function Get-Lists { <# .SYNOPSIS Format a list (of lists). .PARAMETER List The list (of lists) of objects to format. .PARAMETER Prefixes A 4-element array containing the prefixes to use for formatting the list. .OUTPUTS The formatted string. #> param ( [object[]] $Lists, [string[]] $Prefixes = @( (Get-SettingValue 'LIST_FIRST_PREFIX' '┌─ '), (Get-SettingValue 'LIST_N_PREFIX' '├─ '), (Get-SettingValue 'LIST_LAST_PREFIX' '└─ '), (Get-SettingValue 'LIST_ONE_ITEM_PREFIX' ' ─ ') ) ) # Validate the prefixes Confirm-ValidPrefixes $Prefixes -PrefixesCount 4 # Iterate over the lists $Lists | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { # Iterate over the list of list (or singleton) $list = @($_) for ($i = 0; $i -lt $list.Count; $i++) { # Select the appropriate prefix $prefix = $Prefixes[1] if ($i -eq 0 -and $list.Count -eq 1) { $prefix = $Prefixes[3] } elseif ($i -eq 0) { $prefix = $Prefixes[0] } elseif ($i -eq ($list.Count -1)) { $prefix = $Prefixes[2] } # Output the element "${prefix}$($list[$i])" } } } |