<# .SYNOPSIS Saves a Help Topic as json .DESCRIPTION Saves a Help Topic to a json file. .NOTES This will not save to files that have illegal names on Windows. .EXAMPLE (Get-MarkdownHelp Get-MarkdownHelp).SaveJson(".\test.json") .LINK HelpInfo.ToJson #> param( # The path to the file. # If this does not exist it will be created. [string] $FilePath ) $illegalCharacters = @('<', '>', '|', '?', '*', ':') $illegalCharacterRegex = '[' + ($illegalCharacters | Foreach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }) + ']' $illegalCharacterReadable = ($illegalCharacters | Foreach-Object { "`"$_`"" }) -join ', ' $filePathWithoutQualifier = Split-Path $filePath -NoQualifier if ($filePathWithoutQualifier -match $illegalCharacterRegex) { Write-Warning "Will not .Save to $filePath, because that path will not be readable on all operating systems. It cannot contain any of the characters $illegalCharacterReadable." return } New-Item -ItemType File -Path $FilePath -Force -Value $this.ToJson() |