Function Protect-WindowsSecurity { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Online Mode')] [OutputType([System.String])] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'GUI')] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]$GUI, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Online Mode')] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Offline Mode')] [ArgumentCompleter({ # Get the current command and the already bound parameters param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters) # Find all string constants in the AST $Existing = $CommandAst.FindAll( # The predicate scriptblock to define the criteria for filtering the AST nodes { $Args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst] }, # The recurse flag, whether to search nested scriptblocks or not. $false ).Value ([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::HardeningCategorieX) | ForEach-Object -Process { if ($_ -notin $Existing) { $_ } } })] [ValidateScript({ if ($_ -notin ([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::HardeningCategorieX)) { throw "Invalid Category Name: $_" } # Return true if everything is okay $true })] [System.String[]]$Categories, [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Online Mode')] [parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Offline Mode')] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]$Log, [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter]$Offline ) # This offers granular control over sub-category automation, handles the parameter validation and correlation between selected categories and the subcategory switch parameter, doesn't populate the argument completer on the console with unrelated parameters DynamicParam { # Create a new dynamic parameter dictionary $ParamDictionary = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new() # A script block to create and add dynamic parameters to the dictionary for the sub-categories [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$DynParamCreatorSubCategories = { param([System.String]$Name) # Create a parameter attribute to add the ParameterSet for 'Online Mode' $ParamAttrib1 = [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]@{ Mandatory = $false ParameterSetName = 'Online Mode' } # Create a parameter attribute to add the ParameterSet for 'Offline Mode' $ParamAttrib2 = [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]@{ Mandatory = $false ParameterSetName = 'Offline Mode' } # Add the dynamic parameter to the param dictionary $ParamDictionary.Add($Name, [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new( # Define parameter name $Name, # Define parameter type [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter], # Add both attributes to the parameter [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute[]]@($ParamAttrib1, $ParamAttrib2) )) } if ('MicrosoftSecurityBaselines' -in $PSBoundParameters['Categories']) { # Create a dynamic parameter for -SecBaselines_NoOverrides Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'SecBaselines_NoOverrides' } if ('MicrosoftDefender' -in $PSBoundParameters['Categories']) { # Create a dynamic parameter for -MSFTDefender_SAC Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'MSFTDefender_SAC' # Create a dynamic parameter for -MSFTDefender_NoDiagData Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'MSFTDefender_NoDiagData' # Create a dynamic parameter for -MSFTDefender_NoScheduledTask Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'MSFTDefender_NoScheduledTask' # Create a dynamic parameter for -MSFTDefender_BetaChannels Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'MSFTDefender_BetaChannels' } if ('LockScreen' -in $PSBoundParameters['Categories']) { # Create a dynamic parameter for -LockScreen_NoLastSignedIn Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'LockScreen_NoLastSignedIn' # Create a dynamic parameter for -LockScreen_CtrlAltDel Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'LockScreen_CtrlAltDel' } if ('UserAccountControl' -in $PSBoundParameters['Categories']) { # Create a dynamic parameter for -UAC_NoFastSwitching Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'UAC_NoFastSwitching' # Create a dynamic parameter for -UAC_OnlyElevateSigned Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'UAC_OnlyElevateSigned' } if ('CountryIPBlocking' -in $PSBoundParameters['Categories']) { # Create a dynamic parameter for -CountryIPBlocking_OFAC Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'CountryIPBlocking_OFAC' } # Creating dynamic parameters for the offline mode files if ($PSBoundParameters.Offline.IsPresent) { # Opens File picker GUI so that user can select a .zip file using WPF [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$ArgumentCompleterZipFilePathsPicker = { Add-Type -AssemblyName 'PresentationFramework' [Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog]$Dialog = [Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog]::new() $Dialog.Filter = 'Zip files (*.zip)|*.zip' $Dialog.Title = 'Select the Zip file' $Result = $Dialog.ShowDialog() # If the user clicked OK if ($Result -eq $true) { return "`'$($Dialog.FileName)`'" } } #Region-Dyn-Param-For-PathToLGPO # Create a parameter attribute collection $PathToLGPO_AttributesCollection = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] # Create a mandatory attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$PathToLGPO_MandatoryAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $PathToLGPO_MandatoryAttrib.Mandatory = $true $PathToLGPO_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToLGPO_MandatoryAttrib) [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$PathToLGPO_ParamSetAttribute = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $PathToLGPO_ParamSetAttribute.ParameterSetName = 'Offline Mode' $PathToLGPO_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToLGPO_ParamSetAttribute) # Create a validate script attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute]$PathToLGPO_ValidateScriptAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute( { if (-NOT ([HardenWindowsSecurity.SneakAndPeek]::Search('LGPO_*/LGPO.exe', $_))) { Throw 'The selected Zip file does not contain the LGPO.exe which is required for the Protect-WindowsSecurity function to work properly' } # Return true if everything is okay $true }) # Add the validate script attribute to the collection $PathToLGPO_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToLGPO_ValidateScriptAttrib) # Create an argument completer attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute]$PathToLGPO_ArgumentCompleterAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute($ArgumentCompleterZipFilePathsPicker) $PathToLGPO_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToLGPO_ArgumentCompleterAttrib) # Create a dynamic parameter object with the attributes already assigned: Name, Type, and Attributes Collection [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]$PathToLGPO = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('PathToLGPO', [System.IO.FileInfo], $PathToLGPO_AttributesCollection) # Add the dynamic parameter object to the dictionary $ParamDictionary.Add('PathToLGPO', $PathToLGPO) #Endregion-Dyn-Param-For-PathToLGPO #Region-Dyn-Param-For-PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines # Create a parameter attribute collection $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] # Create a mandatory attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_MandatoryAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_MandatoryAttrib.Mandatory = $true $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_MandatoryAttrib) [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselinesParamSetAttribute = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselinesParamSetAttribute.ParameterSetName = 'Offline Mode' $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselinesParamSetAttribute) # Create a validate script attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute]$PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_ValidateScriptAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute( { if (-NOT ([HardenWindowsSecurity.SneakAndPeek]::Search('Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise*/Scripts/Baseline-LocalInstall.ps1', $_))) { Throw 'The selected Zip file does not contain the Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise Security Baselines Baseline-LocalInstall.ps1 which is required for the Protect-WindowsSecurity function to work properly' } # Return true if everything is okay $true }) # Add the validate script attribute to the collection $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_ValidateScriptAttrib) # Create an argument completer attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute]$PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_ArgumentCompleterAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute($ArgumentCompleterZipFilePathsPicker) $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_ArgumentCompleterAttrib) # Create a dynamic parameter object with the attributes already assigned: Name, Type, and Attributes Collection [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]$PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines', [System.IO.FileInfo], $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection) # Add the dynamic parameter object to the dictionary $ParamDictionary.Add('PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines', $PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines) #Endregion-Dyn-Param-For-PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines #Region-Dyn-Param-For-PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines # Create a parameter attribute collection $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] # Create a mandatory attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_MandatoryAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_MandatoryAttrib.Mandatory = $true $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_MandatoryAttrib) [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_ParamSetAttribute = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_ParamSetAttribute.ParameterSetName = 'Offline Mode' $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_ParamSetAttribute) # Create a validate script attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute]$PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_ValidateScriptAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ValidateScriptAttribute( { if (-NOT ([HardenWindowsSecurity.SneakAndPeek]::Search('Windows*Security Baseline/Scripts/Baseline-LocalInstall.ps1', $_))) { Throw 'The selected Zip file does not contain the Microsoft Security Baselines Baseline-LocalInstall.ps1 which is required for the Protect-WindowsSecurity function to work properly' } # Return true if everything is okay $true }) # Add the validate script attribute to the collection $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_ValidateScriptAttrib) # Create an argument completer attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute]$PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_ArgumentCompleterAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute($ArgumentCompleterZipFilePathsPicker) $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection.Add($PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_ArgumentCompleterAttrib) # Create a dynamic parameter object with the attributes already assigned: Name, Type, and Attributes Collection [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]$PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines', [System.IO.FileInfo], $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines_AttributesCollection) # Add the dynamic parameter object to the dictionary $ParamDictionary.Add('PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines', $PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines) #Endregion-Dyn-Param-For-PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines } # Creating dynamic parameters for the LogPath if ($PSBoundParameters.Log.IsPresent) { # Create a parameter attribute collection $LogPath_AttributesCollection = New-Object -TypeName System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] # Define argument completer's scriptblock [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$ArgumentCompleterLogFilePathPicker = { Add-Type -AssemblyName 'PresentationFramework' [Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog]$Dialog = [Microsoft.Win32.SaveFileDialog]::new() $Dialog.InitialDirectory = [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('Desktop') $Dialog.Filter = 'Text files (*.txt)|*.txt' $Dialog.Title = 'Choose where to save the log file' $Result = $Dialog.ShowDialog() if ($Result -eq $true) { return "`'$($Dialog.FileName)`'" } } # Create an argument completer attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute]$LogPath_ArgumentCompleterAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ArgumentCompleterAttribute($ArgumentCompleterLogFilePathPicker) $LogPath_AttributesCollection.Add($LogPath_ArgumentCompleterAttrib) # Create a mandatory attribute and add it to the collection [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$LogPath_MandatoryAttrib = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $LogPath_MandatoryAttrib.Mandatory = $true $LogPath_AttributesCollection.Add($LogPath_MandatoryAttrib) # Create a parameter attribute to add the ParameterSet for 'Offline Mode' [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$LogPath_ParamSetAttribute1 = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $LogPath_ParamSetAttribute1.ParameterSetName = 'Offline Mode' $LogPath_AttributesCollection.Add($LogPath_ParamSetAttribute1) # Create a parameter attribute to add the ParameterSet for 'Online Mode' [System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute]$LogPath_ParamSetAttribute2 = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $LogPath_ParamSetAttribute2.ParameterSetName = 'Online Mode' $LogPath_AttributesCollection.Add($LogPath_ParamSetAttribute2) # Create a dynamic parameter object with the attributes already assigned: Name, Type, and Attributes Collection [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]$LogPath = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter('LogPath', [System.IO.FileInfo], $LogPath_AttributesCollection) # Add the dynamic parameter object to the dictionary $ParamDictionary.Add('LogPath', $LogPath) } if ('DownloadsDefenseMeasures' -in $PSBoundParameters['Categories']) { # Create a dynamic parameter for -DangerousScriptHostsBlocking Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'DangerousScriptHostsBlocking' } if ('NonAdminCommands' -in $PSBoundParameters['Categories']) { # Create a dynamic parameter for -ClipboardSync Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $DynParamCreatorSubCategories -ArgumentList 'ClipboardSync' } # Only use the dynamic parameters if the GUI switch is not present if (-NOT $PSBoundParameters.GUI.IsPresent) { return $ParamDictionary } } begin { $script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' [HardenWindowsSecurity.Initializer]::Initialize($VerbosePreference) [System.Boolean]$ErrorsOccurred = $false # Since Dynamic parameters are only available in the parameter dictionary, we have to access them using $PSBoundParameters or assign them manually to another variable in the function's scope New-Variable -Name 'SecBaselines_NoOverrides' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['SecBaselines_NoOverrides']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'MSFTDefender_SAC' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['MSFTDefender_SAC']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'MSFTDefender_NoDiagData' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['MSFTDefender_NoDiagData']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'MSFTDefender_NoScheduledTask' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['MSFTDefender_NoScheduledTask']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'MSFTDefender_BetaChannels' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['MSFTDefender_BetaChannels']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'LockScreen_CtrlAltDel' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['LockScreen_CtrlAltDel']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'LockScreen_NoLastSignedIn' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['LockScreen_NoLastSignedIn']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'UAC_NoFastSwitching' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['UAC_NoFastSwitching']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'UAC_OnlyElevateSigned' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['UAC_OnlyElevateSigned']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'CountryIPBlocking_OFAC' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['CountryIPBlocking_OFAC']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'PathToLGPO' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['PathToLGPO']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines']) -Force # Set the default value for LogPath to the current working directory if not specified New-Variable -Name 'LogPath' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['LogPath'] ?? (Join-Path -Path $(Get-Location).Path -ChildPath "Log-Protect-WindowsSecurity-$(Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss').txt")) -Force New-Variable -Name 'DangerousScriptHostsBlocking' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['DangerousScriptHostsBlocking']) -Force New-Variable -Name 'ClipboardSync' -Value $($PSBoundParameters['ClipboardSync']) -Force # Detecting if Offline mode is used ([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Offline) = $PSBoundParameters['Offline'] ? $true : $false if (!([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Offline)) { [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Checking for updates...', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) Update-HardenWindowsSecurity -InvocationStatement $MyInvocation.Statement } else { [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Skipping update check since the -Offline switch was used', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) } # Get the execution policy for the current process [System.String]$CurrentExecutionPolicy = Get-ExecutionPolicy -Scope 'Process' # Change the execution policy temporarily only for the current PowerShell session Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy 'Unrestricted' -Scope 'Process' -Force # Get the current title of the PowerShell try { [System.String]$CurrentPowerShellTitle = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle } catch { [System.String]$CurrentPowerShellTitle = $null } # Change the title of the Windows Terminal for PowerShell tab [HardenWindowsSecurity.ChangePSConsoleTitle]::Set('❤️🔥Harden Windows Security❤️🔥') if ([HardenWindowsSecurity.UserPrivCheck]::IsAdmin()) { [HardenWindowsSecurity.ControlledFolderAccessHandler]::Start() [HardenWindowsSecurity.Miscellaneous]::RequirementsCheck() } try { # Detecting whether GUI parameter is present or not if ($PSBoundParameters.GUI.IsPresent) { # For PowerShell debugging, loading and running the GUI here, instead of the Boot() method, will display the errors on the PS console properly [HardenWindowsSecurity.GUIMain]::LoadMainXaml() [System.Void] [HardenWindowsSecurity.GUIMain]::app.Run([HardenWindowsSecurity.GUIMain]::mainGUIWindow) # [HardenWindowsSecurity.GUIBootStrapper]::Boot() } } catch { $_ $_.Exception $_.InvocationInfo $ErrorsOccurred = $true } # Return from the Begin block if GUI was used and then closed if ($PSBoundParameters.GUI.IsPresent) { Return } } process { # doing a try-catch-finally block on the entire code so that when CTRL + C is pressed to forcefully exit the operation, # or break is passed, clean up will still happen for secure exit. Any error that happens will be thrown try { # Return from the Process block if GUI was used and then closed, triggers the finally block to run for proper clean-up if ($PSBoundParameters.GUI.IsPresent) { Return } # Import all of the required functions . "$([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Path)\Shared\HardeningFunctions.ps1" # Start the transcript if the -Log switch is used if ($Log) { Start-Transcript -IncludeInvocationHeader -Path $LogPath # Create a new stopwatch object to measure the execution time [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Starting the stopwatch...', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]$StopWatch = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() } if (!$Categories) { Write-Host -Object "`r`n" Write-ColorfulText -Color Rainbow -InputText "############################################################################################################`r`n" Write-ColorfulText -Color MintGreen -InputText "### Please read the Readme in the GitHub repository: ###`r`n" Write-ColorfulText -Color Rainbow -InputText "############################################################################################################`r`n" } # Change the title of the Windows Terminal for PowerShell tab [HardenWindowsSecurity.ChangePSConsoleTitle]::Set('⏬ Downloading') # Download the required files if (!([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Offline)) { [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Downloading the required files', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) Write-Progress -Activity 'Downloading the required files' -Status 'Downloading' -PercentComplete 20 } [HardenWindowsSecurity.AsyncDownloader]::PrepDownloadedFiles( "$PathToLGPO", "$PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines", "$PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines", $false ) [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Finished downloading/processing the required files', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) Write-Progress -Activity 'Applying the security measures' -Status 'Protecting' -PercentComplete 50 # a label to break out of the main switch statements and run the finally block when user chooses to exit :MainSwitchLabel switch ($Categories) { 'MicrosoftSecurityBaselines' { Invoke-MicrosoftSecurityBaselines -RunUnattended } 'Microsoft365AppsSecurityBaselines' { Invoke-Microsoft365AppsSecurityBaselines -RunUnattended } 'MicrosoftDefender' { Invoke-MicrosoftDefender -RunUnattended } 'AttackSurfaceReductionRules' { Invoke-AttackSurfaceReductionRules -RunUnattended } 'BitLockerSettings' { Invoke-BitLockerSettings -RunUnattended } 'TLSSecurity' { Invoke-TLSSecurity -RunUnattended } 'LockScreen' { Invoke-LockScreen -RunUnattended } 'UserAccountControl' { Invoke-UserAccountControl -RunUnattended } 'WindowsFirewall' { Invoke-WindowsFirewall -RunUnattended } 'OptionalWindowsFeatures' { Invoke-OptionalWindowsFeatures -RunUnattended } 'WindowsNetworking' { Invoke-WindowsNetworking -RunUnattended } 'MiscellaneousConfigurations' { Invoke-MiscellaneousConfigurations -RunUnattended } 'WindowsUpdateConfigurations' { Invoke-WindowsUpdateConfigurations -RunUnattended } 'EdgeBrowserConfigurations' { Invoke-EdgeBrowserConfigurations -RunUnattended } 'CertificateCheckingCommands' { Invoke-CertificateCheckingCommands -RunUnattended } 'CountryIPBlocking' { Invoke-CountryIPBlocking -RunUnattended } 'DownloadsDefenseMeasures' { Invoke-DownloadsDefenseMeasures -RunUnattended } 'NonAdminCommands' { Invoke-NonAdminCommands -RunUnattended } default { # Get the values of the ValidateSet attribute of the Categories parameter of the main function foreach ($Category in ([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::HardeningCategorieX)) { # Run all of the categories' functions if the user didn't specify any . "Invoke-$Category" } } } # No code should be placed after this. } catch { # Throw whatever error that occurred Throw $_ $ErrorsOccurred = $true } finally { Write-Progress -Activity 'Protection completed' -Status 'Completed' -Completed if ($null -ne $CurrentPowerShellTitle) { [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Restoring the title of the PowerShell back to what it was prior to running the module', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) [HardenWindowsSecurity.ChangePSConsoleTitle]::Set($CurrentPowerShellTitle) } if ($null -ne $CurrentExecutionPolicy) { [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Setting the execution policy back to what it was prior to running the module', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy "$CurrentExecutionPolicy" -Scope 'Process' -Force } [HardenWindowsSecurity.ControlledFolderAccessHandler]::reset() [HardenWindowsSecurity.Miscellaneous]::CleanUp() if ($Log) { [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Stopping the stopwatch', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) $StopWatch.Stop() [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage("Protect-WindowsSecurity completed in $($StopWatch.Elapsed.Hours) Hours - $($StopWatch.Elapsed.Minutes) Minutes - $($StopWatch.Elapsed.Seconds) Seconds - $($StopWatch.Elapsed.Milliseconds) Milliseconds - $($StopWatch.Elapsed.Microseconds) Microseconds - $($StopWatch.Elapsed.Nanoseconds) Nanoseconds", [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Stopping the transcription', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information) Stop-Transcript } # If no errors Occurred, recycle the current session for there can't be more than 1 Application in the same App Domain if (!$ErrorsOccurred) { pwsh.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -NoExit } } } <# .SYNOPSIS Applies the hardening measures described in the GitHub readme. .LINK .DESCRIPTION Applies the hardening measures on a Windows client OS. You can run this cmdlet in interactive or headless/unattended mode. In interactive mode, you will be prompted for confirmation before applying each category and sub-category. In headless/unattended mode, you can specify which categories to apply without the need for user interaction. When running in headless/unattended mode, you can control the sub-categories of each category by using the following switch parameters: SecBaselines_NoOverrides -> Applies the Microsoft Security Baselines without the optional overrides MSFTDefender_SAC -> Enables Smart App Control MSFTDefender_NoDiagData -> Will not enable optional diagnostics data required for Smart App Control (Does not have any effect if Smart App Control is already turned on) MSFTDefender_NoScheduledTask -> Will not create scheduled task for fast MSFT driver block rules update MSFTDefender_BetaChannels -> Set Defender Engine and Intelligence update channels to beta LockScreen_CtrlAltDel -> Require CTRL + ALT + Delete at lock screen LockScreen_NoLastSignedIn -> Will not display the last signed in user at the lock screen UAC_NoFastSwitching -> Hide entry points for fast user switching UAC_OnlyElevateSigned -> Only elevate signed and validated executables CountryIPBlocking_OFAC -> Include the IP ranges of OFAC Sanctioned Countries in the firewall block rules Each of the switch parameters above will be dynamically generated based on the categories you choose. For example, if you choose to run the Microsoft Security Baselines category, the SecBaselines_NoOverrides switch parameter will be generated and you can use it to apply the Microsoft Security Baselines without the optional overrides. .COMPONENT PowerShell .FUNCTIONALITY Applies the hardening measures described in the GitHub readme. .PARAMETER GUI Activates the GUI mode. The cmdlet will display a GUI window where you can select the categories to apply. .PARAMETER Categories The hardening categories to implement. Use this to selectively apply certain categories. Use this parameter when executing the Protect-WindowsSecurity in silent/headless mode to automatically apply any categories you desire without user intervention. If not specified, there will be requests for confirmation before running each category. .PARAMETER Verbose Activates elaborate messages by displaying extensive information about the actions of the Protect-WindowsSecurity cmdlet. .PARAMETER Log Activates comprehensive logging by recording all the information shown on the screen and some additional data to a text file. It is strongly advised to use the -Verbose parameter when you want to enable logging. .PARAMETER LogPath The path to save the log file to. If not specified, the log file will be saved in the current working directory. .PARAMETER Offline Indicates that the module is being run in offline mode. Will not download any files from the internet. Using this parameter will make the following 3 parameters mandatory: PathToLGPO, PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines and PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines. Use this parameter with the -GUI parameter if you want to use the GUI to run the module in offline mode because it will skip the online version check. .PARAMETER PathToLGPO The path to the ''. Make sure it's in the zip format just like it's downloaded from the Microsoft servers. File name can be anything. The parameter has argument completer so you can press tab and use the file picker GUI to select the zip file. .PARAMETER PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines The path to the 'Windows 11 v23H2 Security'. Make sure it's in the zip format just like it's downloaded from the Microsoft servers. File name can be anything. The parameter has argument completer so you can press tab and use the file picker GUI to select the zip file. .PARAMETER PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines The path to the 'Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise'. Make sure it's in the zip format just like it's downloaded from the Microsoft servers. File name can be anything. The parameter has argument completer so you can press tab and use the file picker GUI to select the zip file. .NOTES It is highly recommended to always include the Microsoft Security Baselines category and place it first as it forms the foundation of all subsequent categories. .EXAMPLE Protect-WindowsSecurity -Categories 'MicrosoftSecurityBaselines', 'MicrosoftDefender', 'AttackSurfaceReductionRules' This example will apply the Microsoft Security Baselines, Microsoft Defender and Attack Surface Reduction Rules categories without the need for user interaction. .EXAMPLE Protect-WindowsSecurity -Categories MicrosoftDefender -MSFTDefender_SAC -Verbose This example will apply the Microsoft Defender category with the Smart App Control sub-category, without the need for user interaction, and will show verbose messages. .EXAMPLE Protect-WindowsSecurity This example will run the cmdlet in interactive mode and will prompt for confirmation before running each category and sub-category. .EXAMPLE Protect-WindowsSecurity -Verbose -Offline -PathToLGPO 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\' -PathToMSFTSecurityBaselines 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\' -PathToMSFT365AppsSecurityBaselines 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\' -Log -Categories MicrosoftSecurityBaselines,MicrosoftDefender -MSFTDefender_SAC This example instructs the cmdlet to run in offline mode and will not download any files from the internet. It also runs it in headless/silent mode by specifying which categories to automatically run. -MSFTDefender_SAC switch is used so the Smart App Control sub-category is also applied in the headless/silent mode. -Log switch is mentioned which will save the output of the cmdlet to a text file in the current working directory. .EXAMPLE Protect-WindowsSecurity -GUI This example will allow you to use the Graphical User Interface. .EXAMPLE Protect-WindowsSecurity -GUI -Offline This example will allow you to use the Graphical User Interface and also unlocks the related controls in the GUI where you can select the required files for total offline operation. .INPUTS System.String[] System.IO.FileInfo System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter .OUTPUTS System.String #> } |