
## © 2020,2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
## copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
## to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
## the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
## and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
## Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
## in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## File Name: SystemReporter.psm1
## Description: System Reporter cmdlets
## Created: February 2020
## Last Modified: February 2020
## History: v3.0 - Created

$Info = "INFO:"
$Debug = "DEBUG:"
$global:VSLibraries = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

## FUNCTION Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI
Function Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI 
    Cache memory statistics data reports
    Cache memory statistics data reports.Request cache memory statistics data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.

    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -NodeId 1
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -NodeId "1,2,3"
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby node
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -NodeId 1
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -NodeId "1,2,3"
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby node
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary min
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 2 -ComparebyField hitIORead
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime 2018-07-18T13:20:00+05:30 -LETime 2018-07-18T13:25:00+05:30
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime 2018-07-18T13:20:00+05:30
    Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime 2018-07-18T13:25:00+05:30
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request cache memory statistics data using Versus Time reports.
    Request cache memory statistics data using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily
    <nodeid> – Provides cache memory data for the specified nodes, in the range of 0 to 7. For example specify node:1,3,2. With no nodeid specified, the system calculates cache memory data for all nodes in the system.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    Group the sample data into the node category.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    hitIORead : Number of read I/Os per second while data was in cache
    hitIOWrite : Number of write I/Os per second while data was in cache
    missIORead : Number of read I/Os per second while data was not in cache
    missIOWrite : Number of write I/Os per second while data was not in cache
    accessIORead : Number of read I/Os per second
    accessIOWrite : Number of write I/Os per second
    hitPctRead : Hits divided by accesses in percentage for read I/Os
    hitPctWrite : Hits divided by accesses in percentage for write I/Os
    totalAccessIO : Number of total read and write I/Os per second
    lockBulkIO : Number of pages modified per second by host I/O and written to disk by the flusher
    pageStatisticDelayAckPagesNL_7 : Delayed acknowledgment pages associated with NL 7
    pageStatisticDelayAckPagesFC : Delayed acknowledgment pages associated with FC
    pageStatisticDelayAckPagesSSD : Delayed acknowledgment pages associated with SSD
    pageStatisticPageStatesFree : Number of cache pages without valid data on them
    pageStatisticPageStatesClean : Number of clean cache pages
    pageStatisticPageStatesWriteOnce : Number of dirty pages modified exactly 1 time
    pageStatisticPageStatesWriteMultiple : Number of dirty pages modified more than 1 time
    pageStatisticPageStatesWriteScheduled : Number of pages scheduled to be written to disk
    pageStatisticPageStatesWriteing : Number of pages being written to disk
    pageStatisticPageStatesDcowpend : Number of pages waiting for delayed copy on write resolution
    pageStatisticDirtyPagesNL : Dirty cluster memory pages associated with NL 7
    pageStatisticDirtyPagesFC : Dirty cluster memory pages associated with FC
    pageStatisticDirtyPagesSSD : Dirty cluster memory pages associated with SSD
    pageStatisticMaxDirtyPagesNL_7 : Maximum allowed number of dirty cluster memory pages associated with NL 7
    pageStatisticMaxDirtyPagesFC : Maximum allowed number of dirty cluster memory pages associated with FC
    pageStatisticMaxDirtyPagesSSD : Maximum allowed number of dirty cluster memory pages associated with SSD

    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select atlist any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/cachememorystatistics/'+$Frequency
    if($NodeId) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass node values in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";node:$NodeId"}
    if($Groupby) { $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    write-host "URL = $uri"
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI
Function Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI 
    CPG space data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    CPG space data using either Versus Time or At Time reports..
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -CpgName xxx
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType FC
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType "FC,LN,SSD"
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -RAIDType R1
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -RAIDType "R1,R2"
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby "id,diskType,RAIDType"
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -CpgName xxx
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType FC
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType "FC,NL"
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime 2018-07-18T13:20:00+05:30 -LETime 2018-07-18T13:25:00+05:30
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime 2018-07-18T13:20:00+05:30
    Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime 2018-07-18T13:25:00+05:30
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request CPG space data using Versus Time reports.
    Request CPG space data using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily
    The CPG space sample data is for the specified disk types. With no disk type specified, the system calculates the CPG space sample data is for all the disk types in the system.
    1 is for :- FC : Fibre Channel
    2 is for :- NL : Near Line
    3 is for :- SSD : SSD
    4 is for :- SCM : SCM Disk type
    Indicates that the CPG space sample data is only for the specified CPG names. With no name specified, the system calculates the CPG space sample data for all CPGs.
    Indicates that the CPG space sample data is for the specified raid types. With no type specified, the system calculates the CPG space sample data for all the raid types in the system.
    R0 : RAID level 0
    R1 : RAID level 1
    R5 : RAID level 5
    R6 : RAID level 6

  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    totalSpaceMiB : Total space in MiB.
    freeSpaceMiB : Free space in MiB.
    usedSpaceMiB : Used space in MiB
    compaction : Compaction ratio.
    compression : Compression ratio.
    deduplication : Deduplication ratio.
    dataReduction : Data reduction ratio.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    Group the sample data into categories. With no category specified, the system groups data into all
    categories. Separate multiple groupby categories using a comma (,) and no spaces. Use the structure,
    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/cpgspacedata/'+$Frequency
    if($CpgName) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass CpgName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";name:$CpgName"}
        if($AtTime)    { return "We cannot pass DiskType in At Time report." }
        [System.String]$DislTV = ""
        $DislTV = Add-DiskType -DT $DiskType        
        $uri = $uri+";diskType:"+$DislTV.Trim()
        if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass RAIDType in At Time report." }
        [System.String]$RedTV = ""
        $RedTV = Add-RedType -RT $RAIDType        
        $uri = $uri+";RAIDType:"+$RedTV.Trim()    
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI
Function Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI 
    CPG statistical data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    CPG statistical data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -CpgName $cpg
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby name
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hourly
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -CpgName $cpg
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby name
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request CPG space data using Versus Time reports.
    Request CPG space data using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily
    Indicates that the CPG space sample data is only for the specified CPG names. With no name specified, the system calculates the CPG space sample data for all CPGs.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    totalIOPs : Total number of IOPs

    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter.
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter.

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/cpgstatistics/'+$Frequency
    if($CpgName) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass CpgName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";name:$CpgName"}    
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    #write-host "URL = $uri"
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI
Function Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI 
    CPU statistical data reports.
    CPU statistical data reports.
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -NodeId 1
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby cpu
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request CPU statistics data using Versus Time reports.
    Request CPU statistics data using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily
    Indicates that the CPU statistics sample data is only for the specified nodes. The valid range of node IDs is 0 - 7. For example, specify node:1,3,2. With no node ID specified, the system calculates CPU statistics sample data for all nodes in the system.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    You can group the CPU statistical data into categories. With no groupby parameter specified, the system groups the data into all categories.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    userPct : Percent of CPU time in user-mode
    systemPct : Percent of CPU time in system-mode
    idlePct : Percent of CPU time in idle
    interruptsPerSec : Number of interrupts per second
    contextSwitchesPerSec : Number of context switches per second
    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select atlist any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/cpustatistics/'+$Frequency
    if($NodeId) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass node values in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";node:$NodeId"}
    if($Groupby) { $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI
Function Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI 
    Physical disk capacity reports.
    Physical disk capacity reports.
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Id 1
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType FC
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType "FC,SSD"
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby id
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby "id,type"
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request Physical disk capacity using Versus Time reports.
    Request Physical disk capacity using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily
    Requests disk capacity data for the specified disks only. For example, specify id:1,3,2. With no id specified, the system calculates physical disk capacity for all disks in the system.
    Specifies the disk types to query for physical disk capacity sample data. With no disktype specified, the system calculates physical disk capacity for all disk types in the system.
    FC : Fibre Channel
    NL : Near Line
    SSD : SSD
    Specifies the RPM speeds to query for physical disk capacity data. With no speed indicated, the system calculates physical disk capacity data for all speeds in the system. You can specify one or more disk RPM speeds by separating them with a comma (,). For example, specify RPM:7,15,150. Valid RPM values are: 7,10,15,100,150.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    id | cageID | cageSide | mag | diskPos | type | RPM
    Groups the sample data into specified categories. With no category specified, the system groups data into all categories. To specify multiple groupby categories, separate them using a comma (,). For example, id,type,RPM.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/physicaldiskcapacity/'+$Frequency
    if($Id) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass Id in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";id:$Id"}
    #if($DiskType) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass DiskType in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";type:$DiskType"}
        if($AtTime)    { return "We cannot pass DiskType in At Time report." }
        [System.String]$DislTV = ""
        $DislTV = Add-DiskType -DT $DiskType        
        $uri = $uri+";type:"+$DislTV.Trim()
    if($RPM) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass RPM in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";RPM:$RPM"}
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}    
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    #write-host "URL = $uri"
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI
Function Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI 
    physical disk statistics reports using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    physical disk statistics reports using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Id 1
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType FC
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType "FC,SSD"
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -RPM 7
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -RPM "7,10"
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby id
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby "id,type"
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request Physical disk capacity using Versus Time reports.
    Request Physical disk capacity using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily
    Requests disk capacity data for the specified disks only. For example, specify id:1,3,2. With no id specified, the system calculates physical disk capacity for all disks in the system.
    Specifies the disk types to query for physical disk capacity sample data. With no disktype specified, the system calculates physical disk capacity for all disk types in the system.
    FC : Fibre Channel
    NL : Near Line
    SSD : SSD
    Specifies the RPM speeds to query for physical disk capacity data. With no speed indicated, the system calculates physical disk capacity data for all speeds in the system. You can specify one or more disk RPM speeds by separating them with a comma (,). For example, specify RPM:7,15,150. Valid RPM values are: 7,10,15,100,150.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    id | cageID | cageSide | mag | diskPos | type | RPM
    Groups the sample data into specified categories. With no category specified, the system groups data into all categories. To specify multiple groupby categories, separate them using a comma (,). For example, id,type,RPM.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    totalIOPs : Total IOPs.

    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/physicaldiskstatistics/'+$Frequency
    if($Id) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass Id in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";id:$Id"}
    if($DiskType) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass DiskType in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";type:$DiskType"}
    if($RPM) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass RPM in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";RPM:$RPM"}
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    #write-host "URL = $uri"
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI
Function Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI 
    Request physical disk space data reports using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Request physical disk space data reports using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Id 1
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType FC
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -DiskType "FC,SSD"
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -RPM 7
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -RPM "7,10"
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby id
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby "id,cageID"
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request Physical disk capacity using Versus Time reports.
    Request Physical disk capacity using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily
    Requests disk capacity data for the specified disks only. For example, specify id:1,3,2. With no id specified, the system calculates physical disk capacity for all disks in the system.
    Specifies the disk types to query for physical disk capacity sample data. With no disktype specified, the system calculates physical disk capacity for all disk types in the system.
    FC : Fibre Channel
    NL : Near Line
    SSD : SSD
    Specify the RPM speed to query for physical disk capacity data. With no speed indicated, the system
    calculates physical disk capacity data for all speeds in the system. Specify one or more disk RPM speeds
    by separating them with a comma (,). Use the structure, RPM:7,15,150. Valid RPM values are:7,10,15,100,150.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    id | cageID | cageSide | mag | diskPos | type | RPM
    Groups the sample data into specified categories. With no category specified, the system groups data into all categories. To specify multiple groupby categories, separate them using a comma (,). For example, id,type,RPM.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    totalIOPs : Total number of IOPs
    normalChunkletsUsedOK : Normal used good chunklets
    normalChunkletsUsedFailed : Normal used failed chunklets
    normalChunkletsAvailClean : Normal available clean chunklets
    normalChunkletsAvailDirty : Normal available dirty chunklets
    normalChunkletsAvailFailed : Normal available failed chunklets
    spareChunkletsUsedOK : Spare used good chunklets
    spareChunkletsUsedFailed : Spare used failed chunklets
    spareChunkletsAvailClean : Spare available clean chunklets
    spareChunkletsAvailDirty : Spare available dirty chunklets
    spareChunkletsAvailFailed : Spare available failed chunklets
    lifeLeftPct : Percentage of life left
    temperatureC : Temperature in Celsius
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    Optional parameter provided in comma-separated format, and in the specific order shown above. Requires simultaneous use of the groupby parameter. The following table describes the parameter values.
    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/physicaldiskspacedata/'+$Frequency
    if($Id) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass Id in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";id:$Id"}    
        if($AtTime)    { return "We cannot pass DiskType in At Time report." }
        [System.String]$DislTV = ""
        $DislTV = Add-DiskType -DT $DiskType        
        $uri = $uri+";type:"+$DislTV.Trim()
    if($RPM) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass RPM in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";RPM:$RPM"}
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    #write-host "URL = $uri"
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI
Function Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI 
    Request a port statistics report using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Request a port statistics report using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -NSP "1:0:1"
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -PortType 1
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -PortType :1,2"
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Groupby slot
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hourly -Groupby "slot,type"
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request port statistics report using Versus Time reports.
    Request port statistics report using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily

    Requests sample data for the specified ports only using n:s:p. For example, specify port:1:0:1,2:1:3,6:2:1. With no portPos specified, the system calculates performance data for all ports in the system.
    Requests sample data for the specified port type (see, portConnType enumeration) . With no type specified, the system calculates performance data for all port types in the system. You can specify one or more port types by separating them with a comma (,). For example, specify type: 1,2,8.
    Symbol Value Description
    1 for :- HOST : FC port connected to hosts or fabric.
    2 for :- DISK : FC port connected to disks.
    3 for :- FREE : Port is not connected to hosts or disks.
    4 for :- IPORT : Port is in iport mode.
    5 for :- RCFC : FC port used for Remote Copy.
    6 for :- PEER : FC port used for data migration.
    7 for :- RCIP : IP (Ethernet) port used for Remote Copy.
    8 for :- ISCSI : iSCSI (Ethernet) port connected to hosts.
    9 for :- CNA : CNA port, which can be FCoE or iSCSI.
    10 for :- FS : Ethernet File Persona ports.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    node | slot | cardPort | type | speed
    Groups the sample data into specified categories. With no category specified, the system groups data into all categories. To specify multiple groupby categories, separate them using a comma (,). For example, slot,cardPort,type.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    totalIOPs : Total IOPs.

    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/portstatistics/'+$Frequency
    if($NSP) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass NSP in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";portPos:$NSP"}
    if($PortType) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass PortType in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";type:$PortType"}    
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI
Function Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI 
    Request Quality of Service (QoS) statistical data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Request Quality of Service (QoS) statistical data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.

    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -VvSetName "asvvset2"

    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -VvSetName "asvvset,asvvset2"

    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -All_Others

    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Domain asdomain
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request port statistics report using Versus Time reports.
    Request port statistics report using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily

    Retrieve QoS statistics for the specified vvset. Specify multiple vvsets using vvset_name1,vvset_name2...
    Retrieve QoS statistics for the specified domain. Use the structure, domain:<domain_name>, or specify multiple domains using domain_name1,domain_name2...

  .PARAMETER All_Others
    Specify all host I/Os not regulated by any active QoS rule. Use the structure, all_others
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    Group QoS statistical data into categories. With no groupby parameter specified, the system groups the
    data into all categories. You can specify one or more groupby categories by separating them with a
    comma. Use the structure, groupby:domain,type,name,ioLimit.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    readIOPS : Read input/output operations per second.
    writeIOPS : Write input/output operations per second.
    totalIOPS : Total input/output operations per second.
    readKBytes : Read kilobytes.
    writeKBytes : Write kilobytes.
    totalKBytes : Total kilobytes.
    readServiceTimeMS : Read service time in milliseconds.
    writeServiceTimeMS : Write service time in milliseconds.
    totalServiceTimeMS : Total service time in milliseconds.
    readIOSizeKB : Read input/output size in kilobytes
    writeIOSizeKB : Write input/output size in kilobytes
    totalIOSizeKB : Total input/output size in kilobytes
    readWaitTimeMS : Read wait time in milliseconds.
    writeWaitTimeMS : Write wait time in milliseconds.
    totalWaitTimeMS : Total wait time in milliseconds.
    IOLimit : IO limit.
    BWLimit : Bandwidth limit.
    IOGuarantee : Input/output guarantee.
    BWGuarantee : Bandwidth guarantee.
    busyPct : Busy Percentage.
    queueLength : Total queue length.
    waitQueueLength : Total wait queue length.
    IORejection : Total input/output rejection.
    latencyMS : Latency in milliseconds.
    latencyTargetMS : Latency target in milliseconds.

    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/qosstatistics/'+$Frequency
        if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass VvSetName in At Time report." }
        $lista = $VvSetName.split(",")        
        $count = 1
        $set =""
        foreach($sub in $lista)
            $prfx ="vvset:"+$sub
            if($lista.Count -gt 1)
                if($lista.Count -ne $count)
                    $prfx = $prfx + ","
                    $count = $count + 1
            $set = $prfx
        $uri = $uri+";$set"
        if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass Domain in At Time report." }
        $lista = $Domain.split(",")        
        $count = 1
        $dom =""
        foreach($sub in $lista)
            $prfx ="domain:"+$sub
            if($lista.Count -gt 1)
                if($lista.Count -ne $count)
                    $prfx = $prfx + ","
                    $count = $count + 1
            $dom = $prfx
        $uri = $uri+";$dom"
        if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass All_Others in At Time report." }            
        $uri = $uri+";sys:all_others"
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    write-host " uri = $uri"
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI
Function Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI 
    Request Remote Copy statistical data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Request Remote Copy statistical data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -TargetName xxx
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -NSP x:x:x
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -NSP "x:x:x,x:x:x:
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby "targetName,linkId"
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request port statistics report using Versus Time reports.
    Request port statistics report using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily

  .PARAMETER TargetName
    Specify the target from which to gather Remote Copy statistics. Separate multiple target names using a comma (,).
    With no target specified, the request calculates Remote Copy statistics for all targets in the system. Use the structure, targetName:<target1>,<target2> . . .

    Specify the port from which to gather Remote Copy statistics. Separate multiple port positions with a
    comma (,) Use the structure, <n:s:p>,<n:s:p> . . .. With no port specified, the request
    calculates Remote Copy statistics for all ports in the system.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    Group Remote Copy statistical data into categories. With no groupby parameter specified, the system groups the data into all categories.
    Separate multiple groups with a comma (,). Use the structure,
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    kbs : Kilobytes.
    kbps : Kilobytes per second.
    hbrttms : Round trip time for a heartbeat message on the link.
    targetName : Name of the Remote Copy target created with creatercopytarget.
    linkId : ID of the Remote Copy target created with creatercopytarget.
    linkAddr : Address (IP or FC) of the Remote Copy target created with creatercopytarget.
    node : Node number for the port used by a Remote Copy link.
    slotPort : PCI slot number for the port used by a Remote Copy link.
    cardPort : Port number for the port used by a Remote Copy link.

    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/remotecopystatistics/'+$Frequency
    if($TargetName)    { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass TargetName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";targetName:$TargetName" }
    if($NSP)    { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass NSP in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";portPos:$NSP" }
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI
Function Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI 
    Request statistical data related to Remote Copy volumes using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Request statistical data related to Remote Copy volumes using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -vvName xxx
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -vvName "xxx,xxx"
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -TargetName xxx
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -TargetName "xxx,xxx"
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Mode SYNC
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -RCopyGroup xxx
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby domain
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby "domain,targetNamex"
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request port statistics report using Versus Time reports.
    Request port statistics report using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily

    Specify the name of the volume from which to gather Remote Copy volume statistics. Separate multiple
    names with a comma (,) Use <vvname1>,<vvname2> . . .. To specify the name of a set of volumes, use set:<vvsetname>.
  .PARAMETER TargetName
    Specify the target from which to gather Remote Copy volume statistics. Separate multiple target names using a comma (,).
    With no target specified, the request calculates Remote Copy volume statistics for all targets in the system.

    Specify the mode of the target from which to gather Remote Copy volume statistics.
    SYNC : Remote Copy group mode is synchronous.
    PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. Although WSAPI 1.5 and later supports PERIODIC 2, Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using PERIODIC 3.
    PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic.
    ASYNC : Remote Copy group mode is asynchronous.
    Specify the remote copy group from which to gather Remote Copy volume statistics. Separate multiple group names using a comma (,).
    With no remote copy group specified, the request calculates remote copy volume statistics for all remote copy groups in the system.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    Group the Remote Copy volume statistical data into categories. With no groupby parameter specified,the system groups the data into all categories.
    Separate multiple groups with a comma (,). Use the structure,groupby:volumeName,volumeSetName,domain,targetName,mode,remoteCopyGroup,remote CopyGroupRole,node,slot,cardPort,portType.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    readIOLocal : Local read input/output operations per second.
    writeIOLocal : Local write input/output operations per second.
    IOLocal : Local total input/output operations per second.
    readKBytesLocal : Local read kilobytes.
    writeKBytesLocal : Local write kilobytes.
    KBytesLocal : Local total kilobytes.
    readServiceTimeMSLocal : Local read service time in milliseconds.
    writeServiceTimeMSLocal : Local write service time in milliseconds.
    ServiceTimeMSLocal : Local total service time in milliseconds.
    readIOSizeKBLocal : Local read IO size in kilobytes.
    writeIOSizeKBLocal : Local write IO size in kilobytes.
    IOSizeKBLocal : Local total IO size in kilobytes.
    busyPctLocal : Local busy Percentage.
    queueLengthLocal : Local queue length.
    readIORemote : Remote read input/output operations per second.
    wirteIORemote : Remote write input/output operations per second.
    IORemote : Remote total input/output operations per second.
    readKBytesRemote : Remote read kilobytes.
    writeKBytesRemote : Remote write kilobytes.
    KBytesRemote : Remote total kilobytes.
    readServiceTimeMSRemote : Remote read service time in milliseconds.
    writeServiceTimeMSRemote : Remote write service time in milliseconds.
    ServiceTimeMSRemote : Remote total service time in milliseconds.
    readIOSizeKBRemote : Remote read IO size in kilobytes.
    writeIOSizeKBRemote : Remote write IO size in kilobytes.
    IOSizeKBRemote : Remote total IO size in kilobytes.
    busyPctRemote : Remote busy Percentage.
    queueLengthRemote : Remote queue length.
    RPO : Recovery point objective.
    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/remotecopyvolumestatistics/'+$Frequency
    if($vvName)    { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass vvName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";volumeName:$vvName" }
    if($TargetName)    { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass TargetName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";targetName:$TargetName" }
    If ($Mode) 
        if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass Mode in At Time report." }
        if($Mode.ToUpper() -eq "SYNC") { $uri = $uri+";mode:1" }
        elseif($Mode.ToUpper() -eq "PERIODIC"){    $uri = $uri+";mode:3" }
        elseif($Mode.ToUpper() -eq "ASYNC") { $uri = $uri+";mode:4" }
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Since -Mode $Mode in incorrect "
            Return "FAILURE : -Mode :- $Mode is an Incorrect Mode [ SYNC | PERIODIC | ASYNC ] can be used only . "
    if($RCopyGroup)    { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass RCopyGroup in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";remoteCopyGroup:$RCopyGroup" }        
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI
Function Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI 
    Request VLUN statistics data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Request VLUN statistics data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -VlunId 1
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -VlunId "1,2"
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -VvName Test
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hourly -VvSetName asvvset
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -NSP "1:0:1"
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -HostName asHost
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -HostSetName asHostSet
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Groupby "domain,volumeName"
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request VLUNstatistics data using Versus Time reports.
    Request VLUN statistics data using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily

    Requests data for the specified VLUNs only. For example, specify lun:1,2,4. With no lun specified, the system calculates performance data for all VLUNs in the system
    Retrieves data for the specified volume or volumeset only. Specify the volumeset as volumeName:set:<vvset_name>. With no volumeName specified, the system calculates VLUN performance data for all the VLUNs in the system.
    Retrieves data for the specified host or hostset only. Specify the hostset as hostname:set:<hostset_name>. With no hostname specified, the system calculates VLUN performance data for all the hosts in the system.

    Specify the VV set name.
  .PARAMETER HostSetName
    Specify the Host Set Name.
    Retrieves data for the specified ports. For example, specify portPos: 1:0:1,2:1:3,6:2:1. With no portPos specified, the system calculates VLUN performance data for all ports in the system.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    domain | volumeName | hostname| lun | hostWWN | node | slot | vvsetName | hostsetName | cardPort
    Groups sample data into specified categories. With no category specified, the system groups data into all categories. To specify multiple groupby categories, separate them using a comma (,). For example, slot,cardPort,type.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    totalIOPs : Total IOPs.
    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/vlunstatistics/'+$Frequency
    if($VlunId) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass VlunId in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";lun:$VlunId"}
    if($VvName) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass VvName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";volumeName:$VvName"}
    if($HostName) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass HostName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";hostname:$HostName"}
    if($VvSetName) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass VvSetName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";volumeName:set:$VvSetName"}
    if($HostSetName) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass HostSetName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";hostname:set:$HostSetName"}
    if($NSP) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass NSP in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";portPos:$NSP"}    
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    #write-host "URL = $uri"
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI
Function Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI 
    Request volume space data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Request volume space data using either Versus Time or At Time reports.
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -VvName xxx
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -VvSetName asVVSet
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -UserCPG ascpg
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -SnapCPG assnpcpg
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -ProvType 1
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby id
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby "id,name"
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -VvName xxx
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -VvSetName asVVSet
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -UserCPG ascpg
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -SnapCPG assnpcpg
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -ProvType 1
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby id
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Groupby "id,name"
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Hourly -Summary max
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Summary max
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -VersusTime -Frequency_Daily -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -Compareby top -NoOfRecords 10 -ComparebyField totalSpaceMiB
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30"
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
    Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI -AtTime -Frequency_Hires -GETime "2018-04-09T09:20:00+05:30" -LETime "2018-04-09T12:20:00+05:30"
  .PARAMETER VersusTime
    Request volume space data using Versus Time reports.
    Request volume space data using At Time reports.
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hires
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hires—based on 5 minutes (high resolution)
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Hourly
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • hourly
  .PARAMETER Frequency_Daily
    As part of the report identifier, you must specify one <samplefreq> parameter. The <samplefreq> parameter indicates how often to generate the performance sample data. You may specify only one.
    Options are:
    • daily

    Requests volume space sample data for the specified volume (vv_name) or volume set (vvset_name) only. Specify vvset as name:set:<vvset_name>. With no name specified, the system calculates volume space data for all volumes in the system.
    Requests volume space sample data for the specified volume (vv_name) or volume set (vvset_name) only.
    Retrieves volume space data for the specified userCPG volumes only. With no userCPG specified, the system calculates space data for all volumes in the system.
    Retrieves space data for the specified snapCPG volumes only. With no snapCPG specified, the system calculates space data for all volumes in the system.
    Retrieves space data for volumes that match the specified . With no provtype specified, the system calculates space data for all volumes in the system.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    id | name | baseId | wwn | snapCPG | userCPG
    Optional parameter that groups sample data into specified categories. With no category specified, the system groups data into all categories. To specify multiple groupby categories, separate them using a comma (,). For example: domain,id,name,baseId,WWN.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Provide at least one of the mandatory field names, and use a comma (,) to separate multiple fields.
    min : Display the minimum for each metric.
    max : Display the maximum for each metric.
    avg : Display the average for each metric.
    pct : Displays the percentile for each metric where pct is any floating number from 0 to 100. Separate multiple pct with a comma (,).
    perTime : When requesting data across multiple points in time(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby), use the perTime field name to compute summaries. Defaults to one summary computed across all records. Use this with the groupby field only.
    perGroup : When requesting data across multiple points in time,(vstime) using multiple object groupings (groupby),use the perGroup field name to compute summaries per object grouping. Defaults to one summary computed across all records.
    onlyCompareby : When using the compareby field to request data limited to certain object groupings, use this field name to compute summaries using only that reduced set of object groupings. Defaults to computing summaries from all records and ignores the limitation of the compareby option.
  .PARAMETER Compareby
    It should be either top or bottom, Specifies whether to display the top records or the bottom records. Choose one.

  .PARAMETER NoOfRecords
    Specifies the number of records to return in the range of 1 to 32 (Versus TIme) and 1 to 128 (At Time).
  .PARAMETER ComparebyField
    please select any one from
    totalSpaceUsedMiB : Total used space in MiB.
    userSpaceUsedMiB : Used user space in MiB.
    snapshotSpaceUsedMiB : Used snapshot space in MiB
    userSpaceFreeMiB : Free user space in MiB.
    snapshotSpaceFreeMiB : Free snapshot space in MiB.
    compaction : Compaction ratio.
    compression : Compression ratio.

    Gerater thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
    Lase thane time For At Time query expressions, you can use the sampleTime parameter
  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME : Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI
    LASTEDIT: February 2020
    KEYWORDS: Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI
  #Requires PS -Version 3.0

      [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
      $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection

    #Test if connection exist
    Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection

    $Result = $null
    $dataPS = $null
    $Action = $null
    $Frequency = $null
    $flg = "Yes"
    $addQuery = "No"
    $Query="?query="" """
    if($VersusTime)    {    $Action = "vstime"    }    elseif($AtTime)    {    $Action = "attime"    }    else{    Return "Please Select at-list any one from Versus Time or At Time for statistics report." }
    if($Frequency_Hires){    $Frequency = "hires"    }    elseif($Frequency_Hourly)    {    $Frequency = "hourly"    } elseif($Frequency_Daily)    {    $Frequency = "daily"    }    else{ Return "Please select Frequency it is mandatory" }
    #Build uri
    $uri = '/systemreporter/'+$Action+'/volumespacedata/'+$Frequency
    if($VvName) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass VvName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";name:$VvName"}
    if($VvSetName) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass VvSetName in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";name:set:$VvSetName"}
    if($UserCPG) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass UserCPG in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";userCPG:$UserCPG"}
    if($SnapCPG) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass SnapCPG in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";snapCPG:$SnapCPG"}
    if($ProvType) { if($AtTime) { return "We cannot pass ProvType in At Time report." } $uri = $uri+";provType:$ProvType"}        
    if($Groupby) {  $uri = $uri+";groupby:$Groupby"}
    if($Summary) { $uri = $uri+";summary:$Summary"}
        $cmpVal = $Compareby.ToLower()
        if($cmpVal -eq "top" -OR $cmpVal -eq "bottom")
            $uri = $uri+";compareby:$cmpVal,"
            return "Compareby should be either top or bottom"
            $uri = $uri+$NoOfRecords+","
            return "NoOfRecords is mandatory with Compareby. "
            $uri = $uri+$ComparebyField
            return "ComparebyField is mandatory with Compareby.please see the parameter help for this"
        $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime GE $GETime")            
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND sampleTime LE $LETime")
            $flg = "No"
        $addQuery = "Yes"
        if($flg -eq "Yes")
            $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," sampleTime LE $LETime")
        $addQuery = "Yes"        
    if($addQuery -eq "Yes")
        $uri = $uri+$Query
    #write-host "URL = $uri"
    $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members    
    if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200)
        if($dataPS.Count -gt 0)
            write-host ""
            write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info
            return $dataPS
            write-host ""
            write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red
            write-host ""
            Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info
        write-host ""
        write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI." -foreground red
        write-host ""
        Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI." $Info
        return $Result.StatusDescription
#END Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI

## FUNCTION Add-DiskType
Function Add-DiskType
    find and add disk type to temp variable.
    find and add disk type to temp variable.
    Add-DiskType -Dt $td

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME: Add-DiskType
    LASTEDIT: 25/09/2018
    KEYWORDS: CmdList
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection
        # Test if connection exist
        Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
        $lista = $DT.split(",")        
        $count = 1
        foreach($sub in $lista)
            $val_Fix = "FC","NL","SSD","SCM"
            $val_Input =$sub
            if($val_Fix -eq $val_Input)
                if($val_Input.ToUpper() -eq "FC")
                    $DTyp = $DTyp + "1"
                if($val_Input.ToUpper() -eq "NL")
                    $DTyp = $DTyp + "2"
                if($val_Input.ToUpper() -eq "SSD")
                    $DTyp = $DTyp + "3"
                if($val_Input.ToUpper() -eq "SCM")
                    $DTyp = $DTyp + "4"
                if($lista.Count -gt 1)
                    if($lista.Count -ne $count)
                        $DTyp = $DTyp + ","
                        $count = $count + 1
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Since -DiskType $DT in incorrect "
                Return "FAILURE : -DiskType :- $DT is an Incorrect, Please Use [ FC | NL | SSD | SCM] only ."
        return $DTyp.Trim()        
    End {  }
 }# Ended Add-DiskType
## FUNCTION Add-RedType
Function Add-RedType
    find and add Red type to temp variable.
    find and add Red type to temp variable.
    Add-RedType -RT $td

  .PARAMETER WsapiConnection
    WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command
    NAME: Add-RedType
    LASTEDIT: 25/09/2018
    KEYWORDS: CmdList
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection
        # Test if connection exist
        Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection
        $lista = $RT.split(",")        
        $count = 1
        foreach($sub in $lista)
            $val_Fix = "R0","R1","R5","R6"
            $val_Input =$sub
            if($val_Fix -eq $val_Input)
                if($val_Input.ToUpper() -eq "R0")
                    $RType = $RType + "1"
                if($val_Input.ToUpper() -eq "R1")
                    $RType = $RType + "2"
                if($val_Input.ToUpper() -eq "R5")
                    $RType = $RType + "3"
                if($val_Input.ToUpper() -eq "R6")
                    $RType = $RType + "4"
                if($lista.Count -gt 1)
                    if($lista.Count -ne $count)
                        $RType = $RType + ","
                        $count = $count + 1
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Since -RedType $RT in incorrect "
                Return "FAILURE : -RedType :- $RT is an Incorrect, Please Use [ R0 | R1 | R5 | R6 ] only ."
        return $RType.Trim()        
    End {  }
 }# Ended Add-RedType

Export-ModuleMember Get-CacheMemoryStatisticsDataReports_WSAPI , Get-CPGSpaceDataReports_WSAPI , Get-CPGStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI , Get-CPUStatisticalDataReports_WSAPI ,
Get-PDCapacityReports_WSAPI , Get-PDStatisticsReports_WSAPI , Get-PDSpaceReports_WSAPI , Get-PortStatisticsReports_WSAPI , Get-QoSStatisticalReports_WSAPI ,
Get-RCopyStatisticalReports_WSAPI , Get-VvSpaceReports_WSAPI , Get-vLunStatisticsReports_WSAPI , Get-RCopyVolumeStatisticalReports_WSAPI
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# 9w0BAQwFAAOCAQEAGIdR3HQhPZyK4Ce3M9AuzOzw5steEd4ib5t1jp5y/uTW/qof
# nJYt7wNKfq70jW9yPEM7wD/ruN9cqqnGrvL82O6je0P2hjZ8FODN9Pc//t64tIrw
# kZb+/UNkfv3M0gGhfX34GRnJQisTv1iLuqSiZgR2iJFODIkUzqJNyTKzuugUGrxx
# 8VvwQQuYAAoiAxDlDLH5zZI3Ge078eQ6tvlFEyZ1r7uq7z97dzvSxAKRPRkA0xdc
# Ods/exgNRc2ThZYvXd9ZFk8/Ub3VRRg/7UqO6AZhdCMWtQ1QcydER38QXYkqa4Ux
# FMToqWpMgLxqeM+4f452cpkMnf7XkQgWoaNflTCCBfUwggPdoAMCAQICEB2iSDBv
# hlRGdDFixRDtsocnppnLlTDAVvWkdcapDlBipVGREGrgS2Ku/fD4GKyn/+4uMyD6
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# SIG # End signature block