.SYNOPSIS Create a random password .DESCRIPTION The function creates a random password using a given set of available characters. The password is generated with fixed or random length. Passwords will never end with a number, and never start with a special character. .PARAMETER Admin This switch will change all of the password requirements to be a 24-character password with all character types. .PARAMETER Size Specify the fixed length of the password. .PARAMETER Count Number of passwords to generate, default = 1 .EXAMPLE PS> New-RandomPassword -Admin Description ----------- This generates a random password of 24-character length, and includes all character types. .EXAMPLE PS> New-RandomPassword -Size 20 Description ----------- Generates a password of 20 characters .NOTES Author: Matthew J. DeGarmo GitHub: #> Function New-Password () { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Int]$Size = 12, [Char[]]$CharSets = "ULNS", [Char[]]$Exclude, [int]$Count = 1, [switch]$Admin ) if ($Admin.IsPresent) { $Size = 24 } for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Count; $i++) { $Chars = @(); $TokenSets = @() #Creates a disctionary of character arrays for each character set If (!$TokenSets) { $TokenSets = @{ U = [Char[]]'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRTUVWXYZ' #Upper case L = [Char[]]'abcdefghijkmnrstuvwxyz' #Lower case N = [Char[]]'2346789' #Numerals S = [Char[]]'_!@#%&' #Symbols } } #Cycles through each character set for a random character from each. $CharSets | ForEach-Object { #Creates a single array from all character and token sets. $Tokens = $TokenSets."$_" | ForEach-Object { If ($Exclude -cNotContains $_) { $_ } } If ($Tokens) { $TokensSet += $Tokens If ($_ -cle [Char]"Z") { $Chars += $Tokens | Get-Random } #Character sets defined in upper case are mandatory } } #Loops through each character and grabs a random one. While ($Chars.Count -lt $Size) { $Chars += $TokensSet | Get-Random } #Further randomizes the ending password. $PW = ($Chars | Sort-Object { Get-Random }) -Join "" #Mix the (mandatory) characters and output string #Password must not end with a number, must start with an alpha character, and must have at least 1 of each character type. #If password doesn't meet the below regexs, it adds 1 to the amount of password needed, and skips that password. if (($PW[-1] -match '\d') -or (-Not ($PW[0] -match '[a-zA-Z]')) -or (-Not($PW -match "^(?=.{8,})(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[_!@#%&]).*$"))) { $Count++ continue } else { $PW } } } |