#################################################################################### ## © 2020,2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ## copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ## to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ## the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ## and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ## Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ## ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ## in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ## ## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ## IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ## THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR ## OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ## ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ## OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## ## File Name: ServiceCommands.psm1 ## Description: Service Commands cmdlets ## ## Created: December 2019 ## Last Modified: December 2019 ## History: v3.0 - Created ##################################################################################### $Info = "INFO:" $Debug = "DEBUG:" $global:VSLibraries = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Test-CLIObject ############################################################################################################################################ Function Test-CLIObject { Param( [string]$ObjectType, [string]$ObjectName , [string]$ObjectMsg = $ObjectType, $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) $IsObjectExisted = $True $ObjCmd = $ObjectType -replace ' ', '' $Cmds = "show$ObjCmd $ObjectName" $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmds if ($Result -like "no $ObjectMsg listed") { $IsObjectExisted = $false } return $IsObjectExisted } # End FUNCTION Test-CLIObject ########################################################################## ######################## FUNCTION Add-Hardware ####################### ########################################################################## Function Add-Hardware() { <# .SYNOPSIS Add-Hardware - Admit new hardware into the system. .DESCRIPTION The Add-Hardware command admits new hardware into the system. If new disks are discovered on any two-node HPE StoreServ system, tunesys will be started automatically to redistribute existing volumes to use the new capacity. This facility can be disabled using either the -notune option or setting the AutoAdmitTune system parameter to "no". On systems with more than two nodes, tunesys must always be run manually after disk installation. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER Checkonly Only performs passive checks; does not make any changes. .PARAMETER F If errors are encountered, the Add-Hardware command ignores them and continues. The messages remain displayed. .PARAMETER Nopatch Suppresses the check for drive table update packages for new hardware enablement. .PARAMETER Tune Always run tunesys to rebalance the system after new disks are discovered. .PARAMETER Notune Do not automatically run tunesys to rebalance the system after new disks are discovered. .Notes NAME: Add-Hardware LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Add-Hardware .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Checkonly, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $F, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Nopatch, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Tune, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Notune, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Add-Hardware - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Add-Hardware since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Add-Hardware since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " admithw " if($Checkonly) { $Cmd += " -checkonly " } if($F) { $Cmd += " -f " } if($Nopatch) { $Cmd += " -nopatch " } if($Tune) { $Cmd += " -tune " } if($Notune) { $Cmd += " -notune " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Add-Hardware command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Add-Hardware ########################################################################## ##################### FUNCTION Get-SystemPatch ####################### ########################################################################## Function Get-SystemPatch() { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-SystemPatch - Show what patches have been applied to the system. .DESCRIPTION The Get-SystemPatch command displays patches applied to a system. .EXAMPLE Get-SystemPatch .EXAMPLE Get-SystemPatch -Hist .PARAMETER Hist Provides an audit log of all patches and updates that have been applied to the system. .PARAMETER D When used with the -hist option, shows detailed history information including the username who installed each package. If -d is used with a patch specification, it shows detailed patch information. Otherwise it shows detailed information on the currently installed patches. .Notes NAME: Get-SystemPatch LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Get-SystemPatch .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Hist, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $D, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-SystemPatch - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-SystemPatch since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-SystemPatch since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " showpatch " if($Hist) { $Cmd += " -hist " } if($D) { $Cmd += " -d " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Get-SystemPatch command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Get-SystemPatch ########################################## ######### FUNCTION Get-Version ########## ########################################## Function Get-Version { <# .SYNOPSIS Get list of Storage system software version information .DESCRIPTION Get list of Storage system software version information .EXAMPLE Get-Version Get list of Storage system software version information .EXAMPLE Get-Version -S Get list of Storage system release version number only .EXAMPLE Get-Version -B Get list of Storage system build levels .PARAMETER A Show all component versions .PARAMETER B Show build levels .PARAMETER S Show release version number only (useful for scripting). .Notes NAME: Get-Version LASTEDIT: Jun 2021 KEYWORDS: Get-Version .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $A, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $B, [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $S, [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-Version - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if (!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if ($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if ($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" "ERR:" Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-Version since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-Version since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCLi -SANConnection $SANConnection if ($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" "ERR:" return $plinkresult } $Cmd = "showversion" if ($A) { $Cmd += " -a" } if ($B) { $Cmd += " -b" } if ($S) { $Cmd += " -s" } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd write-debuglog "Get-version info " "INFO:" #$Result = $Result | where { ($_ -notlike '*total*') -and ($_ -notlike '*------*')} ## Eliminate summary lines return $Result <# $version = New-Object -TypeName _Version $version.ReleaseVersionName = partempgetversion 0 2 3 $version.Patches = partempgetversion 1 1 2 $version.CliServer = partempgetversion 4 2 3 $version.CliClient = partempgetversion 5 2 3 $version.SystemManager = partempgetversion 6 2 3 $version.Kernel = partempgetversion 7 1 2 $version.TPDKernelCode = partempgetversion 8 3 4 $version #> } ## End-of Get-Version ########################################################################## ######################### FUNCTION Update-Cage ###################### ########################################################################## Function Update-Cage() { <# .SYNOPSIS Update-Cage - Upgrade firmware for the specified cage. .DESCRIPTION The Update-Cage command downloads new firmware into the specified cage. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER A All drive cages are upgraded one at a time. .PARAMETER Parallel All drive cages are upgraded in parallel by interface card domain. If -wait is specified, the command will not return until the upgrades are completed. Otherwise, the command returns immediately and completion of the upgrade can be monitored with the -status option. .PARAMETER Status Print status of the current Update-Cage operation in progress or the last executed Update-Cage operation. If any cagenames are specified, result is filtered to only display those cages. .Notes NAME: Update-Cage LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Update-Cage .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $A, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Parallel, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Wait, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Status, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Cagename, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Update-Cage - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Update-Cage since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Update-Cage since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " upgradecage " if($A) { $Cmd += " -a " } if($Parallel) { $Cmd += " -parallel " if($Wait) { $Cmd += " -wait " } } if($Status) { $Cmd += " -status " } if($Cagename) { $Cmd += " $Cagename " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Update-Cage command -->" INFO: if($Status) { if($Result.count -gt 1) { $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $LastItem = $Result.Count foreach ($s in $Result[1..$LastItem] ) { $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","") $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","") $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",") #$s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","") $s= $s.Trim() $temp1 = $s -replace 'StartTime','S-Date,S-Time,S-Zone' $temp2 = $temp1 -replace 'StopTime','E-Date,E-Time,E-Zone' $s = $temp2 Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s } Import-Csv $tempFile del $tempFile } else { Return $Result } } else { Return $Result } } ## End-of Update-Cage ########################################################################## ##################### FUNCTION Reset-SystemNode ###################### ########################################################################## Function Reset-SystemNode() { <# .SYNOPSIS Reset-SystemNode - Halts or reboots a system node. .DESCRIPTION The Reset-SystemNode command shuts down a system node. .EXAMPLE Reset-SystemNode -Halt -Node_ID 0. .PARAMETER Node_ID Specifies the node, identified by its ID, to be shut down. .PARAMETER Halt Specifies that the nodes are halted after shutdown. .PARAMETER Reboot Specifies that the nodes are restarted after shutdown. .PARAMETER Check Checks if multipathing is correctly configured so that it is safe to halt or reboot the specified node. An error will be generated if the loss of the specified node would interrupt connectivity to the volume and cause I/O disruption. .PARAMETER Restart Specifies that the storage services should be restarted. .Notes NAME: Reset-SystemNode LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Reset-SystemNode .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Halt, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Reboot, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Check, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Restart, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$True)] [System.String] $Node_ID, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Reset-SystemNode - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Reset-SystemNode since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Reset-SystemNode since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " shutdownnode " if($Halt) { $Cmd += " halt " } Elseif($Reboot) { $Cmd += " reboot " } Elseif($Check) { $Cmd += " check " } Elseif($Restart) { $Cmd += " restart " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Halt | Reboot | Check | Restart]" } if($Node_ID) { $Cmd += " Node_ID " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Reset-SystemNode command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Reset-SystemNode ########################################################################## ####################### FUNCTION Set-Magazines ####################### ########################################################################## Function Set-Magazines() { <# .SYNOPSIS Set-Magazines - Take magazines or disks on or off loop. .DESCRIPTION The Set-Magazines command takes drive magazines, or disk drives within a magazine, either on-loop or off-loop. Use this command when replacing a drive magazine or disk drive within a drive magazine. .EXAMPLE Set-Magazines -Offloop -Cage_name "xxx" -Magazine "xxx" .EXAMPLE Set-Magazines -Offloop -Port "Both" -Cage_name "xxx" -Magazine "xxx" .PARAMETER Offloop Specifies that the specified drive magazine or disk drive is either taken off-loop or brought back on-loop. .PARAMETER Onloop Specifies that the specified drive magazine or disk drive is either taken off-loop or brought back on-loop. .PARAMETER Cage_name Specifies the name of the drive cage. Drive cage information can be viewed by issuing the showcage command. .PARAMETER Magazine Specifies the drive magazine number within the drive cage. Valid formats are <drive_cage_number>.<drive_magazine> or <drive_magazine> (for example 1.3 or 3, respectively). .PARAMETER Disk Specifies that the operation is performed on the disk as determined by its position within the drive magazine. If not specified, the operation is performed on the entire drive magazine. .PARAMETER Port Specifies that the operation is performed on port A, port B, or both A and B. If not specified, the operation is performed on both ports A and B. .PARAMETER F Specifies that the command is forced. If this option is not used, the command requires confirmation before proceeding with its operation. .Notes NAME: Set-Magazines LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Set-Magazines .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Offloop, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Onloop, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$True)] [System.String] $Cage_name, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$True)] [System.String] $Magazine, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Disk, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Port, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $F, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-Magazines - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-Magazines since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-Magazines since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " controlmag " if($Offloop) { $Cmd += " offloop " } Elseif($Onloop) { $Cmd += " onloop " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Offloop | Onloop ] " } if($Disk) { $Cmd += " -disk $Disk " } if($Port) { $Val = "A","B" ,"BOTH" if($Val -eq $T.ToLower()) { $Cmd += " -port $Port.ToLower " } else { return " Illegal Port value, must be either A,B or Both " } } if($F) { $Cmd += " -f " } if($Cage_name) { $Cmd += " $Cage_name " } if($Magazine) { $Cmd += " $Magazine " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-Magazines command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Set-Magazines ########################################################################## ######################### FUNCTION Set-ServiceCage ################### ########################################################################## Function Set-ServiceCage() { <# .SYNOPSIS Set-ServiceCage - Service a cage. .DESCRIPTION The Set-ServiceCage command is necessary when executing removal and replacement actions for a drive cage interface card or power cooling module. The start subcommand is used to initiate service on a cage, and the end subcommand is used to indicate that service is completed. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER Start Specifies the start of service on a cage. .PARAMETER End Specifies the end of service on a cage. .PARAMETER Reset Initiates a soft reset of the interface card for DCN5, DCS11, and DCS12 drive cages. .PARAMETER Hreset Initiates a hard reset of the interface card for DCN5, DCS11, and DCS12 drive cages. .PARAMETER Remove Removes the indicated drive cage (indicated with the <cagename> specifier) from the system. This subcommand fails when the cage has active ports or is in use. .PARAMETER Pcm For DCS11 and DCS12, this specifies that the Power Cooling Module (PCM) will be serviced. For DCN5, this specifies the Power Cooling Battery Module (PCBM) will be serviced. .PARAMETER Iom Specifies that the I/O module will be serviced. This option is not valid for DCN5 cage. .PARAMETER Zero For subcommands reset and hreset, this specifies the interface card number of the cage to be reset. For subcommands start and end, this specifies the number of the module indicated by -pcm or -iom to be serviced. .PARAMETER One For subcommands reset and hreset, this specifies the interface card number of the cage to be reset. For subcommands start and end, this specifies the number of the module indicated by -pcm or -iom to be serviced. .PARAMETER CageName Specifies the name of the cage to be serviced. .Notes NAME: Set-ServiceCage LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Set-ServiceCage .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Start, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $End, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Reset, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Hreset, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Remove, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $F, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Force, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Pcm, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Iom, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Zero, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $One, [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $CageName, [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-ServiceCage - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-ServiceCage since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-ServiceCage since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " servicecage " if($Start) { $Cmd += " start " if($Iom) { $Cmd += " -iom " } elseif($Pcm) { $Cmd += " -pcm " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Iom | Pcm]..." } if($Zero) { $Cmd += " 0 " } elseif($One) { $Cmd += " 1 " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Zero | One]..." } } elseif($End) { $Cmd += " end " if($Iom) { $Cmd += " -iom " } elseif($Pcm) { $Cmd += " -pcm " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Iom | Pcm]..." } if($Zero) { $Cmd += " 0 " } elseif($One) { $Cmd += " 1 " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Zero | One]..." } } elseif($Reset) { $Cmd += " reset -f " if($Zero) { $Cmd += " 0 " } elseif($One) { $Cmd += " 1 " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Zero | One]..." } } elseif($Hreset) { $Cmd += " hreset -f " if($Zero) { $Cmd += " 0 " } elseif($One) { $Cmd += " 1 " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Zero | One]..." } } elseif($Remove) { $Cmd += " remove -f " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Start | End | Reset | Hreset | Remove]..." } if($CageName) { $Cmd += " $CageName " } else { Return "Cage Name is Mandatory..." } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Set-ServiceCage Command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Set-ServiceCage ########################################################################## ##################### FUNCTION Set-ServiceNodes ###################### ########################################################################## Function Set-ServiceNodes() { <# .SYNOPSIS Set-ServiceNodes - Prepare a node for service. .DESCRIPTION The Set-ServiceNodes command informs the system that a certain component will be replaced, and will cause the system to indicate the physical location of that component. .EXAMPLE Set-ServiceNodes -Start -Nodeid 0 .EXAMPLE Set-ServiceNodes -Start -Pci 3 -Nodeid 0 .PARAMETER Start Specifies the start of service on a node. If shutting down the node is required to start the service, the command will prompt for confirmation before proceeding further. .PARAMETER Status Displays the state of any active servicenode operations. .PARAMETER End Specifies the end of service on a node. If the node was previously halted for the service, this command will boot the node. .PARAMETER Ps Specifies which power supply will be placed into servicing-mode. Accepted values for <psid> are 0 and 1. For HPE 3PAR 600 series systems, this option is not supported, use servicecage for servicing the Power Cooling Battery Module (PCBM). .PARAMETER Pci Only the service LED corresponding to the PCI card in the specified slot will be illuminated. Accepted values for <slot> are 3 through 5 for HPE 3PAR 600 series systems. .PARAMETER Fan Specifies which node fan will be placed into servicing-mode. For HPE 3PAR 600 series systems, this option is not supported, use servicecage for servicing the Power Cooling Battery Module (PCBM). .PARAMETER Bat Specifies that the node's battery backup unit will be placed into servicing-mode. For HPE 3PAR 600 series systems, this option is not supported, use servicecage for servicing the Power Cooling Battery Module (PCBM). .Notes NAME: Set-ServiceNodes LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Set-ServiceNodes .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$True)] [System.String] $Nodeid, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Start, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Status, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $End, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Ps, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Pci, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Fan, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Bat, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-ServiceNodes - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-ServiceNodes since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-ServiceNodes since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " servicenode " if($Start) { $Cmd += " start " } Elseif($Status) { $Cmd += " status " } Elseif($End) { $Cmd += " end " } else { Return "Select at least one from [ Start | Status | End]" } if($Ps) { $Cmd += " -ps $Ps " } if($Pci) { $Cmd += " -pci $Pci " } if($Fan) { $Cmd += " -fan $Fan " } if($Bat) { $Cmd += " -bat " } if($Nodeid) { $Cmd += " Nodeid " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-ServiceNodes command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Set-ServiceNodes ########################################################################## ######################## FUNCTION Reset-System ######################## ########################################################################## Function Reset-System() { <# .SYNOPSIS Reset-System - Halts or reboots the entire system. .DESCRIPTION The Reset-System command shuts down an entire system. .EXAMPLE Reset-System -Halt. .PARAMETER Halt Specifies that the system should be halted after shutdown. If this subcommand is not specified, the reboot or restart subcommand must be used. .PARAMETER Reboot Specifies that the system should be restarted after shutdown. If this subcommand is not given, the halt or restart subcommand must be used. .PARAMETER Restart Specifies that the storage services should be restarted. If this subcommand is not given, the halt or reboot subcommand must be used. .Notes NAME: Reset-System LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Reset-System .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Halt, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Reboot, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Restart, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Reset-System - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Reset-System since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Reset-System since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " shutdownsys " if($Halt) { $Cmd += " halt " } Elseif($Reboot) { $Cmd += " reboot " } Elseif($Restart) { $Cmd += " restart " } else { Return "Select at least one from [Halt | Reboot | Restart ]" } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Reset-System command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Reset-System ########################################################################## ###################### FUNCTION Update-PdFirmware #################### ########################################################################## Function Update-PdFirmware() { <# .SYNOPSIS Update-PdFirmware - Upgrade physical disk firmware. .DESCRIPTION The Update-PdFirmware command upgrades the physical disk firmware. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER F Upgrades the physical disk firmware without requiring confirmation. .PARAMETER Skiptest Skips the 10 second diagnostic test normally completed after each physical disk upgrade. .PARAMETER A Specifies that all physical disks with valid IDs and whose firmware is not current are upgraded. If this option is not specified, then either the -w option or PD_ID specifier must be issued on the command line. .PARAMETER W Specifies that the firmware of either one or more physical disks, identified by their WWNs, is upgraded. If this option is not specified, then either the -a option or PD_ID specifier must be issued on the command line. .PARAMETER PD_ID Specifies that the firmware of either one or more physical disks identified by their IDs (PD_ID) is upgraded. If this specifier is not used, then the -a or -w option must be issued on the command line. .Notes NAME: Update-PdFirmware LASTEDIT December 2019 KEYWORDS: Update-PdFirmware .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $F, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Skiptest, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $A, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $W, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $PD_ID, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Update-PdFirmware - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Update-PdFirmware since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Update-PdFirmware since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " upgradepd " if($F) { $Cmd += " -f " } if($Skiptest) { $Cmd += " -skiptest " } if($A) { $Cmd += " -a " } if($W) { $Cmd += " -w $W " } if($PD_ID) { $Cmd += " $PD_ID " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Update-PdFirmware command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Update-PdFirmware ########################################################################## ######################### FUNCTION Search-ServiceNode ################ ########################################################################## Function Search-ServiceNode() { <# .SYNOPSIS Search-ServiceNode - Prepare a node for service. .DESCRIPTION The Search-ServiceNode command informs the system that a certain component will be replaced, and will cause the system to indicate the physical location of that component. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER Start Specifies the start of service on a node. If shutting down the node is required to start the service, the command will prompt for confirmation before proceeding further. .PARAMETER Status Displays the state of any active servicenode operations. .PARAMETER End Specifies the end of service on a node. If the node was previously halted for the service, this command will boot the node. .PARAMETER Ps Specifies which power supply will be placed into servicing-mode. Accepted values for <psid> are 0 and 1. For HPE 3PAR 600 series systems, this option is not supported, use servicecage for servicing the Power Cooling Battery Module (PCBM). .PARAMETER Pci Only the service LED corresponding to the PCI card in the specified slot will be illuminated. Accepted values for <slot> are 3 through 5 for HPE 3PAR 600 series systems. .PARAMETER Fan Specifies which node fan will be placed into servicing-mode. For HPE 3PAR 600 series systems, this option is not supported, use servicecage for servicing the Power Cooling Battery Module (PCBM). .PARAMETER Bat Specifies that the node's battery backup unit will be placed into servicing-mode. For HPE 3PAR 600 series systems, this option is not supported, use servicecage for servicing the Power Cooling Battery Module (PCBM). .PARAMETER NodeId Indicates which node the servicenode operation will act on. Accepted values are 0 through 3 for HPE 3PAR 600 series systems. .Notes NAME: Search-ServiceNode LASTEDIT January 2020 KEYWORDS: Search-ServiceNode .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Start, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Status, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $End, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Ps, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Pci, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Fan, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Bat, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$true)] [System.String] $NodeId, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Search-ServiceNode - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Search-ServiceNode since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Search-ServiceNode since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " servicenode " if($Start) { $Cmd += " start " } elseif($Status) { $Cmd += " status " } elseif($End) { $Cmd += " end " } else { Return "Select at least one from [Start | Status | End]..." } if($Ps) { $Cmd += " -ps $Ps " } if($Pci) { $Cmd += " -pci $Pci " } if($Fan) { $Cmd += " -fan $Fan " } if($Bat) { $Cmd += " -bat " } if($NodeId) { $Cmd += " $NodeId " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Search-ServiceNode Command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Search-ServiceNode ########################################################################## ######################### FUNCTION Get-ResetReason ####################### ########################################################################## Function Get-ResetReason() { <# .SYNOPSIS The Get-ResetReason cmdlet displays component reset reason details. .DESCRIPTION The showreset command displays component reset reason details. .PARAMETER D Specifies that more detailed information about the system is displayed. .PARAMETER SANConnection Specify the SAN Connection object created with New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection .EXAMPLE To display reset reason in table format: Get-ResetReason To display reset reason in more detail (-d option): Get-ResetReason -d .Notes NAME: Get-ResetReason LASTEDIT 26 April 2021 KEYWORDS: Get-ResetReason .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $D, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-ResetReason - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if (!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if ($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if ($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-ResetReason since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-ResetReason since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if ($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " showreset " if ($D) { $Cmd += " -d " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing Function : Get-ResetReason Command -->" INFO: $Result } ## End-of Get-ResetReason ########################################################################## ####################### FUNCTION Set-Security ############################ ########################################################################## Function Set-Security() { <# .SYNOPSIS Set-Security - Control security parameters. .DESCRIPTION The Set-Security cmdlet controls security parameters of the system .PARAMETER FipsEnable Enables the use of FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules on system management interfaces. .PARAMETER FipsDisable Disables the use of FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules on system management interfaces. .PARAMETER FipsRestart Restarts all services that are in "Enable failed" status. .PARAMETER SSHKeysGenerate Regenerates the SSH host keys and distributes them to all nodes. .PARAMETER SSHKeysSync Copies the SSH host keys from the current node to all other nodes. .PARAMETER F Specifies that the operation is forced. If this option is not used, the command requires confirmation before proceeding with its operation.Valid for fips and ssh-keys .EXAMPLE Enables fips mode Set-Security fips enable Warning: Enabling FIPS mode requires restarting all system management interfaces, which will terminate ALL existing connections including this one. When that happens, you must reconnect to continue. Continue enabling FIPS mode (yes/no)? .EXAMPLE Disables fips mode Set-Security fips disable Warning: Disabling FIPS mode requires restarting all system management interfaces, which will terminate ALL existing connections including this one. When that happens, you must reconnect to continue. Continue disabling FIPS mode (yes/no)? .EXAMPLE Restarts services which are not currently enabled Set-Security fips restart Warning: Will restart all services that are not enabled, which may terminate ALL existing connections including this one. When that happens, you must reconnect to continue. Continue restarting (yes/no)? .EXAMPLE Regenerates the SSH host keys and distributes them to the other nodes Set-Security ssh-keys generate Warning: This action will restart the ssh service, which may terminate ALL existing connections including this one. When that happens, you must reconnect to continue. Continue restarting (yes/no)? .EXAMPLE Syncs the SSH host keys from the current node to all other nodes Set-Security ssh-keys sync Warning: This action will restart the ssh service, which may terminate ALL existing connections including this one. When that happens, you must reconnect to continue. Continue restarting (yes/no)? .Notes NAME: Set-Security LASTEDIT 26 Apr 2021 KEYWORDS: Set-Security .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $FipsEnable, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $FipsDisable, [Parameter(Position = 2, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $FipsRestart, [Parameter(Position = 3, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $SSHKeysGenerate, [Parameter(Position = 4, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $SSHKeysSync, [Parameter(Position = 5, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $F, [Parameter(Position = 6, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Set-Security - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if (!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if ($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if ($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Set-Security since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Set-Security since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if ($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " controlsecurity " if ($FipsEnable) { $Cmd += " fips enable " } Elseif ($FipsDisable) { $Cmd += " fips disable " } Elseif ($FipsRestart) { $Cmd += " fips restart " } Elseif ($SSHKeysGenerate) { $Cmd += " ssh-keys generate " } Elseif ($SSHKeysSync) { $Cmd += " ssh-keys sync " } else { Return "Select one option from [ Fips Enable | Fips Disable | Fips Restart | SSHKeys Generate | SSHKeys Sync ] and proceed." } if ($F) { $Cmd += " -f " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Set-Security command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Set-Security ########################################################################## ####################### FUNCTION Get-Security ############################ ########################################################################## Function Get-Security() { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-Security - Show Control security parameters. .DESCRIPTION The Get-Security cmdlet shows the status of security parameters of system management interfaces. .PARAMETER FipsStatus Shows the status of security parameters of system management interfaces. .EXAMPLE Shows the current mode of FIPS and status of services Get-Security fips status FIPS mode: Enabled Service Status CIM Disabled CLI Enabled EKM Enabled LDAP Enabled QW Enabled RDA Disabled SNMP Disabled SSH Enabled SYSLOG Enabled VASA Disabled WSAPI Disabled ----------------- 11 6 Enabled .Notes NAME: Get-Security LASTEDIT 26 Apr 2021 KEYWORDS: Get-Security .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $false)] [switch] $FipsStatus, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-Security - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if (!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if ($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if ($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-Security since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-Security since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if ($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " controlsecurity " if ($FipsStatus) { $Cmd += " fips status " } else { Return "Select Fips Status and proceed." } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Get-Security command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Get-Security Export-ModuleMember Add-Hardware , Get-SystemPatch , Get-Version , Update-Cage , Reset-SystemNode , Set-Magazines , Set-ServiceCage , Set-ServiceNodes , Reset-System , Update-PdFirmware , Search-ServiceNode , Get-ResetReason , Set-Security , Get-Security # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIhzwYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIhwDCCIbwCAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCD2dGn/RKBFVrjW # M+poLOGLgUpa6bh30v6MdvR2bRudOaCCEKswggUpMIIEEaADAgECAhB4Lu4fcD9z # xUgD+jf1OoqlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMHwxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQI # ExJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAOBgNVBAcTB1NhbGZvcmQxGDAWBgNVBAoT # D1NlY3RpZ28gTGltaXRlZDEkMCIGA1UEAxMbU2VjdGlnbyBSU0EgQ29kZSBTaWdu # aW5nIENBMB4XDTIxMDUyODAwMDAwMFoXDTIyMDUyODIzNTk1OVowgZAxCzAJBgNV # BAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlQYWxvIEFsdG8x # KzApBgNVBAoMIkhld2xldHQgUGFja2FyZCBFbnRlcnByaXNlIENvbXBhbnkxKzAp # BgNVBAMMIkhld2xldHQgUGFja2FyZCBFbnRlcnByaXNlIENvbXBhbnkwggEiMA0G # CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDmclZSXJBXA55ijwwFymuq+Y4F/quF # mm2vRdEmjFhzRvTpnGjIYtVcG11ka4JGCROmNVDZGAelnqcXn5DKO710j5SICTBC # 5gXOLwga7usifs21W+lVT0BsZTiUnFu4hEhuFTlahJIEvPGVgO1GBcuItD2QqB4q # 9j15GDI5nGBSzIyJKMctcIalxsTSPG1kiDbLkdfsIivhe9u9m8q6NRqDUaYYQTN+ # /qGCqVNannMapH8tNHqFb6VdzUFI04t7kFtSk00AkdD6qUvA4u8mL2bUXAYz8K5m # nrFs+ckx5Yqdxfx68EO26Bt2qbz/oTHxE6FiVzsDl90bcUAah2l976ebAgMBAAGj # ggGQMIIBjDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQO4TqoUzox1Yq+wbutZxoDha00DjAdBgNVHQ4E # FgQUlC56g+JaYFsl5QWK2WDVOsG+pCEwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMAwGA1UdEwEB # /wQCMAAwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwMwEQYJYIZIAYb4QgEBBAQDAgQQMEoG # A1UdIARDMEEwNQYMKwYBBAGyMQECAQMCMCUwIwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWF2h0dHBzOi8v # c2VjdGlnby5jb20vQ1BTMAgGBmeBDAEEATBDBgNVHR8EPDA6MDigNqA0hjJodHRw # Oi8vY3JsLnNlY3RpZ28uY29tL1NlY3RpZ29SU0FDb2RlU2lnbmluZ0NBLmNybDBz # BggrBgEFBQcBAQRnMGUwPgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGMmh0dHA6Ly9jcnQuc2VjdGlnby5j # b20vU2VjdGlnb1JTQUNvZGVTaWduaW5nQ0EuY3J0MCMGCCsGAQUFBzABhhdodHRw # Oi8vb2NzcC5zZWN0aWdvLmNvbTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAY+1n2UUlQU6Z # VoEVaZKqZf/zrM/d7Kbx+S/t8mR2E+uNXStAnwztElqrm3fSr+5LMRzBhrYiSmea # w9c/0c7qFO9mt8RR2q2uj0Huf+oAMh7TMuMKZU/XbT6tS1e15B8ZhtqOAhmCug6s # DuNvoxbMpokYevpa24pYn18ELGXOUKlqNUY2qOs61GVvhG2+V8Hl/pajE7yQ4diz # iP7QjMySms6BtZV5qmjIFEWKY+UTktUcvN4NVA2J0TV9uunDbHRt4xdY8TF/Clgz # 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