<# NOTE: iBMC Reset module Cmdlets #> function Reset-iBMC { <# .SYNOPSIS Reset iBMC. .DESCRIPTION Reset iBMC. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .OUTPUTS None Returns None if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> Reset-iBMC $session .LINK Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $"Invoke Reset iBMC function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession, $Payload) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke Reset iBMC now")) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/Actions/Manager.Reset" $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Sending payload: $($Payload | ConvertTo-Json)")) Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'POST' $Payload | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $Payload = @{"ResetType" = "ForceRestart"; } $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $Payload) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Reset iBMC task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock $Parameters)) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Restore-iBMCFactorySetting { <# .SYNOPSIS Restore the factory settings. .DESCRIPTION Restore the factory settings. Note: This cmdlet is a high-risk operation. It should be used with caution. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .OUTPUTS None Returns None if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE Restore factory settings PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> Restore-iBMCFactorySetting $session .LINK Export-iBMCBIOSSetting Import-iBMCBIOSSetting Reset-iBMCBIOSSetting Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $"Invoke Restore BIOS Factory function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/Actions/Oem/Huawei/Manager.RestoreFactory" Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'Post' | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Restore BIOS Factory task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock @($RedfishSession))) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } |