function Get-Hostnames { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the hostnames (and corresponding IP addresses) specified in the hosts file. .DESCRIPTION The hosts file is used to map hostnames to IP addresses. .EXAMPLE Get-TecBoxHostNames Hostname IpAddress -------- --------- localhost fabrikam-local #> [CmdletBinding()] param() begin { Set-StrictMode -Version Latest $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" function CreateHostsEntryObject( [string] $ipAddress, [string[]] $hostnames, <# [string] #> $comment) #HACK: never $null if type is specified { $hostsEntry = New-Object PSObject $hostsEntry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "IpAddress" ` -Value $ipAddress [System.Collections.ArrayList] $hostnamesList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $hostsEntry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Hostnames" ` -Value $hostnamesList If ($hostnames -ne $null) { $hostnames | foreach { $hostsEntry.Hostnames.Add($_) | Out-Null } } $hostsEntry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Comment" -Value $comment return $hostsEntry } function ParseHostsEntry( [string] $line) { $hostsEntry = CreateHostsEntryObject Write-Debug "Parsing hosts entry: $line" If ($line.Contains("#") -eq $true) { If ($line -eq "#") { $hostsEntry.Comment = [string]::Empty } Else { $hostsEntry.Comment = $line.Substring($line.IndexOf("#") + 1) } $line = $line.Substring(0, $line.IndexOf("#")) } $line = $line.Trim() If ($line.Length -gt 0) { $hostsEntry.IpAddress = ($line -Split "\s+")[0] Write-Debug "Parsed address: $($hostsEntry.IpAddress)" [string[]] $parsedHostnames = $line.Substring( $hostsEntry.IpAddress.Length + 1).Trim() -Split "\s+" Write-Debug ("Parsed hostnames ($($parsedHostnames.Length)):" ` + " $parsedHostnames") $parsedHostnames | foreach { $hostsEntry.Hostnames.Add($_) | Out-Null } } return $hostsEntry } function ParseHostsFile { $hostsEntries = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList [string] $hostsFile = $env:WINDIR + "\System32\drivers\etc\hosts" If ((Test-Path $hostsFile) -eq $false) { Write-Verbose "Hosts file does not exist." } Else { [string[]] $hostsContent = Get-Content $hostsFile $hostsContent | foreach { $hostsEntry = ParseHostsEntry $_ $hostsEntries.Add($hostsEntry) | Out-Null } } # HACK: Return an array (containing the ArrayList) to avoid issue with # PowerShell returning $null (when hosts file does not exist) return ,$hostsEntries } [Collections.ArrayList] $hostsEntries = ParseHostsFile } process { $hostsEntries | foreach { $hostsEntry = $_ $hostsEntry.Hostnames | foreach { $properties = @{ Hostname = $_ IpAddress = $hostsEntry.IpAddress } New-Object PSObject -Property $properties } } } } |