function Export-Registry { <# .EXTERNALHELP HelperFunctions.psm1-Help.xml #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Enter the path to start from, for example HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Policies')] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })] [string[]]$Path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'Enter the path where the registry key should be exported to.')] [System.IO.FileInfo]$OutputFile ) begin { [PSObject[]]$regObject = @() if ($OutputFile.Extension -eq '.xlsx') { try { Import-Module -Name ImportExcel -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { try { $moduleName = 'ImportExcel' $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $module = Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $moduleName }; $ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'; $modulePath = Split-Path $module.Path; $psdPath = "{0}\{1}" -f $modulePath, "ImportExcel.psd1" Import-Module $psdPath -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error "ImportExcel PS module could not be loaded. $($_.Exception.Message)" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } if ($null -eq (Get-Module -Name ImportExcel)) { [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12; Install-Module -Name ImportExcel -Repository "PSGallery" -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Confirm:$false Import-Module -Name ImportExcel -Force } } } process { $regKeys = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue foreach ($regKey in $regKeys) { foreach ($property in $regKey) { Write-Verbose ("Processing {0}" -f $property) foreach ($name in $regKey.Property) { try { $regObject += New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property ([ordered] @{ Name = $property.Name Property = "$($name)" Value = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $regKey.PSPath -Name $name Type = $regKey.GetValueKind($name) }) } catch { Write-Error ("Error processing {0} in {1}" -f $property, $ -ErrorAction Continue } } } } switch ($OutputFile.Extension) { ".xlsx" { try { #Export results to path $params = @{ AutoSize = $true BoldTopRow = $true FreezeTopRow = $true AutoFilter = $true Path = $OutputFile ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ((Test-Path -Path $OutputFile -PathType Leaf) -eq $true) { $params.Add("Append",$true) } $regObject | Sort-Object Name, Property | Export-Excel @params } catch { Write-Error ("Unable to export results to {0}, check path and permissions" -f $OutputFile) return } } ".xml" { try { #Export results to path $regObject | Sort-Object Name, Property | Export-Clixml -Path $OutputFile -Depth 99 -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Error ("Unable to export results to {0}, check path and permissions" -f $OutputFile) return } } ".txt"{ try { #Export results to path $params = @{ FilePath = $OutputFile ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ((Test-Path -Path $OutputFile -PathType Leaf) -eq $true) { $params.Add("Append",$true) } else { $params.Add("Force",$true) } $regObject | Sort-Object Name, Property | Out-FIle @params } catch { Write-Error ("Unable to export results to {0}, check path and permissions" -f $OutputFile) return } } Default { try { #Export results to path $params = @{ Path = $OutputFile Encoding = 'UTF8' Delimiter = ";" NoTypeInformation = $true ErrorAction = 'Stop' } if ((Test-Path -Path $OutputFile -PathType Leaf) -eq $true) { $params.Add("Append",$true) } $regObject | Sort-Object Name, Property | Export-Csv @params } catch { Write-Error ("Unable to export results to {0}, check path and permissions" -f $OutputFile) return } } } #end Switch } } #end Export-Registry |