<# NOTE: iBMC SMTP module Cmdlets #> function Get-iBMCSMTPSetting { <# .SYNOPSIS Get iBMC SMTP Basic Settings. .DESCRIPTION Get iBMC SMTP Basic Settings. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .OUTPUTS PSObject[] Returns PSObject indicates SMTP Basic Settings if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> Get-iBMCSMTPSetting -Session $session ServiceEnabled : True ServerAddress : TLSEnabled : True AnonymousLoginEnabled : False SenderUserName : SenderAddress : EmailSubject : Server Alert EmailSubjectContains : {HostName, BoardSN, ProductAssetTag} AlarmSeverity : Major .LINK Set-iBMCSMTPSetting Get-iBMCSMTPRecipients Set-iBMCSMTPRecipient Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $"Invoke Get iBMC SMTP Settings function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke get iBMC SMTP Settings now")) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/SmtpService" $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path | ConvertFrom-WebResponse $Properties = @( "ServiceEnabled", "ServerAddress", "TLSEnabled", "AnonymousLoginEnabled", "SenderUserName", "SenderAddress", "EmailSubject", "EmailSubjectContains", "AlarmSeverity" ) $SMTP = Copy-ObjectProperties $Response $Properties return $SMTP } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit get iBMC SMTP Settings task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock @($RedfishSession))) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Set-iBMCSMTPSetting { <# .SYNOPSIS Modify iBMC SMTP Basic Settings. .DESCRIPTION Modify iBMC SMTP Basic Settings. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .PARAMETER ServiceEnabled Indicates whether SMTP is enabled. Support values are powershell boolean value: $true(1), $false(0). .PARAMETER ServerAddress Indicates the SMTP server address. .PARAMETER TLSEnabled Indicates whether TLS is enabled in the SMTP server. Support values are powershell boolean value: $true(1), $false(0). .PARAMETER AnonymousLoginEnabled Indicates whether anonymous login is enabled. Support values are powershell boolean value: $true(1), $false(0). .PARAMETER SenderUserName Indicates the User name of the email sender. .PARAMETER SenderAddress Indicates the mailbox address of the email sender. .PARAMETER SenderPassword Indicates the User password of the email sender. .PARAMETER EmailSubject Indicates the subject of the email to be sent. .PARAMETER EmailSubjectContains Indicates the server identity injected in the email subject. The subject can contain one or more of the following: - HostName: Host name - BoardSN: Board serial number - ProductAssetTag: Product asset tab .PARAMETER AlarmSeverity Indicates the severity levels of the alarm to be sent Available Value Set: Critical, Major, Minor, Normal - Critical (critical) - Major (major and higher) - Minor (minor and higher) - Normal (normal and higher) .OUTPUTS Null Returns Null if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "pwd12#$%^" -AsPlainText -Force PS C:\> $ServerIdentifer = ,@('HostName', 'BoardSN') PS C:\> Set-iBMCSMTPSetting $session -ServiceEnabled $false -ServerAddress ` -TLSEnabled $false -AnonymousLoginEnabled $false ` -SenderUserName 'Huawei-iBMC' -SenderAddress "" -SenderPassword $pwd ` -EmailSubject 'iBMC Alarm Notification' -EmailSubjectContains $ServerIdentifer ` -AlarmSeverity Critical .LINK Get-iBMCSMTPSetting Get-iBMCSMTPRecipients Set-iBMCSMTPRecipient Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session, [Boolean[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $ServiceEnabled, [String[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $ServerAddress, [Boolean[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $TLSEnabled, [Boolean[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $AnonymousLoginEnabled, [String[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $SenderUserName, [String[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $SenderAddress, [System.Object[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $SenderPassword, [String[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $EmailSubject, [ServerIdentity[][]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $EmailSubjectContains, [AlarmSeverity[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $AlarmSeverity ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $ServiceEnabledList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $ServiceEnabled $ServerAddressList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $ServerAddress $TLSEnabledList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $TLSEnabled $AnonymousLoginEnabledList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $AnonymousLoginEnabled $SenderUserNameList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $SenderUserName $SenderAddressList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $SenderAddress $SenderPasswordList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $SenderPassword $EmailSubjectList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $EmailSubject $ValidSet = Get-EnumNames "ServerIdentity" $EmailSubjectContainsList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeMatrix $Session $EmailSubjectContains ` $ValidSet 'Session' 'EmailSubjectContains' $AlarmSeverityList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $AlarmSeverity $"Invoke Set iBMC SMTP Settings function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession, $Payload) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke Set iBMC SMTP Settings now")) $Clone = $Payload.Clone() $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/SmtpService" $PlainPasswd = ConvertTo-PlainString $Payload.SenderPassword "SenderPassword" $Payload.SenderPassword = $PlainPasswd $Clone.SenderPassword = "******" $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Sending payload: $($Clone | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)")) $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'Patch' $Payload Resolve-RedfishPartialSuccessResponse $RedfishSession $Response | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $Payload = @{ ServiceEnabled = $ServiceEnabledList[$idx]; ServerAddress = $ServerAddressList[$idx]; TLSEnabled = $TLSEnabledList[$idx]; AnonymousLoginEnabled = $AnonymousLoginEnabledList[$idx]; SenderUserName = $SenderUserNameList[$idx]; SenderAddress = $SenderAddressList[$idx]; SenderPassword = $SenderPasswordList[$idx]; EmailSubject = $EmailSubjectList[$idx]; EmailSubjectContains = $EmailSubjectContainsList[$idx]; AlarmSeverity = $AlarmSeverityList[$idx]; } | Remove-EmptyValues | Resolve-EnumValues if ($Payload.Count -eq 0) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_NO_UPDATE_PAYLOAD) } $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $Payload) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Set iBMC SMTP Settings task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock $Parameters)) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Get-iBMCSMTPRecipients { <# .SYNOPSIS Get iBMC SMTP notify recipients of alarm emails. .DESCRIPTION Get iBMC SMTP notify recipients of alarm emails. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .OUTPUTS PSObject[][] Returns PSObject Array indicates SMTP notify recipients if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> $recipients = Get-iBMCSMTPRecipients -Session $session PS C:\> $recipients MemberId Enabled EmailAddress Description -------- ------- ------------ ----------- 0 True test 1 1 True test 2 False 3 False .LINK Get-iBMCSMTPSetting Set-iBMCSMTPSetting Set-iBMCSMTPRecipient Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' $"Invoke Get iBMC SMTP Notification Recipients function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke Get iBMC SMTP Notification Recipients now")) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/SmtpService" $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path | ConvertFrom-WebResponse return , $Response.RecipientAddresses } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Get iBMC SMTP Notification Recipients task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock @($RedfishSession))) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } function Set-iBMCSMTPRecipient { <# .SYNOPSIS Modify iBMC SMTP notify recipient of alarm emails. .DESCRIPTION Modify iBMC SMTP notify recipient of alarm emails. .PARAMETER Session iBMC redfish session object which is created by Connect-iBMC cmdlet. A session object identifies an iBMC server to which this cmdlet will be executed. .PARAMETER MemberId Indicates which notification recipient to modify. MemberId is the unique primary ID for notification recipient. Support integer value range: [0, 3] .PARAMETER Enabled Indicates Whether the notification recipient is enabled. Support values are powershell boolean value: $true(1), $false(0). .PARAMETER EmailAddress Indicates the notificate recipient mailbox address. .PARAMETER Description Indicates the description of this recipient .OUTPUTS Null Returns Null if cmdlet executes successfully. In case of an error or warning, exception will be returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $credential = Get-Credential PS C:\> $session = Connect-iBMC -Address -Credential $credential -TrustCert PS C:\> Set-iBMCSMTPRecipient $session -MemberId 1 -Enabled $true -EmailAddress -Description 'desc' .LINK Get-iBMCSMTPSetting Set-iBMCSMTPSetting Get-iBMCSMTPRecipients Connect-iBMC Disconnect-iBMC #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [RedfishSession[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 0)] $Session, [int32[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateRange(0, 3)] $MemberId, [Boolean[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $Enabled, [String[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $EmailAddress, [String[]] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] $Description ) begin { } process { Assert-ArrayNotNull $Session 'Session' Assert-ArrayNotNull $MemberId 'MemberId' $MemberIdList = Get-MatchedSizeArray $Session $MemberId $EnabledList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $Enabled $EmailAddressList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $EmailAddress $DescriptionList = Get-OptionalMatchedSizeArray $Session $Description $"Invoke Set BMC SMTP Recipient function") $ScriptBlock = { param($RedfishSession, $MemberId, $Payload) $(Get-Logger).info($(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Invoke Set BMC SMTP Recipient now")) $Path = "/Managers/$($RedfishSession.Id)/SmtpService" $Recipients = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt 4; $idx++) { if ($MemberId -eq $idx) { [Void] $Recipients.Add($Payload) } else { [Void] $Recipients.Add(@{}) } } $CompletePlayload = @{ RecipientAddresses = $Recipients; } $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Sending payload: $($CompletePlayload | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5)")) $Response = Invoke-RedfishRequest $RedfishSession $Path 'Patch' $CompletePlayload Resolve-RedfishPartialSuccessResponse $RedfishSession $Response | Out-Null return $null } try { $tasks = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $pool = New-RunspacePool $Session.Count for ($idx = 0; $idx -lt $Session.Count; $idx++) { $RedfishSession = $Session[$idx] $MemberId = $MemberIdList[$idx]; $Payload = Remove-NoneValues @{ Enabled = $EnabledList[$idx]; EmailAddress = $EmailAddressList[$idx]; Description = $DescriptionList[$idx]; } if ($Payload.Count -eq 0) { throw $(Get-i18n ERROR_NO_UPDATE_PAYLOAD) } $Parameters = @($RedfishSession, $MemberId, $Payload) $$(Trace-Session $RedfishSession "Submit Set BMC SMTP Recipient task")) [Void] $tasks.Add($(Start-ScriptBlockThread $pool $ScriptBlock $Parameters)) } $Results = Get-AsyncTaskResults $tasks return ,$Results } finally { Close-Pool $pool } } end { } } |