function New-HaloQueryString { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )] [String]$CommandName, [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )] [Hashtable]$Parameters, [Switch]$IsMulti, [Switch]$CommaSeparatedArrays ) Write-Verbose "Building parameters for $($CommandName). Use '-Debug' with '-Verbose' to see parameter values as they are built." $QSCollection = [Hashtable]@{} foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters.Values) { # Skip system parameters. if (([System.Management.Automation.Cmdlet]::CommonParameters).Contains($Parameter.Name)) { Write-Debug "Excluding system parameter $($Parameter.Name)." Continue } $ParameterVariable = Get-Variable -Name $Parameter.Name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if (($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -eq "String") -or ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -eq "String[]")) { Write-Debug "Found String or String Array param $($ParameterVariable.Name)" if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ParameterVariable.Value)) { Write-Debug "Skipping unset param $($ParameterVariable.Name)" Continue } else { if ($Parameter.Aliases) { # Use the first alias as the query. $Query = ([String]$Parameter.Aliases[0]).ToLower() } else { # If no aliases then use the name in lowercase. $Query = ([String]$ParameterVariable.Name).ToLower() } $Value = $ParameterVariable.Value if (($Value -is [array]) -and ($CommaSeparatedArrays)) { Write-Debug "Building comma separated array string." $QueryValue = $Value -join "," $QSCollection.Add($Query, $QueryValue) Write-Debug "Adding parameter $($Query) with value $($QueryValue)" } elseif (($Value -is [array]) -and (-not $CommaSeparatedArrays)) { foreach ($ArrayValue in $Value) { $QSCollection.Add($Query, $ArrayValue) Write-Debug "Adding parameter $($Query) with value $($ArrayValue)" } } else { $QSCollection.Add($Query, $Value) Write-Debug "Adding parameter $($Query) with value $($Value)" } } } if ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -eq "SwitchParameter") { Write-Debug "Found Switch param $($ParameterVariable.Name)" if ($ParameterVariable.Value -eq $False) { Write-Debug "Skipping unset param $($ParameterVariable.Name)" Continue } else { if ($Parameter.Aliases) { # Use the first alias as the query string name. $Query = ([String]$Parameter.Aliases[0]).ToLower() } else { # If no aliases then use the name in lowercase. $Query = ([String]$ParameterVariable.Name).ToLower() } $Value = ([String]$ParameterVariable.Value).ToLower() $QSCollection.Add($Query, $Value) Write-Debug "Adding parameter $($Query) with value $($Value)" } } if (($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -eq "Int32") -or ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -eq "Int64") -or ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -eq "Int32[]") -or ($Parameter.ParameterType.Name -eq "Int64[]")) { Write-Debug "Found Int or Int Array param $($ParameterVariable.Name)" if (($ParameterVariable.Value -eq 0) -or ($null -eq $ParameterVariable.Value)) { Write-Debug "Skipping unset param $($ParameterVariable.Name)" Continue } else { if ($Parameter.Aliases) { # Use the first alias as the query string name. $Query = ([String]$Parameter.Aliases[0]).ToLower() } else { # If no aliases then use the name in lowercase. $Query = ([String]$ParameterVariable.Name).ToLower() } $Value = $ParameterVariable.Value if (($Value -is [array]) -and ($CommaSeparatedArrays)) { Write-Debug "Building comma separated array string." $QueryValue = $Value -join "," $QSCollection.Add($Query, $QueryValue) Write-Debug "Adding parameter $($Query) with value $($QueryValue)" } elseif (($Value -is [array]) -and (-not $CommaSeparatedArrays)) { foreach ($ArrayValue in $Value) { $QSCollection.Add($Query, $ArrayValue) Write-Debug "Adding parameter $($Query) with value $($ArrayValue)" } } else { $QSCollection.Add($Query, $Value) Write-Debug "Adding parameter $($Query) with value $($Value)" } } } } if ("count" -in $QSCollection) { Write-Warning "Halo recommend use of pagination with the '-Paginate' parameter instead of '-Count'." } if ((('pageinate' -notin $QSCollection) -and ('count' -notin $QSCollection)) -and ($IsMulti)) { Write-Warning "Running in 'multi' mode but neither '-Paginate' or '-Count' was specified. All results will be returned." $QSCollection.Add('pageinate', 'true') if (-not($QSCollection.page_size)) { $QSCollection.Add('page_size', $Script:HAPIDefaultPageSize) } $QSCollection.Add('page_no', 1) } if (('pageinate' -in $QSCollection) -and ('page_size' -notin $QSCollection) -and ($IsMulti)) { Write-Warning "Parameter '-PageSize' was not provided for a paginated request. Using default value of $($Script:HAPIDefaultPageSize)" } if (('pageinate' -in $QSCollection) -and ('page_no' -notin $QSCollection) -and ($IsMulti)) { Write-Error "When using pagination you must specify an initial page number with '-PageNo'." Break } Write-Debug "Query collection contains $($QSCollection | Out-String)" Return $QSCollection } |