ConvertFrom-StringData @' ###PSLOC ProviderDebugMessage='Homebrew': '{0}'. FastPackageReference='Homebrew': The FastPackageReference is '{0}'. NotInstalled=Package '{0}' is not installed. FailToInstall=Failed to install the package because the package reference '{0}' is incorrect. FailToUninstall=Failed to uninstall the package because the package reference '{0}' is incorrect. UnexpectedHomebrewResponse=Output from Homebrew.exe for package reference '{0}' did not match the exepected format. Please review Homebrew logs for more information. InstallPackageCaption=Are you sure you want to perform this action? PackageSourceNotFound=No package source with the name '{0}' was found. UnspecifiedSource=Multiple non-default sources are available, but the default source is not. A source name must be specified. PackageSourceMissing=During Software Identity conversion, no source could be determined. This should never happen! HomebrewFailure=The operation failed. Check the Homebrew logs for more information. ###PSLOC '@ |