. Available Value Set: ('Static', 'DHCP') .PARAMETER IPv6Address Indicates the IPv6 address. .PARAMETER IPv6PrefixLength Prefix length of the IPv6 address. Available Value range: [0, 128] .PARAMETER IPv6AddressOrigin Specifies how IPv6 addresses are allocated. Available Value Set: ('Static', 'DHCPv6') .PARAMETER IPv6Gateway IPv6 gateway address of the iBMC network port. .OUTPUTS Null Returns Null if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> Set-iBMCIP -Session $Session -IPVersion IPv4AndIPv6 ` -IPv4Address -IPv4SubnetMask -IPv4Gateway -IPv4AddressOrigin Static ` -IPv6Address fc00:10:2 -IPv6PrefixLength 64 -IPv6Gateway fc00:10:1 -IPv6AddressOrigin Static This example shows how to modify the IP of a server .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address, -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $IPVersion = @("IPv4AndIPv6", "IPv4") PS C:\> $IPv4Address = @("", "") PS C:\> $IPv6Address = @("fc00:10::12", "fc00:10:13") PS C:\> Set-iBMCIP -Session $Session -IPVersion $IPVersion ` -IPv4Address $IPv4Address -IPv4SubnetMask -IPv4Gateway -IPv4AddressOrigin Static ` -IPv6Address $IPv6Address -IPv6PrefixLength 64 -IPv6Gateway fc00:10:1 -IPv6AddressOrigin Static This example shows how to modify the IP of multiple servers .LINK Get-iBMCIP Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session, [IPVersion[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $IPVersion, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $IPv4Address, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $IPv4SubnetMask, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $IPv4Gateway, [IPv4AddressOrigin[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $IPv4AddressOrigin, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $IPv6Address, [int32[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateRange(0, 128)] $IPv6PrefixLength, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $IPv6Gateway, [IPv6AddressOrigin[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $IPv6AddressOrigin ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $IPVersionList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPVersion $IPv4AddressList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPv4Address $IPv4GatewayList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPv4Gateway $IPv4SubnetMaskList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPv4SubnetMask $IPv4AddressOriginList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPv4AddressOrigin $IPv6AddresseList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPv6Address $IPv6PrefixLengthList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPv6PrefixLength $IPv6AddressOriginList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPv6AddressOrigin $IPv6GatewayList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $IPv6Gateway $"Invoke Set BMC IP function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession, $Payload) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke Set BMC IP now")) $EthernetInterfaces_ID = Get-EthernetInterfaces-ID $RedfishSession $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/EthernetInterfaces/$EthernetInterfaces_ID" $IPv4AddrDict = @{ "Address" = $Payload.IPv4Address; "SubnetMask" = $Payload.IPv4SubnetMask; "Gateway" = $Payload.IPv4Gateway; "AddressOrigin" = $Payload.IPv4AddressOrigin }| Remove-EmptyValues $IPv4AddrList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList if ($IPv4AddrDict.Count -gt 0) { [Void] $IPv4AddrList.Add($IPv4AddrDict) } $IPv6AddrDict = @{ "Address" = $Payload.IPv6Address; "PrefixLength" = $Payload.IPv6PrefixLength; "AddressOrigin" = $Payload.IPv6AddressOrigin }| Remove-EmptyValues $IPv6AddrList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList if ($IPv6AddrDict.Count -gt 0) { [Void] $IPv6AddrList.Add($IPv6AddrDict) } $CompletePlayload = @{} if ($Payload.IPVersion) { $Oem = @{ "Huawei" = @{ "IPVersion" = $Payload.IPVersion } } $CompletePlayload.Oem = $Oem } if ($Payload.IPv6Gateway) { $CompletePlayload.IPv6DefaultGateway = $Payload.IPv6Gateway } if ($IPv4AddrList.Count -gt 0) { $CompletePlayload.IPv4Addresses = $IPv4AddrList } if ($IPv6AddrList.Count -gt 0) { $CompletePlayload.IPv6Addresses = $IPv6AddrList } $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Sending payload: $($CompletePlayload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)")) $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'Patch' $CompletePlayload Resolve-RedfishPartialSuccessResponse $RedfishSession $Response | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $Payload = @{ IPVersion = $IPVersionList[$idx]; IPv4Address = $IPv4AddressList[$idx]; IPv4Gateway = $IPv4GatewayList[$idx]; IPv4SubnetMask = $IPv4SubnetMaskList[$idx]; IPv4AddressOrigin = $IPv4AddressOriginList[$idx]; IPv6Address = $IPv6AddresseList[$idx]; IPv6PrefixLength = $IPv6PrefixLengthList[$idx]; IPv6AddressOrigin = $IPv6AddressOriginList[$idx]; IPv6Gateway = $IPv6GatewayList[$idx] }| Remove-EmptyValues | Resolve-EnumValues if (-not (Assert-IPv4 $IPv4Address)) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_IPV4_ADDRESS_INVALID) } if (-not (Assert-IPv4 $IPv4Gateway)) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_IPV4_GATEWAY_INVALID) } if (-not (Assert-IPv4 $IPv4SubnetMask)) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_IPV4_SUBNETMASK_INVALID) } if (-not (Assert-IPv6 $IPv6Address)) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_IPV6_ADDRESS_INVALID) } if (-not (Assert-IPv6 $IPv6Gateway)) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_IPV6_GATEWAY_INVALID) } if ($Payload.Count -eq 0) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_NO_UPDATE_PAYLOAD) } $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $Payload) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Set BMC IP task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock $Parameters)) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } |