<# .SYNOPSIS Installs Nuget if it is not installed and registers a source if present in $BuildContext i.e., nugetSource. #> function EnsureNuGet { try { Write-Debug "Checking for NuGet install..." $help = Exec { return nuget help } $ver = $help.Split([Environment]::NewLine) | Select-Object -First 1 Write-Debug "$ver installed" } catch { Write-Debug "NuGet not installed, installing..." $platform = $PSVersionTable.Platform if ($platform -eq 'Unix') { Exec { brew install nuget } } elseif ($platform -like 'Win*') { Exec { choco install nuget.commandline -y } } } $sources = Exec { return nuget sources } if (($null -ne $BuildContext.nugetSource) -and !($sources -match "\d\.\s*$")) { nuget sources Add -Name $ -Source $BuildContext.nugetSource.source } } function PackModule ([hashtable] [ValidateNotNull()] $BuildContext) { EnsureNuGet $specPath = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildContext.distributionPath -ChildPath "*") -Include "*.nuspec" nuget pack $specPath.FullName -OutputDirectory $BuildContext.distributionPath $packagePath = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildContext.distributionPath -ChildPath '*') -Include "*.nupkg" # Detect if we are running in an Azure Pipeline and write out the path to the NuGet package file if ($null -ne $env:Agent_Id) { Write-Output("##vso[task.setvariable variable=azure.pipelines.packagepath]$($packagePath.FullName)") } } function PublishModule ([hashtable] [ValidateNotNull()] $BuildContext) { EnsureNuGet $pkgPath = Get-ChildItem -Path (Join-Path -Path $BuildContext.distributionPath -ChildPath "*") -Include "*.nupkg" nuget push $pkgPath -Source $ -ApiKey 'AzureDevOpsServices' } |