function Get-MarkdownHelp { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets Markdown Help .DESCRIPTION Gets Help for a given command, in Markdown .EXAMPLE Get-MarkdownHelp Get-Help .LINK Save-MarkdownHelp .OUTPUTS [string] The documentation for a single command, in Markdown. #> param( # The name of the specified command or concept. [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Name, # If set, will generate a markdown wiki. Links will be relative to the current path, and will not include the .md extensions [switch] $Wiki, # If set, will interlink documentation as if it were for GitHub pages, beneath a given directory [Alias('GitHubPageRoot')] [string] $GitHubDocRoot ) process { $paramCopy = @{} + $PSBoundParameters $myParams = @{} + $PSBoundParameters $paramCopy.Remove('Wiki') $paramCopy.Remove('GitHubDocRoot') $gotHelp = Get-Help @paramCopy if (-not $gotHelp) { Write-Error "Could not get help for $name" return } $gotHelp | & { process { $in = $_ if ($in -is [string]) { $in } else { $helpObj = $_ $helpObj.pstypenames.clear() $helpObj.pstypenames.add('PowerShell.Markdown.Help') $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty WikiLink ($Wiki -as [bool]) -Force if ($myParams.ContainsKey("GitHubDocRoot")) { $helpObj | Add-Member NoteProperty DocLink $GitHubDocRoot -Force } $helpObj | Out-String -Width 1mb } } } } } |