<# (c) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP #> <# NOTE: See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. #> Add-Type @' public class AsyncPipeline { public System.Management.Automation.PowerShell Pipeline ; public System.IAsyncResult AsyncResult ; } '@ function Get-Message { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$MsgID ) $LocalizedStrings=@{ 'MSG_PROGRESS_ACTIVITY'='Receiving Results' 'MSG_PROGRESS_STATUS'='Percent Complete' 'MSG_SENDING_TO'='Sending to {0}' 'MSG_FAIL_HOSTNAME'='DNS name translation not available for {0} - Host name left blank.' 'MSG_FAIL_IPADDRESS'='Invalid Hostname: IP Address translation not available for hostname {0}.' 'MSG_PARAMETER_INVALID_TYPE'="Error : `"{0}`" is not supported for parameter `"{1}`"." 'MSG_INVALID_USE'='Error : Invalid use of cmdlet. Please check your input again' 'MSG_INVALID_RANGE'='Error : The Range value is invalid' 'MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER'="`"{0}`" is invalid, it will be ignored." 'MSG_INVALID_TIMEOUT'='Error : The Timeout value is invalid' 'MSG_FIND_LONGTIME'='It might take a while to search for all the HPE REST sources if the input is a very large range. Use Verbose for more information.' 'MSG_USING_THREADS_FIND'='Using {0} threads for search.' 'MSG_PING'='Pinging {0}' 'MSG_PING_FAIL'='No system responds at {0}' 'MSG_FIND_NO_SOURCE'='No HPE Rest source at {0}' 'MSG_INVALID_CREDENTIALS'='Invalid credentials' 'MSG_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND'='Schema not found for {0}' 'MSG_INVALID_HREF'='The Href value is invalid' 'MSG_FORMATDIR_LOCATION'='Location' "MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING"="Error : Invalid use of cmdlet. `"{0}`" parameter is missing" 'MSG_INVALID_OEM'='HPRESTCmdlets only work with the Hewlett Packard Enterprise RESTful API' } $Message = '' try { $Message = $RM.GetString($MsgID) if($Message -eq $null) { $Message = $LocalizedStrings[$MsgID] } } catch { #throw $_ $Message = $LocalizedStrings[$MsgID] } if($Message -eq $null) { #or unknown $Message = 'Fail to get the message' } return $Message } function Create-ThreadPool { [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true)][int]$PoolSize, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$False)][Switch]$MTA ) $pool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $PoolSize) If(!$MTA) { $pool.ApartmentState = 'STA' } $pool.Open() return $pool } function Start-ThreadScriptBlock { [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True)]$ThreadPool, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$True)][ScriptBlock]$ScriptBlock, [Parameter(Position=2,Mandatory=$False)][Object[]]$Parameters ) $Pipeline = [System.Management.Automation.PowerShell]::Create() $Pipeline.RunspacePool = $ThreadPool $Pipeline.AddScript($ScriptBlock) | Out-Null Foreach($Arg in $Parameters) { $Pipeline.AddArgument($Arg) | Out-Null } $AsyncResult = $Pipeline.BeginInvoke() $Output = New-Object AsyncPipeline $Output.Pipeline = $Pipeline $Output.AsyncResult = $AsyncResult $Output } function Get-ThreadPipelines { [Cmdletbinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True)][AsyncPipeline[]]$Pipelines, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$false)][Switch]$ShowProgress ) # incrementing for Write-Progress $i = 1 foreach($Pipeline in $Pipelines) { try { $Pipeline.Pipeline.EndInvoke($Pipeline.AsyncResult) If($Pipeline.Pipeline.Streams.Error) { Throw $Pipeline.Pipeline.Streams.Error } } catch { $_ } $Pipeline.Pipeline.Dispose() If($ShowProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity $(Get-Message('MSG_PROGRESS_ACTIVITY')) -PercentComplete $(($i/$Pipelines.Length) * 100) ` -Status $(Get-Message('MSG_PROGRESS_STATUS')) } $i++ } } function Get-IPArrayFromIPSection { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String] $stringIPSection, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('IPv4','IPv6')] [String]$IPType = 'IPv4' ) $returnarray=@() try { $errMsg = "Failed to get $IPType array from IP section $stringIPSection" $by_commas = $stringIPSection.split(',') if($IPType -eq 'IPV4') { foreach($by_comma in $by_commas) { $by_comma_dashs = $by_comma.split('-') $by_comma_dash_ele=[int]($by_comma_dashs[0]) $by_comma_dash_ele_end = [int]($by_comma_dashs[$by_comma_dashs.Length-1]) if($by_comma_dash_ele -gt $by_comma_dash_ele_end) { $by_comma_dash_ele = $by_comma_dash_ele_end $by_comma_dash_ele_end = [int]($by_comma_dashs[0]) } for(; $by_comma_dash_ele -le $by_comma_dash_ele_end;$by_comma_dash_ele++) { $returnarray+=[String]($by_comma_dash_ele) } } } if($IPType -eq 'IPv6') { foreach($by_comma in $by_commas) { $by_comma_dashs = $by_comma.split('-') $by_comma_dash_ele=[Convert]::ToInt32($by_comma_dashs[0], 16) $by_comma_dash_ele_end = ([Convert]::ToInt32($by_comma_dashs[$by_comma_dashs.Length-1], 16)) if($by_comma_dash_ele -gt $by_comma_dash_ele_end) { $by_comma_dash_ele = $by_comma_dash_ele_end $by_comma_dash_ele_end = [Convert]::ToInt32($by_comma_dashs[0], 16) } for(; $by_comma_dash_ele -le $by_comma_dash_ele_end;$by_comma_dash_ele++) { $returnarray+=[Convert]::ToString($by_comma_dash_ele,16); } } } } catch { Write-Host "Error - $errmsg" -ForegroundColor red } return ,$returnarray } #A common function for both IPv4/IPv6 , which will firstly make sure all the sections of IPv4/IPv6 is complete before calling this function) #input is a IPv4 address(separeated by ".") or IPv6 address(separeated by ":") and in each section, there might be "," and "-", like "1,2,3-4" #return the array of all the possible IP adreesses parsed from the input string function Get-IPArrayFromString { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String] $stringIP, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet('IPv4','IPv6')] [String]$IPType = 'IPv4', [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$PreFix = '', [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [String]$PostFix = '' ) #$returnarray=@() try { $errMsg = "Invalid format of IP string $stringIP to get $IPType array" $IPSectionArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $returnarray = New-Object 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.String]' $IPdelimiter='.' if($IPType -eq 'IPv6') { $IPdelimiter=':' } $sections_bycolondot = $stringIP.Split($IPdelimiter) for($x=0; ($x -lt $sections_bycolondot.Length -and ($sections_bycolondot[$x] -ne $null -and $sections_bycolondot[$x] -ne '')) ; $x++) { $section=@() $section= Get-IPArrayFromIPSection -stringIPSection $sections_bycolondot[$x] -IPType $IPType $x=$IPSectionArray.Add($section) } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 1) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$PostFix) } } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 2) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { for($y=0; $y -lt $IPSectionArray[1].Count; $y++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[1][$y]+$PostFix) } } } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 3) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { for($y=0; $y -lt $IPSectionArray[1].Count; $y++) { for($z=0; $z -lt $IPSectionArray[2].Count; $z++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[1][$y]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[2][$z]+$PostFix) } } } } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 4) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { for($y=0; $y -lt $IPSectionArray[1].Count; $y++) { for($z=0; $z -lt $IPSectionArray[2].Count; $z++) { for($a=0; $a -lt $IPSectionArray[3].Count; $a++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[1][$y]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[2][$z]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[3][$a]+$PostFix) } } } } } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 5) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { for($y=0; $y -lt $IPSectionArray[1].Count; $y++) { for($z=0; $z -lt $IPSectionArray[2].Count; $z++) { for($a=0; $a -lt $IPSectionArray[3].Count; $a++) { for($b=0; $b -lt $IPSectionArray[4].Count; $b++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[1][$y]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[2][$z]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[3][$a]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[4][$b]+$PostFix) } } } } } } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 6) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { for($y=0; $y -lt $IPSectionArray[1].Count; $y++) { for($z=0; $z -lt $IPSectionArray[2].Count; $z++) { for($a=0; $a -lt $IPSectionArray[3].Count; $a++) { for($b=0; $b -lt $IPSectionArray[4].Count; $b++) { for($c=0; $c -lt $IPSectionArray[5].Count; $c++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[1][$y]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[2][$z]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[3][$a]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[4][$b]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[5][$c]+$PostFix) } } } } } } } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 7) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { for($y=0; $y -lt $IPSectionArray[1].Count; $y++) { for($z=0; $z -lt $IPSectionArray[2].Count; $z++) { for($a=0; $a -lt $IPSectionArray[3].Count; $a++) { for($b=0; $b -lt $IPSectionArray[4].Count; $b++) { for($c=0; $c -lt $IPSectionArray[5].Count; $c++) { for($d=0; $d -lt $IPSectionArray[6].Count; $c++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[1][$y]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[2][$z]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[3][$a]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[4][$b]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[5][$c]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[6][$d]+$PostFix) } } } } } } } } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 8) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { for($y=0; $y -lt $IPSectionArray[1].Count; $y++) { for($z=0; $z -lt $IPSectionArray[2].Count; $z++) { for($a=0; $a -lt $IPSectionArray[3].Count; $a++) { for($b=0; $b -lt $IPSectionArray[4].Count; $b++) { for($c=0; $c -lt $IPSectionArray[5].Count; $c++) { for($d=0; $d -lt $IPSectionArray[6].Count; $d++) { for($e=0; $e -lt $IPSectionArray[7].Count; $e++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[1][$y]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[2][$z]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[3][$a]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[4][$b]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[5][$c]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[6][$d]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[7][$e]+$PostFix) } } } } } } } } } if($IPSectionArray.Count -eq 9) { for($x=0; $x -lt $IPSectionArray[0].Count; $x++) { for($y=0; $y -lt $IPSectionArray[1].Count; $y++) { for($z=0; $z -lt $IPSectionArray[2].Count; $z++) { for($a=0; $a -lt $IPSectionArray[3].Count; $a++) { for($b=0; $b -lt $IPSectionArray[4].Count; $b++) { for($c=0; $c -lt $IPSectionArray[5].Count; $c++) { for($d=0; $d -lt $IPSectionArray[6].Count; $c++) { for($e=0; $e -lt $IPSectionArray[7].Count; $e++) { for($f=0; $f -lt $IPSectionArray[8].Count; $f++) { $returnarray.Add($PreFix+$IPSectionArray[0][$x]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[1][$y]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[2][$z]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[3][$a]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[4][$b]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[5][$c]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[6][$d]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[7][$e]+$IPdelimiter+$IPSectionArray[8][$f]+$PostFix) } } } } } } } } } } } catch { Write-Host "Error - $errmsg" -ForegroundColor red } return ,$returnarray } #for ipv6 support in cmdlets other than Find-HPRest function Get-IPv6FromString { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String] $stringIP, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $AddSquare ) $percentpart='' $ipv4array=@() #$ipv6array=@() #$returnstring=@() $returnstring = New-Object 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.String]' $ipv6array = New-Object 'System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[System.String]' $preFix='' $postFix='' if($AddSquare) { $preFix='[' $postFix=']' } try { $errMsg = "Invalid format of IP string $stringIP to get IPv6 address" #it could have ::, :,., % inside it, have % in it if($stringIP.LastIndexOf('%') -ne -1) { $sections = $stringIP.Split('%') $percentpart='%'+$sections[1] $stringIP=$sections[0] } #it could have ::, :,.inside it, have ipv4 in it if($stringIP.IndexOf('.') -ne -1) { [int]$nseperate = $stringIP.LastIndexOf(':') #to get the ipv4 part $mappedIpv4 = $stringIP.SubString($nseperate + 1) $ipv4array=Get-IPArrayFromString -stringIP $mappedIpv4 -IPType 'IPV4' #to get the first 6 sections, including :: or : $stringIP = $stringIP.Substring(0, $nseperate + 1) } #it could have ::,: inside it $stringIP = $stringIP -replace '::', '|' $sectionsby_2colon=@() #suppose to get a 2 element array $sectionsby_2colon = $stringIP.Split('|') #no :: in it if($sectionsby_2colon.Length -eq 1) { $ipv6array=Get-IPArrayFromString -stringIP $sectionsby_2colon[0] -IPType 'IPv6' } elseif($sectionsby_2colon.Length -gt 1) { #starting with :: if(($sectionsby_2colon[0] -eq '')) { if(($sectionsby_2colon[1] -eq '')) { $ipv6array=@('::') } else { $ipv6array=Get-IPArrayFromString -stringIP $sectionsby_2colon[1] -IPType 'IPv6' -PreFix '::' } } #not starting with ::, may in the middle or in the ending else { if(($sectionsby_2colon[1] -eq '')) { $ipv6array=Get-IPArrayFromString -stringIP $sectionsby_2colon[0] -IPType 'IPv6' -PostFix '::' } else { $ipv6array1=Get-IPArrayFromString -stringIP $sectionsby_2colon[0] -IPType 'IPv6' -PostFix '::' $ipv6array2=Get-IPArrayFromString -stringIP $sectionsby_2colon[1] -IPType 'IPv6' foreach($x1 in $ipv6array1) { foreach($x2 in $ipv6array2) { $ipv6array.Add($x1 + $x2) } } } } } foreach($ip1 in $ipv6array) { if($ipv4array.Count -ge 1) { foreach($ip2 in $ipv4array) { if($ip1.SubString($ip1.Length-1) -eq ':') { $returnstring.Add($preFix+$ip1+$ip2+$percentpart+$postFix) } else { $returnstring.Add($preFix+$ip1+':'+$ip2+$percentpart+$postFix) } } } else { $returnstring.Add($preFix+$ip1+$percentpart+$postFix) } } } catch { Write-Host "Error - $errmsg" -ForegroundColor red } return $returnstring } #called from Find-HPRest, complete all the sections for one IPv4 address, #$arrayforip returns an array with 4 items, which map to the 4 sections of IPv4 address. #for example, if input $strIP="x", the $arrayforip will be @("x","0-255","0-255","0-255") function Complete-IPv4{ param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $strIP #[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ref] $arrayforip ) $arrayfor = @() $arrayfor += '0-255' $arrayfor += '0-255' $arrayfor += '0-255' $arrayfor += '0-255' #with the new format, 1..., or .1, at most 5 items in $sections, but might have empty values $sections = $strIP.Split('.') #no "." in it if($sections.length -eq 1) { $arrayfor[0]=$sections[0] } #might have empty item when input is "x." or ".x" elseif($sections.length -eq 2) { if($sections[0] -ne '') { $arrayfor[0]=$sections[0] if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[1] } } else { if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[1] } } } elseif($sections.length -eq 3) { #"1..", "1.1.","1.1.1" "1..1" if($sections[0] -ne '') { $arrayfor[0]=$sections[0] if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[1] if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[2] } } else { if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[2] } } } else { #.1.1 if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[2] if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[1] } } else { #the 1 and 3 items are empty ".1." if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[1] } } } } #1.1.1., 1..., ...1, 1...1, .x.x.x, x..x.x, x.x..x,..x. elseif($sections.length -eq 4) { #1st is not empty if($sections[0] -ne '') { $arrayfor[0]=$sections[0] #2nd is not empty if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[1] #3rd is not empty if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[2] #4th is not empty if($sections[3] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[3] } } #3rd is empty 1.1..1 else { #4th is not empty if($sections[3] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[3] } } } #2nd is empty, 1..1., 1... else { #4th is not empty if($sections[3] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[3] #3rd is not empty if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[2] } } #4th is empty else { #3rd is not empty if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[2] } } } } #1st is empty else { #4th is not empty if($sections[3] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[3] #3rd is not empty if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[2] #2rd is not empty if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[1] } } else { #2rd is not empty if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[1] } } } #4th is empty .1.1., ..1., .1.. else { #3rd is not empty if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[2] } #2nd is not empty if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[1] } } } } #x.x.x.., ..x.x.x, x.x.x.x elseif($sections.length -eq 5) { #1st is not empty if($sections[0] -ne '') { $arrayfor[0]=$sections[0] if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[1] } if($sections[2] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[2] } if($sections[3] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[3] } } #1st is empty else { if($sections[4] -ne '') { $arrayfor[3]=$sections[4] } if($sections[3] -ne '') { $arrayfor[2]=$sections[3] } if($sections[2] -ne'') { $arrayfor[1]=$sections[2] } if($sections[1] -ne '') { $arrayfor[0]=$sections[1] } } } #$arrayforip.Value = $arrayfor; return $arrayfor[0]+'.'+$arrayfor[1]+'.'+$arrayfor[2]+'.'+$arrayfor[3] } #called from Find-HPRest, a helper function to check whether input IPv4 is valid or not #returns the total number of "." in an IPv4 address #for example: if input $strIP is "1...1", the return value is 3 function Get-IPv4-Dot-Num{ param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $strIP ) [int]$dotnum = 0 for($i=0;$i -lt $strIP.Length; $i++) { if($strIP[$i] -eq '.') { $dotnum++ } } return $dotnum } #called from Find-HPRest, complete the all sections for one IPv6 address #$arrayforip returns an array with 8 or more items, which map to the sections of IPv6 address. #for example, if input $strIP="x:x:x", the $arrayforip will be @("x","x","x","0-FFFF","0-FFFF","0-FFFF","0-FFFF","0-FFFF") function Complete-IPv6{ param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $strIP, #[parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [ref] $arrayforip, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [Int] $MaxSecNum=8 ) $arrayfor = @() $arrayfor+=@('0-FFFF') $arrayfor+=@('0-FFFF') $arrayfor+=@('0-FFFF') $arrayfor+=@('0-FFFF') $arrayfor+=@('0-FFFF') $arrayfor+=@('0-FFFF') #used for ipv4-mapped,also used for ipv6 if not in ipv4 mapped format $arrayfor+=@('0-FFFF') #used for ipv4-mapped,also used for ipv6 if not in ipv4 mapped format $arrayfor+=@('0-FFFF') #used for ipv4-mapped $arrayfor+=@('') #used for ipv4-mapped $arrayfor+=@('') #used for % $arrayfor+=@('') #$strIP = $strIP -replace "::", "|" $returnstring='' #have % in it if($strIP.LastIndexOf('%') -ne -1) { $sections = $strIP.Split('%') $arrayfor[10]='%'+$sections[1] $strIP=$sections[0] } #it could have ::, :, %, . inside it, have ipv4 in it if($strIP.IndexOf('.') -ne -1) { [int]$nseperate = $strIP.LastIndexOf(':') #to get the ipv4 part $mappedIpv4 = $strIP.SubString($nseperate + 1) $secarray=@() $ipv4part = Complete-IPv4 -strIP $mappedIpv4 #to get the first 6 sections $strIP = $strIP.Substring(0, $nseperate + 1) $ipv6part = Complete-IPv6 -strIP $strIP -MaxSecNum 6 $returnstring += $ipv6part+':'+$ipv4part } #no ipv4 part in it, to get the 8 sections else { $strIP = $strIP -replace '::', '|' $parsedipv6sections=@() #suppose to get a 2 element array $bigsections = $strIP.Split('|') #no :: in it if($bigsections.Length -eq 1) { $parsedipv6sections = $bigsections[0].Split(':') for($x=0; ($x -lt $parsedipv6sections.Length) -and ($x -lt $MaxSecNum); $x++) { $arrayfor[$x] = $parsedipv6sections[$x] } } elseif($bigsections.Length -gt 1) { #starting with :: if(($bigsections[0] -eq '')) { $parsedipv6sections = $bigsections[1].Split(':') $Y=$MaxSecNum-1 for($x=$parsedipv6sections.Length; ($parsedipv6sections[$x-1] -ne '') -and ($x -gt 0) -and ($y -gt -1); $x--, $y--) { $arrayfor[$y] = $parsedipv6sections[$x-1] } for(; $y -gt -1; $y--) { $arrayfor[$y]='0' } } #not starting with ::, may in the middle or in the ending else { $parsedipv6sections = $bigsections[0].Split(':') $x=0 for(; ($x -lt $parsedipv6sections.Length) -and ($x -lt $MaxSecNum); $x++) { $arrayfor[$x] = $parsedipv6sections[$x] } $y=$MaxSecNum-1 if($bigsections[1] -ne '') { $parsedipv6sections2 = $bigsections[1].Split(':') for($z=$parsedipv6sections2.Length; ($parsedipv6sections2[$z-1] -ne '')-and ($z -gt 0) -and ($y -gt ($x-1)); $y--,$z--) { $arrayfor[$y] = $parsedipv6sections2[$z-1] } } for(;$x -lt ($y+1); $x++) { $arrayfor[$x]='0' } } } if($MaxSecNum -eq 6) { $returnstring = $returnstring = $arrayfor[0]+':'+$arrayfor[1]+':'+$arrayfor[2]+':'+$arrayfor[3]+':'+$arrayfor[4]+':'+$arrayfor[5] } if($MaxSecNum -eq 8) { $appendingstring='' if($arrayfor[8] -ne '') { $appendingstring=':'+$arrayfor[8] } if($arrayfor[9] -ne '') { if($appendingstring -ne '') { $appendingstring = $appendingstring + ':'+$arrayfor[9] } else { $appendingstring=':'+$arrayfor[9] } } if($arrayfor[10] -ne '') { if($appendingstring -ne '') { $appendingstring = $appendingstring + $arrayfor[10] } else { $appendingstring=$arrayfor[10] } } $returnstring = $arrayfor[0]+':'+$arrayfor[1]+':'+$arrayfor[2]+':'+$arrayfor[3]+':'+$arrayfor[4]+':'+$arrayfor[5]+':'+$arrayfor[6]+':'+$arrayfor[7]+$appendingstring } } #$arrayforip.Value= $arrayfor return $returnstring } function New-TrustAllWebClient { <# Source for New-TrustAllWebClient is found at http://poshcode.org/624 Use is governed by the Creative Commons "No Rights Reserved" license and is considered public domain see http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode published by Stephen Campbell of Marchview Consultants Ltd. #> <# Create a compilation environment #> $Provider=New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider $Compiler=$Provider.CreateCompiler() $Params=New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters $Params.GenerateExecutable=$False $Params.GenerateInMemory=$True $Params.IncludeDebugInformation=$False $Params.ReferencedAssemblies.Add('System.DLL') > $null $TASource=@' namespace Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy { public class TrustAll : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy { public TrustAll() { } public bool CheckValidationResult(System.Net.ServicePoint sp, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate cert, System.Net.WebRequest req, int problem) { return true; } } } '@ $TAResults=$Provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($Params,$TASource) $TAAssembly=$TAResults.CompiledAssembly <# We now create an instance of the TrustAll and attach it to the ServicePointManager #> $TrustAll=$TAAssembly.CreateInstance('Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy.TrustAll') [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy=$TrustAll [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 <# The ESX Upload requires the Preauthenticate value to be true which is not the default for the System.Net.WebClient class which has very simple-to-use downloadFile and uploadfile methods. We create an override class which simply sets that Preauthenticate value. After creating an instance of the Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.WebClient class, we use it just like the standard WebClient class. #> $WCSource=@' namespace Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net { class WebClient : System.Net.WebClient { protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(System.Uri uri) { System.Net.WebRequest webRequest = base.GetWebRequest(uri); webRequest.PreAuthenticate = true; webRequest.Timeout = 10000; return webRequest; } } } '@ $WCResults=$Provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($Params,$WCSource) $WCAssembly=$WCResults.CompiledAssembly <# Now return the custom WebClient. It behaves almost like a normal WebClient. #> $WebClient=$WCAssembly.CreateInstance('Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.WebClient') return $WebClient } function Get-HPRESTDataProp2 { param ( [PSObject] $Data, [PSObject] $Schema, [PSObject] $Session, [String] $DataType, [System.Collections.Hashtable] $DictionaryOfSchemas ) $DataProperties = New-Object PSObject $PROP = 'Value' $PROP1 = 'Schema_Description' $SCHEMAPROP1 = 'Description' #'description' prop name in schema $PROP2 = 'Schema_AllowedValue' $SCHEMAPROP2 = 'enum' #'enum' prop name in schema $PROP3 = 'Schema_Type' $SCHEMAPROP3 = 'type' #'type' prop name in schema $PROP4 = 'Schema_ReadOnly' $SCHEMAPROP4 = 'readonly' #'readonly' prop name in schema $dataInSchema = $false if($Data.Type -ne "" -and $Data.Type -ne $null) { $DataType = $Data.Type } foreach($dataProp in $data.PSObject.Properties) { foreach($schProp in $Schema.Properties.PSObject.Properties) { if($schProp.Name -eq $dataProp.Name) { $dataInSchema = $true if($dataProp.TypeNameOfValue -eq 'System.String' -or $dataProp.TypeNameOfValue -eq 'System.Int32') { $outputObj = New-Object PSObject $schToUse = $null if($schProp.value.PSObject.properties.Name.Contains("`$ref")) { $subpath = '' if($schProp.value.'$ref'.contains('.json#/')) { $startInd = $schProp.value.'$ref'.IndexOf('.json#/') $subpath = $schProp.value.'$ref'.Substring(0,$startInd+6) $subpath = $subpath.replace('#','') } else { $subpath = $schProp.value.'$ref'.replace('#','') } $schemaJSONLink = Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref -Type $subpath.replace('.json','') -Session $Session $index = $schemaJSONLink.LastIndexOf('/') $prefix = $schemaJSONLink.SubString(0,$index+1) $newLink = $prefix + $subpath $schToUse = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $newLink -Session $session } else { $schToUse = $schProp.Value } if(-not($schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP1 -eq '' -or $schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP1 -eq $null)) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $PROP1 $schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP1 } if($schToUse.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('enum') -eq $true) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $PROP2 $schToUse.enum } if($schToUse.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('enumDescriptions') -eq $true) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'schema_enumDescriptions' $schToUse.enumDescriptions } <#if($schToUse.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('enum') -eq $true) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'schema_valueType' $schToUse.type }#> if(-not($schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP3 -eq '' -or $schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP3 -eq $null)) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $PROP3 $schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP3 } if($schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP4 -eq $true -or $schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP4 -eq $false) # readonly is true or false { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $PROP4 $schToUse.$SCHEMAPROP4 } if(-not ($DictionaryOfSchemas.ContainsKey($dataProp.Name))) { $DictionaryOfSchemas.Add($dataProp.Name, $outputObj) } $DataProperties | Add-Member NoteProperty $dataProp.Name $dataProp.value } elseif($dataProp.TypeNameOfValue -eq 'System.Object[]') { $dataList = @() for($i=0;$i-lt$dataProp.value.Length;$i++) { $dataPropElement = ($dataProp.Value)[$i] if($dataPropElement.GetType().ToString() -eq 'System.String' -or $dataPropElement.GetType().ToString() -eq 'System.Int32') { $dataList += $dataPropElement if(-not ($DictionaryOfSchemas.ContainsKey($dataProp.Name))) { if($schprop.value.items.PSObject.Properties.name.Contains('anyOf')) { $x = $schProp.Value.items.anyOf } else { $x = $schProp.Value.items } $outputObj = New-Object PSObject if(-not($schema.Properties.($schprop.Name).$SCHEMAPROP1 -eq '' -or $schema.Properties.($schprop.Name).$SCHEMAPROP1 -eq $null)) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $PROP1 $schema.Properties.($schprop.Name).$SCHEMAPROP1 } if($x.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('enum') -eq $true) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $PROP2 $x.enum } if($x.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('enumDescriptions') -eq $true) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'schema_enumDescriptions' $x.enumDescriptions } <#if($schToUse.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('enum') -eq $true) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty 'schema_valueType' $schToUse.type }#> if(-not($x.$SCHEMAPROP3 -eq '' -or $x.$SCHEMAPROP3 -eq $null)) { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $PROP3 $x.$SCHEMAPROP3 } if($x.$SCHEMAPROP4 -eq $true -or $x.$SCHEMAPROP4 -eq $false) # readonly is true or false { $outputObj | Add-Member NoteProperty $PROP4 $x.$SCHEMAPROP4 } $DictionaryOfSchemas.Add($dataProp.Name, $outputObj) } } elseif($dataPropElement.GetType().ToString() -eq 'System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject') { $psObj = New-Object PSObject if($schprop.Value.PSObject.Properties.name.Contains("items")) { if($schprop.value.items.PSObject.Properties.name.Contains('anyOf')) { $x = $schProp.Value.items.anyOf } else { $x = $schProp.Value.items } } else { $x = $schProp.value } if($x.PSObject.properties.Name.Contains("`$ref")) { $subpath = '' if($x.'$ref'.contains('.json#/')) { $startInd = $x.'$ref'.IndexOf('.json#/') $subpath = $x.'$ref'.Substring(0,$startInd+6) $subpath = $subpath.replace('#','') $schemaJSONLink = Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref -Type $subpath.replace('.json','') -Session $Session $index = $schemaJSONLink.LastIndexOf('/') $prefix = $schemaJSONLink.SubString(0,$index+1) $newLink = $prefix + $subpath $sch = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $newLink -Session $session } elseif($x.'$ref'.Contains('#')) { if($x.'$ref'.IndexOf('#') -eq 0) { $laterPath = $x.'$ref'.Substring(2) $sch = Get-HPRESTSchema -Type $DataType -Session $Session } else { $subpath = $x.'$ref'.replace('#','') $schemaJSONLink = Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref -Type $subpath.replace('.json','') -Session $Session $index = $schemaJSONLink.LastIndexOf('/') $prefix = $schemaJSONLink.SubString(0,$index+1) $newLink = $prefix + $subpath $sch = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $newLink -Session $session } } $schToUse = $sch if($laterPath -ne '') { $tmp = $laterPath.Replace('/','.') $schToUse = $sch foreach($x in $tmp.split('.')) { $schToUse = $schToUse.$x } } } else { $schToUse = $x } $opObj, $DictionaryOfSchemas = Get-HPRESTDataProp2 -Data $dataPropElement -Schema $schToUse -Session $Session -DictionaryOfSchemas $DictionaryOfSchemas -DataType $DataType $dataList += $opObj } } $DataProperties | Add-Member NoteProperty $dataProp.Name $dataList #$outputObj } elseif($dataProp.TypeNameOfValue -eq 'System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject') { $psObj = New-Object PSObject if($schProp.value.PSObject.properties.Name.Contains("`$ref")) { $laterPath = '' $subpath = '' if($schProp.value.'$ref'.contains('.json#/')) { $startInd = $schProp.value.'$ref'.IndexOf('.json#/') $laterPath = $schProp.value.'$ref'.Substring($startInd+7) $subpath = $schProp.value.'$ref'.Substring(0,$startInd+6) $subpath = $subpath.replace('#','') $schemaJSONLink = Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref -Type $subpath.replace('.json','') -Session $Session $index = $schemaJSONLink.LastIndexOf('/') $prefix = $schemaJSONLink.SubString(0,$index+1) $newLink = $prefix + $subpath $refSchema = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $newLink -Session $session } elseif($schProp.value.'$ref'.Contains('#')) { if($schProp.Value.'$ref'.IndexOf('#') -eq 0) { $laterPath = $schProp.value.'$ref'.Substring(2) $refSchema = Get-HPRESTSchema -Type $DataType -Session $session } else { $subpath = $schProp.value.'$ref'.replace('#','') $schemaJSONLink = Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref -Type $subpath.replace('.json','') -Session $Session $index = $schemaJSONLink.LastIndexOf('/') $prefix = $schemaJSONLink.SubString(0,$index+1) $newLink = $prefix + $subpath $refSchema = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $newLink -Session $session } } if($laterPath -eq '') { $sch = $refSchema } else { $tmp = $laterPath.Replace('/','.') $sch = $refSchema foreach($x in $tmp.split('.')) { $sch = $sch.$x } } $opObj, $DictionaryOfSchemas = Get-HPRESTDataProp2 -Data $dataProp.Value -Schema $sch -Session $Session -DictionaryOfSchemas $DictionaryOfSchemas -schemaLink $newLink -DataType $DataType $DataProperties | Add-Member NoteProperty $dataProp.Name $opObj } else { $opObj, $DictionaryOfSchemas = Get-HPRESTDataProp2 -Data $dataProp.Value -Schema $schProp.Value -Session $Session -DictionaryOfSchemas $DictionaryOfSchemas -DataType $DataType $DataProperties | Add-Member NoteProperty $dataProp.Name $opObj #$psObj } } break; } } if($dataInSchema -eq $false) { if(-not ($DictionaryOfSchemas.ContainsKey($dataProp.Name))) { $DictionaryOfSchemas.Add($dataProp.Name, $null) } $DataProperties | Add-Member NoteProperty $dataProp.Name $dataProp.Value } } #Write-Host $DataProperties return $DataProperties, $DictionaryOfSchemas } function Get-HPRESTTypePrefix { param ( [System.String] $Type ) if($Type.IndexOf('.') -eq -1) { return $Type } else { return ($Type.Split('.'))[0] } } function Compare-HPRESTSchemaVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Compares Type fields of data and schema. .DESCRIPTION Compares Type field of data and schema and returns True if the schema and data have same major version and False if not. Type includes a name as well as version information. Version information is major.minor.errata (for example, SystemRoot.0.9.5). Anything but a major version is backward compatible, so a new property added to an object might result in minor Type increments (for example, Chassis.1.0.0 becomes Chassis.1.1.0). Moving to a major version change (for example, Chassis.2.0.0) is a breaking change without backward compatibility, and the HPE iLO development team will be careful before making a big break like this. .PARAMETER DataType Type field retrieved from the Data. .PARAMETER SchemaType Type field retrieved from Schema. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Compare-HPRESTSchemaVersion -DataType ComputerSystem.0.9.5 -SchemaType ComputerSystem.0.9.5 True The major version values are 0 for both data and schema. This example shows that when same major version values of the data and schema are same, the cmdlet returns true. .EXAMPLE PS c:\> Compare-HPRESTSchemaVersion -DataType ComputerSystem.0.9.5 -SchemaType ComputerSystem.1.0.0 False The major version values are 0 and 1 for both data and schema respectively. This example shows that when same major version values of the data and schema are different, the cmdlet returns false. #> param ( [System.String] $DataType, [System.String] $SchemaType ) $schMaxVer = $SchemaType.split('.') $datMaxVer = $DataType.Split('.') if($DataType.IndexOf($SchemaType) -gt -1 -or $SchemaType.IndexOf($DataType) -gt -1) { return $true } if([int]$schMaxVer[1] -ne [int]$datMaxVer[1]) { return $false } else { <# if([int]$schMaxVer[2] -lt [int]$datMaxVer[2]) { return $false } if(([int]$schMaxVer[2] -eq [int]$datMaxVer[2]) -and ([int]$schMaxVer[3] -lt [int]$datMaxVer[3])) { return $false } #> return $true } } function Merge-HPRESTPage { param ( [PSObject] $FinalObj, [PSObject] $ThisPage, [PSObject] $Session ) if($ThisPage.links.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'NextPage') { $self = $ThisPage.links.self.href $uri = $self.Substring(0,$self.length-1) $page = [int]$self.Substring($self.length-1) $nextPageURI = $uri+($page+1) # get http data and convert to PSObject from JSON string try { $resp = Get-HPRESTHttpData -Href $nextPageURI -Session $Session $rs = $resp.GetResponseStream(); [System.IO.StreamReader] $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $rs; $results = '' [string]$results = $sr.ReadToEnd(); $nextPageData = $results|Convert-JsonToPSObject $resp.Close() $rs.Close() $sr.Close() # concatenate data into the final object foreach($i in $nextPageData.Items) { $FinalObj.Items += $i } foreach($m in $nextPageData.links.member) { $FinalObj.links.member += $m } } finally { if ($resp -ne $null -and $resp -is [System.IDisposable]){$resp.Close()} if ($rs -ne $null -and $rs -is [System.IDisposable]){$rs.Close()} if ($sr -ne $null -and $sr -is [System.IDisposable]){$sr.Close()} } if($nextPageData.links.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains ('NextPage')) { Merge-HPRESTPage -FinalObj $FinalObj -ThisPage $nextPageData -Session $Session } $newLinks = New-Object PSObject foreach($mem in $FinalObj.links.PSObject.Properties) { if($mem.Name -ne 'NextPage') { $newLinks|Add-Member $mem.Name $mem.Value } } $FinalObj.links = $newLinks $FinalObj.links.self.href = $self.Substring(0,$self.IndexOf('?')) } } function Set-Message { param ( [System.String] $Message, [System.Object] $MessageArg ) $m = $Message for($i = 0; $i -lt $MessageArg.count; $i++) { $placeHolder = "%"+($i+1) $value = $MessageArg[$i] $m = $m -replace $placeHolder, $value } return $m } function Get-ErrorRecord { param ( [System.Net.HttpWebResponse] $WebResponse, [System.String] $CmdletName ) $webStream = $webResponse.GetResponseStream() $respReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($webStream) $respJSON = $respReader.ReadToEnd() $webResponse.close() $webStream.close() $respReader.Close() $resp = $respJSON|Convert-JsonToPSObject $webResponse.Close() $noValidSession = $false $msg = "" if($resp.Messages.Count -gt 0) { foreach($msgID in $resp.Messages) { if($msgID.MessageId -match 'NoValidSession') { $noValidSession = $true $msg = $msg + $msgID.messageID + "`n" break } } if($noValidSession -eq $false) { foreach($msgID in $resp.Messages) { $msg = $msg + "`n" + $msgID.messageID $status = Get-HPRESTError -MessageID $msgID.MessageID -MessageArg $msgID.MessageArgs -Session $session foreach($mem in $status.PSObject.Properties) { $msg = $msg + $mem.Name + ': ' + $mem.value + "`n" } } } } $message = $msg + ($_| Format-Table | Out-String) $targetObject = $CmdletName try{ $exception = New-Object $_.Exception $message $errorID = $_.FullyQualifiedErrorId $errorCategory = $_.CategoryInfo.Category } catch { $exception = New-Object System.InvalidOperationException $message $errorID = 'InvocationException' $errorCategory = [System.Management.Automation.ErrorCategory]::InvalidOperation } $errorRecord = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord $exception, $errorID, $errorCategory, $targetObject return $errorRecord } function Find-PropertyEndIndex { param ( [System.String] $InputString, [System.String] $Property ) $valueStartIndex = 0 $valueStartFlag = $false $propIndex = $InputString.IndexOf('"'+$Property+'"') for($i=$propIndex; $i-lt $InputString.Length; $i++) { # mark start of value of property if($InputString[$i] -eq ":") { $valueStartFlag = $true } # set start index if { or [ are found elseif($InputString[$i] -eq "{" -or $InputString[$i] -eq "[") { $valueStartIndex = $i break } # if prop is simple e.g. - prop1 : val1, elseif($InputString[$i] -eq "," -and $valueStartFlag -eq $true) { return $i } # if last property in the collection or object # eg. if we search for prop2 in the array -> [{prop1: val1,prop2:val2}] elseif(($InputString[$i] -eq "]" -or $InputString[$i] -eq "}") -and $valueStartFlag -eq $true) { return $i-1 } } $valueStartChar = $InputString[$valueStartIndex] $valueEndChar = "" if($valueStartChar -eq "{"){$valueEndChar = "}"} if($valueStartChar -eq "["){$valueEndChar = "]"} for($i=$valueStartIndex; $i-lt$InputString.Length; $i++) { if($InputString[$i] -eq $valueStartChar ) { $stack.Push($valueStartChar) } elseif($InputString[$i] -eq $valueEndChar) { $x = $stack.Pop() if($stack.Count -eq 0) { #$str = $InputString.Substring($StartIndex, $i-$StartIndex+1) #Write-Host $str #break return $i } } } } function Remove-PropertyDuplicate { param ( [System.String] $InputJSONString, [System.String] $Property ) $stack = New-Object System.Collections.Stack #$Property = "PrefixLength" #"Items" $propStartIndex = $InputJSONString.IndexOf('"'+$Property+'"') #$si = Find-ValueStartIndex -InputString $a -Property $prop #$ei = Find-ValueEndIndex -InputString $a -StartIndex $si $ei = Find-PropertyEndIndex -InputString $InputJSONString -Property $Property $prop = $InputJSONString.Substring($propStartIndex,$ei-$propStartIndex+1) #$prop $addtoprop = "" $propIndex = $InputJSONString.IndexOf($prop) + $prop.Length $commaFound = $false for($i=$propIndex+1; $i-lt $InputJSONString.Length; $i++) { # if the prop is last in the object or array - this is found if the next non-space char is closing bracket if($InputJSONString[$i] -eq "}" -or $InputJSONString[$i] -eq "]" ) { # attach each char till previous comma for($j=$InputJSONString.IndexOf($prop)-1; $j-gt0; $j--) { $addtoprop = $InputJSONString[$j]+$addtoprop if($InputJSONString[$j] -eq ',') { $commaFound = $true break } } if($commaFound -eq $true) { break } } } if($commaFound -eq $true -and $prop.LastIndexOf(",") -ne $prop.Length-1) { $prop = $addtoprop + $prop } return $InputJSONString.Replace($prop,"") } # use this method instead of ConvertFrom-Json to remove duplicates function Convert-JsonToPSObject { param ( [System.String] [parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $JsonString ) try { $convertedPsobject = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $JsonString } catch [System.InvalidOperationException] { if($_.FullyQualifiedErrorId -eq "DuplicateKeysInJsonString,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ConvertFromJsonCommand") { $spl = $_.Exception.Message.Split("'") $propToRemove = $spl[1] $jsonStringRemProp = Remove-PropertyDuplicate -InputJSONString $JsonString -Property $propToRemove $convertedPsobject = Convert-JsonToPSObject -JsonString $jsonStringRemProp } else { throw $_ } } return $convertedPsobject } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# #-----------------------------------------HP REST Cmdlets-----------------------------------------# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# function Connect-HPREST { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a session between PowerShell client and the REST source. .DESCRIPTION Creates a session between the PowerShell client and the REST source using HTTP POST method and returns a session object. The session object has the following members: 1. 'X-Auth-Token' to identify the session 2. 'RootURI' of the REST source 3. 'Location' which is used for logging out of the session. 4. 'RootData' includes data from 'rest/v1'. It includes the rest details and the links to components like systems, chassis, etc. .PARAMETER Address IP address or Hostname of the target HPE REST source. .PARAMETER Username Username of iLO account to access the HPE REST source. .PARAMETER Password Password of iLO account to access the iLO. .PARAMETER Cred PowerShell PSCredential object having username and passwword of iLO account to access the iLO. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Address i.e. the hostname or IP address to Connect-HPREST. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Connect-HPREST returns a PSObject that has session details - X-Auth-Token, RootURI, Location and RootData. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $s = Connect-HPREST -Address -Username admin -Password admin123 PS C:\> $s|fl RootUri : X-Auth-Token : e02ce457b3fa4ad10f9ebc64d33c1445 Location : RootData : @{Name=HP RESTful Root Service; Oem=; ServiceVersion=0.9.5; Time=2015-05-28T15:26:26Z; Type=ServiceRoot.0.10.1; UUID=8dea7372-23f9-565f-9396-2cd07febbe29; links=} .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $cred = Get-Credential PS C:\> $s = Connect-HPREST -Address -Cred $cred PS C:\> $s|fl RootUri : X-Auth-Token : a5657bdsgfsdg3650f9ebc64d33c3262 Location : RootData : @{Name=HP RESTful Root Service; Oem=; ServiceVersion=0.9.5; Time=2015-06-28T5:24:22Z; Type=ServiceRoot.0.10.1; UUID=8dea7372-23f9-565f-9396-2cd07f564629; links=} .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Address, [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Username, [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Password, [alias("Cred")] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Credential ) [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $session = $null $wr = $null $httpWebRequest = $null if($Credential -ne $null) { $un = $Credential.UserName $bstr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($Credential.Password) $pw = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringBSTR($bstr) } elseif($username -ne '' -and $password -ne '') { $un = $username $pw = $password } else { throw $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_CREDENTIALS')) #Write-Error 'Credentials not provided!' #return $null } $unpw = @{'UserName'=$un; 'Password'=$pw} $data = $unpw|ConvertTo-Json $session = $null try { $uri = "https://$Address/rest/v1/sessions" $wr = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri) $httpWebRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$wr $httpWebRequest.Method = 'POST' $httpWebRequest.ContentType = 'application/json' $httpWebRequest.ContentLength = $data.length $reqWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(), [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII) $reqWriter.Write($data) $reqWriter.Close() try { $webResponse = $httpWebRequest.GetResponse() $rootUri = $webResponse.ResponseUri.ToString().Substring(0,$webResponse.ResponseUri.ToString().LastIndexOf("`/")) $session = New-Object PSObject $session|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty 'RootUri' $rootUri $session|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty 'X-Auth-Token' $webResponse.Headers['X-Auth-Token'] $session|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty 'Location' $webResponse.Headers['Location'] $rootData = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href 'rest/v1' -Session $session if($rootData.Oem.PSObject.Properties.name.Contains('Hp') -eq $false) { throw $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_OEM')) } $session|Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty 'RootData' $rootData $webResponse.Close() } catch { if($_.Exception.WasThrownFromThrowStatement -eq $true) { throw $_ } $webResponse = $_.Exception.InnerException.Response $webStream = $webResponse.GetResponseStream() $respReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($webStream) $respJSON = $respReader.ReadToEnd() $resp = $respJSON|Convert-JsonToPSObject $webResponse.close() $webStream.Close() $respReader.Close() $msg = $_.Exception.Message if($resp.Messages.Count -gt 0) { foreach($msgID in $resp.Messages) { $msg = $msg + "`n" + $msgID.messageID } } #$Global:Error.RemoveAt($Global:Error.Count-2) $Global:Error.RemoveAt(0) throw $msg #Write-Error -Message $msg -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.CategoryReason } } finally { if ($null -ne $reqWriter -and $reqWriter -is [System.IDisposable]){$reqWriter.Dispose()} if ($null -ne $webResponse -and $webResponse -is [System.IDisposable]){$webResponse.Dispose()} if ($null -ne $webStream -and $webStream -is [System.IDisposable]){$webStream.Dispose()} if ($null -ne $respReader -and $respReader -is [System.IDisposable]){$respReader.Dispose()} } return $Session } function Disconnect-HPREST { <# .SYNOPSIS Disconnects specified session between PowerShell client and REST source. .DESCRIPTION Disconnects the session between the PowerShell client and REST source by deleting the session information from location pointed to by Location field in Session object passed as parameter. Uses HTTP DELETE method for removing session information from location. .PARAMETER Session Session object that has Location information obtained by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. .NOTES The variable storing the session object will not become null/blank but cmdlets cannot not be executed using the session object. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the session object to Disconnect-HPREST. The session object is obtained from executing Connect-HPREST. .OUTPUTS This cmdlet does not generate any output. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Disconnect-HPREST -Session $s PS C:\> .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $wr = $null $httpWebRequest = $null if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } try { $wr = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($Session.Location) $httpWebRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$wr $httpWebRequest.Method = 'DELETE' $httpWebRequest.ContentType = 'application/json' $httpWebRequest.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]::GZip $httpWebRequest.Headers.Add('X-Auth-Token',$Session.'X-Auth-Token') try { $webResponse = $httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); $webResponse.Close() } catch { $webResponse = $_.Exception.InnerException.Response $webStream = $webResponse.GetResponseStream(); [System.IO.StreamReader] $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $webStream; $resultJSON = $sr.ReadToEnd(); $result = $resultJSON|Convert-JsonToPSObject $webResponse.close() $webStream.close() $sr.Close() $msg = $_.Exception.Message if($result.Messages.Count -gt 0) { foreach($msgID in $result.Messages) { $msg = $msg + "`n" + $msgID.messageID } } $Global:Error.RemoveAt(0) throw $msg #Write-Error -Message $msg -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.CategoryReason } } finally { if ($null -ne $webResponse -and $webResponse -is [System.IDisposable]){$webResponse.Dispose()} } } function Edit-HPRESTData { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes HTTP PUT method on the destination server. .DESCRIPTION Executes HTTP PUT method on the desitination server with the data from InputObject parameter. Used for setting BIOS default settings. .PARAMETER Href Href where the setting is to be sent using HTTP PUT method. .PARAMETER Setting Data to be 'PUT' in name-value pair format. The parameter can be a hashtable with multiple name-value pairs. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .NOTES - Edit-HPRESTData is for HTTP PUT method. - Invoke-HPRESTAction is for HTTP POST method. - Remove-HPRESTData is for HTTP DELETE method. - Set-HPRESTData is for HTTP PATCH method. See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href to Edit-HPRESTData. Href points to the location where the PUT method is to be executed. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Edit-HPRESTData returns a PSObject that has message from the HTTP response. The response may be informational or may have a message requiring an action like server reset. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $newBiosSetting=@{'BaseConfig'='Default'} PS C:\> $ret = Edit-HPRESTData -Href rest/v1/systems/1/bios/Settings -Setting $newBiosSetting -Session $session PS C:\> $ret Messages Name Type -------- ---- ---- {@{MessageID=iLO.0.10.Sy... Extended Error Information ExtendedError.0.9.6 PS C:\> $ret.Messages MessageID --------- iLO.0.10.SystemResetRequired This example shows updating BIOS config to factory defaults. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [System.Object] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Setting, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) <# Edit-HPRESTData is for HTTP PUT method Invoke-HPRESTAction is for HTTP POST method Remove-HPRESTData is for HTTP DELETE method Set-HPRESTData is for HTTP PATCH method #> if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } if($Setting -eq $null -or $Setting -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Setting")) } if($Setting.GetType().ToString() -ne "System.Collections.Hashtable") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_INVALID_TYPE')), $Setting.GetType().ToString() ,"Setting")) } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $wr = $null $httpWebRequest = $null try { $data = $setting | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 $uri = Get-HPRESTUriFromHref -Href $href -Session $Session if($uri.substring($uri.length -1) -eq "/") { $uri = $uri.substring(0,$uri.length-2) } $wr = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri) $httpWebRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$wr $httpWebRequest.Method = 'PUT' $httpWebRequest.ContentType = 'application/json' $httpWebRequest.ContentLength = $data.length $httpWebRequest.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]'GZip' $httpWebRequest.Headers.Add('X-Auth-Token',$Session.'X-Auth-Token') $reqWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(), [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII) $reqWriter.Write($data) $reqWriter.Close() try { $webResponse = $httpWebRequest.GetResponse() $webStream = $webResponse.GetResponseStream() $respReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($webStream) $resp = $respReader.ReadToEnd() $webResponse.Close() $webStream.Close() $respReader.Close() } catch { $webResponse = $_.Exception.InnerException.Response $errorRecord = Get-ErrorRecord -WebResponse $webResponse -CmdletName 'Edit-HPRESTData' $Global:Error.RemoveAt(0) throw $errorRecord #Write-Error -Message $msg -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.CategoryReason } } finally { if ($null -ne $reqWriter -and $reqWriter -is [System.IDisposable]){$reqWriter.Dispose()} if ($null -ne $webResponse -and $webResponse -is [System.IDisposable]){$webResponse.Dispose()} if ($null -ne $webStream -and $webStream -is [System.IDisposable]){$webStream.Dispose()} if ($null -ne $respReader -and $respReader -is [System.IDisposable]){$respReader.Dispose()} } return $resp|Convert-JsonToPSObject } function Find-HPREST { <# .SYNOPSIS Find list of HPE REST sources in a specified subnet. .DESCRIPTION Lists HPE REST sources in the subnet provided. You must provide the subnet in which the REST sources have to be searched. .PARAMETER Range Specifies the lower parts of the IP addresses which is the subnet in which the REST sources are being searched. For IP address format 'a.b.c.d', where a, b, c, d represent an integer from 0 to 255, the Range parameter can have values such as: a - eg: 10 - for all IP addresses in to a.b - eg: 10.44 - for all IP addresses in to a.b.c - eg: 10.44.111 - for all IP addresses in to a.b.c.d - eg: - for IP address Each division of the IP address, can specify a range using a hyphen. eg: "" returns IP addresses,, Each division of the IP address, can specify a set using a comma. eg: ",12" returns IP addresses, .PARAMETER Timeout Timeout period for ping request. Timeout period can be specified by the user where there can be a possible lag due to geographical distance between client and server. Default value is 300 which is 300 milliseconds. If the default timeout is not long enough, no REST sources will be found and no errors will be displayed. .INPUTS String or a list of String specifying the lower parts of the IP addresses which is the subnet in which the REST sources are being searched. For IP address format 'a.b.c.d', where a, b, c, d represent an integer from 0 to 255, the Range parameter can have values such as: a - eg: 10 - for all IP addresses in to a.b - eg: 10.44 - for all IP addresses in to a.b.c - eg: 10.44.111 - for all IP addresses in to a.b.c.d - eg: - for IP address Each division of the IP address, can specify a range using a hyphen. eg: "" returns IP addresses,, Each division of the IP address, can specify a set using a comma. eg: ",12" returns IP addresses, Note: Both IPv4 and IPv6 ranges are supported. Note: Port number is optional. With port number 8888 the input are 10:8888, 10.44:8888, 10.44.111:8888,; Without port number, default port in iLO is used. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSObject[] List of service Name, Oem details, Service Version, Links, IP, and hostname for valid REST sources in the subnet. Use Get-Member to get details of fields in returned objects. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-HPREST -Range WARNING: It might take a while to search for all the HPE REST sources if the input is a very large range. Use Verbose for more information. Name : HP RESTful Root Service Oem : @{Hp=} ServiceVersion : 0.9.5 Time : 2015-05-28T03:48:12Z Type : ServiceRoot.0.10.1 UUID : 174f7247-ccd3-5b3f-9c15-fe4ae0bcfe14 links : @{AccountService=; Chassis=; EventService=; Managers=; Registries=; Schemas=; Sessions=; Systems=; self=} IP : HOSTNAME : ilo-xl23.americas.net Name : HP RESTful Root Service Oem : @{Hp=} ServiceVersion : 0.9.5 Time : 2015-05-28T15:50:41Z Type : ServiceRoot.0.10.1 UUID : 8dea7372-23f9-565f-9396-2cd07febbe29 links : @{AccountService=; Chassis=; EventService=; Managers=; Registries=; Schemas=; Sessions=; Systems=; self=} IP : HOSTNAME : ilogen9.americas.net Name : HP RESTful Root Service Oem : @{Hp=} ServiceVersion : 0.9.5 Time : 1970-01-02T11:44:18Z Type : ServiceRoot.0.10.0 links : @{AccountService=; Chassis=; Managers=; Registries=; Schemas=; Sessions=; Systems=; self=} IP : HOSTNAME : ilom7.americas.net Name : HP RESTful Root Service Oem : @{Hp=} ServiceVersion : 0.9.5 Time : 2015-05-27T09:40:19Z Type : ServiceRoot.0.10.0 links : @{AccountService=; Chassis=; Managers=; Registries=; Schemas=; Sessions=; Systems=; self=} IP : HOSTNAME : ilom4.americas.net .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] [alias('IP')] $Range, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Timeout = 300 ) Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Core $ping = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping $options = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions(20, $false) $bytes = 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb $iptoping = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.HashSet[String] $pingedRSTs = @() $validformat = $false #put all the input range in to array (one for IPv4, the other for IPv6) $InputIPv4Array = @() $InputIPv6Array = @() # size of $IPv4Array will be the same as size of $InputIPv4Array, the same case to IPv6 $IPv4Array = @() $IPv6Array = @() $ipv6_one_section='[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}' $ipv6_one_section_phen="$ipv6_one_section(-$ipv6_one_section)?" $ipv6_one_section_phen_comma="$ipv6_one_section_phen(,$ipv6_one_section_phen)*" $ipv4_one_section='(2[0-4]\d|25[0-5]|[01]?\d\d?)' $ipv4_one_section_phen="$ipv4_one_section(-$ipv4_one_section)?" $ipv4_one_section_phen_comma="$ipv4_one_section_phen(,$ipv4_one_section_phen)*" $ipv4_regex_inipv6="${ipv4_one_section_phen_comma}(\.${ipv4_one_section_phen_comma}){3}" $ipv4_one_section_phen_comma_dot_findhpilo="(\.\.|\.|${ipv4_one_section_phen_comma}|\.${ipv4_one_section_phen_comma}|${ipv4_one_section_phen_comma}\.)" $port_regex = ':([1-9]|[1-9]\d|[1-9]\d{2}|[1-9]\d{3}|[1-5]\d{4}|6[0-4]\d{3}|65[0-4]\d{2}|655[0-2]\d|6553[0-5])' $ipv6_regex_findhpilo="^\s*(${ipv4_regex_inipv6}|${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,7}(${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,6}(:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}|${ipv4_regex_inipv6}|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,5}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,2})|:${ipv4_regex_inipv6}|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,4}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,3})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma})?:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,3}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,4})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){0,2}:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,2}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,5})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){0,3}:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,6})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){0,4}:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:))|(:(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,7})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){0,5}:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:)))(%.+)?\s*$" $ipv6_regex_findhpilo_with_bra ="^\s*\[(${ipv4_regex_inipv6}|${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,7}(${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,6}(:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}|${ipv4_regex_inipv6}|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,5}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,2})|:${ipv4_regex_inipv6}|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,4}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,3})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma})?:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,3}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,4})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){0,2}:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1,2}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,5})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){0,3}:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:))|((${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}:){1}(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,6})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){0,4}:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:))|(:(((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){1,7})|((:${ipv6_one_section_phen_comma}){0,5}:${ipv4_regex_inipv6})|:)))(%.+)?\]($port_regex)?\s*$" $ipv4_regex_findhpilo="^\s*${ipv4_one_section_phen_comma_dot_findhpilo}(\.${ipv4_one_section_phen_comma_dot_findhpilo}){0,3}($port_regex)?\s*$" if ($Range.GetType().Name -eq 'String') { if(($range -match $ipv4_regex_findhpilo) -and (4 -ge (Get-IPv4-Dot-Num -strIP $range))) { $InputIPv4Array += $Range $validformat = $true } elseif($range -match $ipv6_regex_findhpilo -or $range -match $ipv6_regex_findhpilo_with_bra) { if($range.contains(']') -and $range.Split(']')[0].Replace('[','').Trim() -match $ipv4_regex_findhpilo) #exclude [ipv4] and [ipv4]:port { $validformat = $false throw $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_RANGE')) } else { $InputIPv6Array += $Range $validformat = $true } } else { #Write-Error $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_RANGE')) $validformat = $false throw $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_RANGE')) } } elseif($Range.GetType().Name -eq 'Object[]') { $hasvalidinput=$false foreach($r in $Range) { if(($r -match $ipv4_regex_findhpilo) -and (4 -ge (Get-IPv4-Dot-Num -strIP $r)) ) { $InputIPv4Array += $r $hasvalidinput=$true } elseif($r -match $ipv6_regex_findhpilo -or $r -match $ipv6_regex_findhpilo_with_bra) { if($r.contains(']') -and $r.Split(']')[0].Replace('[','').Trim() -match $ipv4_regex_findhpilo) #exclude [ipv4] and [ipv4]:port { Write-Warning $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER')) ,$r)) } else { $InputIPv6Array += $r $hasvalidinput=$true } } else { Write-Warning $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_PARAMETER')) ,$r)) } } $validformat = $hasvalidinput } else { $validformat = $false throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_INVALID_TYPE')), $Range.GetType().Name, 'Range')) } if($Timeout -ne $null){ if(($Timeout -match "^\s*[1-9][0-9]*\s*$") -ne $true){ $validformat = $false throw $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_TIMEOUT')) } } if($InputIPv4Array.Length -gt 0) { #$IPv4Array = New-Object 'object[,]' $InputIPv4Array.Length,4 $IPv4Array = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach($inputIP in $InputIPv4Array) { if($inputIP.contains(':')) { $returnip = Complete-IPv4 -strIP $inputIP.Split(':')[0].Trim() $returnip = $returnip + ':' + $inputIP.Split(':')[1].Trim() } else { $returnip = Complete-IPv4 -strIP $inputIP } $x = $IPv4Array.Add($returnip) } } if($InputIPv6Array.Length -gt 0) { #$IPv6Array = New-Object'object[,]' $InputIPv6Array.Length,11 $IPv6Array = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList foreach($inputIP in $InputIPv6Array) { if($inputIP.contains(']')) #[ipv6] and [ipv6]:port { $returnip = Complete-IPv6 -strIP $inputIP.Split(']')[0].Replace('[','').Trim() $returnip = '[' + $returnip + ']' + $inputIP.Split(']')[1].Trim() } else #ipv6 without [] nor port { $returnip = Complete-IPv6 -strIP $inputIP $returnip = '[' + $returnip + ']' } $x = $IPv6Array.Add($returnip) } } if($validformat) { Write-Warning $(Get-Message('MSG_FIND_LONGTIME')) foreach($ipv4 in $IPv4Array) { if($ipv4.contains(':')) #contains port { $retarray = Get-IPArrayFromString -stringIP $ipv4.Split(':')[0].Trim() -IPType 'IPv4' foreach($oneip in $retarray) { $x = $ipToPing.Add($oneip + ':' + $ipv4.Split(':')[1].Trim()) } } else { $retarray = Get-IPArrayFromString -stringIP $ipv4 -IPType 'IPv4' foreach($oneip in $retarray) { $x = $ipToPing.Add($oneip) } } } foreach($ipv6 in $IPv6Array) #all ipv6 has been changed to [ipv6] or [ipv6]:port { $retarray = Get-IPv6FromString -stringIP $ipv6.Split(']')[0].Replace('[','').Trim() foreach($oneip in $retarray) { $x = $ipToPing.Add('[' + $oneip + ']' + $ipv6.Split(']')[1].Trim()) } } $rstList = @() $ThreadPipes = @() $poolsize = (@($ipToPing.Count, 256) | Measure-Object -Minimum).Minimum if($poolsize -eq 0) { $poolsize = 1 } Write-Verbose -Message $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_USING_THREADS_FIND')) ,$poolsize)) $thispool = Create-ThreadPool $poolsize $t = { Param($aComp, $aComp2, $timeout,$RM) Function Get-Message { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][String]$MsgID ) #only these strings are used in the two script blocks $LocalizedStrings=@{ 'MSG_SENDING_TO'='Sending to {0}' 'MSG_FAIL_HOSTNAME'='DNS name translation not available for {0} - Host name left blank.' 'MSG_FAIL_IPADDRESS'='Invalid Hostname: IP Address translation not available for hostname {0}.' 'MSG_PING'='Pinging {0}' 'MSG_PING_FAIL'='No system responds at {0}' 'MSG_FIND_NO_SOURCE'='No HPE Rest source at {0}' } $Message = '' try { $Message = $RM.GetString($MsgID) if($Message -eq $null) { $Message = $LocalizedStrings[$MsgID] } } catch { #throw $_ $Message = $LocalizedStrings[$MsgID] } if($Message -eq $null) { #or unknown $Message = 'Fail to get the message' } return $Message } Function New-TrustAllWebClient { <# Source for New-TrustAllWebClient is found at http://poshcode.org/624 Use is governed by the Creative Commons "No Rights Reserved" license and is considered public domain see http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode published by Stephen Campbell of Marchview Consultants Ltd. #> <# Create a compilation environment #> $Provider=New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider $Compiler=$Provider.CreateCompiler() $Params=New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters $Params.GenerateExecutable=$False $Params.GenerateInMemory=$True $Params.IncludeDebugInformation=$False $Params.ReferencedAssemblies.Add('System.DLL') > $null $TASource=@' namespace Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy { public class TrustAll : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy { public TrustAll() { } public bool CheckValidationResult(System.Net.ServicePoint sp, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate cert, System.Net.WebRequest req, int problem) { return true; } } } '@ $TAResults=$Provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($Params,$TASource) $TAAssembly=$TAResults.CompiledAssembly <# We now create an instance of the TrustAll and attach it to the ServicePointManager #> $TrustAll=$TAAssembly.CreateInstance('Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy.TrustAll') [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy=$TrustAll [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 <# The ESX Upload requires the Preauthenticate value to be true which is not the default for the System.Net.WebClient class which has very simple-to-use downloadFile and uploadfile methods. We create an override class which simply sets that Preauthenticate value. After creating an instance of the Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.WebClient class, we use it just like the standard WebClient class. #> $Params1=New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters $Params1.GenerateExecutable=$False $Params1.GenerateInMemory=$True $Params1.IncludeDebugInformation=$False $Params1.ReferencedAssemblies.Add('System.DLL') > $null $WCSource=@' namespace Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net { class WebClient : System.Net.WebClient { protected override System.Net.WebRequest GetWebRequest(System.Uri uri) { System.Net.WebRequest webRequest = base.GetWebRequest(uri); webRequest.PreAuthenticate = true; webRequest.Timeout = 60000; return webRequest; } } } '@ $WCResults=$Provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($Params1,$WCSource) $WCAssembly=$WCResults.CompiledAssembly <# Now return the custom WebClient. It behaves almost like a normal WebClient. #> $WebClient=$WCAssembly.CreateInstance('Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.WebClient') return $WebClient } $ping = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping $options = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions -ArgumentList (20, $false) $bytes = 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb, 0xdb $retobj = New-Object -TypeName PSObject try { $pingres = $ping.Send($aComp2, $timeout, [Byte[]]$bytes, $options ) if ($pingres.Status -eq 'Success') { $rstAddr = $pingres.Address.IPAddressToString $client = New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient try { try { $data = $client.DownloadData("http://$aComp/rest/v1") } catch { $client = New-TrustAllWebClient $data = $client.DownloadData("https://$aComp/rest/v1") } $str = '' $data | % {$str += [char]$_} $rstobj = ConvertFrom-Json $str $rstobj | Add-Member NoteProperty IP $rstAddr $rstobj | Add-Member NoteProperty HOSTNAME $null try { $dns = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($rstAddr) $rstobj.Hostname = $dns.Hostname } catch { $retobj | Add-Member NoteProperty errormsg $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_FAIL_HOSTNAME')), $rstAddr)) } if(($rstobj.Type).indexOf('ServiceRoot.') -ne -1) { $retobj | Add-Member NoteProperty data $rstobj } } catch { $retobj | Add-Member NoteProperty errormsg $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_FIND_NO_SOURCE')), $rstAddr)) } } else { $retobj | Add-Member NoteProperty errormsg $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PING_FAIL')), $aComp2)) } } catch { $retobj | Add-Member NoteProperty errormsg $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PING_FAIL')), $aComp2)) } return $retobj } #end of $t scriptblock foreach ($comp in $ipToPing) { Write-Verbose -Message $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PING')) ,$comp)) $comp2=$comp if($comp -match $ipv4_regex_findhpilo -and $comp.contains(':')) #ipv4:port { $comp2 = $comp.Split(':')[0].Trim() } elseif($comp -match $ipv6_regex_findhpilo_with_bra) #all ipv6 have been added [] after completing address { if($comp.contains(']:')) #[ipv6]:port { $comp2 = $comp.Split(']')[0].Replace('[','').Trim() } else #[ipv6] { $comp2 = $comp.Replace('[','').Replace(']','').Trim() } } $ThreadPipes += Start-ThreadScriptBlock -ThreadPool $thispool -ScriptBlock $t -Parameters $comp,$comp2, $Timeout, $RM } #this waits for and collects the output of all of the scriptblock pipelines - using showprogress for verbose if ($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') { $rstList = Get-ThreadPipelines -Pipelines $ThreadPipes -ShowProgress } else { $rstList = Get-ThreadPipelines -Pipelines $ThreadPipes } $thispool.Close() $thispool.Dispose() foreach($ilo in $rstList) { if($ilo.errormsg -ne $null) { Write-Verbose $ilo.errormsg } if($ilo.data -ne $null) { $ilo.data } } } else{ #Write-Error $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_USE')) throw $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_USE')) } } #end of Find-HPRest function Format-HPRESTDir { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays HPE REST data in directory format. .DESCRIPTION Takes the node array returned by Get-HPRESTDir and displays each node as a directory. .PARAMETER NodeArray The array created by Get-HPRESTDir, containing a collection of REST API nodes in an array. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing -HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .PARAMETER AutoSize Switch parameter that turns the autosize feature on when true. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the NodeArray obtained from Get-HPRESTDir to Format-HPRESTDir. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject or System.Object[] Format-HPRESTDir returns a PSCustomObject or an array of PSCustomObject if Recurse parameter is set to true. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $href = 'rest/v1/sessions' PS C:\> $nodeArray = Get-HPRESTDir -Session $s -Href $href -Recurse PS C:\> Format-HPRESTDir -NodeArray $NodeArray Location: Link: /rest/v1/Sessions Type Name Value ---- ---- ----- String @odata.context /redfish/v1/$metadata#Sessions String @odata.id /redfish/v1/Sessions/ String @odata.type #SessionCollection.SessionCollection String Description Manager User Sessions Object[] Items {@{@odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#SessionService/Session... href /rest/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998 PSCustomObject links @{Member=System.Object[]; self=} href /rest/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998 href /rest/v1/Sessions Object[] Members {@{@odata.id=/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b... Int32 Members@odata.count 1 String MemberType Session.1 String Name Sessions PSCustomObject Oem @{Hp=} href /rest/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998 Int32 Total 1 String Type Collection.1.0.0 Link: /rest/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998 Type Name Value ---- ---- ----- String @odata.context /redfish/v1/$metadata#SessionService/Sessions/Members/$entity String @odata.id /redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998/ String @odata.type #Session.1.0.0.Session String Description Manager User Session String Id admin55dd017b39999998 PSCustomObject links @{self=} href /rest/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998 String Name User Session PSCustomObject Oem @{Hp=} String Type Session.1.0.0 String UserName admin Link: /rest/v1/Sessions Type Name Value ---- ---- ----- String @odata.context /redfish/v1/$metadata#Sessions String @odata.id /redfish/v1/Sessions/ String @odata.type #SessionCollection.SessionCollection String Description Manager User Sessions Object[] Items {@{@odata.context=/redfish/v1/$metadata#SessionService/Session... href /rest/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998 PSCustomObject links @{Member=System.Object[]; self=} href /rest/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998 href /rest/v1/Sessions Object[] Members {@{@odata.id=/redfish/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b... Int32 Members@odata.count 1 String MemberType Session.1 String Name Sessions PSCustomObject Oem @{Hp=} href /rest/v1/SessionService/Sessions/admin55dd017b39999998 Int32 Total 1 String Type Collection.1.0.0 This example shows the formatted node array obtained from href for sessions.The list of Href links in a property are listed below the property name and value .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( #($NodeArray, $Session, $AutoSize) [System.Object[]] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $NodeArray, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session, [switch] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $AutoSize ) BEGIN { function Find-Hrefs($nodeForFindHref) { $nodeForFindHref | Get-Member -type NoteProperty | foreach { $name = $_.Name ; $value = $nodeForFindHref."$($_.Name)" if($name -eq "href") { foreach($v in $value) { $NodeProperties = New-Object System.Object $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Type -value $null $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Name -value $name $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Value -value $v $Global:DirValues += $NodeProperties } } elseif($value -ne $null -and ($value |gm).MemberType -contains "NoteProperty") { Find-Hrefs -nodeForFindHref $value } } } Function Format-Node($nodeForFormat, $href) { "Link: $href" $Global:DirValues = @() $nodeForFormat | get-member -type NoteProperty | foreach-object { $name = $_.Name ; $value = $nodeForFormat."$($_.Name)" if($value -ne $null) { $NodeProperties = New-Object System.Object $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Type -value $value.GetType().name $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Name -value $name $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Value -value $value $Global:DirValues += $NodeProperties } else { $NodeProperties = New-Object System.Object $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Type -value "Null" $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Name -value $name $NodeProperties | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Value -value $value $Global:DirValues += $NodeProperties } if($value -ne $null -and ($value |gm).MemberType -contains "NoteProperty") { Find-Hrefs -nodeForFindHref $value } } if($AutoSize -eq $true) { $Global:DirValues | FT -AutoSize } else { $Global:DirValues | FT } } if(!($session.Location -eq $null -or $session.Location -eq "")) { "$(Get-Message('MSG_FORMATDIR_LOCATION')): $($Session.RootUri)" } } PROCESS { if($NodeArray.GetType().ToString() -match 'PScustomobject') { $href1 = $NodeArray.links.self.href Format-Node -nodeForFormat $NodeArray -href $href1 } elseif($NodeArray.GetType().ToString() -eq 'System.Object[]') { foreach($node1 in $NodeArray) { if($node1.GetType().ToString() -match 'PSCustomObject') { $href1 = $node1.links.self.href Format-Node -nodeForFormat $node1 -href $href1 } else { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_INVALID_TYPE')), $node1.GetType().Name, 'NodeArray')) } } } } END { } } function Get-HPRESTData { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves Data and Properties of data for provided Href. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves Data and Properties for data specified by given Href. This cmdlet returns two sets of values - Data and properties. The properties include if the data item is readonly, possible values in enum, enum values' descriptions and datatypes of allowed value. .PARAMETER Href Href of the data for which data and properties are to be retrieved. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href to Get-HPRESTData. .OUTPUTS Two objects of type System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject or one object of System.Object[] Get-HPRESTData returns two object of type PSObject - first has the retrieved data and the second has properties in the form of System.Collections.Hashtable. If you use one variable for returned object, then the variable will be an array with first term as the data PSObject and second element as the property list in System.Collections.Hashtable .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $data,$prop = Get-HPRESTData -Href rest/v1/systems/1 -Session $s PS C:\> $data AssetTag : AvailableActions : {@{Action=Reset; Capabilities=System.Object[]}} Bios : @{Current=} Boot : @{BootSourceOverrideEnabled=Disabled; BootSourceOverrideSupported=System.Object[]; BootSourceOverrideTarget=None; UefiTargetBootSourceOverride=None; UefiTargetBootSourceOverrideSupported=System.Object[]} Description : Computer System View HostCorrelation : @{HostMACAddress=System.Object[]; HostName=; IPAddress=System.Object[]} IndicatorLED : Off Manufacturer : HP Memory : @{Status=; TotalSystemMemoryGB=8} Model : ProLiant DL380 Gen9 Name : Computer System Oem : @{Hp=} Power : On Processors : @{Count=2; ProcessorFamily=Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2683 v3 @ 2.00GHz; Status=} SKU : 501101-001 SerialNumber : LCHAS01RJ5Y00Z Status : @{Health=Warning; State=Enabled} SystemType : Physical Type : ComputerSystem.0.9.7 UUID : 31313035-3130-434C-4841-533031524A35 links : @{Chassis=System.Object[]; Logs=; ManagedBy=System.Object[]; self=} PS C:\> $prop Name Value ---- ----- BootSourceOverrideSupported @{Schema_AllowedValue=System.Object[]; schema_enumDescriptions=; Schema_Type=System.Ob... UUID @{Schema_Description=The universal unique identifier for this system.; Schema_Type=Sys... Status @{Schema_Description=This property indicates the TPM or TM status.; Schema_AllowedValu... Description @{Schema_Description=This object represents the Description property.; Schema_Type=str... PowerOnDelay @{Schema_Description=The PowerAutoOn policy delay that can also be found in the HpBios... BootSourceOverrideTarget @{Schema_Description=The current boot source to be used at next boot instead of the no... Model @{Schema_Description=The model information that the manufacturer uses to refer to this... Name @{Schema_Description=The name of the resource or array element.; Schema_Type=string; S... Date @{Schema_Description=The build date of the firmware.; Schema_Type=string; Schema_ReadO... . . . IntelligentProvisioningVersion @{Schema_Description= Intelligent Provisioning Version.; Schema_Type=string; Schema_Re... IntelligentProvisioningIndex @{Schema_Description= Index in the Firmware Version Table for Intelligent Provisioning... AssetTag @{Schema_Description=A user-definable tag that is used to track this system for invent... AllowableValues @{Schema_Description=The supported values for this property on this resource.; Schema_... BootSourceOverrideEnabled @{Schema_Description=BootSourceOverrideTarget must be specified before BootSourceOverr... IndicatorLED @{Schema_Description=The state of the indicator LED.; Schema_AllowedValue=System.Objec... href @{Schema_Description=The URI of an internal resource; Schema_Type=string; Schema_ReadO... VersionString @{Schema_Description=This string represents the version of the firmware image.; Schema... PS C:\> $prop.IndicatorLED Schema_Description : The state of the indicator LED. Schema_AllowedValue : {Unknown, Lit, Blinking, Off} schema_enumDescriptions : @{Unknown=The state of the Indicator LED cannot be determined.; Lit=The Indicator LED is lit.; Blinking=The Indicator LED is blinking.; Off=The Indicator LED is off.} Schema_Type : {string, null} Schema_ReadOnly : False .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } $data = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $href -Session $Session $schema = Get-HPRESTSchema -Type $data.Type -Session $Session $DictionaryOfSchemas = [System.Collections.Hashtable]@{} $data, $props = Get-HPRESTDataProp2 -Data $data -Schema $schema -Session $Session -DictionaryOfSchemas $DictionaryOfSchemas return $data, $props } function Get-HPRESTDataRaw { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves data for provided Href. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the HPE REST data returned from the source pointed to by the Href in PSObject format. This cmdlet uses the session information to connect to the REST data source and retrieves the data to the user in PSObject format. Session object with ‘RootUri’, ‘X-Auth-Token’ and ‘Location’ information of the session must be provided for using sessions to retrieve data. .PARAMETER Href Specifies the value of href of REST source to be retrieved. This is concatenated with the root URI (obtained from session parameter) to get the URI to send the WebRequest to. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .NOTES Paging in the REST data is automatically handled by this cmdlet. You will not be able to retrieve individual pages when using this cmdlet. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href parameter to Get-HPRESTDataRaw. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Get-HPRESTDataRaw returns a PSCustomObject that has the retrieved data. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $sys = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href rest/v1/systems/1 -Session $s PS C:\> $sys AssetTag : AvailableActions : {@{Action=Reset; Capabilities=System.Object[]}} Bios : @{Current=} Boot : @{BootSourceOverrideEnabled=Disabled; BootSourceOverrideSupported=System.Object[]; BootSourceOverrideTarget=None; UefiTargetBootSourceOverride=None; UefiTargetBootSourceOverrideSupported=System.Object[]} Description : Computer System View HostCorrelation : @{HostMACAddress=System.Object[]; HostName=; IPAddress=System.Object[]} IndicatorLED : Off Manufacturer : HP Memory : @{Status=; TotalSystemMemoryGB=8} Model : ProLiant DL380 Gen9 Name : Computer System Oem : @{Hp=} Power : On Processors : @{Count=2; ProcessorFamily=Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2683 v3 @ 2.00GHz; Status=} SKU : 501101-001 SerialNumber : LCHAS01RJ5Y00Z Status : @{Health=Warning; State=Enabled} SystemType : Physical Type : ComputerSystem.0.9.7 UUID : 31313035-3130-434C-4841-533031524A35 links : @{Chassis=System.Object[]; Logs=; ManagedBy=System.Object[]; self=} This example retrieves system data. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $sessions = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href 'rest/v1/Sessions' -Session $session foreach($ses in $sessions.Items) { if($ses.Oem.Hp.MySession -eq $true) { $ses $ses.oem.hp } } Description : Manager User Session Name : User Session Oem : @{Hp=} Type : Session.0.9.5 UserName : admin links : @{self=} AccessTime : 2014-10-30T18:56:31Z LoginTime : 2014-10-30T18:56:30Z MySession : True Privileges : @{LoginPriv=True; RemoteConsolePriv=True; UserConfigPriv=True; VirtualMediaPriv=True; VirtualPowerAndResetPriv=True; iLOConfigPriv=True} Type : HpiLOSession.0.9.5 UserAccount : admin UserDistinguishedName : UserExpires : 2014-10-30T19:01:31Z UserIP : UserTag : Web UI UserType : Local This example shows the process to retrieve current user session. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $biosData = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href 'rest/v1/registries' -Session $session foreach($reg in $registries.items) { if($reg.Schema -eq $biosAttReg) { $attRegLoc = $reg.Location|Where-Object{$_.Language -eq 'en'}|%{$_.uri.extref} break } } $attReg = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $attRegLoc -Session $session $attReg.RegistryEntries.Dependencies The example shows retrieval of Dependencies of BIOS settings. The BIOS attribute registry value is present in $biosAttReg. The English version of the registry is retrieved. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) # $resp is http web response object with headers if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } try { $resp = Get-HPRESTHttpData -Href $Href -Session $Session $rs = $resp.GetResponseStream(); [System.IO.StreamReader] $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $rs; $results = '' [string]$results = $sr.ReadToEnd(); $resp.Close() $rs.Close() $sr.Close() $finalResult = Convert-JsonToPSObject -JsonString $results Merge-HPRESTPage -FinalObj $finalResult -ThisPage $finalResult -Session $Session } finally { if ($resp -ne $null -and $resp -is [System.IDisposable]){$resp.Dispose()} if ($rs -ne $null -and $rs -is [System.IDisposable]){$rs.Dispose()} if ($sr -ne $null -and $sr -is [System.IDisposable]){$sr.Dispose()} } return $finalResult } function Get-HPRESTDir { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets HPE REST data and stores into a node array. .DESCRIPTION Get-HPRESTDir cmdlet gets the data at location specified by the href parameter and stores it in a node array. If Recurse parameter is set, the cmdlet will iterate to every href stored within the first node and every node there after storing each node into a node array. .PARAMETER Href Specifies the value of href of REST source to be retrieved. This is concatenated with the root URI (obtained from session parameter) to get the URI to retrieve the REST data. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .PARAMETER Recurse Switch parameter that turns recursion on if true. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href to Get-HPRESTDir. .OUTPUTS System.Object[] Get-HPRESTDir returns an array of PSObject objects that contains the data at the location specified by the Href parameter and by hrefs in that data if Recurse parameter is set to true. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .Example PS C:\windows\system32> $NodeArray = Get-HPRESTDir -Session $s -Href $href PS C:\windows\system32> $NodeArray Description : Manager User Sessions Items : {@{Description=Manager User Session; Name=User Session; Oem=; Type=Session.0.9.5; UserName=admin; links=}, @{Description=Manager User Session; Name=User Session; Oem=; Type=Session.0.9.5; UserName=admin; links=}} MemberType : Session.0 Name : Sessions Oem : @{Hp=} Total : 2 Type : Collection.0.9.5 links : @{Member=System.Object[]; self=} This example shows the basic execution where there is no recursion. Only the data at the specified Href is returned. .Example PS C:\windows\system32> $NodeArray = Get-HPRESTDir -Session $s -Href $href -Recurse PS C:\windows\system32> $NodeArray Description : Manager User Sessions Items : {@{Description=Manager User Session; Name=User Session; Oem=; Type=Session.0.9.5; UserName=admin; links=}, @{Description=Manager User Session; Name=User Session; Oem=; Type=Session.0.9.5; UserName=admin; links=}} MemberType : Session.0 Name : Sessions Oem : @{Hp=} Total : 2 Type : Collection.0.9.5 links : @{Member=System.Object[]; self=} Description : Manager User Session Name : User Session Oem : @{Hp=} Type : Session.0.9.5 UserName : admin links : @{self=} Description : Manager User Session Name : User Session Oem : @{Hp=} Type : Session.0.9.5 UserName : admin links : @{self=} This example shows a recursive execution of the cmdlet with the specified Recurse parameter. The second and the third PSObjects shown above are retrieved recursively using the Href from the 'links' property in each object under the 'Items' property in the first object. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session, [Switch] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Recurse ) if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } $global:SeenHrefs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() #The hrefs of the already visited nodes. $global:NodeArr = @() #The Array of nodes to be returned. function Find-Hrefs($node) #This function finds all the hrefs in a node recursively and adds them to the $SeenHrefs cmdlet, { #adds the new node to the node array, and uses the new node to call the function again. $node | Get-Member -type NoteProperty | foreach { $name = $_.Name ; $value = $node."$($_.Name)" if($name -eq "href") { foreach($v in $value) { if($Global:SeenHrefs -notcontains $v -and $v -ne $null) { try { $newnode = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $v -Session $Session } catch { Write-Error "$v`n$_" } $global:SeenHrefs += $v $global:NodeArr += $newnode if($recurse -eq $true) { Find-Hrefs $newnode } } } } elseif($value -ne $null -and ($value |gm).MemberType -contains "NoteProperty") { Find-Hrefs -node $value } } } if($recurse -ne $true) { try { $newnode = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $href -Session $Session } catch { Write-Error "$href`n$_" } $global:NodeArr+=$newnode } else { try { $newnode = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $href -Session $Session } catch { Write-Error "$href`n$_" } $global:SeenHrefs += $href $global:NodeArr += $newnode Find-Hrefs $newnode } $ret = $global:NodeArr return $ret } function Get-HPRESTError { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves error message details. .DESCRIPTION This cmdlet retrieves error details of the API response messages specified by the MessageID parameter. This error message may be informational or warning message and not necessarily an error. The possible error messages are specified in the Data Model Reference document. These messages are obtained as returned objects by executing cmdlets like Set-HPRESTData, Edit-HPRESTData etc. .PARAMETER MessageID API response message object returned by executing cmdlets like Set-HPRESTData and Edit-HPRESTData. .PARAMETER MessageArg API response message arguments returned in the message from cmdlets like Set-HPRESTData, Edit-HPRESTData, etc. The MessageArg parameter has an array of arguments that provides parameter names and/or values relevant to the error/messages returned from cmdlet execution. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the MessageID parameter to Get-HPRESTError. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Get-HPRESTError returns a PSCustomObject that has the error details with Description, Mesage, Severity, Number of arguments to the message, parameter types and the resolution. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $setting = @{'AdminName' = 'TestAdmin'} PS C:\> $ret = Set-HPRESTData -Href rest/v1/systems/1/bios/settings -Setting $setting -Session $s PS C:\> $ret Messages Name Type -------- ---- ---- {@{MessageID=iLO.0.10.Sy... Extended Error Information ExtendedError.0.9.6 PS C:\> $ret.Messages MessageID --------- iLO.0.10.SystemResetRequired PS C:\> $status = Get-HPRESTError -MessageID $ret.Messages[0].MessageID -Session $s PS C:\> $status Description : The system properties were correctly changed, but will not take effect until the system is reset. Message : One or more properties were changed and will not take effect until system is reset. Severity : Warning NumberOfArgs : 0 ParamTypes : {} Resolution : Reset system for the settings to take effect. In this example, when a BIOS setting(AdminName) is updated, an object is returned with messageID iLO.0.10.SystemResetRequired. When this message ID is passed to Get-HPRESTError, details of this message/error are returned. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $tempBoot = @{'BootSourceOverrideTarget'='test'} $OneTimeBoot = @{'Boot'=$tempBoot} PS C:\> $ret = Set-HPRESTData -Href rest/v1/systems/1 -Setting $OneTimeBoot -Session $s PS C:\> $ret|fl Messages : {@{MessageArgs=System.Object[]; MessageID=Base.0.0.PropertyValueNotInList}} Name : Extended Error Information Type : ExtendedError.0.9.5 PS C:\> $ret.Messages MessageArgs MessageID ----------- --------- {test, BootSourceOverrideTarget} Base.0.0.PropertyValueNotInList PS C:\> $status = Get-HPRESTError -MessageArgs $ret.Messages[0].MessageArgs -MessageID $ret.Messages[0].MessageID -Session $s PS C:\> $status Description : The value type is correct, but the value is not supported. Message : The value test for the property BootSourceOverrideTarget is not valid. Severity : Warning NumberOfArgs : 2 ParamTypes : {String, String} Resolution : If the operation did not complete, choose a value from the enumeration list and resubmit your request. In this example, when an invalid value is set as temporary boot device, an object is returned with messageID Base.0.0.PropertyValueNotInList. When this message ID is passed to Get-HPRESTError along with the message arguments, details of this message/error are returned. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $MessageID, [System.Object] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $MessageArg, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } $regs = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href 'rest/v1/registries' -Session $session $location = '' $errorname = '' foreach($item in $regs.Items) { if(($MessageID.Split('.'))[0] -eq $item.Schema.Split('.')[0] ) { $location = ($item.Location | Where-Object{$_.Language -eq 'en'}).uri.extref $split = $MessageID.Split('.') $errorname = $split[$split.Length-1] break } } $registry = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $location -Session $session if(-not($registry.Messages.$errorname -eq '' -or $registry.Messages.$errorname -eq $null)) { $errDetail = $registry.Messages.$errorname $msg = $errDetail.Message $newMsg = Set-Message -Message $msg -MessageArg $MessageArg $errDetail.Message = $newMsg return $errDetail } return $null } function Get-HPRESTHttpData { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves HTTP data for provided Href. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the HTTP web response with the REST data returned from the source pointed to by the Href in PSObject format. This cmdlet uses the session information to connect to the REST data source and retrieves the webresponse which has the headers from which 'Allow' methods can be found. These can be GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE. Session object with ‘RootUri’, ‘X-Auth-Token’ and ‘Location’ information of the session must be provided for using sessions to retrieve data. .PARAMETER Href Specifies the value of href of REST source to be retrieved. This is concatenated with the root URI (obtained from session parameter) to get the URI to send the WebRequest to. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href parameter to Get-HPRESTHttpData. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Get-HPRESTHttpData returns a PSCustomObject that has the retrieved HTTP data. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $httpSys = Get-HPRESTHttpData -Href rest/v1/systems/1 -Session $s PS C:\> $httpSys IsMutuallyAuthenticated : False Cookies : {} Headers : {Allow, Connection, X_HP-CHRP-Service-Version, Content-Length...} SupportsHeaders : True ContentLength : 2920 ContentEncoding : ContentType : application/json CharacterSet : Server : HP-iLO-Server/1.30 LastModified : 5/27/2015 11:04:47 AM StatusCode : OK StatusDescription : OK ProtocolVersion : 1.1 ResponseUri : Method : GET IsFromCache : False PS C:\> $httpSys.Headers['Allow'] GET, HEAD, POST, PATCH PS C:\> $httpSys.Headers['Connection'] keep-alive The example shows HTTP details returned and the 'Allow' and 'Connection' header values .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $wr = $null $httpWebRequest = $null $uri = Get-HPRESTUriFromHref -Session $Session -Href $href $split = $uri.Split('//') $sessHost = $split[2] $Method = 'GET' if($uri.substring($uri.length -1) -eq "/") { $uri = $uri.substring(0,$uri.length-2) } $wr = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri) $httpWebRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$wr $httpWebRequest.Method = $Method $httpWebRequest.ContentType = 'application/json' $httpWebRequest.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]'GZip' $httpWebRequest.Headers.Add('X-Auth-Token',$Session.'X-Auth-Token') $resp = $null try { [System.Net.WebResponse] $resp = $httpWebRequest.GetResponse() return $resp } catch { $webResponse = $_.Exception.InnerException.Response $errorRecord = Get-ErrorRecord -WebResponse $webResponse -CmdletName 'Get-HPRESTHttpData' $Global:Error.RemoveAt(0) throw $errorRecord #Write-Error -Message $msg -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.CategoryReason } } function Get-HPRESTIndex { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets an index of HPE REST API data. .DESCRIPTION Using a passed in REST API session, the cmdlet recursively traverses the REST API tree and indexes everything that is found. Using the switch parameters, the user can customize what gets indexed. The returned index is a set of key-value pairs where the keys are the terms in the HPE REST data source and the values are list of occurances of the term and details of the term like Property name or value where the term is found, the hrefs to access the data item and its schema, etc. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .PARAMETER DateAndTime Switch value that causes the iLO Data and Time node to be indexed when true. .PARAMETER ExtRef Switch value that causes external refrences to be indexed when true. .PARAMETER Schema Switch value that causes Schemas to be in indexed when true. .PARAMETER Log Switch value that causes IML and IEL logs to be indexed when true. .INPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject You can pipe Session object obtained by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet to Get-HPRESTIndex .OUTPUTS System.Collections.SortedList Get-HPRESTIndex returns a sorted list of key-value pairs which is the index. The keys are terms in the HPE REST source and values are details of keys like Porperty name and value where the key is found, href to access the key and the schema href for the property. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $index = Get-HPRESTIndex -Session $s PS C:\> $index.Keys -match "power" AllocatedPowerWatts AutoPowerOn AveragePowerOutputWatts BalancedPowerPerf CollabPowerControl DynamicPowerResponse DynamicPowerSavings FastPowerMeter HpPowerMeter HpPowerMetricsExt HpServerPowerSupply LastPowerOutputWatts MaxPowerOutputWatts MinProcIdlePower MixedPowerSupplyReporting OldPowerOnPassword Power PowerAllocationLimit PowerandResetPriv PowerAutoOn PowerButton PowerCapacityWatts PowerConsumedWatts PowerMeter PowerMetrics PowerOnDelay PowerOnLogo PowerOnPassword PowerProfile PowerRegulator PowerRegulatorMode PowerRegulatorModesSupported PowerSupplies PowerSupplyStatus PowerSupplyType PushPowerButton VirtualPowerAndResetPriv PS C:\> $index.PowerMeter PropertyName : PowerMeter Value : @{href=/rest/v1/Chassis/1/PowerMetrics/PowerMeter} DataHref : /rest/v1/Chassis/1/PowerMetrics SchemaHref : /rest/v1/SchemaStore/en/HpPowerMetricsExt.json Tag : PropertyName PropertyName : href Value : /rest/v1/Chassis/1/PowerMetrics/PowerMeter DataHref : /rest/v1/Chassis/1/PowerMetrics SchemaHref : /rest/v1/SchemaStore/en/HpPowerMetricsExt.json Tag : Value PropertyName : href Value : /rest/v1/Chassis/1/PowerMetrics/PowerMeter DataHref : /rest/v1/ResourceDirectory SchemaHref : /rest/v1/SchemaStore/en/HpiLODateTime.json Tag : Value This example shows how to create and use the index on an HPE REST data source. First, the index is created using Get-HPRESTIndex cmdlets and store the created index. The index stores key-value pairs for the entire data source. The term "power" is searched in the keys of the index and it returns all the keys which has "power" as substring. When a specific key "PowerMeter" is seleted, the list of values is displayed where PowerMeter was encountered in the HPE REST data. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session, [Switch] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $DateAndTime, [Switch] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ExtRef, [Switch] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Schema, [Switch] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Log ) if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } $Global:SeenHrefs = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() #The hrefs of the already visited nodes. $Global:SeenSchemaTypes = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() #The hrefs of the already visited nodes. $KeyValueIndex= New-Object System.Collections.SortedList $SchemaIgnoreList = @("object", "string", "BaseNetworkAdapter.0.9.5", "Type.json#", "array", "integer", "null", "number", "boolean", "map") $Seperator = @(" ", "!", "`"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "``", "(", ")", "*", "'","+", "-", ".", "/", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[", "\", "]", "^", "_", "~", "{", "|", "}") $IgnoreList = @("a", "A", "and", "any", "are", "as", "at", "be", "been", "for", "from", "has", "have", "if", "in", "is", "or", "the", "The", "this", "This", "to", "was", "when", "which", "will") $PropertyNameIgnoreList = @("Created", "Type", "action", "UUID", "Updated", "updated") $hrefIgnoreList = @() $TraverseRefs = @("href") if($DateAndTime -ne $true) { $hrefIgnoreList += "/rest/v1/Managers/1/DateTime" } if($ExtRefToggle -eq $true) { $TraverseRefs += "extref" } if($LogToggle -ne $true) { $hrefIgnoreList += "/rest/v1/Managers/1/Logs/IEL/Entries" $hrefIgnoreList += "/rest/v1/Systems/1/Logs/IML/Entries" } function Step-ThroughNoteProperties($node, $Dhref, $SchemaHref, $s, $SchemaNode) { if($node.Type -ne $null) { $NodeType = $node.type foreach($SchemaType in $NodeType) { if($SchemaType.'$ref' -ne $null) { $SchemaType = $SchemaType.'$ref' } if($SchemaType -ne $null -and $SchemaIgnoreList -notcontains $SchemaType -and $Global:SeenSchemaTypes -notcontains $SchemaType) { $Global:SeenSchemaTypes += $SchemaType try { $SchemaHref = Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref -Type $SchemaType -Session $s } catch { write-error "No Schema for: $SchemaType" } if($SchemaToggle -and $Global:SeenHrefs -notcontains $SchemaHref) { $Global:SeenHrefs+= $SchemaHref try { $SchemaNode = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $SchemaHref -Session $s } catch { Write-Error "No HPE REST API data at $SchemaHref" } Step-ThroughNoteProperties -node $SchemaNode -Dhref $SchemaHref -s $s } } } } $node | get-member -type NoteProperty | foreach-object { #Displays all the note properties within the node. if($true)#$PropertyNameIgnoreList -notcontains $_.Name) { $name=$_.Name ; $temp = $node.$name $Information = New-Object PSObject $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name PropertyName -Value $name $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Value -Value $temp $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name DataHref -Value $DHref $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name SchemaHref -Value $SchemaHref $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Tag -Value "PropertyName" Limit-Entries -Name $name -Information $information if($temp -ne $null -and $temp -ne "" -and $PropertyNameIgnoreList -notcontains $name) { if(($temp | gm).MemberType -contains "NoteProperty") { Step-ThroughNoteProperties -node $temp -Dhref $Dhref -SchemaHref $SchemaHref -s $s -SchemaNode $SchemaNode } elseif(($temp.Count) -gt 1) { foreach($t in $temp) { if($t -ne $null -and ($t | gm).MemberType -contains "NoteProperty") { Step-ThroughNoteProperties -node $t -Dhref $Dhref -SchemaHref $SchemaHref -s $s -SchemaNode $SchemaNode } else { Split-Value -DHref $Dhref -SchemaHref $SchemaHref -node $node -Value $t -name $name } } } else { Split-Value -DHref $Dhref -SchemaHref $SchemaHref -node $node -Value $temp -name $name } if($TraverseRefs -contains $name) { foreach($t in $temp) { if($Global:SeenHrefs -notcontains $t -and $hrefIgnoreList -notcontains $t -and (Confirm-Href $t)) { $Global:SeenHrefs += $t $NewNode = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $t -Session $s if($NewNode -ne $null) { Step-ThroughNoteProperties -node $NewNode -Dhref $t -SchemaHref $SchemaHref -s $s -SchemaNode $SchemaNode } } } } } } } } function Confirm-Href($value) { if($value -match "/rest/v1") { return $true } else { return $false } } function Confirm-isNumeric ($value) { $x = 0 $isNum = [System.Int32]::TryParse($value, [ref]$x) return $isNum } function Limit-Entries($Name, $Information) { $PassedRules = $true if(Confirm-isNumeric $name) { $PassedRules = $false } elseif($name -eq "" -or $Information -eq $null) { $PassedRules = $false } elseif($IgnoreList -ccontains $name) { $PassedRules = $false } if($PassedRules) { Add-KeyValueIndex $Name $Information } } function Add-KeyValueIndex($Name, $Information) { if($KeyValueIndex.Contains($Name)) { $KeyValueIndex.$Name += $Information } else { $ray = @() $KeyValueIndex.Add($Name, $ray) $KeyValueIndex.$Name += $Information } } function Split-Value($DHref, $SchemaHref, $node, $Value, $name) { $Information = New-Object PSObject $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name PropertyName -Value $name $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Value -Value $value $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name DataHref -Value $DHref $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name SchemaHref -Value $SchemaHref $Information | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -Name Tag -Value "Value" $value = $value -replace '[ -/]+', " " $value = $value -replace '[:-@]+', " " $value = $value -replace '[[-``]+', " " $value = $value -replace '[{-~]+', " " if($value -ne $null -and $value -ne "") { $StringValue = $Value.toString $SplitValue = $Value.Split(" ") foreach($word in $SplitValue) { if($IgnoreList -notcontains $word) { Limit-Entries -Name $word -Information $information } } } } $links = $Session.RootData.links $links | get-member -type NoteProperty | foreach-object { $name=$_.Name ; $href=$links."$($_.Name)" $href = $href.href if($Global:SeenHrefs -notcontains $href) { $Global:SeenHrefs += $href if($name -ne "Self" -or $true) { try { $node = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $href -Session $Session } catch { write-error "No HPE REST API data at: $href" } Step-ThroughNoteProperties -node $node -Dhref $href -s $Session } } } return $KeyValueIndex } function Get-HPRESTModuleVersion{ <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the module details for the HPRESTCmdlets module. .DESCRIPTION The Get-HPRESTModuleVersion cmdlet gets the module details for the HPRESTCmdlets module. The details include name of file, path, description, GUID, version, and supported UICultures with respective version. .INPUTS .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Get-HPRESTmoduleVersion retuns a System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject object. .EXAMPLE Get-HPRESTModuleVersion Name : HPRESTCmdlets Path : C:\Poseidon_SVN\HPREST\HPRESTCmdlets\HPRESTCmdlets.psm1 Description : HPE REST PowerShell cmdlets create an interface to HPE REST devices such as iLO and Moonshot iLO CM. These cmdlets can be used to get and set HPE REST data and to invoke actions on these devices and the systems they manage There are also advanced functions that can create an index or directory of HPE REST data sources. A file with examples called HPRESTExamples.ps1 is included in this release. GUID : 2f9b1ca0-2031-45c0-9d82-a432014abfdf Version : CurrentUICultureName : en-US CurrentUICultureVersion : AvailableUICulture : @{UICultureName=en-US; UICultureVersion=} This example shows the cmdlets module details. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param() # no parameters $mod = Get-Module | ? {$_.Name -eq "HPRESTCmdlets"} $cul = Get-UICulture $versionObject = New-Object PSObject $versionObject | Add-member "Name" $mod.Name $versionObject | Add-member "Path" $mod.Path $versionObject | Add-member "Description" $mod.Description $versionObject | Add-member "GUID" $mod.GUID $versionObject | Add-member "Version" $mod.Version $versionObject | Add-member "CurrentUICultureName" $cul.Name $versionObject | Add-member "CurrentUICultureVersion" $mod.Version $UICulture = New-Object PSObject $UICulture | Add-Member 'UICultureName' 'en-US' $UICulture | Add-Member 'UICultureVersion' $mod.Version $AvailableUICulture += $UICulture $versionObject | Add-Member "AvailableUICulture" $AvailableUICulture return $versionObject } function Get-HPRESTSchema { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieve schema for the specified Type. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the schema for the specified Type of REST data. The cmdlet first gets the JSON link of the schema and then gets the data from the schema store that has the schema. .PARAMETER Type Value of the Type field obtained from the data for which schema is to be found. .PARAMETER Language The language code of the schema to be retrieved. The default value is 'en'. The allowed values depend on the languages available on the system. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Type parameter to Get-HPRESTSchema. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Get-HPRESTSchema returns a PSCustomObject that has the retrieved schema of the specified type. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $sch = Get-HPRESTSchema -Type ComputerSystem.0.9.7 -Session $s PS C:\> $sch $schema : http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema# title : ComputerSystem.0.9.7 type : object readonly : False additionalProperties : False description : The schema definition of a computer system and its properties. A computer system represents a physical or virtual machine and the local resources, such as memory, CPU, and other devices that can be accessed from that machine. properties : @{Oem=; Name=; Modified=; Type=; SystemType=; links=; AssetTag=; Manufacturer=; Model=; SKU=; SerialNumber=; Version=; PartNumber=; Description=; VirtualSerialNumber=; UUID=; HostCorrelation=; Status=; BIOSPOSTCode=; IndicatorLED=; Power=; Boot=; Bios=; Processors=; Memory=; AvailableActions=} required : {Name, Type} actions : @{description=The POST custom actions defined for this type (the implemented actions might be a subset of these).; actions=} PS C:\> $sch.properties Oem : @{type=object; readonly=False; additionalProperties=True; properties=} Name : @{$ref=Name.json#} Modified : @{$ref=Modified.json#} Type : @{$ref=Type.json#} SystemType : @{type=string; description=The type of computer system that this resource represents.; enum=System.Object[]; enumDescriptions=; readonly=True; etag=True} links : @{type=object; additionalProperties=True; properties=; readonly=True; description=The links array contains the related resource URIs.} . . . AssetTag : @{type=System.Object[]; description=A user-definable tag that is used to track this system for inventory or other client purposes.; readonly=False; etag=True} IndicatorLED : @{type=System.Object[]; description=The state of the indicator LED.; enum=System.Object[]; enumDescriptions=; readonly=False; etag=True} AvailableActions : @{type=array; readonly=True; additionalItems=False; uniqueItems=True; items=} PS C:\> $sch.properties.IndicatorLED type : {string, null} description : The state of the indicator LED. enum : {Unknown, Lit, Blinking, Off} enumDescriptions : @{Unknown=The state of the Indicator LED cannot be determined.; Lit=The Indicator LED is lit.; Blinking=The Indicator LED is blinking.; Off=The Indicator LED is off.} readonly : False etag : True This example shows schema of type ComputerSystem.0.9.7 .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Type, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session, [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Language = 'en' ) if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } $schemaJSONhref = Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref -type $Type -Session $Session -Language $Language if($schemaJSONhref -ne $null) { $schema = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $schemaJSONhref -Session $Session } return $schema } function Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the uri of the JSON file that contains the schema for the specified type. .DESCRIPTION Schema JSON file is pointed to by a uri. This link is retrieved from the external reference (extref) in Location field of the Type in rest/v1/schemas. This is uri of the JSON file that contains the schema for the specified type. This cmdlet retrieves this URI that points to the JSON schema file. .PARAMETER Type Type value of the data for which schema JSON file link has to be retrieved. The Type value is present in the REST data. .PARAMETER Language The language code of the schema for which the JSON URI is to be retrieved. The default value is 'en'. The allowed values depend on the languages available on the system. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI and X-Auth-Token for executing this cmdlet. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Type parameter to Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref. .OUTPUTS System.String Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref returns a String that has the Extref of the schema specified by the Type parameter. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $schemaJSONhref = Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref -type ComputerSystem.0.9.7 -Session $s PS C:\> $schemaJSONhref /rest/v1/SchemaStore/en/ComputerSystem.json This example shows that the schema for ComputerSystem.0.9.7 is stored at the external reference /rest/v1/SchemaStore/en/ComputerSystem.json. The schema is retrieved using this as value of 'Href' parameter for Get-HPRESTData or Get-HPRESTDataRaw and navigate to the 'Properties' field. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Type, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session, [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Language = 'en' ) if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } if(-not($Type -eq $null -or $Type -eq '')) { $rootURI = $Session.RootUri $schemaURIList = 'rest/v1/schemas' $data = $null $data = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Session $Session -Href $schemaURIList $hreflist = $data.links.member.href $neededHref = '' $foundFlag = $false $schemaHref = '' $prefix = $Type $schemaJSONLink = '' <# ##code in this comment block is rendered unnecessary due to page handling functionality added in Get-HPRESTDataRaw #$return = $false if($data.links.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('NextPage')) { if($data.links.NextPage.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('page')) { while($true) { if($data.links.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('NextPage')) { if($data.links.NextPage.PSObject.Properties.Name.Contains('page')) { $newPage = $data.links.NextPage.page $link = $data.links.self.href -replace 'page=(\d)*',"page=$newPage" $data = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $link -Session $Session foreach($sch in $data.links.member.href) { $hreflist += $sch } } else { break } } else { break } }#end while } } #> foreach($href in $hreflist) { $typeFromHref = $href.SubString($href.LastIndexOf('/')+1) if($typeFromHref -eq $Type) { $schemaHref = $href $foundFlag = $true break } } if($foundFlag -eq $false) { $prefix = Get-HPRESTTypePrefix -type $Type Write-Verbose "Using prefix - $prefix" foreach($href in $hreflist) { $x = $href.Split('/') if($x[$x.length-1] -eq $prefix) { $schemaHref = $href $foundFlag = $true break } } } if($foundFlag -eq $true) { $schemaLinkObj = $null $schemaLinkObj = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href $schemaHref -Session $session $x = Compare-HPRESTSchemaVersion -DataType $Type -SchemaType $schemaLinkObj.schema if($x -eq $true) { $schemaJSONHref = ($schemaLinkObj.Location|Where-Object {$_.language -eq $Language} | % {$_.Uri}).extref } return $schemaJSONHref } else { #Write-Error "Schema not found for $type" throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND')), $type)) } } } function Get-HPRESTUriFromHref { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets entire URI path from provided Href and root URI in Session variable. .DESCRIPTION Gets entire URI path from provided Href and root URI in Session variable. .PARAMETER Href Href of data of which completer URI is to be obtained. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI to create the complete URI along with the Href parameter. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href parameter to Get-HPRESTUriFromHref. .OUTPUTS System.String Get-HPRESTUriFromHref returns a string that has the complete URI derived from the Href and the RootUri from the session object. .NOTES See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-HPRESTUriFromHref -Href rest/v1/systems/1 -Session $s This example shows the resultant REST URI obtained from the Href provided and the RootURI from the session object. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } $rootURI = $Session.RootUri $matchLen = 0 try { $split = $Href.Split('/') if($split[1] -ieq 'redfish') { $split[1] = 'rest' $Href = '' foreach($part in $split) { $Href = $Href + $part + '/' } $href = $Href.Substring(0,$href.Length-1) #$rootURI = $rootURI -replace 'rest/v1','redfish/v1' } do { $matchLen++ $a = $rootURI.Substring(($rootURI.Length - $matchLen), $matchLen) $b = $Href.Substring(0,$matchLen) } while ($a -ne $b) $c = $Href.Substring($matchLen) return $rootURI + $c } catch { throw $(Get-Message('MSG_INVALID_HREF')) #throw 'Invalid href' } } function Invoke-HPRESTAction { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes HTTP POST method on the destination server. .DESCRIPTION Executes HTTP POST method on the desitination server with the data from Data parameter. Used for invoking an action like resetting the server. .PARAMETER Href Href where you have to POST the data. .PARAMETER Data Data passed in name-value hashtable format that you have to POST. .Parameter Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI to create the complete URI along with the Href parameter. .NOTES - Edit-HPRESTData is for HTTP PUT method - Invoke-HPRESTAction is for HTTP POST method - Remove-HPRESTData is for HTTP DELETE method - Set-HPRESTData is for HTTP PATCH method See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href to Invoke-HPRESTAction. Href points to the location where the POST method is to be executed. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Invoke-HPRESTAction returns a PSObject that has message from the HTTP response. The response may be informational or may have a message requiring an action like server reset. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $dataToPost = @{'Action'='Reset';'ResetType'='ForceRestart'} PS C:\> Invoke-HPRESTAction -Href $sys -Data $dataToPost -Session $s Messages Name Type -------- ---- ---- {@{MessageID=Base.0.10.Success Extended Error Information ExtendedError.0.9.6 This example shows Invoke-HPRESTData used to invoke a rest on the server. The 'ResetType' property is set to 'ForcedReset' and the output shows that reset was invoked successfully. The details of actions that can be performed at a particular Href are mentioned in the value for 'AvailableActions' field. .EXAMPLE $PS C:\> $accData = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href 'rest/v1/AccountService' -Session $session $accountHref = $accData.links.Accounts.href $PS C:\> $priv = @{} $priv.Add('RemoteConsolePriv',$true) $priv.Add('iLOConfigPriv',$true) $priv.Add('VirtualMediaPriv',$false) $priv.Add('UserConfigPriv',$false) $priv.Add('VirtualPowerAndResetPriv',$true) $PS C:\> $hp = @{} $hp.Add('LoginName',$newiLOLoginName) $hp.Add('Privileges',$priv) $PS C:\> $oem = @{} $oem.Add('Hp',$hp) $PS C:\> $user = @{} $user.Add('UserName',$newiLOUserName) $user.Add('Password',$newiLOPassword) $user.Add('Oem',$oem) $PS C:\> $ret = Invoke-HPRESTAction -Href $accountHref -Data $user -Session $session This example creates a user object and adds it to the Account href in AccountService. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $settingToPost = @{} PS C:\> $settingToPost.Add('Action','Reset') PS C:\> Invoke-HPRESTAction -Href 'rest/v1/managers/1' -Data $settingToPost -Session $s Messages Name Type -------- ---- ---- {@{MessageID=iLO.0.10.ResetInProgress Extended Error Information ExtendedError.0.9.6 This example invokes a reset on the iLO for the server. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $action = @{'Action'='ClearLog'} PS C:\> Invoke-HPRESTAction -Href '/rest/v1/Systems/1/Logs/IML' -Data $action -Session $session {"Messages":[{"MessageID":"iLO.0.10.EventLogCleared"}],"Name":"Extended Error Information","Type":"ExtendedError.0.9.6"} This example clears the IML logs by creating a JSON object with action to clear the Integraged Management Logs. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $action = @{'Action'='ClearLog'} PS C:\> Invoke-HPRESTAction -Href '/rest/v1/Managers/1/Logs/IEL' -Data $action -Session $session {"Messages":[{"MessageID":"iLO.0.10.EventLogCleared"}],"Name":"Extended Error Information","Type":"ExtendedError.0.9.6"} This example clears the IML logs by creating a JSON object with action to clear the iLO Event Logs. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [System.Object] [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Data, #one of the AllowedValue in capabilities [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) <# Edit-HPRESTData is for HTTP PUT method Invoke-HPRESTAction is for HTTP POST method Remove-HPRESTData is for HTTP DELETE method Set-HPRESTData is for HTTP PATCH method #> if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } if($Data -eq $null -or $Data -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Data")) } if($Data.GetType().ToString() -ne "System.Collections.Hashtable") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_INVALID_TYPE')), $Data.GetType().ToString() ,"Data")) } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $wr = $null $httpWebRequest = $null $data = $data|ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 $returnObjectFromJSON = New-Object PSObject try { $uri = Get-HPRESTUriFromHref -Href $href -Session $Session if($uri.substring($uri.length -1) -eq "/") { $uri = $uri.substring(0,$uri.length-2) } $wr = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri) $httpWebRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$wr $httpWebRequest.Method = 'POST' $httpWebRequest.ContentType = 'application/json' $httpWebRequest.ContentLength = $data.length $httpWebRequest.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]'GZip' $httpWebRequest.Headers.Add('X-Auth-Token',$Session.'X-Auth-Token') $reqWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(), [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII) $reqWriter.Write($data) $reqWriter.Close() try { $webResponse = $httpWebRequest.GetResponse() $webStream = $webResponse.GetResponseStream() $respReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($webStream) $resp = $respReader.ReadToEnd() $returnObjectFromJSON = $resp|Convert-JsonToPSObject $webResponse.Close() $webStream.Close() $respReader.Close() return $returnObjectFromJSON } catch { $webResponse = $_.Exception.InnerException.Response $errorRecord = Get-ErrorRecord -WebResponse $webResponse -CmdletName 'Invoke-HPRESTAction' $Global:Error.RemoveAt(0) throw $errorRecord #Write-Error -Message $msg -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.CategoryReason } } finally { if ($reqWriter -ne $null -and $reqWriter -is [System.IDisposable]){$reqWriter.Dispose()} if ($webResponse -ne $null -and $webResponse -is [System.IDisposable]){$webResponse.Dispose()} if ($webStream -ne $null -and $webStream -is [System.IDisposable]){$webStream.Dispose()} if ($respReader -ne $null -and $respReader -is [System.IDisposable]){$respReader.Dispose()} } } function Remove-HPRESTData { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes HTTP DELETE method on destination server. .DESCRIPTION Executes HTTP DELETE method on the desitination server at the location pointed to by Href parameter. Example of usage of this cmdlet is removing an iLO user account. .PARAMETER Href Href of the data which is to be deleted. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI to create the complete URI along with the Href parameter. The root URI of the REST source and the X-Auth-Token session identifier required for executing this cmdlet is obtained from Session parameter. .NOTES - Edit-HPRESTData is for HTTP PUT method - Invoke-HPRESTAction is for HTTP POST method - Remove-HPRESTData is for HTTP DELETE method - Set-HPRESTData is for HTTP PATCH method See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href to Remove-HPRESTData. Href points to the location where the DELETE method is to be executed. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Remove-HPRESTData returns a PSObject that has message from the HTTP response. The response may be informational or may have a message requiring an action like server reset. .EXAMPLE $users = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -Href rest/v1/accountService/accounts -Session $s foreach($u in $users.Items) { if($u.Username -eq 'user1') { Remove-HPRESTData -Href $u.links.self.href -Session $s break } } In this example, first, all accounts are retrieved in $users variable. This list is parsed one by one and when the 'user1' username is found, it is removed from the list of users. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session ) <# Edit-HPRESTData is for HTTP PUT method Invoke-HPRESTAction is for HTTP POST method Remove-HPRESTData is for HTTP DELETE method Set-HPRESTData is for HTTP PATCH method #> if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $wr = $null $httpWebRequest = $null $returnObjectFromJSON = New-Object PSObject try { $uri = Get-HPRESTUriFromHref -Href $href -Session $Session if($uri.substring($uri.length -1) -eq "/") { $uri = $uri.substring(0,$uri.length-2) } $wr = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri) $httpWebRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$wr $httpWebRequest.Method = 'DELETE' $httpWebRequest.ContentType = 'application/json' $httpWebRequest.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]::GZip $httpWebRequest.Headers.Add('X-Auth-Token',$Session.'X-Auth-Token') try { $webResponse = $httpWebRequest.GetResponse(); $webStream = $webResponse.GetResponseStream() $respReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($webStream) $resp = $respReader.ReadToEnd() $returnObjectFromJSON = $resp|Convert-JsonToPSObject $webResponse.Close() $webStream.Close() $respReader.Close() return $returnObjectFromJSON } catch { $webResponse = $_.Exception.InnerException.Response $errorRecord = Get-ErrorRecord -WebResponse $webResponse -CmdletName 'Remove-HPRESTData' $Global:Error.RemoveAt(0) throw $errorRecord #Write-Error -Message $msg -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.CategoryReason } } finally { if ($webResponse -ne $null -and $webResponse -is [System.IDisposable]){$webResponse.Dispose()} if ($webStream -ne $null -and $webStream -is [System.IDisposable]){$webStream.Dispose()} if ($respReader -ne $null -and $respReader -is [System.IDisposable]){$respReader.Dispose()} } } function Set-HPRESTData { <# .SYNOPSIS Executes HTTP PATCH method on destination server. .DESCRIPTION Executes HTTP PATCH method at the specified Href. This cmdlet is used to update the value of an editable property in the REST source. A property name and the new value must be provided to modify a value. If the Property name is left blank or not specified, then the PATCH is done using the Value parameter on the Href. .PARAMETER Href Href where the property is to be modified. .PARAMETER Setting Specifies a hashtable using @{} which has the name of the setting to be modified and the corresponding value. Multiple properties can be modified using the same request by stating multiple name-value pairs in the same hashtable structure. Example 1: $setting = @{'property1'= 'value1'} Example 2: $setting = @{'property1'= 'value1'; 'property2'='value2'} This can also be a complex(nested) hashtable. Example: $priv = @{} $priv.Add('RemoteConsolePriv',$true) $priv.Add('iLOConfigPriv',$true) $priv.Add('VirtualMediaPriv',$true) $priv.Add('UserConfigPriv',$true) $priv.Add('VirtualPowerAndResetPriv',$true) $hp = @{} $hp.Add('LoginName','user1') $hp.Add('Privileges',$priv) $oem = @{} $oem.Add('Hp',$hp) $user = @{} $user.Add('UserName','adminUser') $user.Add('Password','password123') $user.Add('Oem',$oem) This example shows a complex $user object that is used as 'Setting' parameter value to update properties/privileges of a user. This is passed to the Href of the user whose details are to be updated. .PARAMETER Session Session PSObject returned by executing Connect-HPREST cmdlet. It must have RootURI to create the complete URI along with the Href parameter. The root URI of the REST source and the X-Auth-Token session identifier required for executing this cmdlet is obtained from Session parameter. .NOTES - Edit-HPRESTData is for HTTP PUT method - Invoke-HPRESTAction is for HTTP POST method - Remove-HPRESTData is for HTTP DELETE method - Set-HPRESTData is for HTTP PATCH method If user tries to PATCH data to an Href that does not allow PATCH operation, then the code automatically searches for 'Settings' href in the 'links' field and performs a PATCH operation on the 'Settings' href. If 'Settings' href is not found in 'links' field of the data and PATCH is not allowed on the provided href, it results in an error. See typical usage examples in the HPRESTExamples.ps1 file installed with this module. .INPUTS System.String You can pipe the Href to Set-HPRESTData. Href points to the location where the PATCH method is to be executed. .OUTPUTS System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject Set-HPRESTData returns a PSObject that has message from the HTTP response. The response may be informational or may have a message requiring an action like server reset. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $setting = @{'AdminName' = 'TestAdmin'} PS C:\> $ret = Set-HPRESTData -Href rest/v1/systems/1/bios/settings -Setting $setting -Session $s PS C:\> $ret Messages Name Type -------- ---- ---- {@{MessageID=iLO.0.10.SystemResetRequired Extended Error Information ExtendedError.0.9.6 This example shows updating the 'AdminName' field in bios setting to set the value to 'TestAdmin' .EXAMPLE PS C:\> $LoginNameToModify = 'TimHorton' PS C:\> $accounts = Get-HPRESTDataRaw -href 'rest/v1/AccountService/Accounts' -Session $s PS C:\> $reqAccount = $accounts.Items | ?{$_.Username -eq $LoginNameToModify} PS C:\> $priv = @{} $priv.Add('VirtualMediaPriv',$false) $priv.Add('UserConfigPriv',$false) $hp = @{} $hp.Add('Privileges',$priv) $oem = @{} $oem.Add('Hp',$hp) $user = @{} $user.Add('Oem',$oem) PS C:\> $ret = Set-HPRESTData -Href $reqAccount.links.self.href -Settnig $user -Session $s PS C:\> $ret Messages Name Type -------- ---- ---- {@{MessageID=Base.0.10.AccountModified}} Extended Error Information ExtendedError.0.9.6 This example shows modification of user privilege for a user. First the href of the user 'TimHorton' is seacrched from Accounts href. Then user object is created with the required privilege change. This object is then used as the setting parameter value for Set-HPRESTData cmdlet. .LINK http://www.hpe.com/servers/powershell #> param ( [System.String] [parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Href, [System.Object] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Setting, [PSObject] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Session, [Hashtable] [parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true)] $Header ) <# Edit-HPRESTData is for HTTP PUT method Invoke-HPRESTAction is for HTTP POST method Remove-HPRESTData is for HTTP DELETE method Set-HPRESTData is for HTTP PATCH method #> if($session -eq $null -or $session -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Session")) } if($Setting -eq $null -or $Setting -eq "") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_MISSING')) ,"Setting")) } if($Setting.GetType().ToString() -ne "System.Collections.Hashtable") { throw $([string]::Format($(Get-Message('MSG_PARAMETER_INVALID_TYPE')), $Setting.GetType().ToString() ,"Setting")) } [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $wr = $null $httpWebRequest = $null $data = '' $returnObjectFromJSON = New-Object PSObject try { $resp = Get-HPRESTHttpData -Href $Href -Session $Session # if the web response headder 'Allow' field does not have PATCH, then search for Settings href in links field of the data. If the settings field is present, then if(($resp.Headers['Allow'] -split ',').Trim() -notcontains 'PATCH') { $rs = $resp.GetResponseStream(); [System.IO.StreamReader] $sr = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader -argumentList $rs; $results = '' [string]$jsonResults = $sr.ReadToEnd(); $results = $jsonResults|Convert-JsonToPSObject if($results.links.PSObject.Properties.Name -contains 'Settings') { $Href = $results.links.Settings.href } $rs.Close() $sr.Close() } $resp.Close() } finally { if ($resp -ne $null -and $resp -is [System.IDisposable]){$resp.Dispose()} if ($rs -ne $null -and $rs -is [System.IDisposable]){$rs.Dispose()} if ($sr -ne $null -and $sr -is [System.IDisposable]){$sr.Dispose()} } $data = $Setting | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 try { $uri = Get-HPRESTUriFromHref -Href $href -Session $Session if($uri.substring($uri.length -1) -eq "/") { $uri = $uri.substring(0,$uri.length-2) } $wr = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($uri) $httpWebRequest = [System.Net.HttpWebRequest]$wr $httpWebRequest.Method = 'PATCH' $httpWebRequest.ContentType = 'application/json' $httpWebRequest.ContentLength = $data.length $httpWebRequest.AutomaticDecompression = [System.Net.DecompressionMethods]'GZip' $httpWebRequest.Headers.Add('X-Auth-Token',$Session.'X-Auth-Token') if($Header.Count -gt 0) { foreach($entry in $Header.Keys) { $httpWebRequest.Headers.Add($entry,$Header[$entry]) } } $reqWriter = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($httpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(), [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII) $reqWriter.Write($data) $reqWriter.Close() try { $webResponse = $httpWebRequest.GetResponse() $webStream = $webResponse.GetResponseStream() $respReader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($webStream) $response = $respReader.ReadToEnd() $returnObjectFromJSON = $response|Convert-JsonToPSObject $webResponse.Close() $webStream.Close() $respReader.Close() return $returnObjectFromJSON } catch { $webResponse = $_.Exception.InnerException.Response $errorRecord = Get-ErrorRecord -WebResponse $webResponse -CmdletName 'Set-HPRESTData' $Global:Error.RemoveAt(0) throw $errorRecord #Write-Error -Message $msg -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category -CategoryReason $_.CategoryInfo.CategoryReason } } finally { if (($null -ne $reqWriter) -and ($reqWriter -is [System.IDisposable])){$reqWriter.Dispose()} if (($null -ne $webResponse) -and ($webResponse -is [System.IDisposable])){$webResponse.Dispose()} if (($null -ne $webStream) -and ($webStream -is [System.IDisposable])){$webStream.Dispose()} if (($null -ne $respReader) -and ($respReader -is [System.IDisposable])){$respReader.Dispose()} } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Connect-HPREST, Disconnect-HPREST, Edit-HPRESTData, Find-HPREST, Get-HPRESTData, Get-HPRESTDataRaw, Get-HPRESTDir, Format-HPRESTDir, Get-HPRESTIndex, Get-HPRESTModuleVersion, Get-HPRESTError, Get-HPRESTHttpData, Get-HPRESTSchema, Get-HPRESTSchemaExtref, Get-HPRESTUriFromHref, Invoke-HPRESTAction, Remove-HPRESTData, Set-HPRESTData # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIY+wYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIY7DCCGOgCAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMGkGCisGAQQB # gjcCAQSgWzBZMDQGCisGAQQBgjcCAR4wJgIDAQAABBAfzDtgWUsITrck0sYpfvNR # AgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAAgEAMCEwCQYFKw4DAhoFAAQUBhOBXd09cSok6p14lOXNkGd1 # Jf+gghPzMIID7jCCA1egAwIBAgIQfpPr+3zGTlnqS5p31Ab8OzANBgkqhkiG9w0B # AQUFADCBizELMAkGA1UEBhMCWkExFTATBgNVBAgTDFdlc3Rlcm4gQ2FwZTEUMBIG # A1UEBxMLRHVyYmFudmlsbGUxDzANBgNVBAoTBlRoYXd0ZTEdMBsGA1UECxMUVGhh # d3RlIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24xHzAdBgNVBAMTFlRoYXd0ZSBUaW1lc3RhbXBpbmcg # Q0EwHhcNMTIxMjIxMDAwMDAwWhcNMjAxMjMwMjM1OTU5WjBeMQswCQYDVQQGEwJV # UzEdMBsGA1UEChMUU3ltYW50ZWMgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24xMDAuBgNVBAMTJ1N5bWFu # dGVjIFRpbWUgU3RhbXBpbmcgU2VydmljZXMgQ0EgLSBHMjCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcN # AQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBALGss0lUS5ccEgrYJXmRIlcqb9y4JsRDc2vCvy5Q # WvsUwnaOQwElQ7Sh4kX06Ld7w3TMIte0lAAC903tv7S3RCRrzV9FO9FEzkMScxeC # i2m0K8uZHqxyGyZNcR+xMd37UWECU6aq9UksBXhFpS+JzueZ5/6M4lc/PcaS3Er4 # ezPkeQr78HWIQZz/xQNRmarXbJ+TaYdlKYOFwmAUxMjJOxTawIHwHw103pIiq8r3 # +3R8J+b3Sht/p8OeLa6K6qbmqicWfWH3mHERvOJQoUvlXfrlDqcsn6plINPYlujI # 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