# Copyright (C) 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the MIT License # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # MIT License for more detail <# NOTE: A PowerShell type definition implementation. #> try { [ResetType] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum ResetType { On, ForceOff, GracefulShutdown, ForceRestart, Nmi, ForcePowerCycle } '@ } try { [SnmpV3PrivProtocol] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum SnmpV3PrivProtocol { DES, AES } '@ } try { [SnmpV3AuthProtocol] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum SnmpV3AuthProtocol { MD5, SHA1 } '@ } try { [TrapVersion] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum TrapVersion { V1, V2C, V3 } '@ } try { [TrapMode] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum TrapMode { OID, EventCode, PreciseAlarm } '@ } try { [ServerIdentity] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum ServerIdentity { HostName, BoardSN, ProductAssetTag } '@ } try { [AlarmSeverity] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum AlarmSeverity { Critical, Major, Minor, Normal } '@ } try { [TransmissionProtocol] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum TransmissionProtocol { UDP, TCP, TLS } '@ } try { [BootSourceOverrideTarget] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum BootSourceOverrideTarget { None, Pxe, Floppy, Cd, Hdd, BiosSetup } '@ } try { [BootSourceOverrideEnabled] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum BootSourceOverrideEnabled { Disabled, Once, Continuous } '@ } try { [ServiceName] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum ServiceName { HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP, VirtualMedia, IPMI, SSH, KVMIP, VNC, Video, NAT } '@ } try { [UserRole] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum UserRole { Administrator, Operator, Commonuser, Noaccess, CustomRole1, CustomRole2, CustomRole3, CustomRole4 } '@ } try { [LogType] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum LogType { OperationLog, SecurityLog, EventLog } '@ } try { [BootSequence] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum BootSequence { Pxe, Hdd, Cd, Others } '@ } try { [FirmwareType] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum FirmwareType { OutBand, InBand, SP } '@ } try { [UpgradeMode] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum UpgradeMode { Auto, Full, Recover, APP, Driver } '@ } try { [DriveLEDState] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum DriveLEDState { Off, Blinking } '@ } try { [DriveState] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum DriveState { Online, Offline, UnconfiguredGood, UnconfigureBad, JBOD } '@ } try { [HotSpareType] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum HotSpareType { None, Global, Dedicated } '@ } try { [VolumeInitAction] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum VolumeInitAction { QuickInit, FullInit, CancelInit } '@ } try { [VolumeInitMode] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum VolumeInitMode { UnInit, QuickInit, FullInit } '@ } try { [StripSize] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum StripSize { Size64KB = 65536, Size128KB = 131072, Size256KB = 262144, Size512KB = 524288, Size1MB = 1048576 } '@ } try { [RAIDLevel] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum RAIDLevel { RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, RAID10, RAID50, RAID60 } '@ } try { [SPRAIDLevel] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum SPRAIDLevel { RAID0, RAID1, RAID10, RAID1E } '@ } try { [DefaultReadPolicy] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum DefaultReadPolicy { NoReadAhead, ReadAhead } '@ } try { [DefaultWritePolicy] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum DefaultWritePolicy { WriteThrough, WriteBackWithBBU, WriteBack } '@ } try { [DefaultCachePolicy] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum DefaultCachePolicy { CachedIO, DirectIO } '@ } try { [AccessPolicy] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum AccessPolicy { ReadWrite, ReadOnly, Blocked } '@ } try { [DriveCachePolicy] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum DriveCachePolicy { Unchanged, Enabled, Disabled } '@ } try { [RAIDCardModel] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum RAIDCardModel { LSI3008 } '@ } try { [FRU] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum FRU { OS = 0, Base = 1, Fabric = 2, FC = 3 } '@ } try { [ControlType] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum ControlType { On, GracefulShutdown, ForceRestart, Nmi, ForcePowerCycle } '@ } try { [LicenseSource] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum LicenseSource { iBMC, FusionDirector, eSight } '@ } try { [IPVersion] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum IPVersion { IPv4, IPv6, IPv4AndIPv6 } '@ } try { [IPv4AddressOrigin] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum IPv4AddressOrigin { Static, DHCP } '@ } try { [IPv6AddressOrigin] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum IPv6AddressOrigin { Static, DHCPv6 } '@ } try { [CertificateVerificationLevel] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum CertificateVerificationLevel { Demand, Allow } '@ } try { [GroupLoginRole] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum GroupLoginRole { Rule1, Rule2, Rule3 } '@ } try { [GroupLoginInterface] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum GroupLoginInterface { Web, SSH, Redfish } '@ } try { [LDAPGroupRole] | Out-Null } catch { Add-Type -TypeDefinition @' public enum LDAPGroupRole { Administrator, Operator, Commonuser, CustomRole1, CustomRole2, CustomRole3, CustomRole4 } '@ } |