
Write-FormatView -TypeName PowerShell.Markdown.Help -Action {
    $helpObject = $_
    $helpCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($helpObject.Name, 'All')

    $MarkdownSections = [Ordered]@{
        Name =  {
            if ($helpObject.Rename) {
                Format-Markdown -Heading $helpObject.Rename
            } else {
                Format-Markdown -Heading $helpObject.Name
        Synopsis = {
            Format-Markdown -HeadingSize 3 -Heading "Synopsis"

            $helpObject.Synopsis | Out-String -Width 1mb            
        Description = {
            Format-Markdown -HeadingSize 3 -Heading "Description"
            foreach ($desc in $helpObject.Description) {
                [Environment]::NewLine + $desc.text  + [Environment]::NewLine
        RelatedLinks = {
            if ($helpObject.RelatedLinks) {    
                Format-Markdown -Heading "Related Links" -headingsize 3
                foreach ($nav in $helpObject.RelatedLinks.navigationLink) {
                    $linkedCmd = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($nav.LinkText, 'All')
                    $linkUrl = 
                        if ($nav.Uri) {
                        elseif ($linkedCmd -and ($linkedCmd.Module -like 'microsoft.*' -or $linkedCmd.Source -like 'microsoft.*')) {
                            $linkSrc = if ($linkedCmd.Module) { $linkedCmd.Module} else { $linkedCmd.Source }
                        } elseif ($helpObject.WikiLink) {
                        } elseif ($null -ne $helpObject.DocLink) {
                        else {

                    $linkText = if ($nav.LinkText) { $nav.linkText } else {$linkUrl}
                    Format-Markdown -Link $linkUrl -inputObject $linkText -BulletPoint
        Examples = {
            if ($helpObject.Examples) {                
                Format-Markdown -Heading "Examples" -headingsize 3
                foreach ($example in $helpObject.Examples.Example) {
                    (Format-Markdown -Heading ($example.Title -replace '^[-\s]+' -replace '[-\s]+$') -HeadingSize 4)
                    if ($example.Code) {
                        $example.Code | Format-Markdown -CodeLanguage PowerShell
                    if ($example.Remarks) {
                        ($example.Remarks | Out-String -Width 1mb).Trim()
        Parameters = {
            if ($helpObject.Parameters) {                
                Format-Markdown -Heading "Parameters" -HeadingSize 3
                $parameterTotal= @($helpObject.parameters.parameter).Length
                $parameterCounter = 0 
                foreach ($parameter in $helpObject.Parameters.parameter) {
                    $parameterDisplayName = 
                        if ($parameter.required) {
                        } else {
                    Format-Markdown -HeadingSize 4 -Heading $parameterDisplayName
                    if ($parameter.Name -in 'WhatIf', 'Confirm') {
                        "-$($parameter.Name) " +  
                            'is an automatic variable that is created when a command has ```[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)]```.'
                        if ($parameter.Name -eq 'WhatIf') {
                            "-WhatIf is used to see what would happen, or return operations without executing them"
                        if ($parameter.Name -eq 'Confirm') {
                            '-Confirm is used to -Confirm each operation.
If you pass ```-Confirm:$false``` you will not be prompted.
If the command sets a ```[ConfirmImpact("Medium")]``` which is lower than ```$confirmImpactPreference```, you will not be prompted unless -Confirm is passed.

                    ($parameter.description | Out-String -Width 1mb) -split '(?>\r\n|\n)' -replace '^-\s', '* ' -join [Environment]::NewLine
                    if (-not $helpObject.NoValidValueEnumeration -and $helpCmd -and $helpCmd.Parameters.($parameter.Name)) {
                        $parameterMetadata = $helpCmd.Parameters[$parameter.Name]
                        $validValuesList = @(
                            if ($parameterMetadata.ParameterType.IsSubclassOf([Enum])) {
                            } elseif ($parameterMetadata.Attributes.ValidValues) {
                            } elseif ($parameterMetadata.ParameterType.IsArray -and 
                                $parameterMetadata.ParameterType.GetElementType().IsSubclassOf([Enum])) {
                        if ($validValuesList) {
                            "Valid Values:" + [Environment]::NewLine
                            $validValuesList | Format-Markdown -BulletPoint
                            [Environment]::NewLine * 2

                        Type = '```' + "[" + $($ -replace 'SwitchParameter', 'Switch') + "]" + '```'
                        Requried = $parameter.required
                        Postion = $parameter.position
                        PipelineInput = $parameter.pipelineInput                    
                    } | Format-Markdown
                    if ($parameterCounter -lt $parameterTotal) { '---' } 
        Inputs = {
            if ($helpObject.inputTypes -and $helpObject.inputTypes.inputType) {
                 Format-Markdown -Heading "Inputs" -HeadingSize 3
                foreach ($inputType in $helpObject.inputTypes.inputType) {
                    $ + [Environment]::NewLine
                    foreach ($desc in $inputType.Description) {
                        $desc.text + [Environment]::NewLine
        Outputs = {
            if ($helpObject.returnValues -and $helpObject.returnValues.returnValue) {
                Format-Markdown -Heading "Outputs" -HeadingSize 3
                foreach ($returnValue in $helpObject.returnValues.returnValue) {                
        Syntax = {
            if ($helpObject.syntax.syntaxItem) {
                Format-Markdown -Heading "Syntax" -HeadingSize 3
                if ($helpObject.Rename) {
                    ($helpObject.syntax | Out-String) -split '(?>\r\n|\n)' -ne '' -replace "$($HelpObject.Name.Replace("\", "\\"))", $helpObject.Rename | Format-Markdown -CodeLanguage PowerShell
                } else {
                    ($helpObject.syntax | Out-String) -split '(?>\r\n|\n)' -ne '' | Format-Markdown -CodeLanguage PowerShell
        Notes = {
            if ($helpObject.alertSet) {
                Format-Markdown -Heading "Notes" -HeadingSize 3
                foreach ($note in $helpObject.AlertSet.alert) {
                    ($note | Out-String).Trim() + [Environment]::NewLine

        $orderOfSections = @(if ($helpObject.SectionOrder) {
        } else {

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            $sectionContent = 
                if ($MarkdownSections.$sectionName -is [ScriptBlock]) {
                    & $MarkdownSections.$sectionName
                } else { $null }
            if ($sectionContent) {
                if ($sectionCounter -lt $orderOfSections.Length -and $sectionContent -notmatch '---\s{0,}$') { 

    ) -join [Environment]::NewLine