about_HPOneView.310 COPYRIGHT (C) Copyright 2013-2018 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP LICENSE Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. SHORT DESCRIPTION PowerShell library for HP OneView 3.10 WHAT'S NEW Release 3.10.1588.1229 -- Updated New-HPOVLdapDirectory to support SecureString prompt for -Password parameter. -- Updated library sample scripts with correct module name and license. Release 3.10.1560.1882 -- Fixed Get-HPOVServerProfile where providing a Server Hardware resource would generate an API exception message. -- Fixed Get-HPOVIloSso where providing a Server Hardware resource via -InputObject parameter would generate an invalid property type exception. -- Updated Version reporting of the appliance to handle certain scenarios. -- The library will now only allow TLS communications to HPE OneView. Release 3.10.1471.1581 -- [#287] Fixed New-HPOVLogicalEnclosure where inadvertant string was in a verbose output statement causing a non-terminating error. -- [#289] Fixed New-HPOVUplinkSet where HPE Synergy Logical Interconnect resources were not handled correctly to identify the requested fabric bay. -- [#292] Fixed Storage.formats.ps1xml to display the correct HPOneView.Storage.Volume and HPOneView.Storage.VolumeTemplate resource objects. -- Fixed New-HPOVServerProfile to support providing OS Deployment Plan Attributes when creating a Server Profile from an Server Profile Template or not. -- [#288] Enhanced New-HPOVLicense to filter out comment lines in license file. -- Enhanced Get-HPOVOSDeploymentPlanAttribute to return OS Custom Attributes related to a Server Profile Template. -- [#290] Enhanced HPOneView.RemoteSupport.ContractAndWarrantyStatus and Get-HPOVRemoteSupportEntitlementStatus to report resource serial number and Server Hostname (if configured in the iLO) for Server hardware resource objects. Release 3.10.1416.3042 -- Fixed Get-HPOVManagedSan to support -ErrorAction parameter. -- Fixed New-HPOVServerProfile regression when assigning Servers. -- Fixed Reset-HPOVEnclosureDevice where the resource eTag was not being sent to API, resulting in API exception being thrown. -- [#282] Fixed New-HPOVLicense where the incorrect API object type was being passed in JSON body. -- [#283] Fixed New-HPOVStorageVolumeTemplate where a missing enum was being passed to API causing exception to be generated. -- Added Appliance Trusted Certificate management Cmdlets, Get-HPOVApplianceTrustedCertificate, Add-HPOVApplianceTrustedCertificate, and Remove-HPOVApplianceTrustedCertificate. -- Added Enable-HPOVRemoteSupport and Disable-HPOVRemoteSupport Cmdlets for suported resources. -- Added Get-HPOVRemoteSupportEntitlementStatus Cmdlet to return status and Warranty/Contract info. -- Added Update-HPOVRemoteSupportEntitlement to initiate a resource entitlement refresh. -- Added Enable and Disable switch parameters to Set-HPOVRemoteSupport Cmdlet to enable and disable Remote Support globally on the appliance, after successful configuration and registration. -- Added Set-HPOVLogicalEnclosure Cmdlet to change LE settings, like Name or to grow the LE with new Enclosure Group. -- Added missing Image Streamer parameters to New-HPOVServerProfileTemplate. -- Refactored Install-HPOVApplianceCertificate to handle different certificate input methods. -- Refactored Get-HPOVVersion to return $PSLibraryVersion varilable that is now available within your PowerShell session by default. The Get-HPOVVersion will be deprecated once the library is published to PowerShellGallary. -- Enhanced Get-HPOVIloSso Cmdlet to return a compliant session object for HPRESTCmdlets to use. In order to use this, you must specify the -IloRestSession switch parameter. -- Deprecated and removed support for Start-HPOVLibraryTrace and Stop-HPOVLibraryTrace. Replaced with Get-HPOVCommandTrace, which properly sets up the logging for capture verbose output from supplied script block. Release 3.10.1377.2109 -- First release of HPE OneView 3.10 PowerShell library. -- New Cmdlets added: * Get-HPOVAvailableDriveType to return available disk drives for SAS Logical Interconnects or HPE Synergy Disk Enclosures. * Get-HPOVRespository to return configured appliance repositories * New-HPOVExternalRepository to configure new external baseline repository * Remove-HPOVExternalRepository to remove external baseline repository. -- Extended New-HPOVServerProfileLogicalDisk to allow a caller to specify an available drive type instead of specifying the min and max drive size, along with drive type. -- Added Firmware Activation support to New-HPOVServerProfile and New-HPOVServerProfileTemplate. -- Added lockable settings support to New-HPOVStorageVolumeTemplate. -- Added StoreVirtual support for HPOVStorageSystem and HPOVStorageVolume Cmdlets. -- Enhanced New-HPOVServerProfileConnection to support hardware and software iSCSI configuration. LONG DESCRIPTION This library provides HP OneView management capabilities for Windows PowerShell. The library can be used as either a CLI or using the core cmdlets to call from wrapper scripts. The core cmdlets are: • Connect-HPOVmgmt • Send-HPOVRequest • New-HPOVResource • Set-HPOVResource • Remove-HPOVResource A set of sample scripts are also provided, that show how to fully configure an HP OneView appliance from the ground up. For information regarding this project, to request features or report issues, please see: https://github.com/HewlettPackard/POSH-HPOneView/issues SEE ALSO https://github.com/HewlettPackard/POSH-HPOneView http://hpe.com/info/oneviewcommunity Update-Help HPOneview.310 Help about_Appliance_Connections Connect-HPOVmgmt Send-HPOVRequest [install_dir]\Samples |