
#Requires -Version 7
function New-HaloPOSTRequest {
        Sends a formatted web request to the Halo API.
        Wrapper function to send new or set requests to the Halo API
        Outputs an object containing the response from the web request.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Private function - no need to support.')]
        # If Updating
        # Object to Update / Create
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )]
        # Endpoint to use
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )]
    try {
        if ($Update) {
            if ($null -eq $Object.id) {
                Throw 'Updates must have an ID'
        } else {
            if ($null -ne $Object.id) {
                Throw 'Creates must not have an ID'
        $WebRequestParams = @{
            Method = 'POST'
            Uri = "$($Script:HAPIConnectionInformation.URL)api/$Endpoint"
            Body = $Object | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100 -AsArray
        $UpdateResults = Invoke-HaloRequest -WebRequestParams $WebRequestParams
        Return $UpdateResults
    } catch {
        $ErrorRecord = @{
            ExceptionType = 'System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException'
            ErrorMessage = 'POST request sent to the Halo API failed.'
            InnerException = $_.Exception
            ErrorID = 'HaloPOSTRequestFailed'
            ErrorCategory = 'ProtocolError'
            TargetObject = $_.TargetObject
            ErrorDetails = $_.ErrorDetails
            BubbleUpDetails = $True
        $RequestError = New-HaloErrorRecord @ErrorRecord