
function Confirm-SystemCompliance {
    [OutputType([System.String], [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[System.String, HardenWindowsSecurity.IndividualResult[]]])]
    param (
                # Get the current command and the already bound parameters
                param($CommandName, $ParameterName, $WordToComplete, $CommandAst, $FakeBoundParameters)

                # Find all string constants in the AST
                $Existing = $CommandAst.FindAll(
                    # The predicate scriptblock to define the criteria for filtering the AST nodes
                        $Args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst]
                    # The recurse flag, whether to search nested scriptblocks or not.

                foreach ($Item in [HardenWindowsSecurity.ComplianceCategoriex]::new().GetValidValues()) {
                    # Check if the item is already selected
                    if ($Item -notin $Existing) {
                        # Return the item

                if ($_ -notin [HardenWindowsSecurity.ComplianceCategoriex]::new().GetValidValues()) { throw "Invalid Category Name: $_" }
                # Return true if everything is okay

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
    begin {
        $script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
        # Makes sure this cmdlet is invoked with Admin privileges
        if (-NOT ([HardenWindowsSecurity.UserPrivCheck]::IsAdmin())) {
            Throw [System.Security.AccessControl.PrivilegeNotHeldException] 'Administrator'

        if (-NOT $Offline) {
            [HardenWindowsSecurity.Logger]::LogMessage('Checking for updates...', [HardenWindowsSecurity.LogTypeIntel]::Information)
            Update-HardenWindowsSecurity -InvocationStatement $MyInvocation.Statement

        if ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem -Verbose:$false).OperatingSystemSKU -in '101', '100') {
            Write-Warning -Message 'The Windows Home edition has been detected, many features are unavailable in this edition.'

        #Region Colors
        [System.Collections.Hashtable]$global:ColorsMap = @{
            Plum         = @{
                Code        = '221', '160', '221'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(221,160,221))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            Orchid       = @{
                Code        = '218', '112', '214'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(218,112,214))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            Fuchsia      = @{
                Code        = '255', '0', '255'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,0,255))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            MediumOrchid = @{
                Code        = '186', '85', '211'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(186,85,211))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            MediumPurple = @{
                Code        = '147', '112', '219'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(147,112,219))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            BlueViolet   = @{
                Code        = '138', '43', '226'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(138,43,226))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            AndroidGreen = @{
                Code        = '176', '191', '26'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(176,191,26))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            Pink         = @{
                Code        = '255', '192', '203'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,192,203))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            HotPink      = @{
                Code        = '255', '105', '180'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,105,180))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            DeepPink     = @{
                Code        = '255', '20', '147'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,20,147))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            MintGreen    = @{
                Code        = '152', '255', '152'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(152,255,152))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            Orange       = @{
                Code        = '255', '165', '0'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,165,0))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            SkyBlue      = @{
                Code        = '135', '206', '235'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(135,206,235))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }
            Daffodil     = @{
                Code        = '255', '255', '49'
                ScriptBlock = { Write-Output -InputObject "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(255,255,49))$($PSStyle.Reverse)$($Args[0])$($PSStyle.Reset)" }

        # Defining a validate set class for the colors
        Class Colorsx : System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
            [System.String[]] GetValidValues() {
                $Colorsx = @($global:ColorsMap.Keys)
                return [System.String[]]$Colorsx

        # An array of colors used in multiple places
        [System.Drawing.Color[]]$Global:Colors = @(

        [System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock]$WriteRainbow = {
            $StringBuilder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
            for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Length; $i++) {
                $Color = $Global:Colors[$i % $Global:Colors.Length]
                [System.Void]$StringBuilder.Append("$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB($Color.R, $Color.G, $Color.B))$($Text[$i])$($PSStyle.Reset)")
            Write-Output -InputObject $StringBuilder.ToString()
        #Endregion Colors

    process {
        try {
            Write-Progress -Activity 'Performing Compliance Check...' -Status 'Running' -PercentComplete 50


            if ($ExportToCSV) {
                # Create an empty list to store the results based on the category order by sorting the concurrent hashtable
                $AllOrderedResults = [System.Collections.Generic.List[HardenWindowsSecurity.IndividualResult]]::new()

                $AllOrderedResults = foreach ($Key in [HardenWindowsSecurity.ComplianceCategoriex]::new().GetValidValues()) {
                    if (([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::FinalMegaObject).ContainsKey($Key)) {
                        foreach ($Item in ([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::FinalMegaObject)[$Key].GetEnumerator()) {

                # Store the results in the current working directory in a CSV files
                $AllOrderedResults | ConvertTo-Csv | Out-File -FilePath ".\Compliance Check Output $(Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy 'at' HH-mm-ss").CSV" -Force
            function Set-CategoryFormat {
                param (
                    [ValidateSet('List', 'Table')]
                # If user selected specific categories and the current function call's category name is not included in them, return from this function
                if (($null -ne $Categories) -and ($CategoryName -notin $Categories)) { Return }

                # Assign the array of color codes to a variable for easier/shorter assignments
                [System.Int32[]]$RGBs = $ColorMap[$ColorInput]['Code']

                &$ColorMap[$ColorInput]['ScriptBlock'] "`n-------------$DisplayName Category-------------"

                Switch ($Type) {
                    'List' {
                        # Setting the List Format Accent the same color as the category's title
                        $PSStyle.Formatting.FormatAccent = $($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB($RGBs[0], $RGBs[1], $RGBs[2]))
                        ([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::FinalMegaObject).$CategoryName | Format-List -Property FriendlyName, @{
                            Label      = 'Compliant'
                            Expression =
                            { switch ($_.Compliant) {
                                    { $_ -eq $true } { $SwitchColor = $($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB($RGBs[0], $RGBs[1], $RGBs[2])); break }
                                    { $_ -eq $false } { $SwitchColor = "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(229,43,80))$($PSStyle.Blink)"; break }
                        }, Value, Name, Category, Method
                    'Table' {
                        # Setting the Table header the same color as the category's title
                        $PSStyle.Formatting.TableHeader = $($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB($RGBs[0], $RGBs[1], $RGBs[2]))
                        ([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::FinalMegaObject).$CategoryName | Format-Table -Property FriendlyName,
                            Label      = 'Compliant'
                            Expression =
                            { switch ($_.Compliant) {
                                    { $_ -eq $true } { $SwitchColor = $($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB($RGBs[0], $RGBs[1], $RGBs[2])); break }
                                    { $_ -eq $false } { $SwitchColor = "$($PSStyle.Foreground.FromRGB(229,43,80))$($PSStyle.Blink)"; break }

                        }, Value -AutoSize

            if ($ShowAsObjectsOnly) {
                # return the main object that contains multiple nested objects
                return ([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::FinalMegaObject)
            else {
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput Plum -CategoryName 'MicrosoftDefender' -DisplayName 'Microsoft Defender' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput Orchid -CategoryName 'AttackSurfaceReductionRules' -DisplayName 'Attack Surface Reduction Rules' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput Fuchsia -CategoryName 'BitLockerSettings' -DisplayName 'Bitlocker Category' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput MediumOrchid -CategoryName 'TLSSecurity' -DisplayName 'TLS' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput MediumPurple -CategoryName 'LockScreen' -DisplayName 'Lock Screen' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput BlueViolet -CategoryName 'UserAccountControl' -DisplayName 'User Account Control' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput AndroidGreen -CategoryName 'DeviceGuard' -DisplayName 'Device Guard' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput Pink -CategoryName 'WindowsFirewall' -DisplayName 'Windows Firewall' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput SkyBlue -CategoryName 'OptionalWindowsFeatures' -DisplayName 'Optional Windows Features' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput HotPink -CategoryName 'WindowsNetworking' -DisplayName 'Windows Networking' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput DeepPink -CategoryName 'MiscellaneousConfigurations' -DisplayName 'Miscellaneous' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput MintGreen -CategoryName 'WindowsUpdateConfigurations' -DisplayName 'Windows Update' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput Orange -CategoryName 'EdgeBrowserConfigurations' -DisplayName 'Microsoft Edge' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')
                Set-CategoryFormat -ColorInput Daffodil -CategoryName 'NonAdminCommands' -DisplayName 'Non-Admin' -ColorMap $global:ColorsMap -Categories:$Categories -Type ($DetailedDisplay ? 'List' : 'Table')

                # Counting the number of $True Compliant values in the Final Output Object
                [System.UInt32]$TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut = 0
                foreach ($Category in [HardenWindowsSecurity.ComplianceCategoriex]::new().GetValidValues()) {
                    $TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut += (([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::FinalMegaObject).$Category).Where({ $_.Compliant -eq $True }).Count

                # Only display the overall score if the user has not specified any categories
                if (!$Categories) {
                    switch ($True) {
                    ($TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut -in 1..40) { & $WriteRainbow "$(Get-Content -Raw -Path "$([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Path)\Resources\Media\Text Arts\1To40.txt")`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut out of $([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::TotalNumberOfTrueCompliantValues)!" }
                    ($TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut -in 41..80) { & $WriteRainbow "$(Get-Content -Raw -Path "$([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Path)\Resources\Media\Text Arts\41To80.txt")`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut out of $([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::TotalNumberOfTrueCompliantValues)!" }
                    ($TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut -in 81..120) { & $WriteRainbow "$(Get-Content -Raw -Path "$([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Path)\Resources\Media\Text Arts\81To120.txt")`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut out of $([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::TotalNumberOfTrueCompliantValues)!" }
                    ($TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut -in 121..160) { & $WriteRainbow "$(Get-Content -Raw -Path "$([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Path)\Resources\Media\Text Arts\121To160.txt")`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut out of $([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::TotalNumberOfTrueCompliantValues)!" }
                    ($TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut -in 161..200) { & $WriteRainbow "$(Get-Content -Raw -Path "$([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Path)\Resources\Media\Text Arts\161To200.txt")`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut out of $([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::TotalNumberOfTrueCompliantValues)!" }
                    ($TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut -gt 200) { & $WriteRainbow "$(Get-Content -Raw -Path "$([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::Path)\Resources\Media\Text Arts\Above200.txt")`nYour compliance score is $TotalTrueCompliantValuesInOutPut out of $([HardenWindowsSecurity.GlobalVars]::TotalNumberOfTrueCompliantValues)!" }
        Catch {
            # Throw any unhandled errors in a terminating fashion
            Throw $_
        finally {
            Write-Progress -Activity 'Compliance checks have been completed' -Status 'Completed' -Completed
    Checks the compliance of a system with the Harden Windows Security script guidelines
    Checks the compliance of a system with the Harden Windows Security script. Checks the applied Group policies, registry keys and PowerShell cmdlets used by the hardening script.
    Gpresult, Secedit, PowerShell, Registry
    Uses Gpresult and Secedit to first export the effective Group policies and Security policies, then goes through them and checks them against the Harden Windows Security's guidelines.
    $Result = Confirm-SystemCompliance -ShowAsObjectsOnly
    ($Result['MicrosoftDefender'] | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Name -eq 'Controlled Folder Access Exclusions'}).Value
    Do this to get the Controlled Folder Access Programs list when using ShowAsObjectsOnly optional parameter to output an object
    $Result = Confirm-SystemCompliance -ShowAsObjectsOnly
    Do this to only see the result for the Microsoft Defender category when using ShowAsObjectsOnly optional parameter to output an object
    Confirm-SystemCompliance -Categories MicrosoftDefender, MiscellaneousConfigurations
    Do this to only check the compliance for the Microsoft Defender and Miscellaneous Configurations categories
    Export the output to a CSV file in the current working directory
.PARAMETER ShowAsObjectsOnly
    Returns a nested object instead of writing strings on the PowerShell console, it can be assigned to a variable
.PARAMETER DetailedDisplay
    Shows the output on the PowerShell console with more details and in the list format instead of table format
.PARAMETER Categories
    Specify the categories to check compliance for. If not specified, all categories will be checked
    Skips the online update check
    System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary[System.String, HardenWindowsSecurity.IndividualResult[]]
