function Save-MarkdownHelp { <# .Synopsis Saves a Module's Markdown Help .Description Get markdown help for each command in a module and saves it to the appropriate location. .Link Get-MarkdownHelp .Example Save-MarkdownHelp -Module HelpOut # Save Markdown to HelpOut/docs .Example Save-MarkdownHelp -Module HelpOut -Wiki # Save Markdown to ../ #> param( # The name of one or more modules. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ByModule',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string[]] $Module, # The output path. # If not provided, will be assumed to be the "docs" folder of a given module (unless -Wiki is specified) [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string] $OutputPath, # If set, will interlink documentation as if it were a wiki. Implied when -OutputPath contains 'wiki'. # If provided without -OutputPath, will assume that a wiki resides in a sibling directory of the module. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [switch] $Wiki, # If provided, will generate documentation for additional commands. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Management.Automation.CommandInfo[]] $Command, # Replaces parts of the names of the commands provided in the -Command parameter. # -ReplaceScriptName is treated as a regular expression. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ReplaceCommandName, # If provided, will replace parts of the names of the scripts discovered in a -Command parameter with a given Regex replacement. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ReplaceCommandNameWith = @(), # If provided, will generate documentation for any scripts found within these paths. # -ScriptPath can be either a file name or a full path. # If an exact match is not found -ScriptPath will also check to see if there is a wildcard match. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ScriptPath, # If provided, will replace parts of the names of the scripts discovered in a -ScriptDirectory beneath a module. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ReplaceScriptName, # If provided, will replace parts of the names of the scripts discovered in a -ScriptDirectory beneath a module with a given Regex replacement. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ReplaceScriptNameWith = @(), # If provided, will replace links discovered in markdown content. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ReplaceLink, # If provided, will replace links discovered in markdown content with a given Regex replacement. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ReplaceLinkWith = @(), # If set, will output changed or created files. [switch] $PassThru, # The order of the sections. If not provided, this will be the order they are defined in the formatter. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $SectionOrder, # One or more topic files to include. # Topic files will be treated as markdown and directly copied inline. # By default ```\.help\.txt$``` and ```\.md$``` [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $IncludeTopic = @('\.help\.txt$', '\.md$'), # One or more topic file patterns to exclude. # Topic files that match this pattern will not be included. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ExcludeTopic = @('\.ps1{0,1}\.md$'), # One or more files to exclude. # By default, this is treated as a wildcard. # If the file name starts and ends with slashes, it will be treated as a Regular Expression. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $ExcludeFile, # One or more extensions to include. # By default, .css, .gif, .htm, .html, .js, .jpg, .jpeg, .mp4, .png, .svg [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string[]] $IncludeExtension = @('.css','.gif', '.htm', '.html','.js', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.mp4', '.png', '.svg'), # If set, will not enumerate valid values and enums of parameters. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [switch] $NoValidValueEnumeration, # If set, will not attach a YAML header to the generated help. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('IncludeFrontMatter', 'IncludeHeader')] [switch] $IncludeYamlHeader, # The type of information to include in the YAML Header [ValidateSet('Command','Help','Metadata')] [Alias('YamlHeaderInfoType')] [string[]] $YamlHeaderInformationType, # A list of command types to skip. # If not provided, all types of commands from the module will be saved as a markdown document. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [Alias('SkipCommandTypes','ExcludeCommandType','ExcludeCommandTypes')] [Management.Automation.CommandTypes[]] $SkipCommandType ) begin { # First, let's cache a reference to Get-MarkdownHelp $GetMarkdownHelp = if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module) { $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.ExportedCommands['Get-MarkdownHelp'] } else { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Get-MarkdownHelp', 'Function') } $NotExcluded = { if (-not $ExcludeFile) { return $true } foreach ($ex in $ExcludeFile) { if ($ex -match '^/' -and $ex -match '/$') { if ([Regex]::New( $ex -replace '^/' -replace '/$', 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace' ).Match($_.FullName)) { return $false } } else { if ($_.FullName -like $ex -or $_.Name -like $ex) { return $false } } } return $true } $filesChanged = @() } process { $getMarkdownHelpSplatBase = @{} foreach ($param in $psBoundParameters.Keys) { if ($GetMarkdownHelp.Parameters[$param]) { $getMarkdownHelpSplatBase[$param] = $psBoundParameters[$param] } } #region Save the Markdowns foreach ($m in $Module) { # Walk thru the list of module names. if ($t -gt 1) { $c++ Write-Progress 'Saving Markdown' $m -PercentComplete $p -Id $id } $theModule = Get-Module $m # Find the module if (-not $theModule) { continue } # (continue if we couldn't). $theModuleRoot = $theModule | Split-Path # Find the module's root. if (-not $psBoundParameters.OutputPath) { # If no -OutputPath was provided $OutputPath = if ($Wiki) { # set the default. If it's a wiki, it's a sibling directory Split-Path $theModuleRoot | Join-Path -ChildPath "$($theModule.Name).wiki" } else { Join-Path $theModuleRoot "docs" # Otherwise, it's the docs subdirectory. } } # If the -OutputPath does not exist if (-not (Test-Path $OutputPath)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $OutputPath # create it. } $outputPathName = $OutputPath | Split-Path -Leaf $ReplaceLink += "^$outputPathName[\\/]" # Double-check that the output path $outputPathItem = Get-Item $OutputPath if ($outputPathItem -isnot [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { # is not a directory # (if it is, error out). Write-Error "-OutputPath '$outputPath' must point to a directory" return } # Next we're going to call Get-MarkdownHelp on each exported command. foreach ($cmd in $theModule.ExportedCommands.Values) { # If we specified command types to skip, skip them now. if ($SkipCommandType -and $SkipCommandType -contains $cmd.CommandType) { continue } # Determine the output path for each item. $docOutputPath = Join-Path $outputPath ($cmd.Name + '.md') # Prepare a splat for this command by copying out base splat. $getMarkdownHelpSplat = @{Name="$cmd"} + $getMarkdownHelpSplatBase # If -Wiki was passed, call Get-MarkDownHelp with -Wiki (this impacts link format) if ($Wiki) { $getMarkdownHelpSplat.Wiki = $Wiki } # otherwise, pass down the parent of $OutputPath. else { $getMarkdownHelpSplat.GitHubDocRoot = "$($outputPath|Split-Path -Leaf)"} & $GetMarkdownHelp @getMarkdownHelpSplat | # Call Get-MarkdownHelp Out-String -Width 1mb | # output it as a string ForEach-Object { $_.Trim()} | # trim it Set-Content -Path $docOutputPath -Encoding utf8 # and set the encoding. if ($PassThru) { # If -PassThru was provided, get the path. Get-Item -Path $docOutputPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } if ($Command) { foreach ($cmd in $Command) { # For each script that we find, prepare to call Get-MarkdownHelp $getMarkdownHelpSplat = @{ Name= if ($cmd.Source) { "$($cmd.Source)" } else { "$cmd" } } + $getMarkdownHelpSplatBase $replacedCmdName = if ($cmd.DisplayName) { $cmd.DisplayName } elseif ($cmd.Name -and $cmd.Name.Contains([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)) { $cmd.Name } @(for ($ri = 0; $ri -lt $ReplaceCommandName.Length; $ri++) { # Walk over any -ReplaceScriptName(s) provided. # Replace it with the -ReplaceScriptNameWith parameter (if present). if ($ReplaceCommandNameWith -and $ReplaceCommandNameWith[$ri]) { $replacedCmdName = $replacedCmdName -replace $ReplaceCommandName[$ri], $ReplaceCommandNameWith[$ri] } else { # Otherwise, just remove the replacement. $replacedCmdName = $replacedCmdName -replace $ReplaceCommandName[$ri] } }) # Determine the output path for each item. $docOutputPath = Join-Path $outputPath ($replacedCmdName + '.md') $getMarkdownHelpSplat.Rename = $replacedCmdName if ($Wiki) { $getMarkdownHelpSplat.Wiki = $Wiki} else { $getMarkdownHelpSplat.GitHubDocRoot = "$($outputPath|Split-Path -Leaf)"} try { & $GetMarkdownHelp @getMarkdownHelpSplat | # Call Get-MarkdownHelp Out-String -Width 1mb | # output it as a string ForEach-Object { $_.Trim()} | # trim it Set-Content -Path $docOutputPath -Encoding utf8 # and set the encoding. } catch { $ex = $_ Write-Error -Exception $ex.Exception -Message "Could not Get Help for $($cmd.Name): $($ex.Exception.Message)" -TargetObject $getMarkdownHelpSplat } $filesChanged += # add the file to the changed list. Get-Item -Path $docOutputPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # If -PassThru was provided (and we're not going to change anything) if ($PassThru -and -not $ReplaceLink) { $filesChanged[-1] # output the file changed now. } } } # If a -ScriptPath was provided if ($ScriptPath) { # get the child items beneath the module root. Get-ChildItem -Path $theModuleRoot -Recurse | Where-Object { # Any Script Path whose Name or FullName is foreach ($sp in $ScriptPath) { $_.Name -eq $sp -or # an exact match, $_.FullName -eq $sp -or $_.Name -like $sp -or # a wildcard match, $_.FullName -like $sp -or $( $spRegex = $sp -as [regex] $spRegex -and ( # or a regex match $_.Name -match $spRegex -or $_.FullName -match $spRegex ) ) } # will be included. } | # Any child items of that path will also be included Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object Extension -eq '.ps1' | # (as long as they're PowerShell Scripts). Where-Object $NotExcluded | # (and as long as they're not excluded) ForEach-Object { $ps1File = $_ # For each script that we find, prepare to call Get-MarkdownHelp $getMarkdownHelpSplat = @{Name="$($ps1File.FullName)"} + $getMarkdownHelpSplatBase # because not all file names will be valid (or good) topic names $replacedFileName = $ps1File.Name # prepare to replace the file. @(for ($ri = 0; $ri -lt $ReplaceScriptName.Length; $ri++) { # Walk over any -ReplaceScriptName(s) provided. if ($ReplaceScriptNameWith -and $ReplaceScriptNameWith[$ri]) { # Replace it with the -ReplaceScriptNameWith parameter (if present). $replacedFileName = $replacedFileName -replace $ReplaceScriptName[$ri], $ReplaceScriptNameWith[$ri] } else { # Otherwise, just remove the replacement. $replacedFileName = $replacedFileName -replace $ReplaceScriptName[$ri] } }) # Determine the output path $docOutputPath = Join-Path $outputPath ($replacedFileName + '.md') # and the relative path of this .ps1 to the module root. $relativePath = $ps1File.FullName.Substring("$theModuleRoot".Length).TrimStart('/\').Replace('\','/') # Then, rename the potential topic with it's relative path. $getMarkdownHelpSplat.Rename = $relativePath if ($Wiki) { $getMarkdownHelpSplat.Wiki = $Wiki} else { $getMarkdownHelpSplat.GitHubDocRoot = "$($outputPath|Split-Path -Leaf)"} # Call Get-MarkdownHelp & $GetMarkdownHelp @getMarkdownHelpSplat | Out-String -Width 1mb | # format the result Set-Content -Path $docOutputPath -Encoding utf8 # and save it to a file. $filesChanged += # add the file to the changed list. Get-Item -Path $docOutputPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # If -PassThru was provided (and we're not going to change anything) if ($PassThru -and -not $ReplaceLink) { $filesChanged[-1] # output the file changed now. } } } # If -IncludeTopic was provided if ($IncludeTopic) { # get all of the children beneath the module root $filesArray = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $theModuleRoot -Recurse -File) # then reverse that list, so that the most shallow items come last. [array]::reverse($filesArray) $filesArray | Where-Object $NotExcluded | # (and as long as they're not excluded) ForEach-Object { $fileInfo = $_ # Determine the relative path of the file. $relativePath = $fileInfo.FullName.Substring("$theModuleRoot".Length) -replace '^[\\/]' # If it is more than one layer deep, ignore it. if ([Regex]::Matches($relativePath, "[\\/]").Count -gt 1) { return } :NextTopicFile foreach ($inc in $IncludeTopic) { # find any files that should be included $matches = $null if ($fileInfo.Name -eq $inc -or $fileInfo.Name -like $inc -or $( $incRegex = $inc -as [regex] $incRegex -and $fileInfo.Name -match $incRegex ) ) { # Double-check that the file should not excluded. foreach ($exclude in $ExcludeTopic) { if ( $fileInfo.Name -eq $exclude -or $fileInfo.Name -like $exclude -or $( $exclude -as [regex] -and $fileInfo.Name -match $exclude ) ) { continue NextTopicFile } } $replacedName = if ($matches) { # If $inc was a regex $fileInfo.Name -replace $inc # just replace it } else { # Otherwise, strip the file of it's extension $fileInfo.Name.Substring(0, $ - $fileInfo.Extension.Length) -replace '\.help$' # (and .help). } if ($replacedName -eq "about_$module") { # If the replaced named was "about_$Module" $replacedName = 'README' # treat it as the README } # Determine the output path $dest = Join-Path $OutputPath ($replacedName + '.md') # and make sure we're not overwriting ourselves if ($fileInfo.FullName -ne "$dest") { $filesChanged += # copy the file and add it to the change list. $fileInfo | Copy-Item -Destination $dest -PassThru } # If -PassThru was passed and we're not changing anything. if ($PassThru -and -not $ReplaceLink) { $filesChanged[-1] # output the file now. } } } } } # If -IncludeExtension was provided if ($IncludeExtension) { # get all files beneath the root Get-ChildItem -Path $theModuleRoot -Recurse -File | Where-Object $NotExcluded | # (and as long as they're not excluded) ForEach-Object { $fileInfo = $_ foreach ($ext in $IncludeExtension) { # and see if they are the right extension if ($fileInfo.Extension -eq $ext -or $fileInfo.Extension -eq ".$ext") { # Determine the relative path $relativePath = $fileInfo.FullName.Substring("$theModuleRoot".Length) -replace '^[\\/]' $outputPathLeaf = $outputPath | Split-Path -Leaf # and use that to determine the destination of this file. $dest = Join-Path $OutputPath $relativePath if ($fileInfo.FullName -ne "$dest" -and $relativePath -notlike "$outputPathLeaf$([IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar)*") { # Create the file (so it creates the folder structure). $createdFile = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $dest -Force if (-not $createdFile) { # If we could not, write and error and stop trying for this file. Write-Error "Unable to initialize file: '$dest'" break } # Copy the file to the destination. if ($fileInfo.FullName -ne "$dest") { $filesChanged += # and add it to the change list. $fileInfo | Copy-Item -Destination $dest -PassThru:$PassThru } # If -PassThru was passed and we're not changing anything. if ($PassThru -and -not $ReplaceLink) { $filesChanged[-1] # output the file now. } } break } } } } } if ($PassThru -and $ReplaceLink) { $linkFinder = [Regex]::new(" (?<IsImage>\!)? # If there is an exclamation point, then it is an image link \[ # Markdown links start with a bracket (?<Text>[^\]\r\n]+) \] # anything until the end bracket is the link text. \( # The link uri is within parenthesis (?<Uri>[^\)\r\n]+) \) ", 'IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace') foreach ($file in $filesChanged) { if ($file.Extension -notin '.md', '.markdown') { $file continue } $fileContent = Get-Content $file.FullName -Raw $fileContent = $linkFinder.Replace($fileContent, { param($LinkMatch) $linkReplacementNumber = 0 $linkUri = $LinkMatch.Groups["Uri"].ToString() $linkText = $linkMatch.Groups["Text"].ToString() foreach ($linkToReplace in $ReplaceLink) { $replacement = "$($ReplaceLinkWith[$linkReplacementNumber])" $linkUri = $linkUri -replace $linkToReplace, $replacement $linkText = $linkText -replace $linkToReplace, $replacement } if ($linkUri -match '\#.+$') { $lowerCaseAnchor = ($matches.0).ToLower() $linkUri = $linkUri -replace '\#.+$', $lowerCaseAnchor } if ($LinkMatch.Groups["IsImage"].Length) { "" } else { "[$linkText]($linkUri)" } }) Set-Content $file.FullName -Encoding UTF8 -Value $fileContent if ($PassThru) { Get-Item -LiteralPath $file.FullName } } } if ($t -gt 1) { Write-Progress 'Saving Markdown' 'Complete' -Completed -Id $id } #endregion Save the Markdowns } } |