Function Invoke-HaloSQL { <# .SYNOPSIS Uses the Reports API endpoint to run arbitrary SQL. .DESCRIPTION Function to run a report preview with a SQL query parameter. Use -IncludeFullReport to get the entire report object instead of just the results .OUTPUTS Outputs an object containing the response from the web request. #> [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True )] [OutputType([Object[]])] Param ( # String or Here String for SQL Statement [Parameter( Mandatory = $True, ValueFromPipeline )] [String]$SQLQuery, # Return Full Report Object. [Parameter()] [Switch]$IncludeFullReport ) Invoke-HaloPreFlightCheck try { $Payload = @(@{id = 0; name= ''; sql = $SQLQuery; apiquery_id = 0; "_testonly" = $false; "_loadreportonly" = $true}) if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Payload -is [Array] ? 'Reports' : 'Report', 'Execute')) { $Report = New-HaloPOSTRequest -Object $Payload -Endpoint 'report' if (-not $ { if ($ -eq 0) { throw "No results were returned" } else { if ($IncludeFullReport) { return $Report } else { return $ } } } else { Throw $ } } } catch { New-HaloError -ErrorRecord $_ } } |