Function New-HaloTicketBatch { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates multiple tickets via the Halo API. .DESCRIPTION Function to send a batch of ticket creation requests to the Halo API .OUTPUTS Outputs an object containing the responses from the web requests. #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True )] [OutputType([Object[]])] Param ( # Array of objects containing properties and values used to create one or more new tickets. [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )] [Array[]]$Tickets ) Invoke-HaloPreFlightCheck try { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Tickets', 'Create')) { if ($Tickets -is [Array]) { $BatchResults = [System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag[PSObject]]::New() $Tickets | ForEach-Object -Parallel { Import-Module 'X:\Development\Repositories\MJCO\HaloAPI\HaloAPI.psm1' $HaloConnectionParams = @{ URL = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.URL ClientID = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.ClientID ClientSecret = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.ClientSecret Scopes = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.AuthScopes Tenant = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.Tenant AdditionalHeaders = $Using:HAPIConnectionInformation.AdditionalHeaders } if ($DebugPreference -eq 'Continue') { $HaloConnectionParams.Debug = $True } if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { $HaloConnectionParams.Verbose = $True } Connect-HaloAPI @HaloConnectionParams $LocalBatchResults = $using:BatchResults [PSCustomObject]$Ticket = New-HaloTicket -Ticket $_ $LocalBatchResults.Add($Ticket) } Return $BatchResults } else { throw 'New-HaloTicketBatch requires an array of tickets to create.' } } } catch { New-HaloError -ErrorRecord $_ } } |