
## © 2020,2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
## copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
## to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
## the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
## and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
## Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
## in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## File Name: SystemReporter.psm1
## Description: System Reporter cmdlets
## Created: December 2019
## Last Modified: December 2019
## History: v3.0- Created

$Info = "INFO:"
$Debug = "DEBUG:"
$global:VSLibraries = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

## FUNCTION Test-CLIObject
Function Test-CLIObject 
    [string]$ObjectName ,
    [string]$ObjectMsg = $ObjectType, 
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

    $IsObjectExisted = $True
    $ObjCmd = $ObjectType -replace ' ', '' 
    $Cmds = "show$ObjCmd $ObjectName"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmds
    if ($Result -like "no $ObjectMsg listed")
        $IsObjectExisted = $false
    return $IsObjectExisted
} # End FUNCTION Test-CLIObject

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRAlertCrit #######################
Function Get-SRAlertCrit
    Shows the criteria that System Reporter evaluates to determine if a performance alert should be generated.
    Shows the criteria that System Reporter evaluates to determine if a performance alert should be generated.
    shows the criteria that System Reporter evaluates to determine if a performance alert should be generated.
    Get-SRAlertCrit -Daily
    Example displays all the criteria evaluated on an hourly basis:
    Get-SRAlertCrit -Hires

    This criterion will be evaluated on a daily basis at midnight.
    This criterion will be evaluated on an hourly basis.
    This criterion will be evaluated on a high resolution (5 minute) basis. This is the default.
    This alert should require urgent action.
    This alert should require not immediate action.
    This alert is informational only. This is the default.
  .PARAMETER Enabled
    Displays only criteria that are enabled.

  .PARAMETER Disabled
    Displays only criteria that are disabled.

  .PARAMETER Critical
    Displays only criteria that have critical severity.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRAlertCrit
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRAlertCrit
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0



        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Major ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Minor ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Info ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Enabled ,
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Disabled ,
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRAlertCrit - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRAlertCrit since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRAlertCrit since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection    
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $version1 = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if( $version1 -lt "3.2.1")
        return "Current OS version $version1 does not support these cmdlet"
    $srinfocmd = "showsralertcrit "
        $srinfocmd += " -hourly "
        $srinfocmd += " -daily "
        $srinfocmd += " -hires "
        $srinfocmd += " -major "
        $srinfocmd += " -minor "
        $srinfocmd += " -info "
        $srinfocmd += " -enabled "
        $srinfocmd += " -disabled "
        $srinfocmd += " -critical "
    write-debuglog "Get alert criteria command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd    
    if($Result -match "Invalid")
        return "FAILURE : $Result"
    if($Result -match "Error")
        return "FAILURE : $Result"
    if($Result -match "No criteria listed")
        return "No srcriteria listed"
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
    $range1 = $Result.count-3
    foreach ($s in  $Result[0..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
    Import-Csv $tempFile
    del $tempFile
## End Get-SRAlertCrit

############################################## FUNCTION Get-SRAOMoves ##############################################
Function Get-SRAOMoves
    The Get-SRAOMoves command shows the space that AO has moved between tiers.
    The Get-SRAOMoves command shows the space that AO has moved between tiers.
   Get-SRAOMoves -btsecs 7200
   Get-SRAOMoves -etsecs 7200
   Get-SRAOMoves -oneline
   Get-SRAOMoves -withvv
   Get-SRAOMoves -VV_name XYZ
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins is 12 ho urs ago.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

  .PARAMETER oneline
    Show data in simplified format with one line per AOCFG.

    Limit the analysis to VVs with names that match one or more of
    the specified names or glob-style patterns. VV set names must be
    prefixed by "set:". Note that snapshot VVs will not be considered
    since only base VVs have region space.

  .PARAMETER withvv
    Show the data for each VV.

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRAOMoves
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection       
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRAOMoves - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRAOMoves since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRAOMoves since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= "sraomoves "
    if ($btsecs)
        $cmd+=" -btsecs $btsecs "    
    if ($etsecs)
        $cmd+=" -etsecs $etsecs "    
    if ($oneline)
        $cmd+=" -oneline "    
    if ($VV_name)
        $cmd+=" -vv $VV_name "    
    if ($withvv)
        $cmd+=" -withvv "    
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " The Get-SRAOMoves command creates and admits physical disk definitions to enable the use of those disks " "INFO:" 
    return     $Result    
} ## End Get-SRAOMoves

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRCpgSpace ########################
Function Get-SRCpgSpace
    Command displays historical space data reports for common provisioning groups (CPGs).
    Command displays historical space data reports for common provisioning groups (CPGs).
    Command displays historical space data reports for common provisioning groups (CPGs).
    Get-SRCpgSpace -Option hourly -btsecs -24h fc*
    example displays aggregate hourly CPG space information for CPGs with names that match the pattern "fc*" beginning 24 hours ago:

  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
     Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
    DOM_NAME Domain name
    CPGID Common Provisioning Group ID
    CPG_NAME Common Provisioning Group name
    DISK_TYPE The disktype of the PDs used by the CPG
    RAID_TYPE The RAID type of the CPG

  .PARAMETER disk_type
    Limit the data to disks of the types specified. Allowed types are
    FC - Fast Class
    NL - Nearline
    SSD - Solid State Drive

  .PARAMETER raid_type
    Limit the data to RAID of the specified types. Allowed types are 0, 1, 5 and 6
    CPGs matching either the specified CPG_name or glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to display information for multiple CPGs. If not specified, all CPGs are included.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRCpgSpace
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRCpgSpace
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRCpgSpace - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRCpgSpace since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRCpgSpace since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srcpgspace"
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()

            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $commarr = "DOM_NAME","CPGID","CPGID","CPGID","RAID_TYPE"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    del $tempFile
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"

            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $raidarray = "0","1","5","6"
            if($raidarray -eq $RaidType)
                $srinfocmd += " -raid_type $RaidType"
                del $tempFile
                return "FAILURE: Invalid raid option, it should be in ( $raidarray )"
            $diskarray = "FC","NL","SSD"
            if($diskarray -eq $DiskType.toUpper()){
                $srinfocmd += " -disk_type $DiskType"            
                del $tempFile
                return "FAILURE: Invalid disktype option, it should be in ( $diskarray )"
            $srinfocmd += " $CpgName"            
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "CPG_NAME"
            #Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,Used(MB)_Adm,Used(MB)_Snp,Used(MB)_Usr,Used(MB)_Total,Free(MB)_Adm,Free(MB)Snp,Free(MB)Usr,Free(MB)Total,Total(MB)_Adm,Total(MB)_Snp,Total(MB)_Usr,Total(MB)_Total,Growth(MB),CapacityEfficiency_Compaction,CapacityEfficiency_Dedup"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "CPG_NAME,PrivateBase(MB),PrivateSnap(MB),Shared(MB),Free(MB),Total(MB),UsableFree(MB),Dedup_GC(KB/s),Compact,Dedup,Compress,DataReduce,OverProv"
            $rangestart = "3"            
            $rangestart = "2"
            #Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,Used(MB)_Adm,Used(MB)_Snp,Used(MB)_Usr,Used(MB)_Total,Free(MB)_Adm,Free(MB)Snp,Free(MB)Usr,Free(MB)Total,Total(MB)_Adm,Total(MB)_Snp,Total(MB)_Usr,Total(MB)_Total,Growth(MB),CapacityEfficiency_Compaction,CapacityEfficiency_Dedup"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,PrivateBase(MB),PrivateSnap(MB),Shared(MB),Free(MB),Total(MB),UsableFree(MB),Dedup_GC(KB/s),Compact,Dedup,Compress,DataReduce,OverProv"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
                #write-host " s= $s"
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value  $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRCpgSpace

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRHistLd ##########################
Function Get-SRHistLd
    Displays historical histogram performance data reports for logical disks.
    Displays historical histogram performance data reports for logical disks.
    Displays historical histogram performance data reports for logical disks.
    Get-SRHistLd -Hourly -btsecs -24h
    example displays aggregate hourly histogram performance statistics for all logical disks beginning 24 hours ago:

    Get-SRHistLd -Metric Both
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
       Specifies that the display includes separate read and write data. If notspecified, the total is displayed.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
     For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    DOM_NAME Domain name
    LDID Logical disk ID
    LD_NAME Logical disk name
    CPG_NAME Common Provisioning Group name
    NODE The node that owns the LD

  .PARAMETER cpgName
    Limit the data to LDs in CPGs with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style patterns.
    Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

    LDs matching either the specified LD_name or glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to display information for multiple LDs. If not specified, all LDs are included.

  .PARAMETER Metric both|time|size
    Selects which metric to display. Metrics can be one of the following:
    both - (Default)Display both I/O time and I/O size histograms
    time - Display only the I/O time histogram
    size - Display only the I/O size histogram

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRHistLd
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRHistLd
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection       
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRHistLd - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRHistLd since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRHistLd since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srhistld "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S -SANConnection  $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $srinfocmd +=  " -rw "
            $commarr =  "DOM_NAME","LDID","LD_NAME","CPG_NAME","NODE"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $srinfocmd +=  " -cpg $cpgName "
            $nodes = $node.split(",")
            $srinfocmd +=  " -node $nodes "            
                $srinfocmd += " $LDName "
            $a = "both","time","size"
            if($a -eq $l)
                $srinfocmd += " -metric $Metric"            
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRHistLd since -Metric $Metric in incorrect "
                Return "FAILURE : Metric :- $Metric is an Incorrect [ both | time | size ] can be used only . "
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "LD_NAME"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec),4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
            $rangestart = "3"
        elseif($Metric -eq "time")
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec)"
        elseif($Metric -eq "size")
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec),4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] ){
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRHistLd

########################### Start Get-SRHistPD ###########################
Function Get-SRHistPD
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for physical disks.
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for physical disks.
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for physical disks.
    Get-SRHistPD -Hourly -btsecs -24h
    Example displays aggregate hourly histogram performance statistics for all physical disks beginning 24 hours ago:

    Get-SRHistPD -Groupby SPEED
    Get-SRHistPD -Metric both
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
   Specifies that the display includes separate read and write data. If notspecified, the total is displayed.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    PDID Physical disk ID
    PORT_N The node number for the primary port for the the PD
    PORT_S The PCI slot number for the primary port for the the PD
    PORT_P The port number for the primary port for the the PD
    DISK_TYPE The disktype of the PD
    SPEED The speed of the PD

  .PARAMETER diskType
    Limit the data to disks of the types specified. Allowed types are
    FC - Fast Class
    NL - Nearline
    SSD - Solid State Drive
  .PARAMETER rpmSpeed
        Limit the data to disks of the specified RPM. Allowed speeds are 7, 10, 15, 100 and 150

  .PARAMETER Metric both|time|size
    Selects which metric to display. Metrics can be one of the following:
    both - (Default)Display both I/O time and I/O size histograms
    time - Display only the I/O time histogram
    size - Display only the I/O size histogram

    LDs matching either the specified LD_name or glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to display information for multiple LDs. If not specified, all LDs are included.

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
   Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRHistPD
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRHistPD - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRHistPD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRHistPD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srhistpd "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S -SANConnection  $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $srinfocmd +=  " -rw "
            $commarr =  "PDID","PORT_N","PORT_S","PORT_P","DISK_TYPE","SPEED"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $diskarr1 = "FC","NL","SSD"
            if($diskarr1 -eq $diskType.toUpper())
                $srinfocmd +=  " -disk_type $diskType "
                return "FAILURE: Invalid diskType it should be in ( $diskarr1 )"
            $a = "both","time","size"
            if($a -eq $l)
                $srinfocmd += " -metric $Metric"            
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRHistPD since -Metric $Metric in incorrect "
                Return "FAILURE : Metric :- $Metric is an Incorrect [ both | time | size ] can be used only . "
            $rpmarr1 = "7","10","15","100","150"
            if($rpmarr1 -eq $rpmSpeed)
                $srinfocmd +=  " -rpm $rpmSpeed "
                return "FAILURE: Invalid rpmSpeed it should be in ( $rpmarr1 )"
                $srinfocmd += " $PDID "
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "PDID"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec),4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
            $rangestart = "3"
        elseif($Metric -eq "time")
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec)"
        elseif($Metric -eq "size")
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec),4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile    
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRHistPD

############################# Start Get-SRHistPort #######################
Function Get-SRHistPort
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for ports.
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for ports.
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for ports.
    Get-SRHistPort -Metric_Val size

    Get-SRHistPort -Groupby PORT_N
    Get-SRHistPort -Hurly -btsecs -24h -portType "host,disk" -port "0:*:* 1:*:*"
    example displays aggregate hourly histogram performance statistics for disk and host ports on nodes 0 and 1 beginning 24 hours ago:
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object
     group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
        - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
        - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
          (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
        If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
        on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
            - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
            - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
            - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
        If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
        the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
        If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
     Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
        The value can be specified as either
        - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
        - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
          current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
          be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
          (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
        If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

        Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
        Select hourly samples for the report.
        Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Metric_Val both|time|size
    Selects which metric to display. Metrics can be one of the following:
        both - (Default)Display both I/O time and I/O size histograms
        time - Display only the I/O time histogram
        size - Display only the I/O size histogram

   Specifies that the display includes separate read and write data. If notspecified, the total is displayed.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
     For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    PORT_N The node number for the port
    PORT_S The PCI slot number for the port
    PORT_P The port number for the port
    PORT_TYPE The type of the port
    GBITPS The speed of the port
    TRANS_TYPE The transaction type - ctl or data

  .PARAMETER portType
    Limit the data to port of the types specified. Allowed types are
    disk - Disk port
    host - Host Fibre channel port
    iscsi - Host ISCSI port
    free - Unused port
    fs - File Persona port
    peer - Data Migration FC port
    rcip - Remote copy IP port
    rcfc - Remote copy FC port

    Ports with <port_n>:<port_s>:<port_p> that match any of the specified[<npat>:<spat>:<ppat>...] patterns are included, where each of the patterns is a glob-style pattern. If not specified, all ports are included.

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRHistPort
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRHistPort
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRHistPort - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRHistPort since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRHistPort since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srhistport "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S -SANConnection  $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")

            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $srinfocmd +=  " -rw "
            $commarr =  "PORT_N","PORT_S","PORT_P","PORT_TYPE","GBITPS"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $commarr = "disk","host","iscsi","free","fs","peer","rcip","rcfc"
            $splitarr = $portType.split(",")
            foreach ($s in $splitarr){
                if($commarr -match $s.toLower())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid port type option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -port_type $portType"    
                $srinfocmd += " $Port "
            $a = "both","time","size"
            if($a -eq $l)
                $srinfocmd += " -metric $Metric_Val"            
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRHistPort since -Metric $Metric_Val in incorrect "
                Return "FAILURE : Metric :- $Metric_Val is an Incorrect [ both | time | size ] can be used only . "
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "PORT_TYPE"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec),4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
            $rangestart = "3"
        elseif($Metric_Val -eq "time")
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec)"
        elseif($Metric_Val -eq "size")
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec),4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        $range1  = $Result.count        
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available "
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"

## End Get-SRHistPort

########################### Start Get-SRHistVLun #########################
Function Get-SRHistVLun
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for VLUNs.
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for VLUNs.
    Command displays historical histogram performance data reports for VLUNs.
    Get-SRHistVLun -Hourly -btsecs -24h
    example displays aggregate hourly histogram performance statistics for all VLUNs beginning 24 hours ago:
    Get-SRHistVLun -btsecs -2h -host "set:hostset" -vv "set:vvset*"
    VV or host sets can be specified with patterns:
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object
    group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
   Specifies that the display includes separate read and write data. If notspecified, the total is displayed.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
    DOM_NAME Domain name
    VV_NAME Virtual Volume name
    HOST_NAME Host name
    LUN The LUN number for the VLUN
    HOST_WWN The host WWN for the VLUN
    PORT_N The node number for the VLUN port
    PORT_S The PCI slot number for the VLUN port
    PORT_P The port number for the VLUN port
    VVSET_NAME Virtual volume set name
    HOSTSET_NAME Host set name

     -host <host_name|host_set|pattern>[,<host_name|host_set|pattern>...]
    Limit the data to hosts with names that match one or more of the
    specified names or glob-style patterns. Host set name must start with
    "set:" and can also include patterns.
    -vv <VV_name|VV_set|pattern>[,<VV_name|VV_set|pattern>...]
    Limit the data to VVs with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style patterns.
    VV set name must be prefixed by "set:" and can also include patterns.
    -lun <LUN|pattern>[,<LUN|pattern>...]
    Limit the data to LUNs that match one or more of the specified LUNs or glob-style patterns.

    -port <npat>:<spat>:<ppat>[,<npat>:<spat>:<ppat>...]
    Ports with <port_n>:<port_s>:<port_p> that match any of the specified <npat>:<spat>:<ppat> patterns are included, where each of the patterns is a glob-style pattern. If not specified, all ports are included.

  .PARAMETER Metric_Val both|time|size
    Selects which metric to display. Metrics can be one of the following:
    both - (Default)Display both I/O time and I/O size histograms
    time - Display only the I/O time histogram
    size - Display only the I/O size histogram
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRHistVLun
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRHistVLun
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRHistVLun - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRHistVLun since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRHistVLun since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srhistvlun "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S -SANConnection  $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $srinfocmd +=  " -rw "
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $srinfocmd +=  " -host $host "    
            $srinfocmd +=  " -vv $vv "    
            $srinfocmd +=  " -l $lun "    
                $srinfocmd += " -port $Port "
            $a = "both","time","size"
            if($a -eq $l)
                $srinfocmd += " -metric $Metric_Val"            
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRHistVLun since -Metric $Metric_Val in incorrect "
                Return "FAILURE : Metric :- $Metric_Val is an Incorrect [ both | time | size ] can be used only . "
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "HOST_NAME"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec),4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
            $rangestart = "3"
        elseif($Metric_Val -eq "time")
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec)"
        elseif($Metric_Val -eq "size")
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,0.50(millisec),1(millisec),2(millisec),4(millisec),8(millisec),16(millisec),32(millisec),64(millisec),128(millisec),256(millisec),4k(bytes),8k(bytes),16k(bytes),32k(bytes),64k(bytes),128k(bytes),256k(bytes),512k(bytes),1m(bytes)"
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRHistVLun

######################### Get-SRLDSpace ############################
Function Get-SRLDSpace
    Command displays historical space data reports for logical disks (LDs).
    Command displays historical space data reports for logical disks (LDs).

    Get-SRLDSpace -groupby OWNER
    Command displays historical space data reports for logical disks (LDs).

    Get-SRLDSpace -DiskType FC
    Get-SRLDSpace -raidType 5 -Hourly -btsecs 24h -LDName fc*
    Example displays aggregate hourly LD space information for all RAID 5 LDs with names that match either "fc*" patterns beginning 24 hours ago:
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object
    group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    DOM_NAME Domain name
    CPG_NAME Common Provisioning Group name
    LDID Logical disk ID
    LD_NAME Logical disk name
    DISK_TYPE The disktype of the PDs used by the LD
    RAID_TYPE The RAID type of the LD
    SET_SIZE The RAID set size of the LD
    STEP_SIZE The RAID step size of the LD
    ROW_SIZE The RAID row size of the LD
    OWNER The owner node for the LD

  .PARAMETER cpgName
    Limit the data to LDs in CPGs with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style pattern
    Limit the data to disks of the types specified. Allowed types are
        FC - Fast Class
        NL - Nearline
        SSD - Solid State Drive

    Limit the data to RAID of the specified types. Allowed types are 0, 1, 5 and 6
  .PARAMETER Ownernode
    Limit data to LDs owned by the specified nodes.
    CPGs matching either the specified CPG_name or glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to display information for multiple CPGs. If not specified, all CPGs are included.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRLDSpace
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRLDSpace - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRLDSpace since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRLDSpace since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srldspace"
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $raidarray = "0","1","5","6"
            if($raidarray -eq $RaidType)
                $srinfocmd += " -raid_type $RaidType"            
                return "FAILURE: Invalid raid option, it should be in ( $raidarray )"
            $diskarray = "FC","NL","SSD"
            if($diskarray -eq $DiskType.toUpper())
                $srinfocmd += " -disk_type $DiskType"            
                return "FAILURE: Invalid disktype option, it should be in ( $diskarray )"
                $srinfocmd += " -cpg $cpgName"
            $srinfocmd +=  " -owner $ownernode"
            $srinfocmd += " $LDName"            
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "LD_NAME"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,Raw(MB),Used(MB),Free(MB),Total(MB)"
            $rangestart = "3"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,Raw(MB),Used(MB),Free(MB),Total(MB)"
            $rangestart = "2"
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        #write-host "count = $range1"
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRLDSpace

############################ Get-SRPDSpace ###############################
Function Get-SRPDSpace
    Command displays historical space data reports for physical disks (PDs).
    Command displays historical space data reports for physical disks (PDs).
    Command displays historical space data reports for physical disks (PDs).
    Get-SRPDSpace -Hourly -btsecs -24h
    Example displays aggregate hourly PD space information for all PDs beginning 24 hours ago:
    Get-SRPDSpace -capacity -attime -diskType SSD
    Displays current system capacity values of SSD PDs:
 .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object
    group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.
    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each
    combination of <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    PDID Physical disk ID
    CAGEID Cage ID
    CAGESIDE Cage Side
    MAG Disk Magazine number within the cage
    DISK Disk position within the magazine
    DISK_TYPE The disktype of the PD
    SPEED The disk speed

    Limit the data to disks of the types specified. Allowed types are
        FC - Fast Class
        NL - Nearline
        SSD - Solid State Drive
  .PARAMETER capacity
    Display disk contributions to the system capacity categories: Allocated, Free, Failed, and Total

  .PARAMETER rpmspeed
   Limit the data to disks of the specified RPM. Allowed speeds are 7, 10, 15, 100 and 150
    PDs with IDs that match either the specified PDID or glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to include multiple PDIDs or patterns.
    If not specified, all PDs are included.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRPDSpace
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRPDSpace - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRPDSpace since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRPDSpace since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srpdspace"
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $commarr = "PDID","CAGEID","CAGESIDE","MAG","DISK","DISK_TYPE","SPEED"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $srinfocmd +=  " -capacity "
            $rpmarray = "7","10","15","100","150"
            if($rpmarray -eq $rpmspeed)
                $srinfocmd += " -rpm $rpmspeed"
                return "FAILURE: Invalid rpmspeed it should be in ( $rpmarray )"
            $diskarray = "FC","NL","SSD"
            if($diskarray -eq $DiskType.toUpper())
                $srinfocmd += " -disk_type $DiskType"            
                return "FAILURE: Invalid disktype option, it should be in ( $diskarray )"
                $srinfocmd += " $PDID "
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
            #$rangenodata = "3"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "PDID"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,Normal(Chunklets)_Used_OK,Normal(Chunklets)_Used_Fail,Normal(Chunklets)_Avail_Clean,Normal(Chunklets)_Avail_Dirty,Normal(Chunklets)_Avail_Fail,Spare(Chunklets)_Used_OK,Spare(Chunklets)_Used_Fail,Spare(Chunklets)_Avail_Clean,Spare(Chunklets)_Avail_Dirty,Spare(Chunklets)_Avail_Fail,LifeLeft%,T(C)"            
            $rangestart = "3"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,Normal(Chunklets)_Used_OK,Normal(Chunklets)_Used_Fail,Normal(Chunklets)_Avail_Clean,Normal(Chunklets)_Avail_Dirty,Normal(Chunklets)_Avail_Fail,Spare(Chunklets)_Used_OK,Spare(Chunklets)_Used_Fail,Spare(Chunklets)_Avail_Clean,Spare(Chunklets)_Avail_Dirty,Spare(Chunklets)_Avail_Fail,LifeLeft%,T(C)"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRPDSpace

#################### FUNCTION Get-SRrgiodensity ######################
Function Get-SRrgiodensity()
   Get-3parSRrgiodensit - System reporter region IO density reports.

   The Get-3parSRrgiodensit command shows the distribution of IOP/s intensity
   for Logical Disk (LD) regions for a common provisioning group (CPG) or
   Adaptive Optimization (AO) configuration. For a single CPG, this can be
   used to see whether AO can be effectively used. For an AO configuration
   the command shows how AO has moved regions between tiers.


    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins is 12 hours ago.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
    Select the end time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select the step between histogram columns of the report. By default
   each column's IO density is 4 times the previous column, but a step
   of 2 or 8 can also be specified.

   Treat the specifiers as CPG names or glob-style patterns.

   Limit the analysis to VVs with names that match one or more of
   the specified names or glob-style patterns. VV set names must be
   prefixed by "set:". Note that snapshot VVs will not be considered
   since only base VVs have region space.

   Show data as cumulative including all the columns to the right.

   Show data as a percentage per row.

   Show data as a totaled percentage across an AOCFG.

   Show the data for each VV.

   Specifies that the display includes separate read and write data. If not
   specified, the total is displayed.

    NAME: Get-SRrgiodensity
    LASTEDIT December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRrgiodensity

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

 [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]
 [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
 $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRrgiodensity - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRrgiodensity since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRrgiodensity since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srrgiodensity "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -cmult $Cmult "

    $Cmd += " -cpg $Cpg"

    $Cmd += " -vv $Vv "

    $Cmd += " -cumul "

    $Cmd += " -pct "

    $Cmd += " -totpct "

    $Cmd += " -withvv "

    $Cmd += " -rw "
    $Cmd += " $Aocfg_name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRrgiodensity Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRrgiodensity

######################## Function Get-SRStatCache #######################
Function Get-SRStatCache
    Command displays historical performance data reports for flash cache and data cache.
    Command displays historical performance data reports for flash cache and data cache.
    Command displays historical performance data reports for flash cache and data cache.
    Get-SRStatCache -Hourly -btsecs -24h
     Example displays aggregate hourly performance statistics for flash cache and data cache beginning 24 hours ago:
    Get-SRStatCache -Daily -attime -groupby node
    Example displays daily flash cache and data cache performance aggregated by nodes
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.

  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER InternalFlashcache
    Lists the IOPS and bandwidth each for both read back and destaged write
    flash cache activity. May be combined with -fmp_queue and -cmp_queue.

    List the FMP queue statistics. May be combined with -cmp_queue and

    List the CMP queue statistics. May be combined with -fmp_queue and

    List all the metrics for each row in a single line. The output for
    this option is very wide.
  .PARAMETER groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    NODE The controller node
    Only the specified node numbers are included, where each node is a number from 0 through 7. If want to display information for multiple nodes specift <nodenumber>,<nodenumber2>,etc. If not specified, all nodes are included.
    Get-SRStatCache -Node 0,1,2
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRStatCache
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatCache
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,    
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $InternalFlashCache ,    
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $FmpQueue ,    
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $CmpQueue ,
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Full ,    
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatCache - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatCache since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatCache since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srstatcache "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $commarr = "NODE"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $srinfocmd += " -internal_flashcache"            
            $srinfocmd += " -fmp_queue"            
            $srinfocmd += " -cmp_queue"            
            $srinfocmd += " -full"            
            $nodes = $Node.split(",")
            $srinfocmd += " $nodes"
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "NODE"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,CMP_r/s,CMP_w/s,CMP_rhit%,CMP_whit%,FMP_rhit%,FMP_whit%,FMP_Used%,Read_Back_IO/s,Read_Back_MB/s,Dstg_Wrt_IO/s,Dstg_Wrt_MB/s"
            $rangestart = "3"            
            $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,CMP_r/s,CMP_w/s,CMP_rhit%,CMP_whit%,FMP_rhit%,FMP_whit%,FMP_Used%,Read_Back_IO/s,Read_Back_MB/s,Dstg_Wrt_IO/s,Dstg_Wrt_MB/s"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,CMP_r/s,CMP_w/s,CMP_rhit%,CMP_whit%,FMP_rhit%,FMP_whit%,FMP_Used%,Read_Back_IO/s,Read_Back_MB/s,Dstg_Wrt_IO/s,Dstg_Wrt_MB/s"
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile    
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRStatCache

################### Start Get-SRStatCMP #####################
Function Get-SRStatCMP
    Command displays historical performance data reports for cache memory
    Command displays historical performance data reports for cache memory
    Command displays historical performance data reports for cache memory
    Get-SRStatCMP -Hourly -btsecs -24h
     Example displays aggregate hourly performance statisticsfor all node caches beginning 24 hours ago:
    Get-SRStatCMP -Daily -attime -groupby node
    Example displays daily node cache performance aggregated by nodes
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.

  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
     Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
    List all the metrics for each row in a single line. The output for
    this option is very wide.

    List the page state information.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
     For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    NODE The controller node
    Only the specified node numbers are included, where each node is a number from 0 through 7. If want to display information for multiple nodes specift <nodenumber>,<nodenumber2>,etc. If not specified, all nodes are included.
    Get-SRStatCMP -Node 0,1,2
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRStatCMP
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Full ,    
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Page ,    
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatCMP - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatCMP since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatCMP since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srstatcmp "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $commarr = "NODE"
            if($commarr -eq $groupby.toUpper())
                $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
                return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $srinfocmd += " -full"            
            $srinfocmd += " -page"            
            $nodes = $Node.split(",")
            $srinfocmd += " $nodes"            
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "NODE"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "NODE,rhit(count/sec),whit(count/sec),r(count/sec),w(count/sec),r+w(count/sec),lockblk(count/sec),r(hit%),w(hit%),NL(dack/sec),FC(dack/sec),SSD(dack/sec)"
            $rangestart = "3"            
            $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,rhit(count/sec),whit(count/sec),r(count/sec),w(count/sec),r+w(count/sec),lockblk(count/sec),r(hit%),w(hit%),NL(dack/sec),FC(dack/sec),SSD(dack/sec)"                        
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,Free,Clean,Write1,Writen,Wrtsched,Writing,Dcowpend,NL(Dirty),FC(Dirty),SSD(Dirty),NL(MaxDirty),FC(MaxDirty),SSD(Max Dirty)"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,rhit(count/sec),whit(count/sec),r(count/sec),w(count/sec),r+w(count/sec),lockblk(count/sec),r(hit%),w(hit%),NL(dack/sec),FC(dack/sec),SSD(dack/sec),free(PageStates),clean(PageStates),write1(PageStates),writen(PageStates),wrtsched(PageStates),writing(PageStates),dcowpend(PageStates),NL(DirtyPages),FC(DirtyPages),SSD(DirtyPages),NL(MaxDirtyPages),SSD(MaxDirtyPages)"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,rhit(count/sec),whit(count/sec),r(count/sec),w(count/sec),r+w(count/sec),lockblk(count/sec),r(hit%),w(hit%),NL(dack/sec),FC(dack/sec),SSD(dack/sec)"            
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRStatCMP

###################### Function Get-SRStatCPU #########################
Function Get-SRStatCPU
    Command displays historical performance data reports for CPUs.
    Command displays historical performance data reports for CPUs.
    Command displays historical performance data reports for CPUs.

    Get-SRStatCPU -Groupby CPU
    Get-SRStatCPU -btsecs 24h
    Get-SRStatCPU -Hourly -btsecs 24h
     Example displays aggregate hourly performance statistics for all CPUs beginning 24 hours ago:
    Get-SRStatCPU -option daily -attime -groupby node
    Example displays daily node cpu performance aggregated by nodes
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
 .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
     Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
    NODE The controller node
    CPU The CPU within the controller node

    Only the specified node numbers are included, where each node is a number from 0 through 7. If want to display information for multiple nodes specift <nodenumber>,<nodenumber2>,etc. If not specified, all nodes are included.
    Get-SRStatCPU -Node 0,1,2
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRStatCPU
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatCPU - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatCPU since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatCPU since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srstatcpu "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $commarr = "CPU","NODE"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $nodes = $Node.split(",")
            $srinfocmd += " $nodes"
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "NODE"
            $rangestart = "1"            
            $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,User%,Sys%,Idle%,Intr/s,CtxtSw/s"
            $rangestart = "1"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,User%,Sys%,Idle%,Intr/s,CtxtSw/s"
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRStatCPU

#########################FUNCTION Get-SRStatfsav#########################
Function Get-SRStatfsav()
   Get-SRStatfsav - System reporter performance reports for File Persona anti-virus.

   The Get-SRStatfsav command displays historical performance data reports for
   File Persona anti-virus activity.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
        - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
        - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
            - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
            - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
            - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
            - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
        - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
          current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
          be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
          (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

   Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
        - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
        - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
            - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
            - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
            - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
            - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
        - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
          current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
          be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
          (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
        from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
   <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
   one of the following:
   NODE The controller node

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   scanengine, maxscanengine, totalscanned, totalinfected,

   Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
   Sort in increasing order (default).
   Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfsav
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfsav

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]
    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfsav - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfsav since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfsav since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfsav "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

  $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "
    $Cmd += " $FPGname "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfsav Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfsav

#########################FUNCTION Get-SRStatfsblock#########################
Function Get-SRStatfsblock()
   Get-SRStatfsblock - System reporter performance reports for File Persona block devices.

   The Get-SRStatfsblock command displays historical performance data reports for
   File Persona block devices.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

   Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

   Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent
   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
   <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
   one of the following:
   NODE The controller node
   BLOCKDEV_NAME The block device name

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   reads, reads_merged, read_sectors, read_time_ms, writes, writes_merged,
   write_sectors, write_time_ms, ios_current, io_time_ms,

   Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.
  .PARAMETER BlockdevName
    Block Devices matching either the specified name or glob-style pattern
    are included. This specifier can be repeated to display information
    for multiple devices. If not specified, all block devices are included.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfsblock
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfsblock

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfsblock - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfsblock since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfsblock since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfsblock "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

    $Cmd += " $Blockdev_name "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfsblock Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfsblock

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRStatfscpu ###################
Function Get-SRStatfscpu()
   Get-SRStatfscpu - System reporter performance reports for File Persona CPU usage.

   The Get-SRStatfscpu command displays historical performance data reports for
   File Persona CPU utilization.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

   Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
   Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
        - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
        - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
        - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
    current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
    be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
    (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
   <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and one of the
   NODE The controller node
   CPU The CPU within the controller node

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   usage_pct, iowait_pct, idle_pct

   Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.
    Only the specified CPU ID numbers are included. This specifier can be
    repeated to display information for multiple CPUs. If not specified, all
    CPUs are included.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfscpu
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfscpu

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfscpu - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfscpu since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfscpu since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfscpu "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

    $Cmd += " $CpuId "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfscpu Command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfscpu

#########################FUNCTION Get-SRStatfsfpg#########################
Function Get-SRStatfsfpg()
   Get-SRStatfsfpg - System reporter performance reports for File Persona FPGs.

   The Get-SRStatfsfpg command displays historical performance data reports for
   File Persona file provisioning groups.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

   Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
   Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
   <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and one of the
   FPG_NAME File Provisioning Group name
   FPG_ID File Provisioning Group ID
   NODE The controller node

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   Totalblocks, Freeblocks, Numreads, Numbytesread, Numwrites,
   NumBytesWritten, Creates, Removes, Errors, ReadLatency,

   Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.
    File provisioning groups matching either the specified name or
    glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to
    display information for multiple FPGs. If not specified, all FPGs
    are included.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfsfpg
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfsfpg

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfsfpg - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfsfpg since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfsfpg since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfsfpg "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

    $Cmd += " $FpgName "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfsfpg Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfsfpg

#########################FUNCTION Get-SRStatfsmem#########################
Function Get-SRStatfsmem()
   srstatfsmem - System reporter performance reports for File Persona memory usage

   The srstatfsmem command displays historical performance data reports for
   File Persona memory utilization.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
        - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
        - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
            - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
            - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
            - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
            - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
        - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
    current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
    be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
    (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent
   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
       Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each
   <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
   NODE The controller node

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   usage_pct, swap_pct, free_pct

   Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfsmem
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfsmem

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

 [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
 $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfsmem - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfsmem since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfsmem since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfsmem "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfsmem Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfsmem

#########################FUNCTION Get-SRStatfsnet#########################
Function Get-SRStatfsnet()
   Get-SRStatfsnet - System reporter performance reports for File Persona networking.

   The Get-SRStatfsnet command displays historical performance data reports for
   File Persona networking devices.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
       Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each
   <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
   NODE The controller node
   DEV_NAME Ethernet interface name

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   rx_bytes, rx_packets, tx_bytes, tx_packets

   Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

  .PARAMETER EthdevName
    Ethernet interface devices matching either the specified name or
    glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to
    display information for multiple devices. If not specified, all devices
    are included.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfsnet
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfsnet

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

 [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
 $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfsnet - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfsnet since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfsnet since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfsnet "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

    $Cmd += " $EthdevName "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfsnet Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfsnet

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRStatfsnfs ###################
Function Get-SRStatfsnfs()
   Get-SRStatfsnfs - System reporter performance reports for File Persona NFS shares.

   The Get-SRStatfsnfs command displays historical performance data reports for
   File Persona NFS shares.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
   Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
       One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each
   <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
   NODE The controller node

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   Client_RPC_calls, Client_RPC_retrans, Server_RPC_calls, Server_RPC_badcalls,
   V3_Null, V3_GetAttr, V3_SetAttr, V3_lookup, V3_access, V3_ReadLink, V3_Read,
   V3_Write, V3_Create, V3_MkDir, V3_Symlink, V3_Mknod, V3_Remove, V3_RmDir,
   V3_Rename, V3_Link, V3_ReadDir, V3_ReadDirPlus, V3_FsStat, V3_FsInfo,
   V3_PathConf, V3_Commit, V4_op0_unused, V4_op1_unused, V4_op2_future,
   V4_access, V4_close, V4_commit, V4_create, V4_delegpurge, V4_delegreturn,
   V4_getattr, V4_getfh, V4_link, V4_lock, V4_lockt, V4_locku, V4_lookup,
   V4_lookup_root, V4_nverify, V4_open, V4_openattr, V4_open_conf, V4_open_dgrd,
   V4_putfh, V4_putpubfh, V4_putrootfh, V4_Read, V4_reddir, V4_readlink, V4_remove,
   V4_rename, V4_renew, V4_restorefh, V4_savefh, V4_secinfo, V4_setattr, V4_setcltid,
   V4_setcltidconf, V4_verify, V4_Write, V4_rellockowner, V4_bc_ctl, V4_bind_conn,
   V4_exchange_id, V4_create_ses, V4_destroy_ses, V4_free_stateid, V4_getdirdeleg,
   V4_getdevinfo, V4_getdevlist, V4_layoutcommit, V4_layoutget, V4_layoutreturn,
   V4_secinfononam, V4_sequence, V4_set_ssv, V4_test_stateid, V4_want_deleg,
   V4_destroy_clid, V4_reclaim_comp

   Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfsnfs
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfsnfs

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

 [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
 $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfsnfs - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfsnfs since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfsnfs since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfsnfs "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfsnfs Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfsnfs

##################### Function Set-SRAlertCrit ###################
Function Set-SRAlertCrit
    Command allows users to enable or disable a System Reporter alert criterion
    Command allows users to enable or disable a System Reporter alert criterion
    Set-SRAlertCrit -Enable -NameOfTheCriterionToModify write_port_check

    Set-SRAlertCrit -Disable -NameOfTheCriterionToModify write_port_check

    Set-SRAlertCrit -Daily -NameOfTheCriterionToModify write_port_check

    Set-SRAlertCrit -Info -Name write_port_check

    This criterion will be evaluated on a daily basis at midnight.

    This criterion will be evaluated on an hourly basis.

    This criterion will be evaluated on a high resolution (5 minute) basis.
    This is the default.
    The number of matching objects that must meet the criteria in order for
    the alert to be generated. Note that only one alert is generated in this
    case and not one alert per affected object.
  .PARAMETER Critical
    This alert has the highest severity.

    This alert should require urgent action.

    This alert should not require immediate action.

    This alert is informational only. This is the default.

    Enables the specified criterion.

  .PARAMETER Disable
    Disables the specified criterion.

  .PARAMETER NameOfTheCriterionToModify
    Specifies the name of the criterion to modify.

  .PARAMETER Recurrences_Samples
    The alert will only be generated if the other conditions of the
    criterion recur repeatedly. <recurrences> is an integer value from
    2 to 10, and <samples> is an integer from 2 to 10 representing the
    number of previous System Reporter samples in which the recurrences
    will be examined. <samples> must be at least the requested quantity of
    recurrences. Note that these samples refer to the selected resolution
    of the criterion: hires, hourly, or daily.

    A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the data
    sample time used to evaluate conditions which compare against an
    average. Instead of a number representing seconds, btsecs can be
    specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
    (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d). The relative time
    cannot be more than 10 samples ago: 50 minutes for hires, 10 hours
    for hourly, or 10 days for daily. If this option is not present the
    average is only computed for the most recent data sample. The
    -btsecs option may not be combined with the -recur option.
    Specifies that certain patterns are treated as glob-style patterns and
    that all criteria matching the specified pattern will be modified. This
    option must be used if the pattern specifier is used. This option
    cannot be combined with -name, -condition, or any of the type-specific
    filtering options.

    Specifies that all criteria will have the designated operation applied
    to them, changing the state or attributes of all criteria. This option
    cannot be combined with -name, -condition, or any of the type-specific
    filtering options.
    Specifies that the name of the SR alert be changed to <newname>, with a
    maximum of 31 characters.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Set-SRAlertCrit
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Set-SRAlertCrit
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0



        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]

        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-SRAlertCrit - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-SRAlertCrit since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-SRAlertCrit since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $version1 = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if( $version1 -lt "3.2.1")
        return "Current OS version $version1 does not support these cmdlet"
    $srinfocmd = "setsralertcrit "    
        $srinfocmd += " -enable " 
        $srinfocmd += " -disable " 
        $srinfocmd += " -daily " 
        $srinfocmd += " -hourly " 
        $srinfocmd += " -hires " 
        $srinfocmd += " -count $Count" 
        $srinfocmd += " -recur $Recurrences_Samples " 
        $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $BtSecs" 
        $srinfocmd += " -critical " 
        $srinfocmd += " -major " 
        $srinfocmd += " -minor " 
        $srinfocmd += " -info " 
        $srinfocmd += " -pat " 
        $srinfocmd += " -all " 
        $srinfocmd += " -name $NewName" 
        $srinfocmd += " $NameOfTheCriterionToModify" 
    write-debuglog "Set alert crit command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
    return $Result
## End Set-SRAlertCrit

####################### Function Remove-SRAlertCrit #####################
Function Remove-SRAlertCrit
    Command removes a criterion that System Reporter evaluates to determine if a performance alert should be generated.
    Command removes a criterion that System Reporter evaluates to determine if a performance alert should be generated.
    Remove-SRAlertCrit -force -Name write_port_check
    Example removes the criterion named write_port_check:
  .PARAMETER force
    Do not ask for confirmation before removing this criterion.

    Specifies the name of the criterion to Remove.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Remove-SRAlertCrit
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Remove-SRAlertCrit
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Remove-SRAlertCrit - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Remove-SRAlertCrit since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Remove-SRAlertCrit since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $version1 = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if( $version1 -lt "3.2.1")
        return "Current OS version $version1 does not support these cmdlet"
    $srinfocmd = "removesralertcrit "
    if(($force) -and ($Name))
        $srinfocmd += " -f $Name"        
        return "FAILURE : Please specify -force or Name parameter values"
    #write-host "Final Command is $srinfocmd"
    write-debuglog "Remove alert crit => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        return "FAILURE : $Result"
        return "Success : sralert $Name has been removed"
## End Remove-SRAlertCrit

##################################### Start New-SRAlertCrit ##################################
Function New-SRAlertCrit
    Creates a criterion that System Reporter evaluates to determine if a performance alert should be generated.
    Creates a criterion that System Reporter evaluates to determine if a performance alert should be generated.
    New-SRAlertCrit -Type port -Condition "write_iops>50" -Name write_port_check
    Example describes a criterion that generates an alert for each port that has more than 50 write IOPS in a high resolution sample:
    New-SRAlertCrit -Type port -PortType disk -Condition "write_iops>50" -Name write_port_check

    Type must be one of the following: port, vlun, pd, ld, cmp, cpu, link, qos,
    rcopy, rcvv, ldspace, pdspace, cpgspace, vvspace, sysspace.

  .PARAMETER Condition
    The condition must be of the format <field><comparison><value>
    where field is one of the fields corresponding to the type (see above),
    comparison is of the format <,<=,>,>=,=,!= and value is a numeric value,
    or is a numeric value followed by %_average to indicate that the field
    is to be compared against the average across multiple objects as
    as specified by filtering options and/or across multiple data sample
    times as specified by the -btsecs option. See examples.
    Note that some characters, such as < and >, are significant in most
    shells and must be escaped or quoted when running this command from
    another shell. Multiple conditions may be separated by comma (",") to
    indicate a logical AND requirement (conjunction). Conditions may be
    separated by the character "~" to indicate a logical OR requirement
    (disjunction). AND logic takes precedence over OR logic, and
    parentheses are not supported to override the natural precedence
    of the condition terms and logical operators.

    Specifies the name of the SR alert criterion, with a maximum of 31
    This criterion will be evaluated on a daily basis at midnight.

    This criterion will be evaluated on an hourly basis.

    This criterion will be evaluated on a high resolution (5 minute) basis.
    This is the default.

    The number of matching objects that must meet the criteria in order for
    the alert to be generated. Note that only one alert is generated in this
    case and not one alert per affected object.

  .PARAMETER Recurrences
    The alert will only be generated if the other conditions of the
    criterion recur repeatedly. <recurrences> is an integer value from
    2 to 10, and <samples> is an integer from 2 to 10 representing the
    number of previous System Reporter samples in which the recurrences
    will be examined. <samples> must be at least the requested quantity of
    recurrences. Note that these samples refer to the selected resolution
    of the criterion: hires, hourly, or daily.

    A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the data
    sample time used to evaluate conditions which compare against an
    average. Instead of a number representing seconds, btsecs can be
    specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
    (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d). The relative time
    cannot be more than 10 samples ago: 50 minutes for hires, 10 hours
    for hourly, or 10 days for daily. If this option is not present the
    average is only computed for the most recent data sample. The
    -btsecs option may not be combined with the -recur option.

  .PARAMETER Critical
    This alert has the highest severity.

    This alert should require urgent action.

    This alert should not require immediate action.

    This alert is informational only. This is the default.

  .PARAMETER Comment
    Specifies comments or additional information for the criterion. The
    comment can be up to 511 characters long.
    Limit the data to port of the types specified. Allowed types are
    disk - Disk port
    host - Host Fibre channel port
    iscsi - Host ISCSI port
    free - Unused port
    fs - File Persona port
    peer - Data Migration FC port
    rcip - Remote copy IP port
    rcfc - Remote copy FC port

    Ports with <port_n>:<port_s>:<port_p> that match any of the specified
    <npat>:<spat>:<ppat> patterns are included, where each of the patterns
    is a glob-style pattern. If not specified, all ports are included.

    Specifies that both control and data transfers are displayed(-both),
    only control transfers are displayed (-ctl), or only data transfers are
    displayed (-data). If this option is not specified, only data transfers
    are displayed.
    Specifies that both control and data transfers are displayed(-both),
    only control transfers are displayed (-ctl), or only data transfers are
    displayed (-data). If this option is not specified, only data transfers
    are displayed.
    Specifies that both control and data transfers are displayed(-both),
    only control transfers are displayed (-ctl), or only data transfers are
    displayed (-data). If this option is not specified, only data transfers
    are displayed.
    Limit the data to hosts with names that match one or more of the
    specified names or glob-style patterns. Host set name must start with
    "set:" and can also include patterns. To specify the host by WWN,
    start with "wwn:". A WWN can also include glob-style patterns.

    Limit the data to VVs with names that match one or more of the
    specified names or glob-style patterns. VV set name must be prefixed
    by "set:" and can also include patterns.

    Limit the data to VLUNs matching the specified combination of host, VV,
    lun, and port. Each of these components in this option may be a
    glob-style pattern. The host and VV components may specify a
    corresponding object set by prefixing "set:" to the component. The
    host component may specify a WWN by prefixing the component with
    "wwn:". The lun and port components are optional, and if not present,
    data will be filtered to any matching combination of host and VV.
    This option cannot be combined with -host, -vv, -l, or -port.

    Limit the data to LDs in CPGs with names that match one or more of the
    specified names or glob-style patterns.
    Limit the data to disks of the types specified. Allowed types are
    FC - Fast Class
    NL - Nearline
    SSD - Solid State Drive
    Limit the data to disks of the specified RPM. Allowed speeds are
    7, 10, 15, 100 and 150
    Limit the data to TARGET_NAMEs that match one or more of the specified
    TARGET_NAMEs or glob-style patterns.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
  .PARAMETER Duration
    Once an alert is generated, the deferral period prevents the same
    alert from being repeated for a period of time. The deferral duration
    can be specified in seconds or with a suffix of m, h or d to represent
    time in minutes (e.g. 30m), hours (e.g. 1.5h), or days (e.g. 7d).
    Note that a single alert criteria can generate multiple alerts if
    multiple objects exceed the defined threshold. A deferral period
    applies to each unique alert. Acknowledging an alert with
    "setalert ack <id>" will end its deferral period early.
    NAME: New-SRAlertCrit
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: New-SRAlertCrit
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0



        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Type ,
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Condition ,
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Name ,
        [Parameter(Position=3, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily , 
        [Parameter(Position=4, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Count ,
        [Parameter(Position=7, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Recurrences ,
        [Parameter(Position=8, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Btsecs ,
        [Parameter(Position=9, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Critical ,
        [Parameter(Position=10, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Major ,
        [Parameter(Position=11, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Minor ,
        [Parameter(Position=12, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Info ,
        [Parameter(Position=13, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Comment ,
        [Parameter(Position=14, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $PortType ,
        [Parameter(Position=15, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $PortNSP ,
        [Parameter(Position=16, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Both ,
        [Parameter(Position=17, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $CTL ,
        [Parameter(Position=18, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Data ,
        [Parameter(Position=19, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Host ,
        [Parameter(Position=20, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $VV ,
        [Parameter(Position=21, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $vLun ,
        [Parameter(Position=22, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Node ,
        [Parameter(Position=23, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $CPG ,
        [Parameter(Position=24, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $DiskType ,
        [Parameter(Position=25, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $RPM ,
        [Parameter(Position=26, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Target ,
        [Parameter(Position=27, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Duration ,
        [Parameter(Position=28, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In New-SRAlertCrit - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting New-SRAlertCrit since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet New-SRAlertCrit since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $version1 = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if( $version1 -lt "3.2.1")
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
    $srinfocmd = "createsralertcrit "    
        $typearray = "port","vlun","pd","ld","cmp","cpu","link","qos","rcopy","rcvv"
        if($typearray -match $Type)
            $srinfocmd += " $Type "
            return "FAILURE : Type should be in [ port | vlun | pd | ld | cmp | cpu | link | qos | rcopy | rcvv ]"
        return "Invalid type or type is missing."
        $srinfocmd += " -daily "
        $srinfocmd += " -hourly "
        $srinfocmd += " -hires "
        $srinfocmd += " -count $Count "
        $srinfocmd += " -recur $Recurrences "
        $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "
        $srinfocmd += " -critical "
        $srinfocmd += " -major "
        $srinfocmd += " -minor "
        $srinfocmd += " -info "
        $srinfocmd += " -comment $Comment "
        $srinfocmd += " defer $Duration "
        $PortTypeArray = "disk","host","iscsi","free","fs","peer","rcip","rcfc"
        if($PortTypeArray -match $PortType)
            $srinfocmd += " -port_type $PortType "
            return "FAILURE : Type name should be in [ disk | host | iscsi | free | fs | peer | rcip | rcip ]"
        $srinfocmd += " -port $PortNSP "
        $srinfocmd += " -both "
        $srinfocmd += " -ctl "
        $srinfocmd += " -data "
        $srinfocmd += " -host $Host "
        $srinfocmd += " -vv $VV "
        $srinfocmd += " -vlun $vLun "
        $srinfocmd += " -node $Node "
        $srinfocmd += " -cpg $CPG "
        $srinfocmd += " -disk_type $DiskType "
        $srinfocmd += " -rpm $RPM "
        $srinfocmd += " -target $Target "
        $srinfocmd += " $Condition "
        return "Condition is mandatory."
        $srinfocmd += " $Name "
        return "Name is Missing Specifies the name of the SR alert criterion, with a maximum of 31 characters."
    #write-host "Final Command is $srinfocmd"
    write-debuglog "Create alert criteria command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        return  "Success : Executing New-SRAlertCrit Command $Result"
        return  "FAILURE : While Executing New-SRAlertCrit $Result "
## End New-SRAlertCrit

############################ Function Get-SRStatPort #######################
Function Get-SRStatPort
    System reporter performance reports for ports.
    System reporter performance reports for ports.
    System reporter performance reports for ports.
    Get-SRStatPort -portType "disk,host" -Hourly -btsecs -24h -port "0:*:* 1:*:*"
    Sexample displays aggregate hourly performance statistics for disk and host ports on nodes 0 and 1 beginning 24 hours ago:
    Get-SRStatPort -Groupby PORT_N
    Get-SRStatPort -portType rcip
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
     Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
    PORT_N The node number for the port
    PORT_S The PCI slot number for the port
    PORT_P The port number for the port
    PORT_TYPE The type of the port
    GBITPS The speed of the port

   .PARAMETER portType
    Limit the data to port of the types specified. Allowed types are
    disk - Disk port
    host - Host Fibre channel port
    iscsi - Host ISCSI port
    free - Unused port
    fs - File Persona port
    peer - Data Migration FC port
    rcip - Remote copy IP port
    rcfc - Remote copy FC port

    Ports with <port_n>:<port_s>:<port_p> that match any of the specified
    <npat>:<spat>:<ppat> patterns are included, where each of the patterns
    is a glob-style pattern. This specifier can be repeated to include
    multiple ports or patterns. If not specified, all ports are included.

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRStatPort
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatPort
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,        
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,        
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatPort - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatPort since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatPort since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srstatport "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $commarr = "PORT_N","PORT_S","PORT_P","PORT_TYPE","GBITPS"                
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista){
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $commarr = "disk","host","iscsi","free","fs","peer","rcip","rcfc"
            $splitarr = $portType.split(",")
            foreach ($s in $splitarr){
                if($commarr -match $s.toLower())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid port type option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -port_type $portType"

            $srinfocmd += " $port "
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "PORT_TYPE"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "PORT_TYPE,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
            $rangestart = "3"
            $rangestart = "4"
            $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
            $rangestart = "2"    
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"            
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"            
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "4")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        $range1 = $range1 - 3
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile    
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRStatPort

################################ Function Get-SRStatPD ##############################
Function Get-SRStatPD
    System reporter performance reports for physical disks (PDs).
    System reporter performance reports for physical disks (PDs).
    System reporter performance reports for physical disks (PDs).
    Get-SRStatPD -Hourly -btsecs -24h
    example displays aggregate hourly performance statistics for all physical disks beginning 24 hours ago:

    Get-SRStatPD -Groupby SPEED
    Get-SRStatPD -rpmSpeed 100
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
    PDID Physical disk ID
    PORT_N The node number for the primary port for the the PD
    PORT_S The PCI slot number for the primary port for the the PD
    PORT_P The port number for the primary port for the the PD
    DISK_TYPE The disktype of the PD
    SPEED The speed of the PD
   .PARAMETER diskType
    Limit the data to disks of the types specified. Allowed types are
        FC - Fast Class
        NL - Nearline
        SSD - Solid State Drive
   .PARAMETER rpmSpeed
    Limit the data to disks of the specified RPM. Allowed speeds are 7, 10, 15, 100 and 150
    PDs with IDs that match either the specified PDID or glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to include multiple PDIDs or patterns. If not specified, all PDs are included.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRStatPD
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,        
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,        
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatPD - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatPD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatPD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection

    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srstatpd "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $commarr = "PDID","PORT_N","PORT_S","PORT_P","DISK_TYPE","SPEED"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $diskarr1 = "FC","NL","SSD"
            if($diskarr1 -eq $diskType.toUpper())
                $srinfocmd += " -disk_type $diskType"
                return "FAILURE: Invalid diskType Option it should be in ( $diskarr1 )"
            $rpmarr1 = "7","10","15","100","150"
            if($rpmarr1 -eq $rpmSpeed)
                $srinfocmd += " -rpm $rpmSpeed"
                return "FAILURE: Invalid rpm speed option it should be in ( $diskarr1 )"
            $srinfocmd += " $PDID "
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "PDID"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "PDID,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
            $rangestart = "3"
            #$rangestart = "4"
            $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
        Write-DebugLog "INFO: In Get-SRStatPD - cmd is -> $srinfocmd" $Debug
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd        
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "4")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        $range1 = $range1 - 3
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")            
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")        
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile    
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRStatPD

#########################FUNCTION Get-SRStatfssmb#########################
Function Get-SRStatfssmb()
   Get-SRStatfssmb - System reporter performance reports for File Persona SMB shares.

   The Get-SRStatfssmb command displays historical performance data reports for
   File Persona SMB shares.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each
   <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
   NODE Statistics per node

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   connections, maxConnections, sessions, maxSessions, treeConnects,
   maxTreeConnects, openFiles, maxOpenFiles, ReadSumRecorded,
   ReadSampleRecorded, WriteSumRecorded, WriteSampleRecorded

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfssmb
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfssmb

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

 [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

 [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
 $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfssmb - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfssmb since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfssmb since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfssmb "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfssmb Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfssmb

########################### Function Get-SRStatLD ###############################
Function Get-SRStatLD
    Command displays historical performance data reports for logical disks.
    Command displays historical performance data reports for logical disks.
    Command displays historical performance data reports for logical disks.
    Get-SRStatLD -Hourly -btsecs -24h
    example displays aggregate hourly performance statistics for all logical disks beginning 24 hours ago:
    Get-SRStatLD -Groupby Node
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
    DOM_NAME Domain name
    LDID Logical disk ID
    LD_NAME Logical disk name
    CPG_NAME Common Provisioning Group name
    NODE The node that owns the LD
   .PARAMETER cpgName
    Limit the data to LDs in CPGs with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style patterns.
    Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes
    -Node 0,1,2
    LDs matching either the specified LD_name or glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to display information for multiple LDs. If not specified, all LDs are included.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRStatLD
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,        
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,        
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatLD - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatLD since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatLD since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srstatld "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $commarr = "LDID","DOM_NAME","LD_NAME","CPG_NAME","NODE"
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $nodes = $Node.split(",")
            $srinfocmd += " $nodes"            
            $srinfocmd += " -cpg $cpgName "
            $srinfocmd += " $LDName "
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "LD_NAME"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "LD_NAME,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"                                                
            $rangestart = "3"        
            $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
            $rangestart = "2"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        if($range1 -le "4")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        $range1 = $range1 - 3
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile    
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRStatLD

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRStatfssnapshot ##############
Function Get-SRStatfssnapshot()
   Get-SRStatfssnapshot - System reporter performance reports for File Persona snapshots

   The Get-SRStatfssnapshot command displays historical performance data reports
   for File Persona snapshots.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
       One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of <groupby> items. Each
   <groupby> must be different and one of the following:
   NODE The controller node

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:

   Limit the data to that corresponding to one of the specified nodes.

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    NAME: Get-SRStatfssnapshot
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatfssnapshot

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatfssnapshot - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatfssnapshot since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatfssnapshot since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatfssnapshot "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -node $Node "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatfssnapshot Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatfssnapshot

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRStatlink ####################
Function Get-SRStatlink()
   Get-SRStatlink - System reporter performance reports for links.

   The Get-SRStatlink command displays historical performance data reports for
   links (internode, PCI and cache memory).


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
   <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
   one of the following:
   NODE The source controller node for the link
   QUEUE The XCB queue
   NODE_TO The destination controller node for the link
   ASIC_FROM The source ASIC for the link
   ASIC_TO The destination ASIC for the link

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   xfers_ps, kbps, szkb

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    Only the specified node numbers are included, where each node is a
    number from 0 through 7. This specifier can be repeated to display
    information for multiple nodes. If not specified, all nodes are
    NAME: Get-SRStatlink
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatlink

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatlink - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatlink since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatlink since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatlink "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

    $Cmd += " $Node "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatlink Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatlink

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRStatqos #####################
Function Get-SRStatqos()
   Get-SRStatqos - System reporter performance reports for QoS rules.

   The Get-SRStatqos command displays historical performance data reports for
   QoS rules.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

   Limit the data to VVSets with names that match one or more of the
   specified names or glob-style patterns.
   This option is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent release.

  .PARAMETER AllOthers
   Display statistics for all other I/O not regulated by a QoS rule.
   This option is deprecated and will be removed in a subsequent release.

   Limit the data to the specified QoS target rule(s).
   Include a target type either {vvset|domain}, and a name or
   glob-style pattern.
   The sys:all_others rule can be selected to display
   statistics for all other host I/O not regulated by any "on" QoS rule.
   Multiple targets types can be specified as a comma separated list.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
   <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
   one of the following:
   DOM_NAME Domain name
   TARGET_TYPE Type of QoS rule target, i.e. vvset
   TARGET_NAME Name of QoS rule target
   IOPS_LIMIT The I/O per second limit
   BW_LIMIT_KBPS The KB per second bandwidth limit

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   read_iops, write_iops, total_iops, read_kbps, write_kbps,
   total_kbps, read_svctms, write_svctms, total_svctms,
   read_ioszkb, write_ioszkb, total_ioszkb, total_qlen, busy_pct
   read_wait_ms, write_wait_ms, total_wait_ms, total_wqlen,
   total_io_rej, io_limit, bw_limit, priority, io_guarantee,
   bw_guarantee, latency_target_ms, latency_ms

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

    NAME: Get-SRStatqos
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatqos

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatqos - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatqos since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatqos since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatqos "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -vvset $Vvset "

    $Cmd += " -all_others "

    $Cmd += " -target $Target "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatqos Command -->" INFO:
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatqos

######################### FUNCTION Get-SRStatrcvv ####################
Function Get-SRStatrcvv()
    Get-SRStatrcvv - System reporter performance reports for Remote Copy volumes.

   The Get-SRStatrcvv command displays historical performance data reports for
   Remote Copy volumes.


   Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
   etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
   groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
   with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

   Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
   This is the default.

   Select hourly samples for the report.

   Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
   Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
   One of these 4 summary keywords must be included:
       min Display the minimum for each metric
       avg Display the average for each metric
       max Display the maximum for each metric
       <N>% Display percentile for each metric. <N> may be any number
       from 0 to 100. Multiple percentiles may be specified.
   Other keywords which modify the summary display or computation:
       Display individual performance records in addition to one
       or more summaries. By default, -summary output excludes
       individual records and only displays the summary.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       time. By default, one summary is computed across all records.
       When requesting data across multiple points in time (vstime)
       and multiple object groupings (-groupby) compute summaries per
       object grouping. By default, one summary is computed across all
       When requesting data limited to certain object groupings with
       the -compareby option, use this keyword to compute summaries
       using only that reduced set of object groupings. By default,
       summaries are computed from all records and ignore the
       limitation of the -compareby option, though the "detail"
       output does conform to the -compareby object limitation.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
   For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
   <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
   one of the following:
   VV_NAME The name of a volume admitted to a Remote Copy volume group with admitrcopyvv
   DOM_NAME The domain name for a Remote Copy group when group was created with creatercopygroup
   TARGET_NAME The target name of the Remote Copy target created with creatercopytarget
   TARGET_MODE The target mode - Per: Periodic, Sync: Synchronous or Async: Asynchronous
   GROUP_NAME The name of the Remote Copy group created with creatercopygroup
   GROUP_ROLE The role (primary=1 or secondary=0) of the Remote Copy group
   PORT_TYPE The port type (IP or FC) of the Remote Copy link(s) created with creatercopytarget
   PORT_N The node number for the port used by a Remote Copy link
   PORT_S The PCI slot number for the port used by a Remote Copy link
   PORT_P The port number for the port used by a Remote Copy link
   VVSET_NAME The virtual volume set name

  .PARAMETER Compareby
   The compareby option limits output records to only certain objects,
   compared by a specified field. Either the top or bottom X objects
   can be displayed, up to 32 objects for vstime reports or 128 objects
   for attime reports. The field used for comparison can be any of the
   groupby fields or one of the following:
   lcl_read_iops, lcl_write_iops, lcl_total_iops, lcl_read_kbps, lcl_write_kbps, lcl_total_kbps,
   lcl_read_svctms, lcl_write_svctms, lcl_total_svctms, lcl_read_ioszkb, lcl_write_ioszkb,
   lcl_total_ioszkb, lcl_busy_pct, lcl_total_qlen, rmt_read_iops, rmt_write_iops, rmt_total_iops,
   rmt_read_kbps, rmt_write_kbps, rmt_total_kbps, rmt_read_ioszkb, rmt_write_ioszkb,
   rmt_total_ioszkb, rmt_busy_pct, rmt_total_qlen, rpo_timeInt

  .PARAMETER Sortcol
   Sorts command output based on column number (<col>). Columns are
   numbered from left to right, beginning with 0. At least one column must
   be specified. In addition, the direction of sorting (<dir>) can be
   specified as follows:
        Sort in increasing order (default).
        Sort in decreasing order.
   Multiple columns can be specified and separated by a colon (:). Rows
   with the same information in them as earlier columns will be sorted
   by values in later columns.

   Limit the data to VVs with names that match one or more of the
   specified names or glob-style patterns. VV set name must be prefixed
   by "set:" and can also include patterns.

   Limit the data to TARGET_NAMEs that match one or more of the specified
   TARGET_NAMEs or glob-style patterns.

   Limit the data to TARGET_MODEs of the specified mode. Allowed modes are:
       Per - Periodic
       Sync - Synchronous
       Async - Asynchronous

   Limit the data to GROUP_NAMEs that match one or more of the specified
   GROUP_NAMEs or glob-style patterns.

    NAME: Get-SRStatrcvv
    LASTEDIT : December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatrcvv

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

    [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)]

    [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
    $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection

 Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatrcvv - validating input values" $Debug 
 #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
    $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
    if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
        #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
        if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
            Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: "
            Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatrcvv since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug 
            Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatrcvv since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."

 $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
 if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
    write-debuglog "$plinkresult"
    Return $plinkresult

    $Cmd = " srstatrcvv "

    $Cmd += " -attime "

    $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs "

    $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs "

    $Cmd += " -hires "

    $Cmd += " -hourly "

    $Cmd += " -daily "

    $Cmd += " -summary $Summary "

    $Cmd += " -groupby $Groupby "

    $Cmd += " -compareby $Compareby "

    $Cmd += " -sortcol $Sortcol "

    $Cmd += " -vv $Vv "

    $Cmd += " -target $Target "

    $Cmd += " -mode $Mode "

    $Cmd += " -group $Group "

 $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $Cmd
 Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-SRStatrcvv Command -->" INFO: 
 Return $Result
} ## End-of Get-SRStatrcvv

######################### Function Get-SRStatVLun ###########################
Function Get-SRStatVLun
    Command displays historical performance data reports for VLUNs.
    Command displays historical performance data reports for VLUNs.
    Command displays historical performance data reports for VLUNs.
    Get-SRStatVLun -Hourly -btsecs -24h
    Example displays aggregate hourly performance statistics for all VLUNs beginning 24 hours ago:

    Get-SRStatVLun -btsecs -2h -host "set:hostset" -vv "set:vvset*"
     VV or host sets can be specified with patterns:
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
     For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    DOM_NAME Domain name
    VV_NAME Virtual Volume name
    HOST_NAME Host name
    LUN The LUN number for the VLUN
    HOST_WWN The host WWN for the VLUN
    PORT_N The node number for the VLUN port
    PORT_S The PCI slot number for the VLUN port
    PORT_P The port number for the VLUN port
    VVSET_NAME Virtual volume set name
    HOSTSET_NAME Host set name
    VM_NAME Virtual Machine Name for VVol based VMs
    VM_ID Virtual Machine Identification number for VVol based VMs
    VM_HOST Virtual Machine host for VVol based VMs
    VVOLSC Virtual Volume Storage Container for VVol based VMs

   .PARAMETER host
    Limit the data to hosts with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style patterns. Host set name must start with
    Limit the data to VVs with names that match one or more of thespecified names or glob-style patterns. VV set name must be prefixed by "set:" and can also include patterns.
    Limit the data to LUNs that match one or more of the specified LUNs or glob-style patterns.
    Ports with <port_n>:<port_s>:<port_p> that match any of the specified <npat>:<spat>:<ppat> patterns are included, where each of the patterns is a glob-style pattern. If not specified, all ports are included.
    Limit the data to VLUNs matching the specified combination of host, VV,
    lun, and port. Each of these components in this option may be a
    glob-style pattern. The host and VV components may specify a
    corresponding object set by prefixing "set:" to the component. The
    host component may specify a WWN by prefixing the component with
    "wwn:". The lun and port components are optional, and if not present,
    data will be filtered to any matching combination of host and VV.
    This option cannot be combined with -host, -vv, -l, or -port.

    Limit the data to VMs that match one or more of the specified VM names
    or glob-styled patterns for VVol based VMs.

    Limit the data to VMs that match one or more of the specified VM IDs
    or glob-styled patterns for VVol based VMs.

    Limit the data to VMs that match one or more of the specified VM host
    names or glob-styled patterns for VVol based VMs.

    Limit the data to VVol containers that match one or more of the
    specified VVol container names or glob-styled patterns.
  .PARAMETER Summary
    Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRStatVLun
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRStatVLun
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,        
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,        
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=16, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=17, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRStatVLun - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRStatVLun since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRStatVLun since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()    
    $srinfocmd = "srstatvlun "
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
            $srinfocmd += " -summary $Summary"
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista)
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
                    del $tempFile
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -host $host"            
            $srinfocmd += " -vv $vv "
            $srinfocmd += " -l $lun "
            $srinfocmd += " -port $port "
            $srinfocmd += " -vlun $vLun "
            $srinfocmd += " -vmname $vmName "
            $srinfocmd += " -vmid $vmId "
            $srinfocmd += " -vmhost $vmHost "
            $srinfocmd += " -vvolsc $vvoLsc "
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "HOST_NAME"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Host_Name,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
            $rangestart = "4"
            $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
            $rangestart = "2"    
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
            $rangestart = "4"    
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Summary,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
            $rangestart = "3"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,IO/s_Rd,IO/s_Wr,IO/s_Tot,KBytes/s_Rd,KBytes/s_Wr,KBytes/s_Tot,Svct/ms_Rd,Svct/ms_Wr,Svct/ms_Tot,IOSz/KBytes_Rd,IOSz/KBytes_Wr,IOSz/KBytes_Tot,QLen,AvgBusy%"
        #write-host " cmd = $srinfocmd"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        $range1  = $Result.count -3    
        if($Summary){ $range1 = 4 }
        if($range1 -le "2")
            del $tempFile 
            return "No data available" 
        if($Result.count -gt 4)
            foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
                #write-host "s $s"
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
            Import-Csv $tempFile    
            del $tempFile
            del $tempFile
            return $Result
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRStatVLun

#### Start Get-SRVvSpace ####
Function Get-SRVvSpace
    Command displays historical space data reports for virtual volumes (VVs).
    Command displays historical space data reports for virtual volumes (VVs).
    Command displays historical space data reports for virtual volumes (VVs).
    Get-SRVvSpace -Hourly -btsecs -24h -VVName dbvv*
    example displays aggregate hourly VV space information for VVs with names matching either "dbvv*" patterns beginning 24 hours ago:
    Get-SRVvSpace -Daily -attime -groupby vv_name -vvName tp*
    Example displays VV space information for the most recent daily sample aggregated by the VV name for VVs with names that match the pattern "tp*".
  .PARAMETER attime
    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the -etsecs option, with one row per object
    group described by the -groupby option. Without this option, performance is shown versus time with a row per time interval.
  .PARAMETER btsecs
    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> canbe specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
        - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
        - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
        - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.
  .PARAMETER etsecs
    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent sample.
    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report. This is the default setting.
    Select hourly samples for the report.
    Select daily samples for the report.
  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    DOM_NAME Domain name
    VVID Virtual volume ID
    VV_NAME Virtual volume name
    BSID Virtual volume ID of the base virtual volume
    WWN Virtual volume world wide name (WWN)
    SNP_CPG_NAME Snap space Common Provisioning Group name
    USR_CPG_NAME User space Common Provisioning Group name
    PROV_TYPE The virtual volume provisioning type
    VV_TYPE The type of the virtual volume
    VVSET_NAME Virtual volume set name
    VM_NAME Virtual Machine name for VVol based VMs
    VM_ID Virtual Machine Identification number for VVol based VMs
    VM_HOST Virtual Machine host for VVol based VMs
    VVOLSC Virtual Volume Storage Container for VVol based VMs
    VVOL_STATE Virtual Volume state, either bound or unbound
    COMPR Whether Compression is enabled, disabled, or NA

  .PARAMETER usrcpg
   Only include VVs whose usr space is mapped to a CPG whose name matches one of the specified CPG_name or glob-style patterns.

  .PARAMETER snpcpg
   Only include VVs whose snp space is mapped to a CPG whose name matches one of the specified CPG_name or glob-style patterns.

  .PARAMETER provType
   Only include VVs of the specified provisioning type(s).
   The possible values are: cpvv dds full peer snp tdvv tpsd tpvv
    PDs with IDs that match either the specified PDID or glob-style pattern are included. This specifier can be repeated to include multiple PDIDs or patterns. If not specified, all PDs are included.

    Limit the data to VMs that match one or more of the specified VM names
    or glob-styled patterns for VVol based VMs.

    Limit the data to VMs that match one or more of the specified VM IDs
    or glob-styled patterns for VVol based VMs.

    Limit the data to VMs that match one or more of the specified VM host
    names or glob-styled patterns for VVol based VMs.

  .PARAMETER vvolState
    Limit the data to VVOLs that have states in either the Bound or
    Unbound state.

    Limit the data to VVol containers that match one or more of the
    specified VVol container names or glob-styled patterns.
  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
    NAME: Get-SRVvSpace
    LASTEDIT: December 2019
    KEYWORDS: Get-SRVvSpace
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0


        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Hourly ,        
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $Daily ,        
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
           $Hires ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection        
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SRVvSpace - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SRVvSpace since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SRVvSpace since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $cliresult1 = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if(($cliresult1 -match "FAILURE :"))
        write-debuglog "$cliresult1" "ERR:" 
        return $cliresult1
    $srinfocmd = "srvvspace"
    $3parosver = Get-Version -S  -SANConnection $SANConnection
    if($3parosver -ge "3.1.2")
        $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $srinfocmd += " -btsecs $btsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -etsecs $etsecs"
            $srinfocmd += " -hourly"            
            $srinfocmd += " -daily"            
            $srinfocmd += " -hires"            
            $lista = $groupby.split(",")
            foreach($suba in $lista){
                if($commarr -eq $suba.toUpper())
                    del $tempFile
                    return "FAILURE: Invalid groupby option it should be in ( $commarr )"
            $srinfocmd += " -groupby $groupby"
            $srinfocmd +=  " -usr_cpg $usrcpg "
            $srinfocmd +=  " -snp_cpg $snpcpg "
            $provrray = "cpvv","dds","full","peer","snp","tdvv","tpsd","tpvv"
            if($provrray -eq $provType){
                $srinfocmd += " -prov $provType"
                del $tempFile
                return "FAILURE: Invalid provType it should be in ( $provrray )"
            $srinfocmd += " $VVName "
            $srinfocmd += " -vmname $vmName "
            $srinfocmd += " -vmid $vmId "
            $srinfocmd += " -vmhost $vmHost "
            $srinfocmd += " -vvolsc $vvoLsc "
            $srinfocmd += " -vvolstate $vvolState "
            $srinfocmd += " -attime "    
            write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
                $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
                $optionname = "VV_NAME"
            $rangestart = "3"
            #Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,RawRsvd(MB)_User,RawRsvd(MB)_Snap,RawRsvd(MB)_Admin,RawRsvd(MB)_Total,User(MB)_Used,User(MB)_Free,User(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Used,Snap(MB)_Free,Snap(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Vcopy,Admin(MB)_Used,Admin(MB)_Free,Admin(MB)_Rsvd,Admin(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_VcopyTotal(MB)_Used,Total(MB)_Rsvd,Total(MB)_VirtualSize,CapacityEfficiency_Compaction,CapacityEfficiency_Dedup"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "$optionname,RawRsvd(MB)_User,RawRsvd(MB)_Snap,RawRsvd(MB)_Total,User(MB)_Used,User(MB)_Free,User(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Used,Snap(MB)_Free,Snap(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_Used,Total(MB)_Rsvd,Total(MB)_HostWr,Total(MB)_VirtualSize,KB/s)_Compr_GC,Efficiency_Compact,Efficiency_Compress"
            $optionname = $groupby.toUpper()
            $rangestart = "2"            
            #Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,RawRsvd(MB)_User,RawRsvd(MB)_Snap,RawRsvd(MB)_Total,User(MB)_Used,User(MB)_Free,User(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Used,Snap(MB)_Free,Snap(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Vcopy,Admin(MB)_Used,Admin(MB)_Free,Admin(MB)_Rsvd,Admin(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_VcopyTotal(MB)_Used,Total(MB)_Rsvd,Total(MB)_VirtualSize,CapacityEfficiency_Compaction,CapacityEfficiency_Dedup"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,$optionname,RawRsvd(MB)_User,RawRsvd(MB)_Snap,RawRsvd(MB)_Total,User(MB)_Used,User(MB)_Free,User(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Used,Snap(MB)_Free,Snap(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_Used,Total(MB)_Rsvd,Total(MB)_HostWr,Total(MB)_VirtualSize,KB/s)_Compr_GC,Efficiency_Compact,Efficiency_Compress"
            $rangestart = "2"
            #Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,RawRsvd(MB)_User,RawRsvd(MB)_Snap,RawRsvd(MB)_Total,User(MB)_Used,User(MB)_Free,User(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Used,Snap(MB)_Free,Snap(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Vcopy,Admin(MB)_Used,Admin(MB)_Free,Admin(MB)_Rsvd,Admin(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_VcopyTotal(MB)_Used,Total(MB)_Rsvd,Total(MB)_VirtualSize,CapacityEfficiency_Compaction,CapacityEfficiency_Dedup"
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value "Date,Time,TimeZone,Secs,RawRsvd(MB)_User,RawRsvd(MB)_Snap,RawRsvd(MB)_Total,User(MB)_Used,User(MB)_Free,User(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Used,Snap(MB)_Free,Snap(MB)_Rsvd,Snap(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_Vcopy,Total(MB)_Used,Total(MB)_Rsvd,Total(MB)_HostWr,Total(MB)_VirtualSize,(KB/s)_Compr_GC,Efficiency_Compact,Efficiency_Compress"
        write-debuglog "System reporter command => $srinfocmd" "INFO:"
        $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $srinfocmd
        if($Result -contains "FAILURE")
            del $tempFile
            return "FAILURE : $Result"
        $range1  = $Result.count
        #write-host "count = $range1"
        if($range1 -le "3")
            del $tempFile
            return "No data available"
        foreach ($s in  $Result[$rangestart..$range1] )
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ +","")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +"," ")
            $s= [regex]::Replace($s," ",",")
            Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s
        Import-Csv $tempFile
        del $tempFile
        return "Current OS version $3parosver does not support these cmdlet"
## End Get-SRVvSpace

## FUNCTION Show-SrStatIscsi
Function Show-SrStatIscsi
    The Show-SrStatIscsi command displays historical performance data reports for
    iSCSI ports.

    The Show-SrStatIscsi command displays historical performance data reports for
    iSCSI ports.

    Show-SrStatIscsi -Attime

    Show-SrStatIscsi -Summary min /max/aug/detail

    Show-SrStatIscsi -BTSecs 1

    Show-SrStatIscsi -ETSecs 1

    Show-SrStatIscsi -Groupby PORT_N

    .PARAMETER Attime
        Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
        -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
        -groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
        with a row per time interval.

        Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
        The value can be specified as either
        - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
        - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
            - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
            - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
            - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
            - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
        - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
          current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
          be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
          (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
        If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
        on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
            - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
            - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
            - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
        If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
        the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
        If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

        Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is
        specified, select the time for the report.
        The value can be specified as either
        - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
        - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
            - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
            - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
            - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
            - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
        - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
          current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
          be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
          (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
        If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

    .PARAMETER Hires
        Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
        This is the default.

    .PARAMETER Hourly
        Select hourly samples for the report.

    .PARAMETER Daily
        Select daily samples for the report.

    .PARAMETER Summary
        Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
        The possible summary types are:
            "min" (minimum), "avg" (average), "max" (maximum), and "detail"
        The "detail" type causes the individual performance records to be
        presented along with the summary type(s) requested. One or more of these
        summary types may be specified.

    .PARAMETER Groupby
        For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
        <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
        one of the following:
        PORT_N The node number for the port
        PORT_S The PCI slot number for the port
        PORT_P The port number for the port
        PROTOCOL The protocol type for the port
        Dode Sloat Port Value 1:2:3
    .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection
        NAME: Show-SrStatIscsi
        LASTEDIT: January 2020
        KEYWORDS: Show-SrStatIscsi
 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Summary ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]
        $BTSecs ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]
        $ETSecs ,
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Groupby ,
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]
        $NSP ,        
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection 
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-SrStatIscsi - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-SrStatIscsi since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-SrStatIscsi since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= "srstatiscsi "
    if ($Attime)
        $cmd+=" -attime "
    if ($Summary)
        $a = "min","avg","max","detail"
        if($a -eq $l)
            $cmd+=" -summary $Summary "
            return "Summary : $Summary is incorrect value please use [ min | avg | max | detail] only."
    if ($BTSecs)
        $cmd+=" -btsecs $BTSecs "
    if ($ETSecs)
        $cmd+=" -etsecs $ETSecs "
    if ($Hires)
        $cmd+=" -hires "
    if ($Hourly)
        $cmd+=" -hourly "
    if ($Daily)
        $cmd+=" -daily "
        if($gbVal -eq $gbl)
            $cmd+=" -groupby $Groupby"
            Return "FAILURE : Invalid -Group-by option: $Groupby cannot be used only [PORT_N | PORT_S | PORT_P | PROTOCOL] "
    if ($NSP)
        $cmd+=" $NSP "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Show-SrStatIscsi command that displays information iSNS table for iSCSI ports in the system " "INFO:"
    if($Attime -or $Summary)
        if($Result -match "Time")
            if($Result.Count -lt 5)
                return "No data found please try with different values."
            $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $LastItem = $Result.Count
            $incre = "true"         
            foreach ($s in  $Result[$count..$LastItem] )
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")                        
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
                $s= $s.Trim()            
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                if($incre -eq "false")
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
            Import-Csv $tempFile 
            del $tempFile
            return $Result
        if($Flag -eq "True")
            if($Result -match "Time")
                if($Result.Count -lt 4)
                    return "No data found please try with different values."
                $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
                $LastItem = $Result.Count
                $incre = "true"         
                foreach ($s in  $Result[1..$LastItem] )
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")                        
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
                    $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
                    $s= $s.Trim() -replace 'Time','Date,Time,Zone'                         
                    if($incre -eq "true")
                        $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                            
                        $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                        $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                        $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                    Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
                Import-Csv $tempFile 
                del $tempFile
                return $Result
    if($Result -match "Time")
        return  " Success : Executing Show-SrStatIscsi"
        return  $Result
} # End Show-SrStatIscsi

## FUNCTION Show-SrStatIscsiSession
Function Show-SrStatIscsiSession
    The Show-SrStatIscsiSession command displays historical performance data reports for
    iSCSI sessions.

    The Show-SrStatIscsiSession command displays historical performance data reports for
    iSCSI sessions.


    Show-SrStatIscsiSession -Attime

    Show-SrStatIscsiSession -Attime -NSP 0:2:1

    Show-SrStatIscsiSession -Summary min -NSP 0:2:1

    Show-SrStatIscsiSession -Btsecs 1 -NSP 0:2:1

    Show-SrStatIscsiSession -Hourly -NSP 0:2:1

    Show-SrStatIscsiSession -Daily

    Show-SrStatIscsiSession -Groupby PORT_N

    Performance is shown at a particular time interval, specified by the
    -etsecs option, with one row per object group described by the
    -groupby option. Without this option performance is shown versus time,
    with a row per time interval.

    Select the begin time in seconds for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
    - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
    - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
    - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
    - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
    current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
    be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
    (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the time at which the report begins depends
    on the sample category (-hires, -hourly, -daily):
    - For hires, the default begin time is 12 hours ago (-btsecs -12h).
    - For hourly, the default begin time is 7 days ago (-btsecs -7d).
    - For daily, the default begin time is 90 days ago (-btsecs -90d).
    If begin time and sample category are not specified then the time
    the report begins is 12 hours ago and the default sample category is hires.
    If -btsecs 0 is specified then the report begins at the earliest sample.

    Select the end time in seconds for the report. If -attime is
    specified, select the time for the report.
    The value can be specified as either
    - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600).
    - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats:
        - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT"
        - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00"
        - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26
        - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00
    - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the
      current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can
      be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes
      (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d).
    If it is not specified then the report ends with the most recent

    Select high resolution samples (5 minute intervals) for the report.
    This is the default.

    Select hourly samples for the report.

    Select daily samples for the report.

  .PARAMETER Summary
    Summarize performance across requested objects and time range.
    The possible summary types are:
        "min" (minimum), "avg" (average), "max" (maximum), and "detail"
    The "detail" type causes the individual performance records to be
    presented along with the summary type(s) requested. One or more of these
    summary types may be specified.

  .PARAMETER Groupby
    For -attime reports, generate a separate row for each combination of
    <groupby> items. Each <groupby> must be different and
    one of the following:
    PORT_N The node number for the session
    PORT_S The PCI slot number for the session
    PORT_P The port number for the session
    ISCSI_NAME The iSCSI name for the session
    TPGT The TPGT ID for the session

    Node Sloat Poart Value 1:2:3

  .PARAMETER SANConnection
    Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection

    NAME: Show-SrStatIscsiSession
    LASTEDIT: January 2020
    KEYWORDS: Show-SrStatIscsiSession

 #Requires PS -Version 3.0

        [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)]
        [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Summary ,
        [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)]
        $BTSecs ,
        [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)]
        $ETSecs ,
        [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)]
        $Groupby ,
        [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)]
        $NSP ,        
        [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)]
        $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection       
    Write-DebugLog "Start: In Show-SrStatIscsiSession - validating input values" $Debug 
    #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        #check if connection object contents are null/empty
        $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection
        if($Validate1 -eq "Failed")
            #check if global connection object contents are null/empty
            $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection
            if($Validate2 -eq "Failed")
                Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:"
                Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Show-SrStatIscsiSession since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug
                return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Show-SrStatIscsiSession since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session."
    $plinkresult = Test-PARCli
    if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :")
        write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" 
        return $plinkresult
    $cmd= "srstatiscsisession "    
    if ($Attime)
        $cmd+=" -attime "
    if ($Summary)
        $a = "min","avg","max","detail"
        if($a -eq $l)
            $cmd+=" -summary $Summary "
            return "Summary : $Summary is incorrect value please use [ min | avg | max | detail] only."
    if ($BTSecs)
        $cmd+=" -btsecs $BTSecs "
    if ($ETSecs)
        $cmd+=" -etsecs $ETSecs "
    if ($Hires)
        $cmd+=" -hires "
    if ($Hourly)
        $cmd+=" -hourly "
    if ($Daily)
        $cmd+=" -daily "
        if($gbVal -eq $gbl)
            $cmd+=" -groupby $Groupby"
            Return "FAILURE : Invalid -Group-by option: $Groupby cannot be used only [PORT_N | PORT_S | PORT_P | ISCSI_NAME | TPGT] "
    if ($NSP)
        $cmd+=" $NSP "
    $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds  $cmd
    write-debuglog " Executing Show-SrStatIscsiSession command that displays information iSNS table for iSCSI ports in the system " "INFO:"
        if($Result -match "Time")
            if($Result.Count -lt 5)
                return "No data found please try with different values."
            $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $LastItem = $Result.Count
            $incre = "true"         
            foreach ($s in  $Result[2..$LastItem] )
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")                        
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
                $s= $s.Trim()            
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                    
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                if($incre -eq "false")
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
            Import-Csv $tempFile 
            del $tempFile
            return $Result
        if($Result -match "Time")
            if($Result.Count -lt 5)
                return "No data found please try with different values."
            $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $LastItem = $Result.Count
            $incre = "true"         
            foreach ($s in  $Result[3..$LastItem] )
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")                        
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
                $s= $s.Trim()            
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                    
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                if($incre -eq "false")
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
            Import-Csv $tempFile 
            del $tempFile
            return $Result
        if($Result -match "Time")
            if($Result.Count -lt 5)
                return "No data found please try with different values."
            $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $LastItem = $Result.Count
            $incre = "true"         
            foreach ($s in  $Result[1..$LastItem] )
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")                        
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
                $s= $s.Trim() -replace 'Time','Date,Time,Zone'                
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp2=$sTemp1.Substring(0,$sTemp1.Length - 17)
                    $sTemp2 +="TimeOut"                    
                    $sTemp = $sTemp2.Split(',')                    
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
            Import-Csv $tempFile 
            del $tempFile
            return $Result
        if($Result -match "Time")
            if($Result.Count -lt 5)
                return "No data found please try with different values."
            $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()
            $LastItem = $Result.Count
            $incre = "true"         
            foreach ($s in  $Result[1..$LastItem] )
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","")                        
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",")            
                $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","")            
                $s= $s.Trim()                    
                if($incre -eq "true")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')                            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","")            
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")                
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                if($incre -eq "false")
                    $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',')    
                    $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",")    
                    $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim()
                Add-Content -Path $tempFile -Value $s    
            Import-Csv $tempFile 
            del $tempFile
            return $Result
    if($Result -match "Time")
        return  " Success : Executing Show-SrStatIscsiSession"
        return  $Result
} # End Show-SrStatIscsiSession

Export-ModuleMember Get-SRAlertCrit , Get-SRAOMoves , Get-SRCpgSpace , Get-SRHistLd , Get-SRHistPD , Get-SRHistPort , Get-SRHistVLun ,
Get-SRLDSpace , Get-SRPDSpace , Get-SRrgiodensity , Get-SRStatCache , Get-SRStatCMP , Get-SRStatCPU , Get-SRStatfsav , Get-SRStatfsblock ,
Get-SRStatfscpu , Get-SRStatfsfpg , Get-SRStatfsmem , Get-SRStatfsnet , Get-SRStatfsnfs , Set-SRAlertCrit , Remove-SRAlertCrit , New-SRAlertCrit ,
Get-SRStatPort , Get-SRStatPD , Get-SRStatfssmb , Get-SRStatLD , Get-SRStatfssnapshot , Get-SRStatlink , Get-SRStatqos , Get-SRStatrcvv , 
Get-SRStatVLun , Get-SRVvSpace , Show-SrStatIscsi , Show-SrStatIscsiSession
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# SIG # End signature block