about_HPOneView.500 COPYRIGHT (C) Copyright 2013-2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP LICENSE Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. SHORT DESCRIPTION PowerShell library for HP OneView 5.00 WHAT'S NEW Release 5.00.2736.1630 -- Updated New-HPOVUplinkSet to ensure ImageStreamer type always sets LacpLoadBalancingMode to "None". -- Relaxed Show-HPOVFirmwareReport to allow supported Monitored server hardware resources in report collection. -- Fixed issue with Show-HPOVFirmwareReport not handling SDFlex compute partitions when attempting to display firmware. -- Enhanced Show-HPOVFirmwareReport to handle baselines that are associated with supported resources and are no longer present on the appliance. -- [#554] Fixed Synergy fabric module typo in New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup for HPE Synergy 32Gb FC module. -- [#556] Updated Server.format.ps1xml to display connection address when is User Assigned from using Show-HPOVServerProfileConnection. -- [#557] Fixed New-HPOVLdapGroup and Set-HPOVLdapGroup requiring -Credential parameter when the authentication directory is assigned a service account. -- [#558] Fixed ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript not handling multiple logical interconnect group mappings, and IPv6 Address pools. -- [#561] Fixed ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript not providing server profile connection network name variable in generated script code. -- Fixed an issue within Set-HPOVUplinkSet where a provided Uplink Set resource (from Get-HPOVUplinkSet) reports an incorrect category type, causing validation logic to fail. -- Added -Name parameter to Get-HPOVAddressPoolRange to assist with filtering for specific pool ranges. -- Added -Append parameter to Set-HPOVLdapGroup and Set-HPOVUser Cmdlets to change the behavior of changing the roles or scope permissions. -- [#564] Fixed Set-OVSmtpConfig to send a properly formatted request to the appliance REST API to disable email alert filters. -- Added -UseMXRecordLookup to Set-OVSmtpConfig Cmdlet to allow for DNS MX record lookup to be used instead of specifying an SMTP server with the -Server parameter. Release 5.00.2689.2416 -- [#538] Fixed HPOneView.Networking.SnmpV3User class to return NA instead of NONE when authentication protocol and no privacy protocol setting. -- [#552] Fixed duplicate key when attempting to convert from JSON to object with baselines. Release 5.00.2685.1865 -- [#534] Fixed Show-HPOVFirmwareReport where Cmdlet would mishandle enclosure resources without a baseline assigned and no baseline object provided by caller would generate an exception. -- [#539] Fixed New-HPOVSnmpTrapDestination and the object it returns. -- [#540] Fixed New-HPOVSnmpTrapDestination to handle SNMPv3 Engine ID correctly. -- [#548] Fixed Enable-OHPVDeviceUid and Disable-OVDeviceUid where a resource eTag wasn't being passed to the API for Synergy Frames. -- Added Get-HPOVSmtpAlertEmailFilter, Set-HPOVSmtpAlertEmailFilter and Remove-HPOVSmtpAlertEmailFilter Cmdlets to manage email/SMTP alert filtering. -- Fixed New-HPOVServerProfileTemplate mishandling async task in an error state containing more than one taskError message. Release 5.00.2597.2846 -- Updated New-HPOVNetworkSet to no longer require -Networks parameter. -- Fixed New-HPOVSnmpV3User where paraeter validation logic was incorrect when providing the -AuthPassword parameter with -SecurityLevel to "AuthOnly". -- Fixed issue with Install-HPOVUpdate not hanlding error conditions from the API correctly. -- [#509] Fixed New-HPOVServerProfileTemplate and New-HPOVServerProfile where each Cmdlet would not handle TargetAddress parameter correctly. -- [#511] Enhanced New-HPOVServerProfileLogicalDisk to support permanent logical JBODs when assigned to server profile templates and server profiles. -- Enhanced Install-HPOVLogicalInterconnectFirmware to support Orchestrated firmware installation for HPE Synergy Virtual Connect fabrics. -- [#514] Enhanced ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript to handle unassign network connections. -- [#513] Enhanced New-HPOVServerProfileConnection to support Unassigned network connections. -- Enhanced Install-HPOVLogicalInterconnectFirmware to support HPE Synergy Orchestrated activation, and HPE SAS logical interconnect type. -- [#515] Enhanced New-HPOVNetwork to include the ability to create bulk Ethernet networks and associate with one or more existing Network Sets. -- [#512] Enhanced Set-HPOVUplinkSet by adding -AddNetworkSet and -RemoveNetworkSet parameters. -- [#517] Enhanced Wait-HPOVTaskComplete to only display 'Appliance is rebooting' message once, if the appliance requires a reboot for a task (ex. Set-HPOVApplianceCurrentSecurityMode). Release 5.00.2542.2883 -- [#504] Fixing merge issue with New-HPOVUplinkSet with invalid object property. -- Added additional LACP load balancing parameters to New-OVUplinkSet. Release 5.00.2539.1742 -- [#472] Updated Reset-HPOVInterconnectNetOpPassword to support Virtual Connect SE 100Gb F32 Module for Synergy interconnect type. -- Fixed Remove-HPOVScmbCertificates where a missing HTTP header was necessary. -- [#429] Enhanced Get-HPOVRack to filter on Datacenter location. -- Fixed issue with Get-HPOVScmbCertificate when attempting to export a PFX due to cignificant X509Certificate2 changes in DotNetCore API. -- [#495] Fixed New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup where the -EnablePauseFloodProtection parameter wasn't handled correctly for Synergy configurations. -- [#497] Fixed issue with Set-HPOVRemoteSupport mishandling Insight Online portal registration. -- Fixed Get-HPOVDataCenter that would generate an exception when Remote Support was enabled. -- Enhanced Set-HPOVManagedSan to perform additional validations to zone and alias policies. -- Fixed issue with Set-HPOVSanManager not returning a task object. Release 5.00.2400.1845 -- [#466] Fixed New-HPOVUplinkSet where FC uplink sets were not being created due to code refactor. -- Fixed uplink port detection logic where improper camelCase handling would cause an "Unable to parse the provided UplinkPort value" when either Enclosure or Bay is in all upper case. -- Enhanced Connect-HPOVMgmt to detect -Username value for NT Domain Name (i.e. Domain\Username, Domain.local\Username) or UPN (i.e. user-a@domain.local). -- [#471] Enhanced Remote Support Cmdlets to support Interconnects and Rack Managers. Release 5.00.2368.2592 -- [#411] Fixed regression in Connect-HPOVMgmt where login message wasn't being displayed or honored. -- [#449] Fixed ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript mishandling of OS Deployment custom attributes with Password. -- [#450] Enhanced ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript to handle Ethernet and Fibre Channel networks, and Network Sets for OS Custom Attributes, instead of setting a Uri value that might not be valid for another appliance the script may be executed against. -- [#452] Enhanced New-HPOVNetworkSet and Set-HPOVNetworkSet to support Large VLAN type. -- [#460] Fixed incorrect handling of exception message within New-HPOVsnmpV3user. -- [#461] Fixed issue with -LockProvisionMode in New-HPOVStorageVolumeTemplate Cmdlet where provision mode was not locking. -- [#463] Changed how the library was handling the decryption of password SecureString values for MacOS and PowerShellCore 7. -- [#464] Fixed Get-HPOVDriveEnclosureInventory mishandling -Avilable parameter where all drives were returned, regardless if drive was allocated to a Logical JBOD or not. -- [#465] Fixed Update-HPOVLogicalEnclosureFirmware handling of a supplied Baseline. Object type is now stongly typed to HPOneView.Appliance.Baseline class object from Get-HPOVBaseline. -- [#466] Fixed New-HPOVUplinkSet regression where uplink set trunking property is not set correctly for non-capable Virtual Connect fabric modules. -- [#467] Fixed -LocalStorageConsistencyChecking parameter within New-HPOVServerProfileTemplate Cmdlet not supporting 'Minimum' value. -- Online user documentation has been moved from the GitHub project Wiki site to Gitbook.io. Offline user documentation has been updated to point to the new site. Release 5.00.2341.1920 -- [#443] Fixed New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup where Scope parameter was not processed. -- Fixed Get-HPOVServerProfileConnectionList to output a valid PowerShell object. -- Fixed ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript handling of Enclosure Groups with multiple Logical Interconnect Groups. -- Fixed SecureBoot procesing in New-HPOVServerProfileTemplate and New-HPOVServerProfile Cmdlets. -- Fixed Initialize process in New-HPOVServerProfileLogicalDriveController Cmdlet. -- [#444] Added EnableStormControl parameter to New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup Cmdlet supporting HPE Synergy Virtual Connect. -- [#447] Fixed incorrect -SnmpV3User parameter declaration in New-HPOVSnmpTrapDestination Cmdlet. -- Added EnableStormControl parameter detection to ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript Cmdlet. -- Added -UplinkSets parameter to New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup to assist with creating uplink sets at the same time as creating the logical interconnect group. This is needed for enabling IGMPSnooping (e.g. -EnableIGMSnooping $True) per VLAN (e.g. -IgmpVlans "10,33,70-82"). -- Updated New-HPOVUplinkSet to support Passthru in order to create uplink sets with New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup instead of creating the logical interconnect group, then adding uplink sets after. -- Added -IGMPVlans support to New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup to support per VLAN IGMP Snooping support. In order to use this feature, you will need to adjust scripts to first use New-HPOVUplinkSet with the -Passthru parameter, then pass the Uplink Set objects using the -UplinkSet parameter in New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup. -- Added Primera storage system support to New-HPOVStorageSystem, Get-HPOVStorageSystem, New-HPOVStorageVolume, and New-HPOVStorageVolumeTemplate Cmdlets. -- Updated New-HPOVUplinkSet to support 32Gb FC uplink port speeds. -- Updated New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup to support configuring the downlink port speed for HPE Virtual Connect SE 100Gb F32 module for Synergy, with the -DownlinkSpeed parameter. -- Refactored New-HPOVUplinkSet to allow the passthru and creation of uplink sets. The -Passthru parameter is used to return a helper object for New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup to create uplink sets during the creation of a logical interconnect. -- Enhanced New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup to support IGMP Snooping advanced settings, Cut-through Switching, Storm Control, and DDNS for Virtual Connect SE 100Gb F32 module and Storm Control for Virtual Connect SE 40Gb F8 module. Release 5.00.2295.3359 -- [#428] Fixed incorrect uplink set type being set with ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript. -- [#428] Fixed logical interconnect group script code not exported when set to export to a file. -- [#431] Fixed CSR API request object with the correct DTO type. -- [#425] Updated Update-HPOVServer logic to handle hostname when parameter is not provided. -- Added Secondary Contact support to New-HPOVRemoteSupportContact and Set-HPOVRemoteSupportSecondaryContact. -- [#435] Fixed Add-HPOVServer exception that reports the server is already managed or monitored by the appliance was incorrectly handled. -- [#442] Fixed New-HPOVNetwork to allow TypicalBandwidth and MaximumBandwidth to be up to 50000 (50Gbps). -- [#442] Fixed Set-HPOVNetwork to allow TypicalBandwidth and MaximumBandwidth to be up to 50000 (50Gbps). -- [#442] Fixed New-HPOVNetworkSet to allow TypicalBandwidth and MaximumBandwidth to be up to 50000 (50Gbps). -- Fixed incorrect output of New-HPOVNetworkSet when using ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript. -- Fixed SNMP handling output of Logical Interconnect Groups when using ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript. Release 5.00.2226.2609 -- Fixed Remove-HPOVLogicalSwitchGroup where incorrect string handle caused runtime exception. -- Fixed ConvertTo-HPOVPowerShellScript where server profile code was not being generated correctly for minimal server profile configuration. -- [#414] Added support to detect what .NetFramework is installed on the Windows system when using PowerShell 5.1. -- [#415] Enhanced Get-AllIndexResources internal helper function to trap [HPOneview.ResourceNotFoundException] exceptions when attempting to get full resource. -- [#421] Fixed New-HPOVRestore due to OneView API changes. -- Fixed Semantic version detection to support additional HPE SPP baseline component firmware versions. -- Added support for New-HPOVRestore to accept appliance encryption key (AEK) file if restoring backup to an appliance that has been rebuilt and contains a new encryption key. -- Added LACP Algorithm support to New-HPOVUplinkSet. -- Added Data at Rest Encryption Cmdlets: Save-HPOVApplianceDataAtRestEncryptionKey, Enable-HPOVApplianceDataAtRestEncryption, Disable-HPOVApplianceDataAtRestEncryption, and New-HPOVApplianceDataAtRestEncryptionKey. -- Added HPE Synergy Logical JBOD Cmdlets: Get-HPOVLogicalJBOD, New-HPOVLogicalJBOD, Set-HPOVLogicalJBOD, Remove-HPOVLogialJBOD, and Get-HPOVDriveEnclosureInventory. -- Increased the timeout for SCMB certificate management tasks, like Remove-HPOVScmbCertificate. Release 5.00.2150.3666 -- Initial 5.00 release. -- Transitioned library to .NetStandard 2.0 codebase, in order to support PowerShell 5.x, PowerShell 6, and PowerShellCore with DotNet 4.8 Framework and DotNetCore for Linux and Mac. -- Deprecated EXE installer. Library is a published PowerShell Catelog resource. In order to install the library on another system without Internet access, use Save-Module from another PC, and then manually copy the module contents to the isolated system. -- All -Username and -Password parameters are now obsolete and deprecated. Plase update your scripts to use the -Credential parameter instead. -- Added Brocade FOS support to Add-HPOVSanManager -- Added Consistency Checking parameters to New-HPOVLogicalInterconnectGroup and New-HPOVUplinkSet. -- Added Network Set support to New-HPOVUplinkSet to either track network set resources, or to copy networks from the provided Network Set(s) with the -CopyNetworksFromNetworkSet parameter. -- Added unmanaged fibre channel connection to New-HPOVServerProfile and New-HPOVServerProfileConnection for supported servers. -- Added Get-HPOVServerOneTimeBoot and Set-HPOVServerOneTimeBoot to support server One Time Boot settings. -- Added IPv6 address pool support to New-HPOVAddressPoolSubnet and New-HPOVAddressPoolRange. -- Added Gen10 ComSig firmware hotfix file support to Add-HPOVBaseline. -- Added ID assignment override to New-HPOVServerProfile when specifying a server profile template. LONG DESCRIPTION This library provides HP OneView management capabilities for Windows PowerShell. The library can be used as either a CLI or using the core cmdlets to call from wrapper scripts. The core cmdlets are: -- Connect-HPOVmgmt -- Send-HPOVRequest -- New-HPOVResource -- Set-HPOVResource -- Remove-HPOVResource A set of sample scripts are also provided, that show how to fully configure an HP OneView appliance from the ground up. For information regarding this project, to request features or report issues, please see: https://github.com/HewlettPackard/POSH-HPOneView/issues SEE ALSO https://github.com/HewlettPackard/POSH-HPEOneView http://hpe.com/info/oneviewcommunity Update-Help HPOneView.500 Get-Help about_Appliance_Connections Get-Help about_Appliance_Connection_Permissions Get-Help about_Two_Factor_Authentication Get-Help Connect-HPOVmgmt Get-Help Send-HPOVRequest [install_dir]\Samples |