@{ JQueryUITheme ='Blitzer' AnalyticsId = 'UA-24591838-7' WebCommand = @{ "Get-PerformanceCounterName" = @{ SessionThrottle = "0:1:0" RunWithoutInput = $true } "Get-PercentagePerformanceCounter" = @{ SessionThrottle = "0:1:0" RunWithoutInput = $true } } AllowDownload = $true DomainSchematics = @{ "heatmap.start-automating.com | heatmap.startautomating.com" = "Default" } Technet = @{ Category="Operating System" Subcategory="Monitoring" OperatingSystem="Windows 7", "Windows Server 2008", "Windows Server 2008 R2", "Windows Vista", "Windows XP", "Windows Server 2012", "Windows 8" Tag='Start-Automating', 'PowerShell Tools', 'Performance Counter', 'EZOut' MSLPL=$true Summary=" Heatmap is a tool to help you explore and visualize your performance counters. It lets you provide a colorized heatmap for percentage based perfcounters. It was built as an example of the power of the PowerShell formatting engine, harnessed by EZOut. " Url = 'http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Heatmap-3ae5915f' } GitHub = @{ Owner = "StartAutomating" Project = "HeatMap" Url = "https://github.com/StartAutomating/Heatmap" } } |