function Get-MarkdownHelp { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Markdown Help .DESCRIPTION Gets Help for a given command, in Markdown .EXAMPLE ##### Getting Markdown Help Get-MarkdownHelp Get-Help # Get-MarkdownHelp is a wrapper for Get-Help .LINK Save-MarkdownHelp .LINK Get-Help .OUTPUTS [string] The documentation for a single command, in Markdown. #> [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("HelpOut.TellStory", $true)] [Reflection.AssemblyMetadata("HelpOut.Story.Process", "For each Command")] [OutputType('PowerShell.Markdown.Help')] param( # The name of the specified command or concept. [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name, # If set, will generate a markdown wiki. Links will be relative to the current path, and will not include the .md extensions [switch] $Wiki, # If set, will interlink documentation as if it were for GitHub pages, beneath a given directory [Alias('GitHubPageRoot')] [string] $GitHubDocRoot, # If provided, will rename the help topic before getting markdown. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $Rename, # The order of the sections. # If not provided, this will be the order they are defined in the formatter. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $SectionOrder, # If set, will not enumerate valid values and enums of parameters. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [switch] $NoValidValueEnumeration, # If set, will not attach a YAML header to the generated help. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('IncludeFrontMatter', 'IncludeHeader')] [switch] $IncludeYamlHeader, # The type of information to include in the YAML Header [ValidateSet('Command','Help','Metadata')] [Alias('YamlHeaderInfoType')] [string[]] $YamlHeaderInformationType, # The formatting used for unknown attributes. # Any key or property in this object will be treated as a potential typename # Any value will be the desired formatting. # If the value is a [ScriptBlock], the [ScriptBlock] will be run. # If the value is a [string], it will be expanded # In either context, `$_` will be the current attribute. [PSObject] $FormatAttribute ) process { # We start off by copying the bound parameters $myParams= @{} + $PSBoundParameters # and then we call Get-Help. $getHelp = @{name=$Name} $gotHelp = Get-Help @getHelp # If we could not Get-Help, if (-not $gotHelp) { Write-Error "Could not get help for $name" return # we error out. } # We need to decorate the output of Get-Help so it renders as markdown, # so we pipe thru all results from Get-Help. $gotHelp | & { process { # Get-Help can return either a help topic or command help. $in = $_ # Help topics will be returned as a string if ($in -is [string]) { $in # (which we will output as-is for now). } else { $helpObj = $_ # Command Help will be returned as an object # We decorate that object with the typename `PowerShell.Markdown.Help`. # $helpObj.pstypenames.clear() $helpObj.pstypenames.insert(0,'PowerShell.Markdown.Help') $IsHelpAboutAlias = $helpObj.Name -ne $gotHelp.Name $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty IsAlias $IsHelpAboutAlias -Force if ($IsHelpAboutAlias) { $aliasCommand = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($gotHelp.Name, 'Alias') $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty AliasCommand $aliasCommand -Force } # Then we attach parameters passed to this command to the help object. # * `-Rename` will become `[string] .Rename` if ($Rename) { $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Rename $Rename -Force } elseif ($IsHelpAboutAlias) { $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty Rename $gotHelp.Name -Force } # * `-SectionOrder` will become `[string[]] .SectionOrder` if ($SectionOrder) { $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty SectionOrder $SectionOrder -Force } # * `-Wiki` will become `[bool] .WikiLink` $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty WikiLink ($Wiki -as [bool]) -Force # * `-GitHubDocRoot` will become `.DocLink` if ($myParams.ContainsKey("GitHubDocRoot")) { $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty DocLink $GitHubDocRoot -Force } # * `-NoValidValueEnumeration` $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty NoValidValueEnumeration $NoValidValueEnumeration -Force # * `-IncludeYamlHeader` $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty IncludeYamlHeader $IncludeYamlHeader -Force # * `-NoValidValueEnumeration` $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty YamlHeaderInformationType $YamlHeaderInformationType -Force if ($FormatAttribute) { $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty FormatAttribute $FormatAttribute -Force } # After we've attached all of the properties, we simply output the object. # PowerShell.Markdown.Help formatter will display it exactly as we'd like it. $helpObj } } } } } |