
#Generated at 07/22/2019 08:40:47 by Stephane van Gulick

Enum HostsEntryType{

Class HostsFile {
    Hidden [HostsEntry[]]$Entries
    Hidden [int]$LogRotation = 4
    ## Default Constructor

      $This.Path ="\\$ENV:Computername\admin$\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
      $This.ComputerName = $ENV:Computername

    ## Constructor that accepts a string (preferrably a computer name)
      If ( Test-Connection -ComputerName $ComputerName -Quiet -Count 2 ) {
        $This.Path = "\\$Computername\admin$\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"
        $This.ComputerName = $Computername
      } Else {
        Throw "Could not reach the computer $($ComputerName)"

    ## Constructor that accept a path as a file

      $This.Path = $Path.FullName

    ## Method to read the content of the hosts file

      ## Local variables
      $Array = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList #@()
      $HostsData = Get-Content $This.Path -Encoding Ascii
      ## Loop through the content of the file
      Foreach ( $Line in $HostsData ) {
        $Array +=[HostsEntry]::New($Line)

      ## If Array exists
      If ( $array ){
        $This.Entries = $Array

    ## Method to get file entries

      ## Return entries
      If ( $This.Entries ) {
        return $This.Entries
      } Else {
        Throw "No entries present. Load a Hosts file first using the 'ReadHostsFileContent()' method, or use the add() method to add entries to the Hosts file that seems to be empty."

    ## Method to add Entries
      ## Local Variables
      $Added = $False
      [int]$Count = 0

      ## Loop through Entries
      Foreach ( $Entry in $Entries ) {
        ## If current entry is not already present is the file, add it
        If ( ($This.entries.ipaddress.IPAddressToString -notcontains $Entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString) ) {
          $Added = $True
          $This.entries += $Entry
        } Else {
          Write-Warning "The IpAddress $($Entry.ipaddress.IPAddressToString) is already present in the Hosts file."

      ## Write Verbose
      If ( $Added ) {
        Write-Verbose "Added: $($Count) entries to $($This.path). Call Set() to write to file."

    ## Method to Set LogRotation Value

      If ( $value -in 1..100 ) {
        $This.LogRotation = $value
      } Else {
        Throw "LogRotation must a int between 1 and 100 ..."

    ## Method to remove Entries in the Hosts File

      ## Easier to work with an arraylist
      $ArrayListofThisEntries = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ArrayList

      ## Fill ArrayListofThisEntries with current entries of the [HostsFile]
      Write-Verbose "Creating an arraylist of this.entries ... easier to work with ..."
      Foreach ( $CurrEntry in $This.Entries ) { $ArrayListofThisEntries.add($CurrEntry) | Out-Null }

      ## Remove entries passed to the method from the arraylist
      Foreach ( $Entry in $Entries ) {
        Write-Verbose "Removing the current entry: $($Entry.IpAddress) ..."

      ## Push ArrayListofThisEntries This.Entries
      Write-Verbose "Pushing updated arraylist to this.entries ..."
      $This.Entries = $ArrayListofThisEntries

      ## Call Set Method, will backup current
      Write-Verbose "Applying changes by calling this.set ..."

    ## Backup Method
      ## Get All Hosts.bak files in the BackupFolder path
      $BackupItems = Get-ChildItem -Path $BackupFolder.FullName -Filter "*$($This.ComputerName)_Hosts.bak" | Sort-Object -Property CreationTime
      ## Check if the number of correspoing backup files is equal or greater than LogRotation Property
      If ( $BackupItems.Count -ge $This.LogRotation ) {
        #Remove the oldest Backup file
        Write-Verbose "LogRotation set to maximum $($This.LogRotation+1) backups. Deleting oldest backup $($BackupItems[0].Name)"
      ## Building backup file FullPath
      $FileStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd-HHmmss'
      $Leaf = $FileStamp + "_" + $This.ComputerName + "_Hosts.bak"
      $BackupFullPath = Join-Path -Path $BackupFolder.FullName -ChildPath $Leaf

      ## Copying the backup file to the destination path
      Try {
        Copy-Item -Path $This.Path -Destination $BackupFullPath -ErrorAction stop
        Write-Verbose "Hosts file backup -> $($BackupFullPath)"
      } Catch {     
        Write-Warning "$_"
    ## Backup Method
      ## Get All Hosts.bak files in the default Path
      $BackupItems = Get-ChildItem -Path (split-Path -Path $This.Path -Parent) -Filter "*Hosts.bak" | Sort-Object CreationTime
      ## Check if the number of correspoing backup files is equal or greater than LogRotation Property
      If ($BackupItems.count -gt $This.logRotation){
        ## Remove the oldest Backup file
        Write-Verbose "LogRotation set to maximum $($This.LogRotation+1) backups. Deleting oldest backup $($BackupItems[0].Name)"
      ## Building backup file FullPath
      $FileStamp = Get-Date -Format 'yyyyMMdd-HHmmss'
      $BackupPath = Split-Path -Parent $This.Path
      $Leaf = $FileStamp + "_" + "Hosts.bak"
      $BackupFullPath = Join-Path -Path $backupPath -ChildPath $Leaf

      ## Copying the backup file to the destination path
      Try {
        Copy-Item -Path $This.Path -Destination $BackupFullPath -ErrorAction stop
        Write-Verbose "Hosts file backup -> $($BackupFullPath)"
      } Catch {   
        Write-Warning "$_"


        #write-warning "Waiting 3 seconds"
        #Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        #Set-Content -Value "" -Path $This.Path -Encoding Ascii
       ("") | >> $This.Path -Encoding Ascii
        foreach ($entry in $This.Entries){
          [string]$FullLine = ""
          #start-sleep -Seconds 1
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString)){
                $FullLine += $entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($entry.HostName)){
                $FullLine += "`t`t" + $entry.hostname
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($entry.FullQuallifiedName)){
                $FullLine += "`t`t" + $entry.FullQuallifiedName
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($entry.Description)){
                if ($entry.Ipaddress.IpAddressToString){
                  $FullLine += "`t`t" + "#" + $entry.Description
                  if ($fullLine -match '^#.+'){
                    $fullLine += "`t`t" + $entry.Description
                    $FullLine += $entry.Description
              $fullLine = "#" + $FullLine
              if ($entry.IsComment -eq $true){
                $fullLine = "#"
                #$fullLine = "`r`n"
                $fullLine = ""
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString)){
                $FullLine += $entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($entry.HostName)){
                $FullLine += "`t`t" + $entry.hostname
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($entry.FullQuallifiedName)){
                $FullLine += "`t`t" + $entry.FullQuallifiedName
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($entry.Description)){
                $fullLine += "`t`t" + "# "+ $entry.Description
            ;Break}#End Switch Entry
          #$fullLine += "`r`n"
            write-verbose "Adding: $($fullLine) to $($This.path)"
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 70
            ($fullLine) | >> $This.Path -ErrorAction stop
            write-warning "$_"
        write-warning "No entries to set."

      ## Method to save the hosts file with changes
      If ( $This.Entries ) {

        ## Create Backup
        #write-warning "Waiting 3 seconds"
        #Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
        #Set-Content -Value "" -Path $This.Path -Encoding Ascii
        $stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter]::new($This.Path,$false)
       #("") | Set-Content -Path $This.Path -Encoding Ascii
        Foreach ( $Entry in $This.Entries){
          [string]$FullLine = ""
          #start-sleep -Seconds 1
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString)){
                $FullLine += $Entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Entry.HostName)){
                $FullLine += "`t`t" + $Entry.hostname 
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Entry.FullQuallifiedName)){
                $FullLine += "`t`t" + $Entry.FullQuallifiedName  
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Entry.Description)){
                if ($Entry.Ipaddress.IpAddressToString){
                  $FullLine += "`t`t" + "#" + $Entry.Description
                  if ($fullLine -match '^#.+'){
                    $fullLine += "`t`t" + $Entry.Description
                    $FullLine += $Entry.Description
              $fullLine = "#" + $FullLine
              if ($Entry.IsComment -eq $true){
                $fullLine = "#"
                #$fullLine = "`r`n"
                $fullLine = ""
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString)){
                $FullLine += $Entry.Ipaddress.IPAddressToString
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Entry.HostName)){
                $FullLine += "`t`t" + $Entry.hostname 
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Entry.FullQuallifiedName)){
                $FullLine += "`t`t" + $Entry.FullQuallifiedName  
              if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Entry.Description)){
                $fullLine += "`t`t" + "# "+ $Entry.Description
            ;Break}#End Switch Entry
          #$fullLine += "`r`n"
            write-verbose "Adding: $($fullLine) to $($This.path)"
            #Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 70
            #$fullLine | Add-Content -Path $This.Path -ErrorAction stop
            write-warning "$_"
        write-warning "No entries to set."
Class HostsEntry{
      if ($Type -eq [HostsEntryType]::BlankLine){
        throw "This constructor cannot be used to create a blank line. Use the constructor with the empty signature HostsEntry()."
      $This.Ipaddress = $IpAddress
      $This.HostName = $HostName
      $This.FullQuallifiedName = $FQDN
      $This.Description = $Description
      $This.EntryType = $Type
    ## Add description to constructor
      $This.Ipaddress = $IpAddress
      $This.HostName = $HostName
      $This.FullQuallifiedName = $FQDN
      $This.Description = $Description
    ## Add description to constructor
      If ( ![Hostsentrytype]::Comment ) {
        throw "This constructor can only be used woth the [HostsEntryType]::Comment property."

      $This.Description = $Comment
      $This.EntryType = $Type
    ## Hiddent Constructor
    hidden HostsEntry([string]$Line){

      ## Local variable
      $Type = [HostsEntry]::GetLineType($Line)

      ## Determine type, and populate properties
      Switch ($Type){
        "Comment" {
          $This.EntryType = $Type
          $SplittedLine = [regex]::Split($line, "\s+") #$line.Split(" ")
          If ( $SplittedLine[0] -match '^#\d{1,3}\.' ) {
            $This.Ipaddress = $SplittedLine[0].replace("#","")
            $This.HostName = $SplittedLine[1]
            $This.FullQuallifiedName = $SplittedLine[2]
            [string]$comment = ""

            If ( $SplittedLine.count -gt 3 ) {
              $i = 3
              While ( $i -ne $SplittedLine.count ) {
                If ( $SplittedLine[$i] -ne "" ) {
                  $Comment += $SplittedLine[$i] + " "
                } Else {
            }#end if splitted line gt 3

            If ( $Comment -match '^#.*' ) {
              $This.Description = $Comment.Replace("#","")
            } Else {
              $This.Description = $comment
          } ElseIf ( $SplittedLine[0] -match '^#.*' ) {
            #$This.Ipaddress = [ipaddress]::None
            $This.HostName = [string]::Empty
            $This.FullQuallifiedName = [string]::Empty
            $This.Description = $line.Replace("#","")


        "BlankLine" {
          $This.EntryType = $Type
          $This.HostName = [string]::Empty
          $This.Description = [string]::Empty
          $This.FullQuallifiedName = [string]::Empty

        "Entry" {
          $SplittedLine = [regex]::Split($line, "\s+") #$line.Split(" ")
          $This.Ipaddress = $SplittedLine[0]
          $This.HostName = $SplittedLine[1]
          $This.FullQuallifiedName = $SplittedLine[2]
          [string]$comment = ""

          If ( $SplittedLine.count -gt 3 ) {
            $i = 3
            While ($i -ne $SplittedLine.count) {
              If ( $SplittedLine[$i] -ne "" ) {
                $Comment += $SplittedLine[$i] + " "
              } Else {
            If ($comment -match '^#.*' ) {
              $This.Description = $comment.Replace("#","")
            } Else {
              $This.Description = $comment

    ## Default Constructor

      $This.HostName = [String]::Empty
      $This.FullQuallifiedName = [String]::Empty
      $This.Description = [String]::Empty
      $This.EntryType = [HostsEntryType]::BlankLine
    ## Method to get the type of each line: comment, blankline or entry
    [HostsEntryType] static hidden GetLineType([string]$Line){
      ## local variables
      $Type = ""

      ## Switch to analyze the current $line with regex
      Switch -Regex ($Line) {
        '^#'    { $Type = [HostsEntryType]::Comment;Break }
        '^\s*$' { $Type = [HostsEntryType]::BlankLine;Break }
        Default { $Type = [HostsEntryType]::Entry;Break }

      return $Type

Function Get-HFMHostsfile {
        Get the hosts file of the desired hostname.
        Get the hostfile of the desired hostname.
        By default the localhost hosts file is fetched. You can specify a remote computer name.
        PS C:\> Get-HFMHostsfile
        Return a [HostsFile] object representing the local hosts file.
        PS C:\> Get-HFMHostsfile -Name Computer1
        Return a [HostsFile] object representing the hosts file of Computer1.
        PS C:\> "Computer1","Computer2" | Get-HFMHostsfile
        Return an array of [HostsFile] objects representing the hosts file of Computer1 and Computer2.
        Input String.
        Return [HostsFile] Object(s).
        This cmdlet uses Class.HostsManagement classes, by @StephaneVG
        Fork hist project if you like it:
        Visit his site, and read his article a boute pratical use of PowerShell Classes:



        If ( !$ComputerName ) {
            return [HostsFile]::New()
        } Else {
            Foreach ( $Computer in $ComputerName ) {
                Return [HostsFile]::New($Computer)

Function Get-HFMHostsFileContent {
        Read the Host file content.
        Read the Host file content. Take input from Get-HFMHostsFile.
        PS C:\> $a = Get-HFMHostsFile
        PS C:\> Get-HFMHostsFileContent -Path $a
        Use Get-HFMHostsFile to get a [HostsFile] object
        Use Get-HFMHostFileContent to return a [HostsEntry] object(s)
        PS C:\> Get-HFMHostsFile | Get-HFMHostsFileContent -ExcludeComments
        List HostsFile entrie, but exclude comments
        Input must be of type [HostsFile].
        Return [HostsEntry] Object(s).
        This cmdlet uses Class.HostsManagement classes, by @StephaneVG
        Fork hist project if you like it:
        Visit his site, and read his article a boute pratical use of PowerShell Classes:

        [HostsFile[]]$Path = {Throw 'Please provide a path'},
        [Switch]$ExcludeComments = $False

    BEGIN {}

        Foreach ( $HostPath in $Path ) {
            If ( $ExcludeComments ) {
                return $($HostPath.GetEntries() | Where-ObJect EntryType -ne "Comment")
            } Else {
                return $HostPath.GetEntries()

    END {}
Function New-HFMHostsFileEntry {
        Create a new Hosts File Entry.
        Create a new Hosts File Entry.
        PS C:\> $NewEntry = New-HFMHostsFileEntry -IpAddress "" -HostName "toto" -FullyQualifiedName "" -Description "ahahha" -EntryType Comment
        Create a new comment entry.
        Mostly Strings.
        A [HostsEntry] object.
        This cmdlet uses Class.HostsManagement classes, by @StephaneVG
        Fork hist project if you like it:
        Visit his site, and read his article a boute pratical use of PowerShell Classes:


    Switch ($EntryType) {
        BlankLine {
            return [HostsEntry]::New()

        Comment {
            return [HostsEntry]::New($IpAddress,$HostName,$FullyQualifiedName,$Description,[HostsEntryType]::Comment)

        Entry {
            return [HostsEntry]::New($IpAddress,$HostName,$FullyQualifiedName,$Description,[HostsEntryType]::Entry)
Function Remove-HFMHostsFileEntry {
        Remove entry/entries from a Hosts File
        Remove entry/entries from a Hosts File
        PS C:\> Get-HFMHostsFile | Remove-HFMHostsFileEntry -Entry "#"
        Will remove any Comment line with ip
        PS C:\> $a = Get-HFMHostsFile
        PS C:\> $b = New-HFMHostsFileEntry -IpAddress "" -EntryType Entry
        PS C:\> Remove-HFMHostsFileEntry -Path $a -Entry $b
        Will remove any Entry line With IpAdress starting with
        PS C:\> Get-HFMHostsFile | Remove-HFMHostsFileEntry -Entry "#",""
        Will remove any Comment line wich start with commented ipadress # or
        You must provide a valid path of type [HostsFile] and an entry of type [HostsEntry] or a [String] representing an ipaddress or a comment.
        This cmdlet uses Class.HostsManagement classes, by @StephaneVG
        Fork and star his project if you like it:
        Visit his site, and read his article a boute pratical use of PowerShell Classes:

        ## Accepte string ou [HostEntry]


        Foreach ( $File in $Path ) {

            If ( $null -eq $File.Entries ) {

            $ToBeRemoved = @()

            Switch ( $Entry ) {

                ({ $PSItem.GetType().FullName -eq 'System.String' }) {
                    If ( $PSItem -Match '^\s+$' ) { Throw "Entry can not be a string only made of spaces..."}
                    $HostsEntry = [HostsEntry]::New($PSItem)
                    ## Is Current Entry present in file.entries, add it to TobeRemoved Array
                    $File.entries | Where-Object { ($_.Ipaddress -eq $HostsEntry.Ipaddress) -and ($_.EntryType -eq $HostsEntry.EntryType)} | %{ $ToBeRemoved+=$_ }

                ({ $PSItem.GetType().FullName -eq 'HostsEntry'}) {
                    $HostsEntry = $PSitem
                    ## Is Current Entry present in file.entries, add it to TobeRemoved Array
                    $File.entries | Where-Object { ($PSItem.Iaddress -eq $HostsEntry.IpAddress) -and ($PSItem.EntryType -eq $HostsEntry.EntryType)} | %{ $ToBeRemoved+=$_ }

                Default { Throw "Entries must be of type System.String or HostsEntry"; Break }

            ## Remove entries

Function Save-HFMHostFile{
        Backup Hosts File.
        Backup Hosts File. By default the backup file will be stored in the system32\drivers\etc folder.
        You can use the BackupFolder to specify override the default behavior of the cmdlet.
        Hosts file backups are prefixed with a timestamp, and the name of the current computer.
        PS C:\> $a = Get-FHMHostsFile
        PS C:\> Save-HFMHostsFile -Path $a
        Creates a backup of your hosts file.
        PS C:\> Get-FHMHostsFile | Save-HFMHostFile -BackupFolder c:\temp
        Create a backup of your hosts file in the c:\temp folder. MaxLog
        PS C:\> "Computer1","Computer2" | Get-FHMHostsFile | Save-HFMHostsFile -BackupFolder c:\temp -MaxLogRotation 10
        Creates a backup of the named computer hosts files, in your c:\temp folder. Each computer can have a max of 10 .bak files.
        Input must be of type [HostsFile].
        File, extension .bak
        Remember to run Powershell in elevated mode, if you must backup your current hosts file by using the following: Get-FHMHostsFile | Save-HFMHostFile
        Standard credential dont allow you to write inside the system32\drivers\etc folder.



        Foreach ( $HostPath in $Path ) {
            If ( $MaxLogRotation ) { $HostPath.LogRotation = $MaxLogRotation }
            If ( $BackupFolder ) {
            } Else {


Function Set-HFMHostsFileEntry {
        Add new entry/entries to hosts file.
        Add new entry/entries to hosts file(s)
        PS C:\> $Host = Get-HFMHostsfile
        PS C:\> $Comment1 = New-HFMHostsFileEntry -IpAddress "" -HostName "toto" -FullyQualifiedName "" -Description "ahahha" -EntryType Comment
        PS C:\> $Comment2 = New-HFMHostsFileEntry -IpAddress "" -HostName "toto" -FullyQualifiedName "" -Description "ahahha" -EntryType Comment
        PS C:\> Set-HFMHostsFileEntry -Path $Host -Entries $Comment1,$Comment2
        Create 2 new [HostsEntry], and add them to the local hosts file.
        A backup is automatically created.
        PS C:\> $Comment1 = New-HFMHostsFileEntry -IpAddress "" -HostName "toto" -FullyQualifiedName "" -Description "ahahha" -EntryType Comment
        PS C:\> "Computer1","Computer2" | Get-HFMHostsfile | Set-HFMHostsFileEntry -Entries $Comment1
        Create a new [HostsEntry], and add it to hostsfile on computer1, and computer2
        You must provide a valid path of type [HostsFile] and an entry of type [HostsEntry]
        This cmdlet uses Class.HostsManagement classes, by @StephaneVG
        Fork hist project if you like it:
        Visit his site, and read his article a boute pratical use of PowerShell Classes:




        Foreach ( $File in $Path ) {
