function Save-MAML { <# .Synopsis Saves a Module's MAML .Description Generates a Module's MAML file, and then saves it to the appropriate location. .Link Get-MAML .Example Save-Maml -Module HelpOut .Example Save-Maml -Module HelpOut -WhatIf .Example Save-Maml -Module HelpOut -PassThru #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='CommandInfo',SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] [OutputType([Nullable])] param( # The name of one or more modules. [Parameter(ParameterSetName='ByModule',ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [string[]] $Module, # If set, the generated MAML will be compact (no extra whitespace or indentation). If not set, the MAML will be indented. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [switch] $Compact, # If provided, will save the MAML to a different directory than the current UI culture. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [Globalization.CultureInfo] $Culture, # If set, the generate MAML will not contain a version number. # This slightly reduces the size of the MAML file, and reduces the rate of changes in the MAML file. [Alias('Unversioned')] [switch] $NoVersion, # If set, will return the files that were generated. [switch] $PassThru) begin { # First, let's cache a reference to Get-MAML $getMAML = if ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module) { $MyInvocation.MyCommand.ScriptBlock.Module.ExportedCommands['Get-MAML'] } else { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand('Get-MAML', 'Function') } } process { if (-not $getMAML) { # If for whatever reason we don't have Get-MAML Write-Error "Could not Find Get-MAML" -Category ObjectNotFound -ErrorId Get-MAML.NotFound # error out. return } $c, $t, $id = 0, $Module.Length, [Random]::new().Next() $splat = @{} + $PSBoundParameters # Copy our parameters foreach ($k in @($splat.Keys)) { # then strip out any parameter if (-not $getMAML.Parameters.ContainsKey($k)) { # that wasn't in Get-MAML. $splat.Remove($k) } } if (-not $Culture) { # If -Culture wasn't provided, use the current culture $Culture = [Globalization.CultureInfo]::CurrentCulture } #region Save the MAMLs foreach ($m in $Module) { # Walk thru the list of module names. $splat.Module = $m if ($t -gt 1) { $c++ Write-Progress 'Saving MAML' $m -PercentComplete $p -Id $id } $theModule = Get-Module $m # Find the module if (-not $theModule) { continue } # (continue if we couldn't). $theModuleRoot = $theModule | Split-Path # Find the module's root, $theModuleCultureDir = Join-Path $theModuleRoot $Culture.Name # then find the culture folder. if (-not (Test-Path $theModuleCultureDir)) { # If that folder didn't exist, $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $theModuleCultureDir # create it. } $theModuleHelpFile = Join-Path $theModuleCultureDir "$m-Help.xml" # Construct the path to the module help file (e.g. en-us\Module-Help.xml) & $getMAML @splat | # Convert the module help to MAML, Set-Content -Encoding UTF8 -Path $theModuleHelpFile # and write the file. if ($Passthru) { Get-Item -Path $theModuleHelpFile } } if ($t -gt 1) { Write-Progress 'Saving MAML' 'Complete' -Completed -Id $id } #endregion Save the MAMLs } } |