# Copyright (C) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the MIT License # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # MIT License for more detail <# NOTE: iBMC LDAP module Cmdlets #> function Get-iBMCLDAP { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all iBMC LDAP Controls infomation or specific LDAP domain information. .DESCRIPTION Get all iBMC LDAP Controls infomation or specific LDAP domain information. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .PARAMETER LDAPID LDAP ID specifies the LDAP to be modified. Optional parameter, if not specified, all domain controller information will be queried Support integer value range: [1, 6] .OUTPUTS PSObject[] Returns Array of PSObject indicates all iBMC LDAP Controls Reading infomation or specific LDAP domain information if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $Result = Get-iBMCLDAP -Session $Session PS C:\> $Result | fl Host : Id : LdapService Name : Ldap Service LdapServiceEnabled : True Id : 1 Name : Ldap Controller LdapServerAddress : LdapPort : 666 UserDomain : CN,DC=DD BindDN : BindPassword : CertificateVerificationEnabled : False CertificateVerificationLevel : Demand Id : 2 Name : Ldap Controller LdapServerAddress : LdapPort : 636 UserDomain : ,DC= BindDN : BindPassword : CertificateVerificationEnabled : False CertificateVerificationLevel : Demand Id : 3 Name : Ldap Controller LdapServerAddress : LdapPort : 636 UserDomain : ,DC= BindDN : BindPassword : CertificateVerificationEnabled : False CertificateVerificationLevel : Demand Id : 4 Name : Ldap Controller LdapServerAddress : LdapPort : 636 UserDomain : ,DC= BindDN : BindPassword : CertificateVerificationEnabled : False CertificateVerificationLevel : Demand Id : 5 Name : Ldap Controller LdapServerAddress : LdapPort : 636 UserDomain : ,DC= BindDN : BindPassword : CertificateVerificationEnabled : False CertificateVerificationLevel : Demand Id : 6 Name : Ldap Controller LdapServerAddress : LdapPort : 636 UserDomain : ,DC= BindDN : BindPassword : CertificateVerificationEnabled : False CertificateVerificationLevel : Demand This example shows how to query the LDAP information of multiple server .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $LDAPID = 1 PS C:\> Get-iBMCLDAP -Session $Session -LDAPID $LDAPID Host : Id : 1 Name : Ldap Controller LdapServerAddress : LdapPort : 636 UserDomain : ,DC= BindDN : BindPassword : CertificateVerificationEnabled : False CertificateVerificationLevel : CertificateInformation : CertificateChainInformation : LdapGroups : {@{MemberId=0; GroupName=; GroupDomain=CN=,OU=,DC=; GroupRole=No Access; GroupLoginRule=System.Object[]; GroupLoginInterface=System.Object[]}, @{MemberId=1; GroupName=; GroupDomain=CN=,OU=,DC=; GroupRole=No Access; GroupLoginRule=System.Object[]; GroupLoginInterface=System.Object[]}, @{MemberId=2; GroupName=; GroupDomain=CN=,OU=,DC=; GroupRole=No Access; GroupLoginRule=System.Object[]; GroupLoginInterface=System.Object[]}, @{MemberId=3; GroupName=; GroupDomain=CN=,OU=,DC=; GroupRole=No Access; GroupLoginRule=System.Object[]; GroupLoginInterface=System.Object[]}...} This example shows how to query information about the specified domain controller .LINK Set-iBMCLDAPServiceEnabled Set-iBMCLDAP Import-iBMCLDAPCert Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $Session, [int32[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateRange(1, 6)] $LDAPID ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $LDAPIDList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $LDAPID $"Invoke Get All LDAP Domain Information Or Specific LDAP Domain Information function") $GetLDAPBlock = { param($Session, $LDAPID) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $Session "Invoke Get All LDAP Domain Information Or Specific LDAP Domain Information function now")) if ($LDAPID) { $LDAPDetailsPath = "/AccountService/LdapService/LdapControllers/$LDAPID" $LDAPDetailsResponse = Invoke-RedfishRequest $Session $LDAPDetailsPath | ConvertFrom-WebResponse $LDAPDetailsResults = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $Properties = @("Id", "Name", "LdapServerAddress", "LdapPort", "UserDomain", "BindDN", "BindPassword", "CertificateVerificationEnabled", "CertificateVerificationLevel", "CertificateInformation", "CertificateChainInformation", "LdapGroups") $LDAPDetailsInfo = Copy-ObjectProperties $LDAPDetailsResponse $Properties [Void] $LDAPDetailsResults.Add($(Update-SessionAddress $Session $LDAPDetailsInfo)) return , $LDAPDetailsResults.ToArray() } else { $Results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $LDAPEnablePath = "/AccountService/LdapService/" $LDAPEnableResponse = Invoke-RedfishRequest $Session $LDAPEnablePath | ConvertFrom-WebResponse $LDAPEnableInfo = New-Object PSObject $LDAPEnableInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "Id" $LDAPEnableResponse.Id $LDAPEnableInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "Name" $LDAPEnableResponse.Name $LDAPEnableInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "LdapServiceEnabled" $LDAPEnableResponse.LdapServiceEnabled $LDAPEnableInfo = $(Update-SessionAddress $Session $LDAPEnableInfo) [Void] $Results.Add($LDAPEnableInfo) $Path = "/AccountService/LdapService/LdapControllers/" $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $Session $Path | ConvertFrom-WebResponse $LDAPControllers = $Response.Members $LDAPControllers | ForEach-Object { $LDAPResponse = Invoke-RedfishRequest $Session $_.'' | ConvertFrom-WebResponse $LDAPInfo = New-Object PSObject $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "Id" $LDAPResponse.Id $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "Name" $LDAPResponse.Name $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "LdapServerAddress" $LDAPResponse.LdapServerAddress $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "LdapPort" $LDAPResponse.LdapPort $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "UserDomain" $LDAPResponse.UserDomain $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "BindDN" $LDAPResponse.BindDN $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "BindPassword" $LDAPResponse.BindPassword $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "CertificateVerificationEnabled" $LDAPResponse.CertificateVerificationEnabled $LDAPInfo | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "CertificateVerificationLevel" $LDAPResponse.CertificateVerificationLevel [Void] $Results.Add($LDAPInfo) } return , $Results.ToArray() } } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $LDAP = $LDAPIDList[$idx] $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $LDAP) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit get all LDAP information task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $GetLDAPBlock $Parameters)) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Set-iBMCLDAPServiceEnabled { <# .SYNOPSIS Modify the enabling status of the LDAP service. .DESCRIPTION Modify the enabling status of the LDAP service. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .PARAMETER LdapServiceEnabled Ldap function enable. This parameter controls the enabling status of all domain controllers. Support values are powershell boolean value: $true(1), $false(0). .OUTPUTS PSObject[] Returns the modified LDAP service object array if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $Result = Set-iBMCLDAPServiceEnabled -Session $Session -LdapServiceEnabled $true PS C:\> $Result Host : Id : LdapService Name : Ldap Service LdapServiceEnabled : true Modify LDAP service enabled properties of a server. .LINK Get-iBMCLDAP Import-iBMCLDAPCert Set-iBMCLDAP Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position=0)] $Session, [Boolean[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $LdapServiceEnabled ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' Assert-ArrayNotNull $LdapServiceEnabled 'LdapServiceEnabled' $Enableds = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $LdapServiceEnabled $SetLdapServiceEnabledBlock = { param($Session, $LdapServiceEnabled) $Payload = @{LdapServiceEnabled=$LdapServiceEnabled;} # Get Ldap service resources $LdapServicePath = '/AccountService/LdapService/' $LdapServiceResponse = Invoke-RedfishRequest $Session $LdapServicePath $Headers = @{'If-Match'=$LdapServiceResponse.Headers['Etag'];} $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $Session $LdapServicePath 'Patch' $Payload $Headers $SetLdapServiceEnabled = Resolve-RedfishPartialSuccessResponse $Session $Response $Properties = @("Id", "Name", "LdapServiceEnabled") $PrettyLdapService = Copy-ObjectProperties $SetLdapServiceEnabled $Properties return $(Update-SessionAddress $Session $PrettyLdapService) } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx=0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $Enableds[$idx]) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit set LDAP service enabled task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $SetLdapServiceEnabledBlock $Parameters)) } return Get-AsyncTaskResults -AsyncTasks $tasks } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Import-iBMCLDAPCert { <# .SYNOPSIS Import iBMC LDAP Certificate. .DESCRIPTION Import iBMC LDAP Certificate. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .PARAMETER LDAPID LDAP ID specifies the LDAP to be modified. Support integer value range: [1, 6] .PARAMETER LDAPCertPath The LDAP certificate file path File path support: 1. import from local storage, example: c:\ca.cer or \\\ca.cer 2. import from ibmc local temporary storage, example: /tmp/ca.cer 3. import from remote storage, example: protocol://username:password@hostname/directory/ca.cer support protocol list: sftp, https, nfs, cifs, scp .OUTPUTS PSObject[] Returns the import The LDAP certificate task array if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $Result = Import-iBMCLDAPCert -Session $Session -LDAPID 1 -LDAPCertPath 'c:\ca.cer' PS C:\> $Result Host : MessageId : iBMC.1.0.LDAPCertImportSuccess RelatedProperties : Message : The LDAP certificate is imported successfully. MessageArgs : Severity : OK Resolution : None This example shows how to import LDAP certificate from local file .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $Result = Import-iBMCLDAPCert -Session $Session -LDAPID 1 -LDAPCertPath "nfs://" PS C:\> $Result Host : Id : 1 Name : ldap root cert import ActivityName : [] ldap root cert import TaskState : Completed StartTime : 2019-11-28T16:44:46+08:00 EndTime : 2019-11-28T16:44:47+08:00 TaskStatus : OK TaskPercent : 100% This example shows how to import LDAP certificate from remote file .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $LocalFilePath = 'c:\ca.cer' PS C:\> $Upload = Invoke-iBMCFileUpload -Session $Session -FileUri $LocalFilePath PS C:\> $Result = Import-iBMCLDAPCert -Session $session -LDAPID 1 -LDAPCertPath $Upload.Path PS C:\> $Result Host : MessageId : iBMC.1.0.LDAPCertImportSuccess RelatedProperties : Message : The LDAP certificate is imported successfully. MessageArgs : Severity : OK Resolution : None This example shows how to upload local file to BMC and then import LDAP certificate from the upload bmc file .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $LDAPID = @(1, 2) PS C:\> $LDAPCertPath = @("c:\ldap.cer", "nfs://") PS C:\> $Result = Import-iBMCLDAPCert -Session $Session -LDAPID $LDAPID -LDAPCertPath $LDAPCertPath PS C:\> $Result Host : MessageId : iBMC.1.0.LDAPCertImportSuccess RelatedProperties : Message : The LDAP certificate is imported successfully. MessageArgs : Severity : OK Resolution : None Host : Id : 2 Name : ldap root cert import ActivityName : [] ldap root cert import TaskState : Completed StartTime : 2019-11-29T00:38:07+08:00 EndTime : 2019-11-29T00:38:08+08:00 TaskStatus : OK TaskPercent : 100% This example shows how to import LDAP certificate to different servers .LINK Get-iBMCLDAP Set-iBMCLDAPServiceEnabled Set-iBMCLDAP Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1)] [ValidateRange(1, 6)] $LDAPID, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 2)] $LDAPCertPath ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' Assert-ArrayNotNull $LDAPID 'LDAPID' Assert-ArrayNotNull $LDAPCertPath 'LDAPCertPath' $LDAPIDList = Get-MatchedSizeArray $Session $LDAPID 'Session' 'LDAPID' $LDAPCertPathList = Get-MatchedSizeArray $Session $LDAPCertPath 'Session' 'LDAPCertPath' $"Invoke Import LDAP certificates function, batch size: $($Session.Count)") $ImportLDAPCertBlock = { param($RedfishSession, $LDAPID, $CertificateFilePath) $payload = @{'Type' = "URI";} if ($CertificateFilePath.StartsWith("/tmp")) { $payload.Content = $CertificateFilePath } else { $ContentURI = Invoke-FileUploadIfNeccessary $RedfishSession $CertificateFilePath $BMC.LDAPCertSupportSchema $Payload.Content = $ContentURI } $Clone = $Payload.clone() $Clone.Content = Protect-NetworkUriUserInfo $Payload.Content $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Sending payload: $($Clone | ConvertTo-Json)")) $Path = "/redfish/v1/AccountService/LdapService/LdapControllers/$LDAPID/Actions/HwLdapController.ImportCert" $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'Post' $payload | ConvertFrom-WebResponse if ($Response.error) { $LDAPLocalImportResults = $Response.error.'@Message.ExtendedInfo' $ImportResult = New-Object PSObject $ImportResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "MessageId" $LDAPLocalImportResults.MessageId $ImportResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "RelatedProperties" $LDAPLocalImportResults.RelatedProperties $ImportResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "Message" $LDAPLocalImportResults.Message $ImportResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "MessageArgs" $LDAPLocalImportResults.MessageArgs $ImportResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "Severity" $LDAPLocalImportResults.Severity $ImportResult | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "Resolution" $LDAPLocalImportResults.Resolution return $(Update-SessionAddress $RedfishSession $ImportResult) } return $Response } try { $Results = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count $LocalTasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $RemoteTasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $RemoteSession = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $CertificateFilePath = $LDAPCertPathList[$idx] $_LDAPID = $LDAPIDList[$idx] $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit import LDAP certificate task")) $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $_LDAPID, $CertificateFilePath) if ($CertificateFilePath.StartsWith("/tmp")) { [Void] $LocalTasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ImportLDAPCertBlock $Parameters)) } else{ $CertFileUri = New-Object System.Uri($CertificateFilePath) if ($CertFileUri.Scheme -notin $BMC.LDAPCertRemoteImportSupportSchema) { [Void] $LocalTasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ImportLDAPCertBlock $Parameters)) } else { [Void] $RemoteSession.Add($RedfishSession) [Void] $RemoteTasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ImportLDAPCertBlock $Parameters)) } } } # Get local import result if ($LocalTasks.Count -gt 0) { $LocalResult = Get-AsyncTaskResults $LocalTasks [Void] $Results.Add($LocalResult) } # Get remote import result if ($RemoteTasks.Count -gt 0) { $RemoteResult = Get-AsyncTaskResults $RemoteTasks $RemoteWaitResult = Wait-RedfishTasks $pool $RemoteSession $RemoteResult -ShowProgress [Void] $Results.Add($RemoteWaitResult) } return , $Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Set-iBMCLDAP { <# .SYNOPSIS Modify an existing iBMC LDAP infomation. .DESCRIPTION Modify an existing iBMC LDAP infomation. Specifies an existing LDAP sequence number. Modify the following properties of a LDAP: - LDAP Address - LDAP Port - User Domain - Bind DN - Bind Password - Certificate Verification Enabled - Certificate Verification Level - LDAP Group Name - LDAP Group Domain - LDAP Group Role - LDAP Group LoginRole - LDAP Group LoginInterface .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .PARAMETER LDAPID LDAP ID specifies the LDAP to be modified. Support integer value range: [1, 6] .PARAMETER LDAPAddress LDAPAddress specifies the new LDAP address of the modified LDAP. .PARAMETER LDAPPort LDAPPort specifies the new LDAP port of the modified LDAP. Support integer value range: [0, 65535] .PARAMETER UserDomain UserDomain specifies the new LDAP domain of the modified LDAP. In the format of CN=A,OU=B,DC=C, the CN and DC values must be included. For example: CN=1,DC=2. .PARAMETER BindDN BindDN specifies the new LDAP bindDN of the modified LDAP. A string of 0 to 255 characters. .PARAMETER BindPassword BindPassword specifies the new LDAP bind password of the modified LDAP. A string of 0 to 20 characters. .PARAMETER CertificateVerificationEnabled Enabled specifies Whether the certificate verification is enabled. A power shell bool($true|$false) value is accept. .PARAMETER CertificateVerificationLevel CertificateVerificationLevel specifies the new LDAP certificate verification level of the modified LDAP. This parameter is used when the certificate is enabled. Available CertificateVerificationLevel value set is: - "Demand" - "Allow" .PARAMETER GroupID Add an LDAP group ID or modify an existing group ID. Support integer value range: [0, 4] .PARAMETER GroupName GroupName specifies the new LDAP group name of the modified LDAP group. When the group_name value is null, the group configuration information is deleted. .PARAMETER GroupDomain GroupDomain specifies the new LDAP group group domain of the modified LDAP group. Character string type. The format is as follows: CN=qwert,OU=admin,DC=huawei,DC=com .PARAMETER GroupRole GroupRole specifies the new LDAP group role of the modified LDAP group. Available role value set is: - "Administrator" - "Operator" - "Commonuser" - "CustomRole1" - "CustomRole2" - "CustomRole3" - "CustomRole4" .PARAMETER GroupLoginRole GroupLoginRole specifies the new LDAP group login role of the modified LDAP group. Available role value set is: - "Rule1" - "Rule2" - "Rule3" .PARAMETER GroupLoginInterface GroupLoginInterface specifies the new LDAP group login interface of the modified LDAP group. Available role value set is: - "Web" - "SSH" - "Redfish" .OUTPUTS PSObject[] Returns the modified LDAP object array if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $Credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $Session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $Credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $BindPwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String bind-password -AsPlainText -Force PS C:\> $GroupLoginRule = ,@("Rule1", "Rule2", "Rule3") PS C:\> $GroupLoginInterface = ,@("Web","SSH","Redfish") PS C:\> $result = Set-iBMCLDAP -Session $Session -LDAPID 1 -LDAPAddress "" -LDAPPort 635 ` -UserDomain 'CN=test,,DC=huawei,DC=com' -BindDN test -BindPassword $BindPwd ` -CertificateVerificationEnabled $true -CertificateVerificationLevel Allow ` -GroupID 0 -GroupName qwert -GroupDomain 'CN=qwert,OU=admin,DC=huawei,DC=com' ` -GroupRole Administrator -GroupLoginRule $GroupLoginRule -GroupLoginInterface $GroupLoginInterface Modify information about the specified domain controller. .LINK Get-iBMCLDAP Import-iBMCLDAPCert Import-iBMCLDAPCert Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position=0)] $Session, [int32[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateRange(1, 6)] $LDAPID, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $LDAPAddress, [int32[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateRange(1, 65535)] $LDAPPort, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $UserDomain, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $BindDN, [System.Object[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $BindPassword, [Boolean[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $CertificateVerificationEnabled, [CertificateVerificationLevel[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $CertificateVerificationLevel, [int32[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateRange(0, 4)] $GroupID, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $GroupName, [string[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $GroupDomain, [LDAPGroupRole[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $GroupRole, [GroupLoginRole[][]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $GroupLoginRule, [GroupLoginInterface[][]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $GroupLoginInterface ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' Assert-ArrayNotNull $LDAPID 'LDAPID' $LdapIDs = Get-MatchedSizeArray $Session $LDAPID 'Session' 'LDAPID' $LDAPAddresses = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $LDAPAddress $LDAPPorts = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $LDAPPort $UserDomains = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $UserDomain $BindDNs = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $BindDN $BindPasswords = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $BindPassword $CertificateVerificationEnableds = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $CertificateVerificationEnabled $CertificateVerificationLevels = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $CertificateVerificationLevel $GroupIDs = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $GroupID $GroupNames = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $GroupName $GroupDomains = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $GroupDomain $GroupRoles = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $GroupRole $ValidGroupLoginroles = Get-EnumNames "GroupLoginRole" $GroupLoginRules = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeMatrix $Session $GroupLoginRule $ValidGroupLoginroles 'Session' 'GroupLoginRule' $ValidGroupLoginInterfaces = Get-EnumNames "GroupLoginInterface" $GroupLoginInterfaces = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeMatrix $Session $GroupLoginInterface $ValidGroupLoginInterfaces 'Session' 'GroupLoginInterface' $SetLDAPBlock = { param($RedfishSession, $ldapID, $Payload) $LDAPInfoPath = "/AccountService/LdapService/LdapControllers/$ldapID" $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "LDAP $ldapID found, will patch ldap now")) $Clone = $Payload.clone() if ($null -ne $Payload.BindPassword) { $PlainPasswd = ConvertTo-PlainString $Payload.BindPassword "BindPassword" $Payload.BindPassword = $PlainPasswd $Clone.BindPassword = "******" } $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Sending payload: $($Clone | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)")) $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $LDAPInfoPath 'Patch' $Payload Resolve-RedfishPartialSuccessResponse $RedfishSession $Response | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx=0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $_LDAPID = $LdapIDs[$idx] $Payload = @{ "LdapServerAddress" = $LDAPAddresses[$idx]; "LdapPort" = $LDAPPorts[$idx]; "UserDomain" = $UserDomains[$idx]; "BindDN" = $BindDNs[$idx]; "BindPassword" = $BindPasswords[$idx]; "CertificateVerificationEnabled" = $CertificateVerificationEnableds[$idx]; "CertificateVerificationLevel" = $CertificateVerificationLevels[$idx] } | Resolve-EnumValues $GroupInfo = @{ "GroupName" = $GroupNames[$idx]; "GroupDomain" = $GroupDomains[$idx]; "GroupRole" = $GroupRoles[$idx]; "GroupLoginRule" = $GroupLoginRules[$idx]; "GroupLoginInterface" = $GroupLoginInterfaces[$idx] } | Remove-EmptyValues | Resolve-EnumValues $LDAPGroupID = $GroupIDs[$idx] $GroupList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $flag = $false for ($i = 0; $i -lt 5; $i++) { if ($LDAPGroupID -eq $i) { [Void] $GroupList.Add($GroupInfo) if ($GroupInfo.Count -ne 0) { $flag = $true } else { # Group ID exists, but group info is null throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_LDAP_GROUPINFO_INVALID) } } else { [Void] $GroupList.Add(@{}) } } # Group info exists, but group ID is null if ((-not $flag) -and ($GroupInfo.Count -ne 0)) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_LDAP_GROUPID_INVALID) } if ($flag) { # When group name is null, delete this group info if ($GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupName -eq 'null') { $GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupName = $null } # Covert group role if ($GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole) { if ($GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole -eq "Commonuser") { $GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole = "Common User" } if ($GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole -eq "CustomRole1") { $GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole = "Custom Role 1" } if ($GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole -eq "CustomRole2") { $GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole = "Custom Role 2" } if ($GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole -eq "CustomRole3") { $GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole = "Custom Role 3" } if ($GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole -eq "CustomRole4") { $GroupList[$LDAPGroupID].GroupRole = "Custom Role 4" } } $Payload.LdapGroups = $GroupList } $Payload_ = Remove-EmptyValues $Payload if ($Payload_.Count -eq 0) { throw $(Get-i18n FAIL_NO_UPDATE_PARAMETER) } $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $_LDAPID, $Payload_) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit set LDAP information task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $SetLDAPBlock $Parameters)) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } |