
function Add-Hostnames {
    Adds one or more hostnames to the hosts file.
    The hosts file is used to map hostnames to IP addresses.
    .PARAMETER IPAddress
    The IP address to map the hostname(s) to.
    .PARAMETER Hostnames
    One or more hostnames to map to the specified IP address.
    .PARAMETER Comment
    Optional comment that is written above the new hosts entry.
    Add-TecBoxHostnames foobar
    Adds the following line to the hosts file (assuming "foobar" does not already
    exist in the hosts file): foobar
    A warning is displayed if "foobar" already exists in the hosts file and is
    mapped to the specified IP address. An error occurs if "foobar" is already
    mapped to a different IP address.
    Add-TecBoxHostnames foo, bar "This is a comment"
    Adds the following lines to the hosts file (assuming "foo" and "bar" do not
    already exist in the hosts file):
    # This is a comment foo bar
    A warning is displayed if either "foo" or "bar" already exists in the hosts
    file and is mapped to the specified IP address. An error occurs if "foo" or
    "bar" is already mapped to a different IP address.
    This script must be run with administrator privileges.

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $IPAddress,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        [string[]] $Hostnames,
        [string] $Comment

        Set-StrictMode -Version Latest
        $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

        function Execute-WithRetry([ScriptBlock] $command) {
            $attemptCount = 0
            $operationIncomplete = $true
            $maxFailures = 10
            $sleepBetweenFailures = 2
            while ($operationIncomplete -and $attemptCount -lt $maxFailures) {
                $attemptCount = ($attemptCount + 1)
                if ($attemptCount -ge 2) {
                    Write-Verbose "Waiting for $sleepBetweenFailures seconds before retrying..."
                    Start-Sleep -s $sleepBetweenFailures
                    Write-Verbose "Retrying..."
                try {
                    # Call the script block
                    & $command
                    $operationIncomplete = $false
                } catch [System.Exception] {
                    if ($attemptCount -lt ($maxFailures)) {
                        Write-Warning ("Attempt $attemptCount of $maxFailures failed: " + $_.Exception.Message)
                    } else {

        function CreateHostsEntryObject(
            [string] $ipAddress,
            [string[]] $hostnames,
            <# [string] #> $comment) #HACK: never $null if type is specified
            $hostsEntry = New-Object PSObject
            $hostsEntry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "IpAddress" `
                -Value $ipAddress

            [System.Collections.ArrayList] $hostnamesList =
                New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            $hostsEntry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Hostnames" `
                -Value $hostnamesList

            If ($hostnames -ne $null)
                $hostnames | foreach {
                    $hostsEntry.Hostnames.Add($_) | Out-Null

            $hostsEntry | Add-Member NoteProperty -Name "Comment" -Value $comment

            return $hostsEntry

        function ParseHostsEntry(
            [string] $line)
            $hostsEntry = CreateHostsEntryObject

            Write-Debug "Parsing hosts entry: $line"

            If ($line.Contains("#") -eq $true)
                If ($line -eq "#")
                    $hostsEntry.Comment = [string]::Empty
                    $hostsEntry.Comment = $line.Substring($line.IndexOf("#") + 1)

                $line = $line.Substring(0, $line.IndexOf("#"))

            $line = $line.Trim()

            If ($line.Length -gt 0)
                $hostsEntry.IpAddress = ($line -Split "\s+")[0]

                Write-Debug "Parsed address: $($hostsEntry.IpAddress)"

                [string[]] $parsedHostnames = $line.Substring(
                    $hostsEntry.IpAddress.Length + 1).Trim() -Split "\s+"

                Write-Debug ("Parsed hostnames ($($parsedHostnames.Length)):" `
                    + " $parsedHostnames")

                $parsedHostnames | foreach {
                    $hostsEntry.Hostnames.Add($_) | Out-Null

            return $hostsEntry

        function ParseHostsFile
            $hostsEntries = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            [string] $hostsFile = $env:WINDIR + "\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"

            If ((Test-Path $hostsFile) -eq $false)
                Write-Verbose "Hosts file does not exist."
                [string[]] $hostsContent = Get-Content $hostsFile

                $hostsContent | foreach {
                    $hostsEntry = ParseHostsEntry $_

                    $hostsEntries.Add($hostsEntry) | Out-Null

            # HACK: Return an array (containing the ArrayList) to avoid issue with
            # PowerShell returning $null (when hosts file does not exist)
            return ,$hostsEntries

        function UpdateHostsFile(
            $hostsEntries = $(Throw "Value cannot be null: hostsEntries"))
            Write-Verbose "Updatings hosts file..."

            [string] $hostsFile = $env:WINDIR + "\System32\drivers\etc\hosts"

            $buffer = New-Object System.Text.StringBuilder

            $hostsEntries | foreach {

                If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.IpAddress) -eq $false)
                    $buffer.Append($_.IpAddress) | Out-Null
                    $buffer.Append("`t") | Out-Null

                If ($_.Hostnames -ne $null)
                    [bool] $firstHostname = $true

                    $_.Hostnames | foreach {
                        If ($firstHostname -eq $false)
                            $buffer.Append(" ") | Out-Null
                            $firstHostname = $false

                        $buffer.Append($_) | Out-Null

                If ($_.Comment -ne $null)
                    If ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($_.IpAddress) -eq $false)
                        $buffer.Append(" ") | Out-Null

                    $buffer.Append("#") | Out-Null
                    $buffer.Append($_.Comment) | Out-Null

                $buffer.Append([System.Environment]::NewLine) | Out-Null

            [string] $hostsContent = $buffer.ToString()

            $hostsContent = $hostsContent.Trim()

            Execute-WithRetry { Set-Content -Path $hostsFile -Value $hostsContent -Force -Encoding ASCII }

            Write-Verbose "Successfully updated hosts file."

        [bool] $isInputFromPipeline =
            ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Hostnames") -eq $false)

        [int] $pendingUpdates = 0

        [Collections.ArrayList] $hostsEntries = ParseHostsFile

        If ($isInputFromPipeline -eq $true)
            $items = $_
            $items = $Hostnames

        $newHostsEntry = CreateHostsEntryObject $IpAddress
        $hostsEntries.Add($newHostsEntry) | Out-Null

        $items | foreach {
            [string] $hostname = $_

            [bool] $isHostnameInHostsEntries = $false

            for ([int] $i = 0; $i -lt $hostsEntries.Count; $i++)
                $hostsEntry = $hostsEntries[$i]

                Write-Debug "Hosts entry: $hostsEntry"

                If ($hostsEntry.Hostnames.Count -eq 0)

                for ([int] $j = 0; $j -lt $hostsEntry.Hostnames.Count; $j++)
                    [string] $parsedHostname = $hostsEntry.Hostnames[$j]

                    Write-Debug ("Comparing specified hostname" `
                        + " ($hostname) to existing hostname" `
                        + " ($parsedHostname)...")

                    If ([string]::Compare($hostname, $parsedHostname, $true) -eq 0)
                        $isHostnameInHostsEntries = $true

                        If ($ipAddress -ne $hostsEntry.IpAddress)
                            Throw "The hosts file already contains the" `
                                + " specified hostname ($parsedHostname) and it is" `
                                + " mapped to a different address" `
                                + " ($($hostsEntry.IpAddress))."

                        Write-Verbose ("The hosts file already contains the" `
                            + " specified hostname ($($hostsEntry.IpAddress) $parsedHostname).")

            If ($isHostnameInHostsEntries -eq $false)
                Write-Debug ("Adding hostname ($hostname) to hosts entry...")

                $newHostsEntry.Hostnames.Add($hostname) | Out-Null

        If ($pendingUpdates -eq 0)
            Write-Verbose "No changes to the hosts file are necessary."


        Write-Verbose ("There are $pendingUpdates pending update(s) to the hosts" `
            + " file.")

        UpdateHostsFile $hostsEntries