
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<!-- Generated with EZOut 2.0.6: Install-Module EZOut or -->
    Hides sections of markdown help
    Hides sections of a command's markdown help.
# One or more section names.

$skipSectionNames = @($This.HideSections)
foreach ($SectionName in $SectionNames) {
    if ($skipSectionNames -notcontains $SectionName) {
        $skipSectionNames += $SectionName

$this |
    Add-Member NoteProperty HideSections $skipSectionNames -Force

    Saves a Markdown Help Topic
    Saves a Markdown Help Topic to a file.
    This will not save to files that have illegal names on Windows.
    (Get-MarkdownHelp Get-MarkdownHelp).Save(".\")
# The path to the file.
# If this does not exist it will be created.

# An optional view.
# This would need to be declared in a .format.ps1xml file by another loaded module.
$View = 'PowerShell.Markdown.Help'

$illegalCharacters = @('&lt;', '&gt;', '|', '?', '*', ':')
$illegalCharacterRegex = '[' + ($illegalCharacters | Foreach-Object { [regex]::Escape($_) }) + ']'
$illegalCharacterReadable = ($illegalCharacters | Foreach-Object { "`"$_`"" }) -join ', '

$filePathWithoutQualifier = Split-Path $filePath -NoQualifier
if ($filePathWithoutQualifier -match $illegalCharacterRegex) {
    Write-Warning "Will not .Save to $filePath, because that path will not be readable on all operating systems. It cannot contain any of the characters $illegalCharacterReadable."

if (-not (Test-Path $FilePath)) {
    $createdFile = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $FilePath -Force
    if (-not $createdFile) { return }

Set-Content -Path $filePath -Value $this.ToMarkdown($view)

if ($?) {
    Get-Item -Path $FilePath
    Shows sections of markdown help
    Shows sections of a command's markdown help.
# One or more section names

$skipSectionNames = @($This.HideSections)
foreach ($SectionName in $SectionNames) {
    if ($skipSectionNames -contains $SectionName) {
        $skipSectionNames = @($skipSectionNames -ne $SectionName)

$this |
    Add-Member NoteProperty HideSections $skipSectionNames -Force

    Returns this topic as a markdown string
    Returns the content of this help topic as a markdown string.
    (Get-MarkDownHelp Get-MarkDownHelp).ToMarkdown()
# An optional view.
# This would need to be declared in a .format.ps1xml file by another loaded module.
$View = 'PowerShell.Markdown.Help'

($this |
    Format-Custom -View $View |
    Out-String -Width 1mb).Trim()