#################################################################################### ## © 2020,2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ## copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ## to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ## the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ## and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ## Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ## ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ## in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ## ## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ## IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ## THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR ## OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ## ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ## OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## ## File Name: FilePersona.psm1 ## Description: File Persona cmdlets ## ## Created: February 2020 ## Last Modified: February 2020 ## History: v3.0 - Created ##################################################################################### $Info = "INFO:" $Debug = "DEBUG:" $global:VSLibraries = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-FileServices_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-FileServices_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the File Services information. .DESCRIPTION Get the File Services information. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .EXAMPLE Get-FileServices_WSAPI display File Services Information .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-FileServices_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-FileServices_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/fileservices' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { # Results $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json) write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Get-FileServices_WSAPI successfully Executed." $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FileServices_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FileServices_WSAPI. " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } #END Get-FileServices_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-FPG_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-FPG_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new File Provisioning Group(FPG). .DESCRIPTION Creates a new File Provisioning Group(FPG). .EXAMPLE New-FPG_WSAPI -PFGName "MyFPG" -CPGName "MyCPG" -SizeTiB 12 Creates a new File Provisioning Group(FPG), size must be in Terabytes .EXAMPLE New-FPG_WSAPI -FPGName asFPG -CPGName cpg_test -SizeTiB 1 -FPVV $true .EXAMPLE New-FPG_WSAPI -FPGName asFPG -CPGName cpg_test -SizeTiB 1 -TDVV $true .EXAMPLE New-FPG_WSAPI -FPGName asFPG -CPGName cpg_test -SizeTiB 1 -NodeId 1 .PARAMETER FPGName Name of the FPG, maximum 22 chars. .PARAMETER CPGName Name of the CPG on which to create the FPG. .PARAMETER SizeTiB Size of the FPG in terabytes. .PARAMETER FPVV Enables (true) or disables (false) FPG volume creation with the FPVV volume. Defaults to false, creating the FPG with the TPVV volume. .PARAMETER TDVV Enables (true) or disables (false) FPG volume creation with the TDVV volume. Defaults to false, creating the FPG with the TPVV volume. .PARAMETER NodeId Bind the created FPG to the specified node. .PARAMETER Comment Specifies any additional information up to 511 characters for the FPG. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-FPG_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-FPG_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPGName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $CPGName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $SizeTiB, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Boolean] $FPVV, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Boolean] $TDVV, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $NodeId, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Comment, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { # Creation of the body hash Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug $body = @{} $body["name"] = "$($FPGName)" $body["cpg"] = "$($CPGName)" $body["sizeTiB"] = $SizeTiB If ($FPVV) { $body["fpvv"] = $FPVV } If ($TDVV) { $body["tdvv"] = $TDVV } If ($NodeId) { $body["nodeId"] = $NodeId } If ($Comment) { $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)" } $Result = $null #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/fpgs' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 202) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: File Provisioning Groups:$FPGName created successfully" $Info Get-FPG_WSAPI -FPG $FPGName Write-DebugLog "End: New-FPG_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While creating File Provisioning Groups:$FPGName" -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While creating File Provisioning Groups:$FPGName" $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } } #ENG New-FPG_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-FPG_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-FPG_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove a File Provisioning Group. .DESCRIPTION Remove a File Provisioning Group. .EXAMPLE Remove-FPG_WSAPI -FPGId 123 .PARAMETER FPGId Specify the File Provisioning Group uuid to be removed. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-FPG_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-FPG_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True,ConfirmImpact = 'High')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ValueFromPipeline=$True,ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$True,HelpMessage = 'Specify the File Provisioning Group uuid to be removed.')] [String]$FPGId, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true , HelpMessage = 'Connection Paramater')] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { #Build uri Write-DebugLog "Running: Building uri to Remove-FPG_WSAPI." $Debug $uri = '/fpgs/'+$FPGId $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-FPG_WSAPI : $FPGId (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'DELETE' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 202) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: File Provisioning Group:$FPGId successfully remove" $Info Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-FPG_WSAPI" $Debug return "" } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Removing File Provisioning Group : $FPGId " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Removing File Provisioning Group : $FPGId " $Info Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-FPG_WSAPI" $Debug return $Result.StatusDescription } } End {} } #END Remove-FPG_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-FPG_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-FPG_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Single or list of File Provisioning Group. .DESCRIPTION Get Single or list of File Provisioning Group. .EXAMPLE Get-FPG_WSAPI Display a list of File Provisioning Group. .EXAMPLE Get-FPG_WSAPI -FPG MyFPG Display a Given File Provisioning Group. .EXAMPLE Get-FPG_WSAPI -FPG "MyFPG,MyFPG1,MyFPG2,MyFPG3" Display Multiple File Provisioning Group. .PARAMETER FPG Name of File Provisioning Group. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-FPG_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-FPG_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Get-FPG_WSAPI File Provisioning Group : $FPG (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $Result = $null $dataPS = $null $Query="?query="" """ if($FPG) { $count = 1 $lista = $FPG.split(",") if($lista.Count -gt 1) { foreach($sub in $lista) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," name EQ $sub") if($lista.Count -gt 1) { if($lista.Count -ne $count) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," OR ") $count = $count + 1 } } } #Build uri $uri = '/fpgs/'+$Query #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection If($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } else { #Build uri $uri = '/fpgs/'+$FPG #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection If($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/fpgs' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection If($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } If($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($dataPS.Count -gt 0) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Get-FPG_WSAPI successfully Executed." $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FPG_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option ." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FPG_WSAPI. Expected Result Not Found with Given Filter Option." $Info return } } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FPG_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FPG_WSAPI. " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End {} }#END Get-FPG_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get the reclamation tasks for the FPG. .DESCRIPTION Get the reclamation tasks for the FPG. .EXAMPLE Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI Get the reclamation tasks for the FPG. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/fpgs/reclaimtasks' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { # Results $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members if($dataPS.Count -gt 0) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI successfully Executed." $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI." $Info return } } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI. " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } #END Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-VFS_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-VFS_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Create Virtual File Servers. .DESCRIPTION Create Virtual File Servers. .EXAMPLE New-VFS_WSAPI .PARAMETER VFSName Name of the VFS to be created. .PARAMETER PolicyId Policy ID associated with the network configuration. .PARAMETER FPG_IPInfo FPG to which VFS belongs. .PARAMETER VFS VFS where the network is configured. .PARAMETER IPAddr IP address. .PARAMETER Netmask Subnet mask. .PARAMETER NetworkName Network configuration name. .PARAMETER VlanTag VFS network configuration VLAN ID. .PARAMETER CPG CPG in which to create the FPG. .PARAMETER FPG Name of an existing FPG in which to create the VFS. .PARAMETER SizeTiB Specifies the size of the FPG you want to create. Required when using the cpg option. .PARAMETER TDVV Enables (true) or disables false creation of the FPG with tdvv volumes. Defaults to false which creates the FPG with the default volume type (tpvv). .PARAMETER FPVV Enables (true) or disables false creation of the FPG with fpvv volumes. Defaults to false which creates the FPG with the default volume type (tpvv). .PARAMETER NodeId Node ID to which to assign the FPG. Always use with cpg member. .PARAMETER Comment Specifies any additional comments while creating the VFS. .PARAMETER BlockGraceTimeSec Block grace time in seconds for quotas within the VFS. .PARAMETER InodeGraceTimeSec The inode grace time in seconds for quotas within the VFS. .PARAMETER NoCertificate true – Does not create a selfsigned certificate associated with the VFS. false – (default) Creates a selfsigned certificate associated with the VFS. .PARAMETER SnapshotQuotaEnabled Enables (true) or disables (false) the quota accounting flag for snapshots at VFS level. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-VFS_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-VFS_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFSName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $PolicyId, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG_IPInfo, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFS, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $IPAddr, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Netmask, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $NetworkName, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $VlanTag, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $CPG, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $SizeTiB, [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $TDVV, [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $FPVV, [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $NodeId, [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Comment, [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $BlockGraceTimeSec, [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $InodeGraceTimeSec, [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $NoCertificate, [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SnapshotQuotaEnabled, [Parameter(Position=19, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $IPInfoBody=@{} If($VFSName) { $body["name"] = "$($VFSName)" } If($PolicyId) { $IPInfoBody["policyId"] = "$($PolicyId)" } If($FPG_IPInfo) { $IPInfoBody["fpg"] = "$($FPG_IPInfo)" } If($VFS) { $IPInfoBody["vfs"] = "$($VFS)" } If($IPAddr) { $IPInfoBody["IPAddr"] = "$($IPAddr)" } If($Netmask) { $IPInfoBody["netmask"] = $Netmask } If($NetworkName) { $IPInfoBody["networkName"] = "$($NetworkName)" } If($VlanTag) { $IPInfoBody["vlanTag"] = $VlanTag } If($CPG) { $body["cpg"] = "$($CPG)" } If($FPG) { $body["fpg"] = "$($FPG)" } If($SizeTiB) { $body["sizeTiB"] = $SizeTiB } If($TDVV) { $body["tdvv"] = $true } If($FPVV) { $body["fpvv"] = $true } If($NodeId) { $body["nodeId"] = $NodeId } If($Comment) { $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)" } If($BlockGraceTimeSec) { $body["blockGraceTimeSec"] = $BlockGraceTimeSec } If($InodeGraceTimeSec) { $body["inodeGraceTimeSec"] = $InodeGraceTimeSec } If($NoCertificate) { $body["noCertificate"] = $true } If($SnapshotQuotaEnabled) { $body["snapshotQuotaEnabled"] = $true } if($IPInfoBody.Count -gt 0) { $body["IPInfo"] = $IPInfoBody } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to New-VFS_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/virtualfileservers/' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 202) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Created Virtual File Servers VFS Name : $VFSName." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: New-VFS_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Creating Virtual File Servers VFS Name : $VFSName." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Creating Virtual File Servers VFS Name : $VFSName." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END New-VFS_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-VFS_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-VFS_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Removing a Virtual File Servers. .DESCRIPTION Removing a Virtual File Servers. .EXAMPLE Remove-VFS_WSAPI -VFSID 1 .PARAMETER VFSID Virtual File Servers id. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-VFS_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-VFS_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $VFSID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $uri = "/virtualfileservers/"+$VFSID #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-VFS_WSAPI : $VFSID (Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'DELETE' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Virtual File Servers : $VFSID successfully Remove." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-VFS_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Dismissing a Virtual File Servers : $VFSID " -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Dismissing a Virtual File Servers : $VFSID " $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Remove-VFS_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-VFS_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-VFS_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single Virtual File Servers .DESCRIPTION Get all or single Virtual File Servers .EXAMPLE Get-VFS_WSAPI Get List Virtual File Servers .EXAMPLE Get-VFS_WSAPI -VFSID xxx Get Single Virtual File Servers .PARAMETER VFSID Virtual File Servers id. .PARAMETER VFSName Virtual File Servers Name. .PARAMETER FPGName File Provisioning Groups Name. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-VFS_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-VFS_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $VFSID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFSName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPGName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null $flg = "Yes" $Query="?query="" """ if($VFSID) { if($VFSName -Or $FPGName) { Return "we cannot use VFSName and FPGName with VFSID as VFSName and FPGName is use for filtering." } #Request $uri = '/virtualfileservers/'+$VFSID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif($VFSName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," name EQ $VFSName") if($FPGName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fpg EQ $FPGName") $flg = "No" } #Request $uri = '/virtualfileservers/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } elseif($FPGName) { if($flg -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," fpg EQ $FPGName") } #Request $uri = '/virtualfileservers/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/virtualfileservers' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($dataPS.Count -eq 0) { return "No data Fount." } write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-VFS_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-VFS_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-VFS_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-VFS_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-FileStore_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-FileStore_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Create File Store. .DESCRIPTION Create Create File Store. .EXAMPLE New-FileStore_WSAPI .PARAMETER FSName Name of the File Store you want to create (max 255 characters). .PARAMETER VFS Name of the VFS under which to create the File Store. If it does not exist, the system creates it. .PARAMETER FPG Name of the FPG in which to create the File Store. .PARAMETER NTFS File Store security mode is NTFS. .PARAMETER LEGACY File Store security mode is legacy. .PARAMETER SupressSecOpErr Enables or disables the security operations error suppression for File Stores in NTFS security mode. Defaults to false. Cannot be used in LEGACY security mode. .PARAMETER Comment Specifies any additional information about the File Store. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-FileStore_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-FileStore_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FSName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFS, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $NTFS, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $LEGACY, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SupressSecOpErr, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Comment, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} If($FSName) { $body["name"] = "$($FSName)" } If($VFS) { $body["vfs"] = "$($VFS)" } If($FPG) { $body["fpg"] = "$($FPG)" } If($NTFS) { if($LEGACY) { return "Please Select Only One Security Mode NTFS or LEGACY" } else { $body["securityMode"] = 1 } } If($LEGACY) { if($NTFS) { return "Please Select Only One Security Mode NTFS or LEGACY" } else { $body["securityMode"] = 2 } } If($SupressSecOpErr) { $body["supressSecOpErr"] = $true } If($Comment) { $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)" } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to New-FileStore_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/filestores/' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 201) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Created File Store, Name: $FSName." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: New-FileStore_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Creating File Store, Name: $FSName." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Creating File Store, Name: $FSName." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END New-FileStore_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Update-FileStore_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Update-FileStore_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Update File Store. .DESCRIPTION Updating File Store. .EXAMPLE Update-FileStore_WSAPI .PARAMETER FStoreID File Stores ID. .PARAMETER NTFS File Store security mode is NTFS. .PARAMETER LEGACY File Store security mode is legacy. .PARAMETER SupressSecOpErr Enables or disables the security operations error suppression for File Stores in NTFS security mode. Defaults to false. Cannot be used in LEGACY security mode. .PARAMETER Comment Specifies any additional information about the File Store. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Update-FileStore_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Update-FileStore_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FStoreID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Comment, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $NTFS, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $LEGACY, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SupressSecOpErr, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} If($Comment) { $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)" } If($NTFS) { if($LEGACY) { return "Please Select Only One Security Mode NTFS or LEGACY" } else { $body["securityMode"] = 1 } } If($LEGACY) { if($NTFS) { return "Please Select Only One Security Mode NTFS or LEGACY" } else { $body["securityMode"] = 2 } } If($SupressSecOpErr) { $body["supressSecOpErr"] = $true } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Update-FileStore_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $uri = '/filestores/'+$FStoreID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'PUT' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Updated File Store, File Store ID: $FStoreID." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Update-FileStore_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Updating File Store, File Store ID: $FStoreID." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Updating File Store, File Store ID: $FStoreID." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Update-FileStore_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-FileStore_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-FileStore_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove File Store. .DESCRIPTION Remove File Store. .EXAMPLE Remove-FileStore_WSAPI .PARAMETER FStoreID File Stores ID. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-FileStore_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-FileStore_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FStoreID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-FileStore_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $uri = '/filestores/'+$FStoreID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'DELETE' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Removed File Store, File Store ID: $FStoreID." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-FileStore_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Removing File Store, File Store ID: $FStoreID." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Removing File Store, File Store ID: $FStoreID." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Remove-FileStore_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-FileStore_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-FileStore_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single File Stores. .DESCRIPTION Get all or single File Stores. .EXAMPLE Get-FileStore_WSAPI Get List of File Stores. .EXAMPLE Get-FileStore_WSAPI -FStoreID xxx Get Single File Stores. .PARAMETER FStoreID File Stores ID. .PARAMETER FileStoreName File Store Name. .PARAMETER VFSName Virtual File Servers Name. .PARAMETER FPGName File Provisioning Groups Name. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-FileStore_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-FileStore_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $FStoreID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FileStoreName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFSName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPGName, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null $flgVFS = "Yes" $flgFPG = "Yes" $Query="?query="" """ if($FStoreID) { if($VFSName -Or $FPGName -Or $FileStoreName) { Return "we cannot use VFSName,FileStoreName and FPGName with FStoreID as VFSName,FileStoreName and FPGName is use for filtering." } #Request $uri = '/filestores/'+$FStoreID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif($FileStoreName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," name EQ $FileStoreName") if($VFSName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND vfs EQ $VFSName") $flgVFS = "No" } if($FPGName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fpg EQ $FPGName") $flgFPG = "No" } #Request $uri = '/filestores/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } elseif($VFSName) { if($flgVFS -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," vfs EQ $VFSName") } if($FPGName) { if($flgFPG -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fpg EQ $FPGName") $flgFPG = "No" } } #Request $uri = '/filestores/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } elseif($FPGName) { if($flgFPG -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," fpg EQ $FPGName") $flgFPG = "No" } #Request $uri = '/filestores/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/filestores' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($dataPS.Count -eq 0) { return "No data Fount." } write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-FileStore_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FileStore_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FileStore_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-FileStore_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Create File Store snapshot. .DESCRIPTION Create Create File Store snapshot. .EXAMPLE New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI .PARAMETER TAG The suffix appended to the timestamp of a snapshot creation to form the snapshot name (<timestamp>_< tag>), using ISO8601 date and time format. Truncates tags in excess of 255 characters. .PARAMETER FStore The name of the File Store for which you are creating a snapshot. .PARAMETER VFS The name of the VFS to which the File Store belongs. .PARAMETER RetainCount In the range of 1 to 1024, specifies the number of snapshots to retain for the File Store. Snapshots in excess of the count are deleted beginning with the oldest snapshot. If the tag for the specified retainCount exceeds the count value, the oldest snapshot is deleted before the new snapshot is created. If the creation of the new snapshot fails, the deleted snapshot will not be restored. .PARAMETER FPG The name of the FPG to which the VFS belongs. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $TAG, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FStore, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFS, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $RetainCount, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} If($TAG) { $body["tag"] = "$($TAG)" } If($FStore) { $body["fstore"] = "$($FStore)" } If($VFS) { $body["vfs"] = "$($VFS)" } If($RetainCount) { $body["retainCount"] = $RetainCount } If($FPG) { $body["fpg"] = "$($FPG)" } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/filestoresnapshots/' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 201) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Created File Store snapshot." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Creating File Store snapshot." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Creating File Store snapshot." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove File Store snapshot. .DESCRIPTION Remove File Store snapshot. .EXAMPLE Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI .PARAMETER ID File Store snapshot ID. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $ID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $uri = '/filestoresnapshots/'+$ID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'DELETE' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Removed File Store snapshot, File Store snapshot ID: $ID." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Removing File Store snapshot, File Store snapshot ID: $ID." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Removing File Store snapshot, File Store snapshot ID: $ID." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single File Stores snapshot. .DESCRIPTION Get all or single File Stores snapshot. .EXAMPLE Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI Get List of File Stores snapshot. .EXAMPLE Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI -ID xxx Get Single File Stores snapshot. .PARAMETER ID File Store snapshot ID. .PARAMETER FileStoreSnapshotName File Store snapshot name — exact match and pattern match. .PARAMETER FileStoreName File Store name. .PARAMETER VFSName The name of the VFS to which the File Store snapshot belongs. .PARAMETER FPGName The name of the FPG to which the VFS belongs. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $ID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FileStoreSnapshotName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FileStoreName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFSName, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPGName, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null $flgFSN = "Yes" $flgVFS = "Yes" $flgFPG = "Yes" $Query="?query="" """ if($ID) { if($FileStoreSnapshotName -Or $VFSName -Or $FPGName -Or $FileStoreName) { Return "we cannot use FileStoreSnapshotName,VFSName,FileStoreName and FPGName with ID as FileStoreSnapshotName,VFSName,FileStoreName and FPGName is use for filtering." } #Request $uri = '/filestoresnapshots/'+$ID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif($FileStoreSnapshotName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," name EQ $FileStoreSnapshotName") if($FileStoreName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fstore EQ $FileStoreName") $flgFSN = "No" } if($VFSName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND vfs EQ $VFSName") $flgVFS = "No" } if($FPGName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fpg EQ $FPGName") $flgFPG = "No" } #Request $uri = '/filestoresnapshots/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } elseif($FileStoreName) { if($flgFSN -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," fstore EQ $FileStoreName") } if($VFSName) { if($flgVFS -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND vfs EQ $VFSName") $flgVFS = "No" } } if($FPGName) { if($flgFPG -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fpg EQ $FPGName") $flgFPG = "No" } } #Request $uri = '/filestoresnapshots/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } elseif($VFSName) { if($flgVFS -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," vfs EQ $VFSName") } if($FPGName) { if($flgFPG -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fpg EQ $FPGName") $flgFPG = "No" } } #Request $uri = '/filestoresnapshots/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } elseif($FPGName) { if($flgFPG -eq "Yes") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," fpg EQ $FPGName") $flgFPG = "No" } #Request $uri = '/filestoresnapshots/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/filestoresnapshots' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($dataPS.Count -eq 0) { return "No data Fount." } write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-FileShare_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-FileShare_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Create File Share. .DESCRIPTION Create Create File Share. .EXAMPLE New-FileShare_WSAPI .PARAMETER FSName Name of the File Share you want to create. .PARAMETER NFS File Share of type NFS. .PARAMETER SMB File Share of type SMB. .PARAMETER VFS Name of the VFS under which to create the File Share. If it does not exist, the system creates it. .PARAMETER ShareDirectory Directory path to the File Share. Requires fstore. .PARAMETER FStore Name of the File Store in which to create the File Share. .PARAMETER FPG Name of FPG in which to create the File Share. .PARAMETER Comment Specifies any additional information about the File Share. .PARAMETER Enables_SSL Enables (true) SSL. Valid for OBJ and FTP File Share types only. .PARAMETER Disables_SSL Disables (false) SSL. Valid for OBJ and FTP File Share types only. .PARAMETER ObjurlPath URL that clients will use to access the share. Valid for OBJ File Share type only. .PARAMETER NFSOptions Valid for NFS File Share type only. Specifies options to use when creating the share. Supports standard NFS export options except no_subtree_check. With no options specified, automatically sets the default options. .PARAMETER NFSClientlist Valid for NFS File Share type only. Specifies the clients that can access the share. Specify the NFS client using any of the following: • Full name ( • Name with a wildcard (* • IP address (usea comma to separate IPaddresses) With no list specified, defaults to match everything. .PARAMETER SmbABE Valid for SMB File Share only. Enables (true) or disables (false) Access Based Enumeration (ABE). ABE specifies that users can see only the files and directories to which they have been allowed access on the shares. Defaults to false. .PARAMETER SmbAllowedIPs List of client IP addresses that are allowed access to the share. Valid for SMB File Share type only. .PARAMETER SmbDeniedIPs List of client IP addresses that are not allowed access to the share. Valid for SMB File Share type only. .PARAMETER SmbContinuosAvailability Enables (true) or disables (false) SMB3 continuous availability features for the share. Defaults to true. Valid for SMB File Share type only. .PARAMETER SmbCache Specifies clientside caching for offline files.Valid for SMB File Share type only. .PARAMETER FtpShareIPs Lists the IP addresses assigned to the FTP share. Valid only for FTP File Share type. .PARAMETER FtpOptions Specifies the configuration options for the FTP share. Use the format: .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-FileShare_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-FileShare_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FSName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $NFS, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SMB, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFS, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $ShareDirectory, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FStore, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Comment, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $Enables_SSL, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $Disables_SSL, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $ObjurlPath, [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $NFSOptions, [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String[]] $NFSClientlist, [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SmbABE, [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String[]] $SmbAllowedIPs, [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String[]] $SmbDeniedIPs, [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Switch] $SmbContinuosAvailability, [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $SmbCache, [Parameter(Position=18, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [String[]] $FtpShareIPs, [Parameter(Position=19, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FtpOptions, [Parameter(Position=20, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} If($FSName) { $body["name"] = "$($FSName)" } If($NFS) { $body["type"] = 1 } elseIf($SMB) { $body["type"] = 2 } else { return "Please select at-list any one from NFS or SMB its mandatory." } If($VFS) { $body["vfs"] = "$($VFS)" } If($ShareDirectory) { $body["shareDirectory"] = "$($ShareDirectory)" } If($FStore) { $body["fstore"] = "$($FStore)" } If($FPG) { $body["fpg"] = "$($FPG)" } If($Comment) { $body["comment"] = "$($Comment)" } If($Enables_SSL) { $body["ssl"] = $true } If($Disables_SSL) { $body["ssl"] = $false } If($ObjurlPath) { $body["objurlPath"] = "$($ObjurlPath)" } If($NFSOptions) { $body["nfsOptions"] = "$($NFSOptions)" } If($NFSClientlist) { $body["nfsClientlist"] = "$($NFSClientlist)" } If($SmbABE) { $body["smbABE"] = $true } If($SmbAllowedIPs) { $body["smbAllowedIPs"] = "$($SmbAllowedIPs)" } If($SmbDeniedIPs) { $body["smbDeniedIPs"] = "$($SmbDeniedIPs)" } If($SmbContinuosAvailability) { $body["smbContinuosAvailability"] = $true } If($SmbCache) { if($SmbCache -Eq "OFF") { $body["smbCache"] = 1 } elseif($SmbCache -Eq "MANUAL") { $body["smbCache"] = 2 } elseif($SmbCache -Eq "OPTIMIZED") { $body["smbCache"] = 3 } elseif($SmbCache -Eq "AUTO") { $body["smbCache"] = 4 } else { returm "SmbCache value is incorrect please use any one from [OFF | MANUAL | OPTIMIZED | AUTO] " } } If($FtpShareIPs) { $body["ftpShareIPs"] = "$($FtpShareIPs)" } If($FtpOptions) { $body["ftpOptions"] = "$($FtpOptions)" } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to New-FileShare_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/fileshares/' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 201) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Created File Share, Name: $FSName." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: New-FileShare_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Creating File Share, Name: $FSName." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Creating File Share, Name: $FSName." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END New-FileShare_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-FileShare_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-FileShare_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove File Share. .DESCRIPTION Remove File Share. .EXAMPLE Remove-FileShare_WSAPI .PARAMETER ID File Share ID contains the unique identifier of the File Share you want to remove. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-FileShare_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-FileShare_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $ID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-FileShare_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $uri = '/fileshares/'+$ID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'DELETE' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Removed File Share, File Share ID: $ID." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-FileShare_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Removing File Share, File Share ID: $ID." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Removing File Share, File Share ID: $ID." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Remove-FileShare_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-FileShare_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-FileShare_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single File Shares. .DESCRIPTION Get all or single File Shares. .EXAMPLE Get-FileShare_WSAPI Get List of File Shares. .EXAMPLE Get-FileShare_WSAPI -ID xxx Get Single File Shares. .PARAMETER ID File Share ID contains the unique identifier of the File Share you want to Query. .PARAMETER FSName File Share name. .PARAMETER FSType File Share type, ie, smb/nfs/obj .PARAMETER VFS Name of the Virtual File Servers. .PARAMETER FPG Name of the File Provisioning Groups. .PARAMETER FStore Name of the File Stores. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-FileShare_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-FileShare_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $ID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FSName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FSType, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFS, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FStore, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null $Query="?query="" """ $flg = "NO" if($ID) { #Request $uri = '/fileshares/'+$ID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif($FSName -Or $FSType -Or $VFS -Or $FPG -Or $FStore) { if($FSName) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," name EQ $FSName") $flg = "YES" } if($FSType) { if($flg -eq "NO") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," type EQ $FSType") } else { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND type EQ $FSType") } $flg = "YES" } if($VFS) { if($flg -eq "NO") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," vfs EQ $VFS") } else { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND vfs EQ $VFS") } $flg = "YES" } if($FPG) { if($flg -eq "NO") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," fpg EQ $FPG") } else { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fpg EQ $FPG") } $flg = "YES" } if($FStore) { if($flg -eq "NO") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," fstore EQ $FStore") } else { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fstore EQ $FStore") } $flg = "YES" } #Request $uri = '/fileshares/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/fileshares' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($dataPS.Count -eq 0) { return "No data Fount." } write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-FileShare_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FileShare_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FileShare_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-FileShare_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-DirPermission_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-DirPermission_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get directory permission properties. .DESCRIPTION Get directory permission properties. .EXAMPLE Get-DirPermission_WSAPI -ID 12 .PARAMETER ID File Share ID contains the unique identifier of the File Share you want to Query. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-DirPermission_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-DirPermission_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $ID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null #Request $uri = '/fileshares/'+$ID+'/dirperms' $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($dataPS.Count -eq 0) { return "No data Fount." } write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-DirPermission_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-DirPermission_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-DirPermission_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-DirPermission_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Create File Persona quota. .DESCRIPTION Create File Persona quota. .EXAMPLE New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .PARAMETER Name The name of the object that the File Persona quotas to be created for. .PARAMETER Type The type of File Persona quota to be created. 1) user :user quota type. 2) group :group quota type. 3) fstore :fstore quota type. .PARAMETER VFS VFS name associated with the File Persona quota. .PARAMETER FPG Name of the FPG hosting the VFS. .PARAMETER SoftBlockMiB Soft capacity storage quota. .PARAMETER HardBlockMiB Hard capacity storage quota. .PARAMETER SoftFileLimit Specifies the soft limit for the number of stored files. .PARAMETER HardFileLimit Specifies the hard limit for the number of stored files. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Name, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Type, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFS, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $SoftBlockMiB, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $HardBlockMiB, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $SoftFileLimit, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $HardFileLimit, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} If($Name) { $body["name"] = "$($Name)" } if($Type) { $a = "user","group","fstore" $l=$Type if($a -eq $l) { if($Type -eq "user") { $body["type"] = 1 } if($Type -eq "group") { $body["type"] = 2 } if($Type -eq "fstore") { $body["type"] = 3 } } else { Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Since -Type $Type in incorrect " Return "FAILURE : -Type :- $Type is an Incorrect Type [user | group | fstore] can be used only . " } } If($VFS) { $body["vfs"] = "$($VFS)" } If($FPG) { $body["fpg"] = "$($FPG)" } If($SoftBlockMiB) { $body["softBlockMiB"] = $SoftBlockMiB } If($HardBlockMiB) { $body["hardBlockMiB"] = $HardBlockMiB } If($SoftFileLimit) { $body["softFileLimit"] = $SoftFileLimit } If($HardFileLimit) { $body["hardFileLimit"] = $HardFileLimit } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/filepersonaquotas/' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 201) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Created File Persona quota." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Creating File Persona quota." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Creating File Persona quota." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Update File Persona quota information. .DESCRIPTION Updating File Persona quota information. .EXAMPLE Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .PARAMETER ID The <id> variable contains the unique ID of the File Persona you want to modify. .PARAMETER SoftFileLimit Specifies the soft limit for the number of stored files. .PARAMETER RMSoftFileLimit Resets softFileLimit: • true —resets to 0 • false — ignored if false and softFileLimit is set to 0. Set to limit if false and softFileLimit is a positive value. .PARAMETER HardFileLimit Specifies the hard limit for the number of stored files. .PARAMETER RMHardFileLimit Resets hardFileLimit: • true —resets to 0 • If false , and hardFileLimit is set to 0, ignores. • If false , and hardFileLimit is a positive value, then set to that limit. .PARAMETER SoftBlockMiB Soft capacity storage quota. .PARAMETER RMSoftBlockMiB Resets softBlockMiB: • true —resets to 0 • If false , and softBlockMiB is set to 0, ignores. • If false , and softBlockMiB is a positive value, then set to that limit. .PARAMETER HardBlockMiB Hard capacity storage quota. .PARAMETER RMHardBlockMiB Resets hardBlockMiB: • true —resets to 0 • If false , and hardBlockMiB is set to 0, ignores. • If false , and hardBlockMiB is a positive value, then set to that limit. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $ID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Int] $SoftFileLimit, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Int] $RMSoftFileLimit, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Int] $HardFileLimit, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Int] $RMHardFileLimit, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Int] $SoftBlockMiB, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Int] $RMSoftBlockMiB, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Int] $HardBlockMiB, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Int] $RMHardBlockMiB, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} If($SoftFileLimit) { $body["softFileLimit"] = $SoftFileLimit } If($RMSoftFileLimit) { $body["rmSoftFileLimit"] = $RMSoftFileLimit } If($HardFileLimit) { $body["hardFileLimit"] = $HardFileLimit } If($RMHardFileLimit) { $body["rmHardFileLimit"] = $RMHardFileLimit } If($SoftBlockMiB) { $body["softBlockMiB"] = $SoftBlockMiB } If($RMSoftBlockMiB) { $body["rmSoftBlockMiB"] = $RMSoftBlockMiB } If($HardBlockMiB) { $body["hardBlockMiB"] = $HardBlockMiB } If($RMHardBlockMiB) { $body["rmHardBlockMiB"] = $RMHardBlockMiB } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $uri = '/filepersonaquotas/'+$ID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Updated File Persona quota information, ID: $ID." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Updating File Persona quota information, ID: $ID." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Updating File Persona quota information, ID: $ID." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove File Persona quota. .DESCRIPTION Remove File Persona quota. .EXAMPLE Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .PARAMETER ID The <id> variable contains the unique ID of the File Persona you want to Remove. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $ID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $uri = '/filepersonaquotas/'+$ID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'DELETE' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Removed File Persona quota, File Persona quota ID: $ID." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Removing File Persona quota, File Persona quota ID: $ID." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Removing File Persona quota, File Persona quota ID: $ID." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Get all or single File Persona quota. .DESCRIPTION Get all or single File Persona quota. .EXAMPLE Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI Get List of File Persona quota. .EXAMPLE Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI -ID xxx Get Single File Persona quota. .PARAMETER ID The <id> variable contains the unique ID of the File Persona. .PARAMETER Name user, group, or fstore name. .PARAMETER Key user, group, or fstore id. .PARAMETER QType Quota type. .PARAMETER VFS Virtual File Servers name. .PARAMETER FPG File Provisioning Groups name. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [int] $ID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Name, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $Key, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $QType, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFS, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $FPG, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { #Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { $Result = $null $dataPS = $null $Query="?query="" """ $flg = "NO" if($ID) { #Request $uri = '/filepersonaquota/'+$ID $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = $Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json } } elseif($Name -Or $Key -Or $QType -Or $VFS -Or $FPG) { if($Name) { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," name EQ $Name") $flg = "YES" } if($Key) { if($flg -eq "NO") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," key EQ $Key") } else { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND key EQ $Key") } $flg = "YES" } if($QType) { if($flg -eq "NO") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," type EQ $QType") } else { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND type EQ $QType") } $flg = "YES" } if($VFS) { if($flg -eq "NO") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," vfs EQ $VFS") } else { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND vfs EQ $VFS") } $flg = "YES" } if($FPG) { if($flg -eq "NO") { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," fpg EQ $FPG") } else { $Query = $Query.Insert($Query.Length-3," AND fpg EQ $FPG") } $flg = "YES" } #Request $uri = '/filepersonaquota/'+$Query $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri $uri -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } else { #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/filepersonaquota' -type 'GET' -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { $dataPS = ($Result.content | ConvertFrom-Json).members } } if($Result.StatusCode -eq 200) { if($dataPS.Count -eq 0) { return "No data Fount." } write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Command Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI Successfully Executed" $Info return $dataPS } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Executing Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } } #END Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Restore a File Persona quota. .DESCRIPTION Restore a File Persona quota. .EXAMPLE Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .PARAMETER VFSUUID VFS UUID. .PARAMETER ArchivedPath The path to the archived file from which the file persona quotas are to be restored. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $VFSUUID, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $ArchivedPath, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $body["action"] = 2 If($VFSUUID) { $body["vfsUUID"] = "$($VFSUUID)" } If($ArchivedPath) { $body["archivedPath"] = "$($ArchivedPath)" } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/filepersonaquotas/' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Restore a File Persona quota, VFSUUID: $VFSUUID." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Restoring a File Persona quota, VFSUUID: $VFSUUID." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Restoring a File Persona quota, VFSUUID: $VFSUUID." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI ############################################################################################################################################ Function Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI { <# .SYNOPSIS Archive a File Persona quota. .DESCRIPTION Archive a File Persona quota. .EXAMPLE Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .PARAMETER QuotaArchiveParameter VFS UUID. .PARAMETER WsapiConnection WSAPI Connection object created with Connection command .Notes NAME : Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI LASTEDIT: February 2020 KEYWORDS: Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [System.String] $QuotaArchiveParameter, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $WsapiConnection = $global:WsapiConnection ) Begin { # Test if connection exist Test-WSAPIConnection -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection } Process { Write-DebugLog "Running: Creation of the body hash" $Debug # Creation of the body hash $body = @{} $body["action"] = 1 If($QuotaArchiveParameter) { $body["quotaArchiveParameter"] = "$($QuotaArchiveParameter)" } $Result = $null #Request Write-DebugLog "Request: Request to Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI(Invoke-WSAPI)." $Debug #Request $Result = Invoke-WSAPI -uri '/filepersonaquotas/' -type 'POST' -body $body -WsapiConnection $WsapiConnection $status = $Result.StatusCode if($status -eq 200) { write-host "" write-host "Cmdlet executed successfully" -foreground green write-host "" Write-DebugLog "SUCCESS: Successfully Restore a File Persona quota, VFSUUID: $VFSUUID." $Info # Results return $Result Write-DebugLog "End: Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI" $Debug } else { write-host "" write-host "FAILURE : While Restoring a File Persona quota, VFSUUID: $VFSUUID." -foreground red write-host "" Write-DebugLog "FAILURE : While Restoring a File Persona quota, VFSUUID: $VFSUUID." $Info return $Result.StatusDescription } } End { } }#END Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI Export-ModuleMember Get-FileServices_WSAPI , New-FPG_WSAPI , Remove-FPG_WSAPI , Get-FPG_WSAPI , Get-FPGReclamationTasks_WSAPI , New-VFS_WSAPI , Remove-VFS_WSAPI , Get-VFS_WSAPI , New-FileStore_WSAPI , Update-FileStore_WSAPI , Remove-FileStore_WSAPI , Get-FileStore_WSAPI , New-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI , Remove-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI , Get-FileStoreSnapshot_WSAPI , New-FileShare_WSAPI , Remove-FileShare_WSAPI , Get-FileShare_WSAPI , Get-DirPermission_WSAPI , New-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI , Update-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI , Remove-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI , Get-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI , Group-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI , Restore-FilePersonaQuota_WSAPI # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIhzwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIhwDCCIbwCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCD4G6p36SWFsy7B # fNp+SfZ/ThED3PsmfPrLAxyYu7ZAAqCCEKswggUpMIIEEaADAgECAhB4Lu4fcD9z # xUgD+jf1OoqlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMHwxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQI # ExJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAOBgNVBAcTB1NhbGZvcmQxGDAWBgNVBAoT # D1NlY3RpZ28gTGltaXRlZDEkMCIGA1UEAxMbU2VjdGlnbyBSU0EgQ29kZSBTaWdu # aW5nIENBMB4XDTIxMDUyODAwMDAwMFoXDTIyMDUyODIzNTk1OVowgZAxCzAJBgNV # BAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlQYWxvIEFsdG8x # KzApBgNVBAoMIkhld2xldHQgUGFja2FyZCBFbnRlcnByaXNlIENvbXBhbnkxKzAp # BgNVBAMMIkhld2xldHQgUGFja2FyZCBFbnRlcnByaXNlIENvbXBhbnkwggEiMA0G # CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDmclZSXJBXA55ijwwFymuq+Y4F/quF # mm2vRdEmjFhzRvTpnGjIYtVcG11ka4JGCROmNVDZGAelnqcXn5DKO710j5SICTBC # 5gXOLwga7usifs21W+lVT0BsZTiUnFu4hEhuFTlahJIEvPGVgO1GBcuItD2QqB4q # 9j15GDI5nGBSzIyJKMctcIalxsTSPG1kiDbLkdfsIivhe9u9m8q6NRqDUaYYQTN+ # /qGCqVNannMapH8tNHqFb6VdzUFI04t7kFtSk00AkdD6qUvA4u8mL2bUXAYz8K5m # 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