#################################################################################### ## © 2020,2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ## copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ## to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ## the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ## and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ## Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ## ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ## in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ## ## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ## IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ## THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR ## OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ## ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ## OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## ## File Name: RemoteCopy.psm1 ## Description: Remote Copy cmdlets ## ## Created: February 2020 ## Last Modified: February 2020 ## History: v3.0 - Created ##################################################################################### $Info = "INFO:" $Debug = "DEBUG:" $global:VSLibraries = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Create a Remote Copy group .DESCRIPTION Create a Remote Copy group .EXAMPLE New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -RcgName xxx -TargetName xxx -Mode SYNC .EXAMPLE New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -RcgName xxx -TargetName xxx -Mode PERIODIC -Domain xxx .EXAMPLE New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -RcgName xxx -TargetName xxx -Mode ASYNC -UserCPG xxx -LocalUserCPG xxx -SnapCPG xxx -LocalSnapCPG xxx .PARAMETER RcgName Specifies the name of the Remote Copy group to create. .PARAMETER Domain Specifies the domain in which to create the Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER TargetName Specifies the target name associated with the Remote Copy group to be created. .PARAMETER Mode Specifies the volume group mode. SYNC : Remote Copy group mode is synchronous. PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. Although WSAPI 1.5 and later supports PERIODIC 2, Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using PERIODIC 3. PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. ASYNC : Remote Copy group mode is asynchronous. .PARAMETER UserCPG Specifies the user CPG used for autocreated target volumes.(Required if you specify localUserCPG.Otherwise,optional.) .PARAMETER SnapCPG Specifies the snap CPG used for auto-created target volumes.(Required if you specify localSnapCPG.Otherwise,optional.) .PARAMETER LocalUserCPG CPG used for autocreated volumes. (Required if you specify localSnapCPG;Otherwise,optional.) .PARAMETER LocalSnapCPG Specifies the local snap CPG used for autocreated volumes.(Optional field. It is required if localUserCPG is specified.) .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $RcgName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Domain, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Mode, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $UserCPG, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $SnapCPG, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $LocalUserCPG, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $LocalSnapCPG, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $TargetsObj = @() $TargetsBody = @{} If ($RcgName) { $body["name"] = "$($RcgName)" } If ($Domain) { $body["domain"] = "$($Domain)" } If ($TargetName) { $TargetsBody["targetName"] = "$($TargetName)" } If ($Mode) { if($Mode.ToUpper() -eq "SYNC") { $TargetsBody["mode"] = 1 } elseif($Mode.ToUpper() -eq "PERIODIC") { $TargetsBody["mode"] = 3 } elseif($Mode.ToUpper() -eq "ASYNC") { $TargetsBody["mode"] = 4 } else { Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Since -Mode $Mode in incorrect " Return "FAILURE : -Mode :- $Mode is an Incorrect Mode [SYNC | PERIODIC | ASYNC] can be used only . " } } If ($UserCPG) { $TargetsBody["userCPG"] = "$($UserCPG)" } If ($SnapCPG) { $TargetsBody["snapCPG"] = "$($SnapCPG)" } If ($LocalUserCPG) { $body["localUserCPG"] = "$($LocalUserCPG)" } If ($LocalSnapCPG) { $body["localSnapCPG"] = "$($LocalSnapCPG)" } if($TargetsBody.Count -gt 0) { $TargetsObj += $TargetsBody } if($TargetsObj.Count -gt 0) { $body["targets"] = $TargetsObj } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI : $RcgName (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/remotecopygroups' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 201) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Remote Copy group : $RcgName created successfully." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Creating a Remote Copy group : $RcgName " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Creating a Remote Copy group : $RcgName " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Starting a Remote Copy group. .DESCRIPTION Starting a Remote Copy group. .EXAMPLE Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx Starting a Remote Copy group. .EXAMPLE Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx .EXAMPLE Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -SkipInitialSync .PARAMETER GroupName Group Name. .PARAMETER SkipInitialSync If true, the volume should skip the initial synchronization and sets the volumes to a synchronized state. The default setting is false. .PARAMETER TargetName The target name associated with this group. .PARAMETER VolumeName volume name. .PARAMETER SnapshotName Snapshot name. Note : When used, you must specify all the volumes in the group. While specifying the pair, the starting snapshot is optional. When not used, the system performs a full resynchronization of the volume. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [switch] $SkipInitialSync, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VolumeName, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $SnapshotName, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $body = @{} $ObjStartingSnapshots=@{} $body["action"] = 3 If ($SkipInitialSync) { $body["skipInitialSync"] = $true } If ($TargetName) { $body["targetName"] = "$($TargetName)" } If ($VolumeName) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["volumeName"] = "$($VolumeName)" $ObjStartingSnapshots += $Obj } If ($SnapshotName) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["snapshotName"] = "$($SnapshotName)" $ObjStartingSnapshots += $Obj } if($ObjStartingSnapshots.Count -gt 0) { $body["startingSnapshots"] = $ObjStartingSnapshots } $Result = $null $uri = "/remotecopygroups/" + $GroupName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'PUT' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Start a Remote Copy group." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI." $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Starting a Remote Copy group." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Starting a Remote Copy group." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Stop a Remote Copy group. .DESCRIPTION Stop a Remote Copy group. .EXAMPLE Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx Stop a Remote Copy group. .EXAMPLE Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx .EXAMPLE Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -NoSnapshot .PARAMETER GroupName Group Name. .PARAMETER NoSnapshot If true, this option turns off creation of snapshots in synchronous and periodic modes, and deletes the current synchronization snapshots. The default setting is false. .PARAMETER TargetName The target name associated with this group. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [switch] $NoSnapshot, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $body = @{} #$ObjStartingSnapshots=@{} $body["action"] = 4 If ($NoSnapshot) { $body["noSnapshot"] = $true } If ($TargetName) { $body["targetName"] = "$($TargetName)" } $Result = $null $uri = "/remotecopygroups/" + $GroupName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'PUT' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Stop a Remote Copy group." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI." $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Stopping a Remote Copy group." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Stopping a Remote Copy group." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Synchronize a Remote Copy group. .DESCRIPTION Synchronize a Remote Copy group. .EXAMPLE Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx Synchronize a Remote Copy group. .EXAMPLE Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -NoResyncSnapshot .EXAMPLE Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx .EXAMPLE Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx -NoResyncSnapshot .EXAMPLE Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -FullSync .EXAMPLE Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx -NoResyncSnapshot -FullSync .PARAMETER GroupName Group Name. .PARAMETER NoResyncSnapshot Enables (true) or disables (false) saving the resynchronization snapshot. Applicable only to Remote Copy groups in asynchronous periodic mode. Defaults to false. .PARAMETER TargetName The target name associated with this group. .PARAMETER FullSync Enables (true) or disables (false)forcing a full synchronization of the Remote Copy group, even if the volumes are already synchronized. Applies only to volume groups in synchronous mode, and can be used to resynchronize volumes that have become inconsistent. Defaults to false. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [switch] $NoResyncSnapshot, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [switch] $FullSync, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $body = @{} #$ObjStartingSnapshots=@{} $body["action"] = 5 If ($NoResyncSnapshot) { $body["noResyncSnapshot"] = $true } If ($TargetName) { $body["targetName"] = "$($TargetName)" } If ($FullSync) { $body["fullSync"] = $true } $Result = $null $uri = "/remotecopygroups/" + $GroupName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'PUT' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Synchronize a Remote Copy groupp." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI." $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Synchronizing a Remote Copy group." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Synchronizing a Remote Copy group." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a Remote Copy group. .DESCRIPTION Remove a Remote Copy group. .EXAMPLE Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx .PARAMETER GroupName Group Name. .PARAMETER KeepSnap To remove a Remote Copy group with the option of retaining the local volume resynchronization snapshot The parameter uses one of the following, case-sensitive values: • keepSnap=true • keepSnap=false .EXAMPLE Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -KeepSnap $true .EXAMPLE Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -KeepSnap $false .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [boolean] $KeepSnap, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { #Build uri Write-DebugLog "Running: Building uri to Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI." $Debug $uri = '/remotecopygroups/'+ $GroupName if($keepSnap) { $uri = $uri + "?keepSnap=true" } if(!$keepSnap) { $uri = $uri + "?keepSnap=false" } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI : $GroupName (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'DELETE' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 202) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Remove a Remote Copy group:$GroupName successfully remove" $Info Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug return "" } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Removing a Remote Copy group : $GroupName " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : Removing a Remote Copy group : $GroupName " $Info Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug return $Result.StatusDescription } } End {} } #END Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Modify a Remote Copy group .DESCRIPTION Modify a Remote Copy group. .EXAMPLE Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -SyncPeriod 301 -Mode ASYNC .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy group to update. .PARAMETER LocalUserCPG Specifies the local user CPG for use by autocreated volumes. Specify together with: • localSnapCPG • remoteUserCPG • remoteSnapCPG .PARAMETER LocalSnapCPG Specifies the local snap CPG for use by autocreated volumes. Specify together with: • localSnapCPG • remoteUserCPG • remoteSnapCPG .PARAMETER TargetName Specifies the target name associated with the created Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER RemoteUserCPG Specifies the user CPG on the target used by autocreated volumes. .PARAMETER RemoteSnapCPG Specifies the snap CPG on the target for use by autocreated volumes. .PARAMETER SyncPeriod Specifies periodic synchronization of asynchronous periodic Remote Copy groups to the<period_value>. Range is 300–31622400 seconds (1year). .PARAMETER RmSyncPeriod Enables (true) or disables (false)resetting the syncPeriod time to 0 (zero).If false, and the syncPeriod value is positive, the synchronizaiton period is set. .PARAMETER Mode Specifies the volume group mode. SYNC : Remote Copy group mode is synchronous. PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. Although WSAPI 1.5 and later supports PERIODIC 2, Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using PERIODIC 3. PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. ASYNC : Remote Copy group mode is asynchronous. .PARAMETER SnapFrequency Async mode only. Specifies the interval in seconds at which Remote Copy takes coordinated snapshots. Range is 300–31622400 seconds (1 year). .PARAMETER RmSnapFrequency Enables (true) or disables (false) resetting the snapFrequency time to 0 (zero). If false , and the snapFrequency value is positive, sets the snapFrequency value. .PARAMETER AutoRecover If the Remote Copy is stopped as a result of links going down, the Remote Copy group can be automatically restarted after the links come back up. .PARAMETER OverPeriodAlert If synchronization of an asynchronous periodic Remote Copy group takes longer to complete than its synchronization period, an alert is generated. .PARAMETER AutoFailover Automatic failover on a Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER PathManagement Automatic failover on a Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER MultiTargetPeerPersistence Specifies that the group is participating in a Multitarget Peer Persistence configuration. The group must have two targets, one of which must be synchronous. The synchronous group target also requires pathManagement and autoFailover policy settings. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $LocalUserCPG, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $LocalSnapCPG, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $RemoteUserCPG, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $RemoteSnapCPG, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $SyncPeriod, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $RmSyncPeriod, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Mode, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $SnapFrequency, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $RmSnapFrequency, [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $AutoRecover, [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $OverPeriodAlert, [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $AutoFailover, [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $PathManagement, [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $MultiTargetPeerPersistence, [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $body = @{} $TargetsBody=@() $PoliciesBody=@{} if($LocalUserCPG) { $body["localUserCPG"] = "$($LocalUserCPG)" } if($LocalSnapCPG) { $body["localSnapCPG"] = "$($LocalSnapCPG)" } If ($TargetName) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["targetName"] = $TargetName $TargetsBody += $Obj } If ($RemoteUserCPG) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["remoteUserCPG"] = "$($RemoteUserCPG)" $TargetsBody += $Obj } If ($RemoteSnapCPG) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["remoteSnapCPG"] = "$($RemoteSnapCPG)" $TargetsBody += $Obj } If ($SyncPeriod) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["syncPeriod"] = $SyncPeriod $TargetsBody += $Obj } If ($RmSyncPeriod) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["rmSyncPeriod"] = $RmSyncPeriod $TargetsBody += $Obj } If ($Mode) { if($Mode -eq "SYNC") { $MOD=@{} $MOD["mode"] = 1 $TargetsBody += $MOD } elseif($Mode -eq "PERIODIC") { $MOD=@{} $MOD["mode"] = 3 $TargetsBody += $MOD } elseif($Mode -eq "ASYNC") { $MOD=@{} $MOD["mode"] = 4 $TargetsBody += $MOD } else { Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Since -Mode $Mode in incorrect " Return "FAILURE : -Mode :- $Mode is an Incorrect Mode [SYNC | PERIODIC | ASYNC] can be used only . " } } If ($SnapFrequency) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["snapFrequency"] = $SnapFrequency $TargetsBody += $Obj } If ($RmSnapFrequency) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["rmSnapFrequency"] = $RmSnapFrequency $TargetsBody += $Obj } If ($AutoRecover) { $PoliciesBody["autoRecover"] = $AutoRecover } If ($OverPeriodAlert) { $PoliciesBody["overPeriodAlert"] = $OverPeriodAlert } If ($AutoFailover) { $PoliciesBody["autoFailover"] = $AutoFailover } If ($PathManagement) { $PoliciesBody["pathManagement"] = $PathManagement } If ($MultiTargetPeerPersistence) { $PoliciesBody["multiTargetPeerPersistence"] = $MultiTargetPeerPersistence } if($PoliciesBody.Count -gt 0) { $TargetsBody += $PoliciesBody } if($TargetsBody.Count -gt 0) { $body["targets"] = $TargetsBody } $Result = $null $uri = '/remotecopygroups/'+ $GroupName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'PUT' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Update Remote Copy group." $Info # Results Get-System_WSAPI Write-DebugLog "End: Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Updating Remote Copy group." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Updating Remote Copy group." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Modifying a Remote Copy group target. .DESCRIPTION Modifying a Remote Copy group target. .EXAMPLE Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx -Mode SYNC .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy group Name .PARAMETER TargetName Target Name .PARAMETER SnapFrequency Specifies the interval in seconds at which Remote Copy takes coordinated snapshots. Range is 300–31622400 seconds (1 year).Applicable only for Async mode. .PARAMETER RmSnapFrequency Enables (true) or disables (false) the snapFrequency interval. If false, and the snapFrequency value is positive, then the snapFrequency value is set. .PARAMETER SyncPeriod Specifies that asynchronous periodic mode groups should be periodically synchronized to the<period_value>.Range is 300 –31622400 secs (1yr). .PARAMETER RmSyncPeriod Enables (true) or disables (false) the syncPeriod reset time. If false, and syncPeriod value is positive, then set. .PARAMETER Mode Specifies the volume group mode. SYNC : Remote Copy group mode is synchronous. PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. Although WSAPI 1.5 and later supports PERIODIC 2, Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using PERIODIC 3. PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. ASYNC : Remote Copy group mode is asynchronous. .PARAMETER AutoRecover If the Remote Copy is stopped as a result of links going down, the Remote Copy group can be automatically restarted after the links come back up. .PARAMETER OverPeriodAlert If synchronization of an asynchronous periodic Remote Copy group takes longer to complete than its synchronization period, an alert is generated. .PARAMETER AutoFailover Automatic failover on a Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER PathManagement Automatic failover on a Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER MultiTargetPeerPersistence Specifies that the group is participating in a Multitarget Peer Persistence configuration. The group must have two targets, one of which must be synchronous. The synchronous group target also requires pathManagement and autoFailover policy settings. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $SnapFrequency, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Boolean] $RmSnapFrequency, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $SyncPeriod, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Boolean] $RmSyncPeriod, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Mode, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $AutoRecover, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $OverPeriodAlert, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $AutoFailover, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $PathManagement, [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $MultiTargetPeerPersistence, [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $body = @{} #$TargetsBody=@() $PoliciesBody=@{} If ($SyncPeriod) { $body["syncPeriod"] = $SyncPeriod } If ($RmSyncPeriod) { $body["rmSyncPeriod"] = $RmSyncPeriod } If ($SnapFrequency) { $body["snapFrequency"] = $SnapFrequency } If ($RmSnapFrequency) { $body["rmSnapFrequency"] = $RmSnapFrequency } If ($Mode) { if($Mode.ToUpper() -eq "SYNC") { $body["mode"] = 1 } elseif($Mode.ToUpper() -eq "PERIODIC") { $body["mode"] = 2 } else { Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Since -Mode $Mode in incorrect " Return "FAILURE : -Mode :- $Mode is an Incorrect Mode [SYNC | PERIODIC] can be used only . " } } If ($AutoRecover) { $PoliciesBody["autoRecover"] = $AutoRecover } If ($OverPeriodAlert) { $PoliciesBody["overPeriodAlert"] = $OverPeriodAlert } If ($AutoFailover) { $PoliciesBody["autoFailover"] = $AutoFailover } If ($PathManagement) { $PoliciesBody["pathManagement"] = $PathManagement } If ($MultiTargetPeerPersistence) { $PoliciesBody["multiTargetPeerPersistence"] = $MultiTargetPeerPersistence } if($PoliciesBody.Count -gt 0) { $body["policies"] = $PoliciesBody } $Result = $null $uri = '/remotecopygroups/'+ $GroupName+'/targets/'+$TargetName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'PUT' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Update Remote Copy group target." $Info # Results Get-System_WSAPI Write-DebugLog "End: Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Updating Remote Copy group target." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Updating Remote Copy group target." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Restore-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Restore-RCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Recovering a Remote Copy group .DESCRIPTION Recovering a Remote Copy group .EXAMPLE Recovering a Remote Copy group .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy group Name. .PARAMETER TargetName The target name associated with this group on which you want to perform the disaster recovery operation. If the group has multiple targets, the target must be specified. .PARAMETER SkipStart If true, groups are not started after role reversal is completed. Valid for only FAILOVER, RECOVER, and RESTORE operations. The default is false. .PARAMETER SkipSync If true, the groups are not synchronized after role reversal is completed. Valid for FAILOVER, RECOVER, and RESTORE operations only. The default setting is false. .PARAMETER DiscardNewData If true and the group has multiple targets, don’t check other targets of the group to see if newer data should be pushed from them. Valid for FAILOVER operation only. The default setting is false. .PARAMETER SkipPromote If true, the snapshots of the groups that are switched from secondary to primary are not promoted to the base volume. Valid for FAILOVER and REVERSE operations only. The default setting is false. .PARAMETER NoSnapshot If true, the snapshots are not taken of the groups that are switched from secondary to primary. Valid for FAILOVER, REVERSE, and RESTOREoperations. The default setting is false. .PARAMETER StopGroups If true, the groups are stopped before performing the reverse operation. Valid for REVERSE operation only. The default setting is false. .PARAMETER LocalGroupsDirection If true, the group’s direction is changed only on the system where the operation is run. Valid for REVERSE operation only. The default setting is false. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Restore-RCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Restore-RCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SkipStart, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SkipSync, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $DiscardNewData, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SkipPromote, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $NoSnapshot, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $StopGroups, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $LocalGroupsDirection, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $body["action"] = 6 If ($TargetName) { $body["targetName"] = "$($TargetName)" } If ($SkipStart) { $body["skipStart"] = $true } If ($SkipSync) { $body["skipSync"] = $true } If ($DiscardNewData) { $body["discardNewData"] = $true } If ($SkipPromote) { $body["skipPromote"] = $true } If ($NoSnapshot) { $body["noSnapshot"] = $true } If ($StopGroups) { $body["stopGroups"] = $true } If ($LocalGroupsDirection) { $body["localGroupsDirection"] = $true } $Result = $null $uri = "/remotecopygroups/"+$GroupName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Restore-RCopyGroup_WSAPI : $GroupName (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Remote Copy group : $GroupName successfully Recover." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Restore-RCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Recovering a Remote Copy group : $GroupName " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Recovering a Remote Copy group : $GroupName " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Restore-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Admit a volume into a Remote Copy group .DESCRIPTION Admit a volume into a Remote Copy group .EXAMPLE Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -VolumeName xxx -TargetName xxx -SecVolumeName xxx .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy group Name. .PARAMETER VolumeName Specifies the name of the existing virtual volume to be admitted to an existing Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER SnapshotName The optional read-only snapshotName is a starting snapshot when the group is started without performing a full resynchronization. Instead, for synchronized groups,the volume synchronizes deltas between this snapshotName and the base volume. For periodic groups, the volume synchronizes deltas between this snapshotName and a snapshot of the base. .PARAMETER VolumeAutoCreation If volumeAutoCreation is set to true, the secondary volumes should be created automatically on the target using the CPG associated with the Remote Copy group on that target. This cannot be set to true if the snapshot name is specified. .PARAMETER SkipInitialSync If skipInitialSync is set to true, the volume should skip the initial sync. This is for the admission of volumes that have been presynced with the target volume. This cannot be set to true if the snapshot name is specified. .PARAMETER DifferentSecondaryWWN Setting differentSecondary WWN to true, ensures that the system uses a different WWN on the secondary volume. Defaults to false. Use with volumeAutoCreation .PARAMETER TargetName Specify at least one pair of targetName and secVolumeName. .PARAMETER SecVolumeName Specifies the name of the secondary volume on the target system. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VolumeName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $SnapshotName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [boolean] $VolumeAutoCreation, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [boolean] $SkipInitialSync, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [boolean] $DifferentSecondaryWWN, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $SecVolumeName, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $TargetsBody=@{} $body["action"] = 1 If ($VolumeName) { $body["volumeName"] = "$($VolumeName)" } If ($SnapshotName) { $body["snapshotName"] = "$($SnapshotName)" } If ($VolumeAutoCreation) { $body["volumeAutoCreation"] = $VolumeAutoCreation } If ($SkipInitialSync) { $body["skipInitialSync"] = $SkipInitialSync } If ($DifferentSecondaryWWN) { $body["differentSecondaryWWN"] = $DifferentSecondaryWWN } If ($TargetName) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["targetName"] = "$($TargetName)" $TargetsBody += $Obj } If ($SecVolumeName) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["secVolumeName"] = "$($SecVolumeName)" $TargetsBody += $Obj } if($TargetsBody.Count -gt 0) { $body["targets"] = $TargetsBody } $Result = $null $uri = "/remotecopygroups/"+$GroupName+"/volumes" #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI : $VolumeName (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Volume into a Remote Copy group : $VolumeName successfully Admitted." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Admitting a volume into a Remote Copy group : $VolumeName " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Admitting a volume into a Remote Copy group : $VolumeName " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-VvFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-VvFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Dismiss a volume from a Remote Copy group .DESCRIPTION Dismiss a volume from a Remote Copy group .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy group Name. .PARAMETER VolumeName Specifies the name of the existing virtual volume to be admitted to an existing Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER KeepSnap Enables (true) or disables (false) retention of the local volume resynchronization snapshot. Defaults to false. Do not use with removeSecondaryVolu me. .PARAMETER RemoveSecondaryVolume Enables (true) or disables (false) deletion of the remote volume on the secondary array from the system. Defaults to false. Do not use with keepSnap. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-VvFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-VvFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VolumeName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [boolean] $KeepSnap, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [boolean] $RemoveSecondaryVolume, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} #$TargetsBody=@() $body["action"] = 1 If ($VolumeName) { $body["volumeName"] = "$($VolumeName)" } If ($KeepSnap) { $body["keepSnap"] = $KeepSnap } If ($RemoveSecondaryVolume) { $body["removeSecondaryVolume"] = $RemoveSecondaryVolume } $Result = $null $uri = "/remotecopygroups/"+$GroupName+"/volumes/"+$VolumeName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-VvFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI : $VolumeName (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'DELETE' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Volume from a Remote Copy group : $VolumeName successfully Remove." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-VvFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Dismissing a volume from a Remote Copy group : $VolumeName " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Dismissing a volume from a Remote Copy group : $VolumeName " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Remove-VvFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Creating a Remote Copy target .DESCRIPTION Creating a Remote Copy target .EXAMPLE New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI -TargetName xxx -IP .EXAMPLE New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI -TargetName xxx -NodeWWN xxx -FC .PARAMETER TargetName Specifies the name of the target definition to create, up to 24 characters. .PARAMETER IP IP : IP Target Type .PARAMETER FC FC : FC Target Type .PARAMETER NodeWWN WWN of the node on system2. .PARAMETER PortPos Specifies the port information of system1 (n:s:p) for Remote Copy. .PARAMETER Link Specifies the link for system2. If the linkProtocolType , is IP, specify an IP address for the corresponding port on system2. If the linkProtocolType is FC, specify the WWN of the peer port on system2. .PARAMETER Disabled Enable (true) or disable (false) the creation of the target in disabled mode. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $IP, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $FC, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $NodeWWN, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $PortPos, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Link, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $Disabled, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $PortPosAndLinkBody=@{} If($TargetName) { $body["name"] = "$($TargetName)" } If($IP) { $body["type"] = 1 } ElseIf ($FC) { $body["type"] = 2 } else { return "Please select at-list any one from IP or FC Type." } If($NodeWWN) { $body["nodeWWN"] = "$($NodeWWN)" } If($DifferentSecondaryWWN) { $body["differentSecondaryWWN"] = $DifferentSecondaryWWN } If($PortPos) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["portPos"] = "$($PortPos)" $PortPosAndLinkBody += $Obj } If($Link) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["link"] = "$($Link)" $PortPosAndLinkBody += $Obj } If($Disabled) { $body["disabled"] = $true } if($PortPosAndLinkBody.Count -gt 0) { $body["portPosAndLink"] = $PortPosAndLinkBody } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI : $TargetName (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/remotecopytargets' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 201) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Remote Copy Target : $TargetName created successfully." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While creating a Remote Copy target : $TargetName " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : Creating a Remote Copy target : $TargetName " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Modify a Remote Copy Target .DESCRIPTION Modify a Remote Copy Target. .EXAMPLE Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI -TargetName xxx .EXAMPLE Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI -TargetName xxx -MirrorConfig $true .PARAMETER TargetName The <target_name> parameter corresponds to the name of the Remote Copy target you want to modify .PARAMETER MirrorConfig Enables (true) or disables (false) the duplication of all configurations involving the specified target. Defaults to true. Use false to allow recovery from an unusual error condition only, and only after consulting your Hewlett Packard Enterprise representative. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $MirrorConfig, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $body = @{} $PoliciesBody = @{} If ($MirrorConfig) { $Obj=@{} $Obj["mirrorConfig"] = $true $PoliciesBody += $Obj } else { $Obj=@{} $Obj["mirrorConfig"] = $false $PoliciesBody += $Obj } if($PoliciesBody.Count -gt 0) { $body["policies"] = $PoliciesBody } $Result = $null $uri = '/remotecopytargets/'+ $TargetName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'PUT' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Update Remote Copy Target / Target Name : $TargetName." $Info # Results Write-DebugLog "End: Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Updating Remote Copy Target / Target Name : $TargetName." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Updating Remote Copy Target / Target Name : $TargetName." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Admitting a target into a Remote Copy group .DESCRIPTION Admitting a target into a Remote Copy group .EXAMPLE Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx .EXAMPLE Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx -Mode xxx .EXAMPLE Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -TargetName xxx -Mode xxx -LocalVolumeName xxx -RemoteVolumeName xxx .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy group Name. .PARAMETER TargetName Specifies the name of the target to admit to an existing Remote Copy group. .PARAMETER Mode Specifies the mode of the target being added. SYNC : Remote Copy group mode is synchronous. PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. Although WSAPI 1.5 and later supports PERIODIC 2, Hewlett Packard Enterprise recommends using PERIODIC 3. PERIODIC : Remote Copy group mode is periodic. ASYNC : Remote Copy group mode is asynchronous. .PARAMETER LocalVolumeName Name of the volume on the primary. .PARAMETER RemoteVolumeName Name of the volume on the target. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Mode, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $LocalVolumeName, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $RemoteVolumeName, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $volumeMappingsObj=@() $volumeMappingsBody=@{} If($TargetName) { $body["targetName"] = "$($TargetName)" } If ($Mode) { if($Mode -eq "SYNC") { $body["mode"] = 1 } elseif($Mode -eq "PERIODIC") { $body["mode"] = 3 } elseif($Mode -eq "ASYNC") { $body["mode"] = 4 } else { Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Since -Mode $Mode in incorrect " Return "FAILURE : -Mode :- $Mode is an Incorrect Mode [SYNC | PERIODIC | ASYNC] can be used only . " } } If($LocalVolumeName) { $volumeMappingsBody["localVolumeName"] = "$($LocalVolumeName)" } If($RemoteVolumeName) { $volumeMappingsBody["remoteVolumeName"] = "$($RemoteVolumeName)" } if($volumeMappingsBody.Count -gt 0) { $volumeMappingsObj += $volumeMappingsBody } if($volumeMappingsObj.Count -gt 0) { $body["volumeMappings"] = $volumeMappingsObj } $Result = $null $uri = "/remotecopygroups/"+$GroupName+"/targets" #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI : TargetName = $TargetName / GroupName = $GroupName(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Admitted a target into a Remote Copy group : TargetName = $TargetName / GroupName = $GroupName." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While admitting a target into a Remote Copy group : TargetName = $TargetName / GroupName = $GroupName " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : Admitting a target into a Remote Copy group : TargetName = $TargetName / GroupName = $GroupName " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a target from a Remote Copy group .DESCRIPTION Remove a target from a Remote Copy group .EXAMPLE Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy group Name. .PARAMETER TargetName Target Name to be removed. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $uri = "/remotecopygroups/"+$GroupName+"/targets/"+$TargetName #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI : TargetName = $TargetName / GroupName = $GroupName(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'PUT' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 201) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Remove a target from a Remote Copy group : TargetName = $TargetName / GroupName = $GroupName." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While removing a target from a Remote Copy group : TargetName = $TargetName / GroupName = $GroupName " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : Removing a target from a Remote Copy group : TargetName = $TargetName / GroupName = $GroupName " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Create coordinated snapshots across all Remote Copy group volumes. .DESCRIPTION Create coordinated snapshots across all Remote Copy group volumes. .EXAMPLE New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -NewVvNmae xxx -Comment "Hello" .EXAMPLE New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -NewVvNmae xxx -VolumeName Test -Comment "Hello" .EXAMPLE New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -NewVvNmae xxx -Comment "Hello" -RetentionHours 1 .EXAMPLE New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI -GroupName xxx -NewVvNmae xxx -Comment "Hello" -VolumeName Test -RetentionHours 1 .PARAMETER GroupName Group Name .PARAMETER VolumeName The <volume-name> is the name of the volume to be captured (not the name of the new snapshot volume). .PARAMETER VVNmae Specifies a snapshot VV name up to 31 characters in length. .PARAMETER Comment Specifies any additional information up to 511 characters for the volume. .PARAMETER ExpirationHous Specifies the relative time from the current time when volume expires. Positive integer and in the range of 1 - 43,800 hours (1825 days). .PARAMETER RetentionHours Specifies the amount of time,relative to the current time, that the volume is retained. Positive integer in the range of 1 - 43,800 hours (1825 days). .PARAMETER SkipBlock Enables (true) or disables (false) whether the storage system blocks host i/o to the parent virtual volume during the creation of a readonly snapshot. Defaults to false. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VolumeName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $NewVvNmae, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Comment, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $ExpirationHous, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $RetentionHours, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SkipBlock, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $ParametersBody=@{} $body["action"] = 1 If($NewVvNmae) { $ParametersBody["name"] = "$($NewVvNmae)" } If($Comment) { $ParametersBody["comment"] = "$($Comment)" } If($ExpirationHous) { $ParametersBody["expirationHous"] = $ExpirationHous } If($RetentionHours) { $ParametersBody["retentionHours"] = $RetentionHours } If($SkipBlock) { $ParametersBody["skipBlock"] = $true } if($ParametersBody.Count -gt 0) { $body["parameters"] = $ParametersBody } $Result = $null if($VolumeName) { $uri = "/remotecopygroups/"+$GroupName+"/volumes/"+$VolumeName } else { $uri = "/remotecopygroups/"+$GroupName+"/volumes" } #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 201) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Create coordinated snapshots across all Remote Copy group volumes." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Creating coordinated snapshots across all Remote Copy group volumes." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Creating coordinated snapshots across all Remote Copy group volumes." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get overall Remote Copy information .DESCRIPTION Get overall Remote Copy information .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI Get overall Remote Copy information .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/remotecopy' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single Remote Copy targets .DESCRIPTION Get all or single Remote Copy targets .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI -TargetName xxx .PARAMETER TargetName Remote Copy Target Name .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null #Build uri if($TargetName) { $uri = '/remotecopytargets/'+$TargetName #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/remotecopytargets' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single Remote Copy Group .DESCRIPTION Get all or single Remote Copy Group .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI Get List of Groups .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName XXX Get a single Groups of given name .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName XXX* Get a single or list of Groups of given name like or match the words .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI -GroupName "XXX,YYY,ZZZ" For multiple Group name .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy Group Name .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null $Query="?query="" """ #Build uri if($GroupName) { $lista = $GroupName.split(",") $count = 1 foreach($sub in $lista) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," name LIKE $sub") if($lista.Count -gt 1) { if($lista.Count -ne $count) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," OR ") $count = $count + 1 } } } #Build uri $uri = '/remotecopygroups/'+$Query #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/remotecopygroups' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($dataPS.Count -gt 0) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While executing Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI. Expected result not found with given filter option ." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info return } } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single Remote Copy Group target .DESCRIPTION Get all or single Remote Copy Group target .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI Get List of Groups target .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI -TargetName xxx Get Single Target .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy Group Name .PARAMETER TargetName Target Name .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TargetName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null if($TargetName) { #Request $uri = '/remotecopygroups/'+$GroupName+'/targets/'+$TargetName $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } else { #Request $uri = '/remotecopygroups/'+$GroupName+'/targets' $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single Remote Copy Group volume .DESCRIPTION Get all or single Remote Copy Group volume .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI -GroupName asRCgroup .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI -GroupName asRCgroup -VolumeName Test .PARAMETER GroupName Remote Copy Group Name .PARAMETER VolumeName Remote Copy Volume Name .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $GroupName, [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VolumeName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null if($VolumeName) { #Request $uri = '/remotecopygroups/'+$GroupName+'/volumes/'+$VolumeName $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } else { #Request $uri = '/remotecopygroups/'+$GroupName+'/volumes' $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single Remote Copy Link .DESCRIPTION Get all or single Remote Copy Link .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI Get List Remote Copy Link .EXAMPLE Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI -LinkName xxx Get Single Remote Copy Link .PARAMETER LinkName Remote Copy Link Name .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $LinkName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null if($LinkName) { #Request $uri = '/remotecopylinks/'+$LinkName $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/remotecopylinks' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI Export-ModuleMember New-RCopyGroup_WSAPI , Start-RCopyGroup_WSAPI , Stop-RCopyGroup_WSAPI , Sync-RCopyGroup_WSAPI , Remove-RCopyGroup_WSAPI , Update-RCopyGroup_WSAPI , Restore-RCopyGroup_WSAPI , Add-VvToRCopyGroup_WSAPI , Remove-VvFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI , New-RCopyTarget_WSAPI , Update-RCopyTarget_WSAPI , Update-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI , Add-TargetToRCopyGroup_WSAPI , Remove-TargetFromRCopyGroup_WSAPI , New-SnapRcGroupVv_WSAPI , Get-RCopyInfo_WSAPI , Get-RCopyTarget_WSAPI , Get-RCopyGroup_WSAPI , Get-RCopyGroupTarget_WSAPI , Get-RCopyGroupVv_WSAPI , Get-RCopyLink_WSAPI # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIhEAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIhATCCIP0CAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCDs2czZfHTUjKVR # 0GRmMzSr7+g2xveFsz5w5iiNI7XXyKCCEKswggUpMIIEEaADAgECAhB4Lu4fcD9z # xUgD+jf1OoqlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMHwxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQI # ExJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAOBgNVBAcTB1NhbGZvcmQxGDAWBgNVBAoT # D1NlY3RpZ28gTGltaXRlZDEkMCIGA1UEAxMbU2VjdGlnbyBSU0EgQ29kZSBTaWdu # aW5nIENBMB4XDTIxMDUyODAwMDAwMFoXDTIyMDUyODIzNTk1OVowgZAxCzAJBgNV # BAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlQYWxvIEFsdG8x # KzApBgNVBAoMIkhld2xldHQgUGFja2FyZCBFbnRlcnByaXNlIENvbXBhbnkxKzAp # BgNVBAMMIkhld2xldHQgUGFja2FyZCBFbnRlcnByaXNlIENvbXBhbnkwggEiMA0G # CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDmclZSXJBXA55ijwwFymuq+Y4F/quF # mm2vRdEmjFhzRvTpnGjIYtVcG11ka4JGCROmNVDZGAelnqcXn5DKO710j5SICTBC # 5gXOLwga7usifs21W+lVT0BsZTiUnFu4hEhuFTlahJIEvPGVgO1GBcuItD2QqB4q # 9j15GDI5nGBSzIyJKMctcIalxsTSPG1kiDbLkdfsIivhe9u9m8q6NRqDUaYYQTN+ # /qGCqVNannMapH8tNHqFb6VdzUFI04t7kFtSk00AkdD6qUvA4u8mL2bUXAYz8K5m # nrFs+ckx5Yqdxfx68EO26Bt2qbz/oTHxE6FiVzsDl90bcUAah2l976ebAgMBAAGj # ggGQMIIBjDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQO4TqoUzox1Yq+wbutZxoDha00DjAdBgNVHQ4E # FgQUlC56g+JaYFsl5QWK2WDVOsG+pCEwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMAwGA1UdEwEB # /wQCMAAwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwMwEQYJYIZIAYb4QgEBBAQDAgQQMEoG # A1UdIARDMEEwNQYMKwYBBAGyMQECAQMCMCUwIwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWF2h0dHBzOi8v # c2VjdGlnby5jb20vQ1BTMAgGBmeBDAEEATBDBgNVHR8EPDA6MDigNqA0hjJodHRw # Oi8vY3JsLnNlY3RpZ28uY29tL1NlY3RpZ29SU0FDb2RlU2lnbmluZ0NBLmNybDBz # BggrBgEFBQcBAQRnMGUwPgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGMmh0dHA6Ly9jcnQuc2VjdGlnby5j # b20vU2VjdGlnb1JTQUNvZGVTaWduaW5nQ0EuY3J0MCMGCCsGAQUFBzABhhdodHRw # Oi8vb2NzcC5zZWN0aWdvLmNvbTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAY+1n2UUlQU6Z # VoEVaZKqZf/zrM/d7Kbx+S/t8mR2E+uNXStAnwztElqrm3fSr+5LMRzBhrYiSmea # w9c/0c7qFO9mt8RR2q2uj0Huf+oAMh7TMuMKZU/XbT6tS1e15B8ZhtqOAhmCug6s # DuNvoxbMpokYevpa24pYn18ELGXOUKlqNUY2qOs61GVvhG2+V8Hl/pajE7yQ4diz # iP7QjMySms6BtZV5qmjIFEWKY+UTktUcvN4NVA2J0TV9uunDbHRt4xdY8TF/Clgz # Z/MQHJ/X5yX6kupgDeN2t3o+TrColetBnwk/SkJEsUit0JapAiFUx44j4w61Qanb # Zmi0tr8YGDCCBYEwggRpoAMCAQICEDlyRDr5IrdR19NsEN0xNZUwDQYJKoZIhvcN # 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