<# .SYNOPSIS Convert HelpInfo to json .DESCRIPTION Converts a HelpInfo object to a JSON representation of the object. .EXAMPLE (Get-Help Get-Help).ToJson() #> param() $helpObject = $this [Ordered]@{ Synopsis = $helpObject.Synopsis Description = $helpObject.Description.text -join ([Environment]::NewLine * 2) Parameters = @(foreach ($parameter in $helpObject.Parameters) { [Ordered]@{ Name = $parameter.Name Type = $parameter.Type.Name Description = $parameter.Description.text -join ([Environment]::NewLine * 2) Required = $parameter.Required -match $true Position = if ($null -ne ($parameter.Position -as [int])) { $parameter.Position -as [int] } else { -1 } Aliases = $parameter.Aliases DefaultValue = $parameter.DefaultValue Globbing = $parameter.Globbing -match $true PipelineInput = $parameter.PipelineInput variableLength = $parameter.variableLength -match $true } }) Notes = @($helpObject.alertSet.alert.text) CommandType = $helpObject.Category Component = @($helpObject.Component) Inputs = @( $helpObject.InputTypes.InputType.Type.Name ) Outputs = @( $helpObject.ReturnValues.ReturnValue.Type.Name ) Links = @( foreach ($relLink in $this.RelatedLinks.navigationLink) { if ($relLink.uri) { $relLink.uri } else { $relLink.text } } ) Examples = @( foreach ($example in $helpObject.Examples.Example) { # Combine the code and remarks $exampleLines = @( $example.Code foreach ($remark in $example.Remarks.text) { if (-not $remark) { continue } $remark } ) -join ([Environment]::NewLine) -split '(?>\r\n|\n)' # and split into lines # Anything until the first non-comment line is a markdown predicate to the example $nonCommentLine = $false $markdownLines = @() # Go thru each line in the example as part of a loop $codeBlock = @(foreach ($exampleLine in $exampleLines) { if ($exampleLine -match '^\#' -and -not $nonCommentLine) { $markdownLines += $exampleLine -replace '^\#' -replace '^\s+' } else { $nonCommentLine = $true $exampleLine } }) -join [Environment]::NewLine [Ordered]@{ Title = ($example.Title -replace '^[-\s]+' -replace '[-\s]+$') Markdown = $markdownLines -join [Environment]::NewLine Code = $codeBlock } } ) } | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 |