<# NOTE: iBMC Service module Cmdlets #> function Get-iBMCServices { <# .SYNOPSIS Query information about the services and ports supported by the iBMC. .DESCRIPTION Query information about the services and ports supported by the iBMC. Support Services: "HTTP", "HTTPS", "SNMP", "VirtualMedia", "IPMI", "SSH", "KVMIP", "VNC", "Video", "NAT", "SSDP" .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .OUTPUTS PSObject[] Returns PSObject which contains all support services infomation if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $Services = Get-iBMCServices $session PS C:\> $Services Host : HTTP : @{ProtocolEnabled=True; Port=80} HTTPS : @{ProtocolEnabled=True; Port=443} SNMP : @{ProtocolEnabled=True; Port=161} VirtualMedia : @{ProtocolEnabled=True; Port=8208} IPMI : @{ProtocolEnabled=True; Port=623} SSH : @{ProtocolEnabled=True; Port=22} KVMIP : @{ProtocolEnabled=True; Port=2198} SSDP : @{ProtocolEnabled=False; Port=1900; NotifyMulticastIntervalSeconds=600; NotifyTTL=2; NotifyIPv6Scope=Site} VNC : @{ProtocolEnabled=False; Port=5900} Video : @{ProtocolEnabled=True; Port=2199} NAT : .LINK Set-iBMCService Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $"Invoke Get BMC Service function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke get BMC Service now")) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/NetworkProtocol" $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path | ConvertFrom-WebResponse $Properties = @("HTTP", "HTTPS", "SNMP", "VirtualMedia", "IPMI", "SSH", "KVMIP", "SSDP") $Services = Copy-ObjectProperties $Response $Properties $Services | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "VNC" $Response.Oem.Huawei.VNC $Services | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "Video" $Response.Oem.Huawei.Video $Services | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty "NAT" $Response.Oem.Huawei.NAT return $(Update-SessionAddress $RedfishSession $Services) } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit get BMC Service task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock @($RedfishSession))) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Set-iBMCService { <# .SYNOPSIS Modify iBMC service information, including the enablement state and port number. .DESCRIPTION Modify iBMC service information, including the enablement state and port number. Support Services: "HTTP", "HTTPS", "SNMP", "VirtualMedia", "IPMI", "SSH", "KVMIP", "VNC", "Video", "NAT" .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .PARAMETER ServiceName Indicates the type of service to be modified. Support value set: "HTTP", "HTTPS", "SNMP", "VirtualMedia", "IPMI", "SSH", "KVMIP", "VNC", "Video", "NAT". .PARAMETER Enabled Indicates enabled the service or not. Support values are powershell boolean value: $true(1), $false(0). .PARAMETER Port Indicates the network port which this service listen on. Support integer value range: [1, 65535] .OUTPUTS Null Returns Null if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> Set-iBMCService -Session $session -ServiceName VNC -Enabled $true -Port 5900 .LINK Get-iBMCServices Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session, [ServiceName[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1)] $ServiceName, [Boolean[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 2)] $Enabled, [int[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 3)] [ValidateRange(1, 65535)] $Port ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' Assert-ArrayNotNull $ServiceName 'ServiceName' Assert-ArrayNotNull $Enabled 'Enabled' Assert-ArrayNotNull $Port 'Port' $ServiceNameList = Get-MatchedSizeArray $Session $ServiceName 'Session' 'ServiceName' $EnabledList = Get-MatchedSizeArray $Session $Enabled 'Session' 'Enabled' $PortList = Get-MatchedSizeArray $Session $Port 'Session' 'Port' $"Invoke Set BMC Service function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession, $ServiceName, $Enabled, $Port) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke Set BMC Service now")) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/NetworkProtocol" $Payload = @{ "$($ServiceName.toString())" = @{ "ProtocolEnabled" = $Enabled; "Port" = $Port; } } if ($ServiceName -in @([ServiceName]::VNC, [ServiceName]::Video, [ServiceName]::NAT)) { $Payload = @{ 'Oem' = @{ 'Huawei' = $Payload; }; } } $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Sending payload: $($Payload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)")) Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'Patch' $Payload | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $ServiceNameList[$idx], $EnabledList[$idx], $PortList[$idx]) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Set BMC Service task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock $Parameters)) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } |