# Installs packages based on the provided Fast Package Reference generated by Find-Package function Install-Package { [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidOverwritingBuiltInCmdlets', '', Justification='Required by PackageManagement')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $FastPackageReference ) Write-Debug -Message ($LocalizedData.ProviderDebugMessage -f ('Install-Package')) Write-Debug -Message ($LocalizedData.FastPackageReference -f $FastPackageReference) # If the fast package reference doesnt match the pattern we expect, throw an exception if ((-Not ($FastPackageReference -Match $script:FastReferenceRegex)) -Or (-Not ($ -And $Matches.version))) { ThrowError -ExceptionName "System.ArgumentException" ` -ExceptionMessage ($LocalizedData.FailToInstall -f $FastPackageReference) ` -ErrorId 'FailToInstall' ` -ErrorCategory InvalidArgument } $shouldContinueQueryMessage = ($LocalizedData.InstallPackageQuery -f "Installing", $ $shouldContinueCaption = $LocalizedData.InstallPackageCaption # If the user opts not to install the package, exit from the script if (-Not ((Get-PromptBypass) -Or $request.ShouldContinue($shouldContinueQueryMessage, $shouldContinueCaption))) { Write-Warning ($LocalizedData.NotInstalled -f $FastPackageReference) return } $installArgs = @{ Name = $Matches.source+'/'+$ } switch ($Matches.type) { 'Cask' {$installArgs.Cask = $true} 'Formula' {$installArgs.Formula = $true} } # Validate what Homebrew installed matched what we requested, then convert the PSCustomObject output from Croze into PackageManagement SWIDs $swid = Croze\Install-HomebrewPackage @installArgs | ConvertTo-SoftwareIdentity if (-Not $swid) { # Croze returned something, but not in the format we expected. Something is amiss. Write-Warning ($LocalizedData.UnexpectedHomebrewResponse -f $FastPackageReference) } $swid } |