#################################################################################### ## © 2020,2021 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP ## ## Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ## copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ## to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ## the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ## and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ## Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ## ## The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included ## in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ## ## THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ## IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL ## THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR ## OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ## ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR ## OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ## ## File Name: AdaptiveOptimization.psm1 ## Description: Adaptive Optimization(AO) cmdlets ## ## Created: October 2019 ## Last Modified: October 2019 ## History: v3.0 - Created ##################################################################################### $Info = "INFO:" $Debug = "DEBUG:" $global:VSLibraries = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path #$global:VSLibraries = $global:VSLibraries.Substring(0,$global:VSLibraries.Length-4) [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 #Import-Module "$global:VSLibraries\Global\Logger.psm1" #Import-Module "$global:VSLibraries\Global\VS-Functions.psm1" ############################################################################################################################################ ## FUNCTION Test-CLIObject ############################################################################################################################################ Function Test-CLIObject { Param( [string]$ObjectType, [string]$ObjectName , [string]$ObjectMsg = $ObjectType, $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) $IsObjectExisted = $True $ObjCmd = $ObjectType -replace ' ', '' $Cmds = "show$ObjCmd $ObjectName" $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmds if ($Result -like "no $ObjectMsg listed") { $IsObjectExisted = $false } return $IsObjectExisted } # End FUNCTION Test-CLIObject ########################################################################## ######################### FUNCTION Get-AOConfigurations ############## ########################################################################## Function Get-AOConfigurations() { <# .SYNOPSIS Get-AOConfigurations - Show Adaptive Optimization configurations. .DESCRIPTION The Get-AOConfigurations command shows Adaptive Optimization (AO) configurations in the system. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER Domain Shows only AO configurations that are in domains with names matching one or more of the <domain_name_or_pattern> argument. This option does not allow listing objects within a domain of which the user is not a member. Patterns are glob-style (shell-style) patterns (see help on sub,globpat) .PARAMETER AOConfigurationName .Notes NAME: Get-AOConfigurations LASTEDIT 17-10-2019 KEYWORDS: Get-AOConfigurations .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Domain, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $AOConfigurationName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Get-AOConfigurations - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Get-AOConfigurations since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Get-AOConfigurations since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " showaocfg " if($Domain) { $Cmd += " -domain $Domain " } if($AOConfigurationName) { $Cmd += " $AOConfigurationName " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Get-AOConfigurations command -->" INFO: if($Result.count -gt 1) { $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() $LastItem = $Result.Count -2 $oneTimeOnly = "True" foreach ($s in $Result[1..$LastItem] ) { $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","") $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","") $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"^ ","") $s= [regex]::Replace($s," +",",") $s= [regex]::Replace($s,"-","") $s= $s.Trim() if($oneTimeOnly -eq "True") { $sTemp1=$s $sTemp = $sTemp1.Split(',') $sTemp[2] = "T0(CPG)" $sTemp[3] = "T1(CPG)" $sTemp[4] = "T2(CPG)" $sTemp[5] = "T0Min(MB)" $sTemp[6] = "T1Min(MB)" $sTemp[7] = "T2Min(MB)" $sTemp[8] = "T0Max(MB)" $sTemp[9] = "T1Max(MB)" $sTemp[10] = "T2Max(MB)" $sTemp[11] = "T0Warn(MB)" $sTemp[12] = "T1Warn(MB)" $sTemp[13] = "T2Warn(MB)" $sTemp[14] = "T0Limit(MB)" $sTemp[15] = "T1Limit(MB)" $sTemp[16] = "T2Limit(MB)" $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp,"^ ","") $newTemp= [regex]::Replace($sTemp," ",",") $newTemp= $newTemp.Trim() $s=$newTemp } Add-Content -Path $tempfile -Value $s $oneTimeOnly = "False" } Import-Csv $tempFile del $tempFile } else { Return $Result } } ## End-of Get-AOConfigurations ########################################################################## ######################### FUNCTION New-AOConfiguration ############### ########################################################################## Function New-AOConfiguration() { <# .SYNOPSIS New-AOConfiguration - Create an Adaptive Optimization configuration. .DESCRIPTION The New-AOConfiguration command creates an Adaptive Optimization configuration. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER T0cpg Specifies the Tier 0 CPG for this AO config. .PARAMETER T1cpg Specifies the Tier 1 CPG for this AO config. .PARAMETER T2cpg Specifies the Tier 2 CPG for this AO config. .PARAMETER Mode Specifies the optimization bias for the AO config and can be one of the following: Performance: Move more regions towards higher performance tier. Balanced: Balanced between higher performance and lower cost. Cost: Move more regions towards lower cost tier. The default is Balanced. .PARAMETER T0min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T1min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T2min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T0max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER T1max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER T2max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER AOConfigurationName Specifies an AO configuration name up to 31 characters in length. .Notes NAME: New-AOConfiguration LASTEDIT 17-10-2019 KEYWORDS: New-AOConfiguration .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T0cpg, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T1cpg, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T2cpg, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Mode, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T0min, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T1min, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T2min, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T0max, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T1max, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T2max, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$True)] [System.String] $AOConfigurationName, [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In New-AOConfiguration - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting New-AOConfiguration since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet New-AOConfiguration since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " createaocfg " if($T0cpg) { $Cmd += " -t0cpg $T0cpg " } if($T1cpg) { $Cmd += " -t1cpg $T1cpg " } if($T2cpg) { $Cmd += " -t2cpg $T2cpg " } if($Mode) { $Cmd += " -mode $Mode " } if($T0min) { $Cmd += " -t0min $T0min " } if($T1min) { $Cmd += " -t1min $T1min " } if($T2min) { $Cmd += " -t2min $T2min " } if($T0max) { $Cmd += " -t0max $T0max " } if($T1max) { $Cmd += " -t1max $T1max " } if($T2max) { $Cmd += " -t2max $T2max " } if($AOConfigurationName) { $Cmd += " $AOConfigurationName " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : New-AOConfiguration command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of New-AOConfiguration ########################################################################## ######################### FUNCTION Remove-AOConfiguration ############ ########################################################################## Function Remove-AOConfiguration() { <# .SYNOPSIS Remove-AOConfiguration - Remove an Adaptive Optimization configuration. .DESCRIPTION The Remove-AOConfiguration command removes specified Adaptive Optimization configurations from the system. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER Pattern Specifies that specified patterns are treated as glob-style patterns and that all AO configurations matching the specified pattern are removed. .PARAMETER AOConfigurationName Specifies the name of the AO configuration to be removed .Notes NAME: Remove-AOConfiguration LASTEDIT 17-10-2019 KEYWORDS: Remove-AOConfiguration .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Pattern, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $AOConfigurationName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Remove-AOConfiguration - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Remove-AOConfiguration since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Remove-AOConfiguration since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " removeaocfg -f " if($Pattern) { $Cmd += " -pat $Pattern " if($AOConfigurationName) { Return "Either Pattern or AOConfigurationName." } } if($AOConfigurationName) { $Cmd += " $AOConfigurationName " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Remove-AOConfiguration command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Remove-AOConfiguration ########################################################################## ################## FUNCTION Start-AO ################### ########################################################################## Function Start-AO() { <# .SYNOPSIS Start-AO - Start execution of an Adaptive Optimization configuration. .DESCRIPTION The Start-AO command starts execution of an Adaptive Optimization (AO) configuration using data region level performance data collected for the specified number of hours. .EXAMPLE Start-AO -Btsecs 3h -AocfgName prodaocfg Start execution of AO config prodaocfg using data for the past 3 hours: .EXAMPLE Start-AO -Btsecs 12h -Etsecs 3h -Maxrunh 6 -AocfgName prodaocfg Start execution of AO config prodaocfg using data from 12 hours ago until 3 hours ago, allowing up to 6 hours to complete: .EXAMPLE Start-AO -Btsecs 3h -Vv "set:dbvvset" -AocfgName prodaocfg Start execution of AO for the vvset dbvvset in AOCFG prodaocfg using data for the past 3 hours: .PARAMETER Btsecs Select the begin time in seconds for the analysis period. The value can be specified as either - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600). - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats: - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT" - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00" - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26 - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00 - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d). If it is not specified then the analysis begins 12 hours ago. .PARAMETER Etsecs Select the end time in seconds for the analysis period. The value can be specified as either - The absolute epoch time (for example 1351263600). - The absolute time as a text string in one of the following formats: - Full time string including time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00 PDT" - Full time string excluding time zone: "2012-10-26 11:00:00" - Date string: "2012-10-26" or 2012-10-26 - Time string: "11:00:00" or 11:00:00 - A negative number indicating the number of seconds before the current time. Instead of a number representing seconds, <secs> can be specified with a suffix of m, h or d to represent time in minutes (e.g. -30m), hours (e.g. -1.5h) or days (e.g. -7d). If it is not specified then the analysis ends with the most recent sample. .PARAMETER Compact Specify if and how CPGs should be compacted. Choices for <mode> are auto Automatically select the compactcpg mode (default). This will free up the most space but can potentially take longer because it may cause additional region moves to increase consolidation. This is the default mode. In this mode, trimonly is run first to trim LDs without performing region moves, and then the full compactcpg is run if space is still needed. trimonly Only run compactcpg with the -trimonly option. This will t perform any region moves during compactcpg. no Do not run compactcpg. This option may be used if compactcpg is run or scheduled separately. .PARAMETER Dryrun Do not execute the region moves, only show which moves would be done. .PARAMETER Maxrunh Select the approximate maximum run time in hours (default is 6 hours). The number should be between 1 and 24 hours. The command will attempt to limit the amount of data to be moved so the command can complete by the specified number of hours. If the time runs beyond the specified hours, the command will abort at an appropriate time. .PARAMETER Min_iops Do not execute the region moves if the average IOPS during the measurement interval is less than <min_iops>. If the -vv option is not specified, the IOPS are for all the LDs in the AOCFG. If the -vv option is specified, the IOPS are for all the VLUNs that include matching VVs. If min_iops is not specified, the default value is 50. .PARAMETER Mode Override the optimization bias of the AO config, for instance to control AO differently for different VVs. Can be one of the following: Performance: Move more regions towards higher performance tier. Balanced: Balanced between higher performance and lower cost. Cost: Move more regions towards lower cost tier. .PARAMETER Vv Limit the analysis and data movement to VVs with names that match one or more of the specified names or glob-style patterns. VV set names must be prefixed by "set:". Note that snapshot VVs will not be considered since only base VVs have region space. Each VV's user CPG must be part of the specified AOCFG in order to be optimized. Snapshots in a VV's tree will not be optimized. .PARAMETER T0min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T1min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T2min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T0max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER T1max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER T2max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER AocfgName The AO configuration name, using up to 31 characters. .Notes NAME: Start-AO LASTEDIT 17-10-2019 KEYWORDS: Start-AO .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Btsecs, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Etsecs, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Compact, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [switch] $Dryrun, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Maxrunh, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Min_iops, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Mode, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Vv, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T0min, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T1min, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T2min, [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T0max, [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T1max, [Parameter(Position=13, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T2max, [Parameter(Position=14, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $AocfgName, [Parameter(Position=15, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Start-AO - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Start-AO since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Start-AO since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " startao " if($Btsecs) { $Cmd += " -btsecs $Btsecs " } if($Etsecs) { $Cmd += " -etsecs $Etsecs " } if($Compact) { $Cmd += " -compact $Compact " } if($Dryrun) { $Cmd += " -dryrun " } if($Maxrunh) { $Cmd += " -maxrunh $Maxrunh " } if($Min_iops) { $Cmd += " -min_iops $Min_iops " } if($Mode) { $Cmd += " -mode $Mode " } if($Vv) { $Cmd += " -vv $Vv " } if($T0min) { $Cmd += " -t0min $T0min " } if($T1min) { $Cmd += " -t1min $T1min " } if($T2min) { $Cmd += " -t2min $T2min " } if($T0max) { $Cmd += " -t0max $T0max " } if($T1max) { $Cmd += " -t1max $T1max " } if($T2max) { $Cmd += " -t2max $T2max " } if($AocfgName) { $Cmd += " $AocfgName " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Start-AO command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Start-AO ########################################################################## ######################### FUNCTION Update-AOConfiguration ############ ########################################################################## Function Update-AOConfiguration() { <# .SYNOPSIS Update-AOConfiguration - Update an Adaptive Optimization configuration. .DESCRIPTION Update-AOConfiguration - Update an Adaptive Optimization configuration. .EXAMPLE .PARAMETER T0cpg Specifies the Tier 0 CPG for this AO config. .PARAMETER T1cpg Specifies the Tier 1 CPG for this AO config. .PARAMETER T2cpg Specifies the Tier 2 CPG for this AO config. .PARAMETER Mode Specifies the optimization bias for the AO config and can be one of the following: Performance: Move more regions towards higher performance tier. Balanced: Balanced between higher performance and lower cost. Cost: Move more regions towards lower cost tier. .PARAMETER T0min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T1min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T2min Specifies the minimum space utilization of the tier CPG for AO to maintain when optimizing regions between tiers. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a minimum to 0 (default) indicates that no minimum space utilization will be enforced. .PARAMETER T0max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER T1max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER T2max Specifies the maximum space utilization of the tier CPG. AO will move regions into and out of the CPG based on their relative access rate history, but will not exceed this maximum size in the CPG. The size can be specified in MB (default) or GB (using g or G) or TB (using t or T). Setting a max to 0 (default) indicates that AO will use other indicators to decide the maximum CPG space utilization: either the CPG sdgl, sdgw, or maximum possible growth size. .PARAMETER NewName Specifies a new name for the AO configuration of up to 31 characters in length. .PARAMETER AOConfigurationName .Notes NAME: Update-AOConfiguration LASTEDIT 17-10-2019 KEYWORDS: Update-AOConfiguration .Link #Requires PS -Version 3.0 #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T0cpg, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T1cpg, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T2cpg, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $Mode, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T0min, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T1min, [Parameter(Position=6, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T2min, [Parameter(Position=7, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T0max, [Parameter(Position=8, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T1max, [Parameter(Position=9, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $T2max, [Parameter(Position=10, Mandatory=$false)] [System.String] $NewName, [Parameter(Position=11, Mandatory=$True)] [System.String] $AOConfigurationName, [Parameter(Position=12, Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] $SANConnection = $global:SANConnection ) Write-DebugLog "Start: In Update-AOConfiguration. - validating input values" $Debug #check if connection object contents are null/empty if(!$SANConnection) { #check if connection object contents are null/empty $Validate1 = Test-CLIConnection $SANConnection if($Validate1 -eq "Failed") { #check if global connection object contents are null/empty $Validate2 = Test-CLIConnection $global:SANConnection if($Validate2 -eq "Failed") { Write-DebugLog "Connection object is null/empty or the array address (FQDN/IP Address) or user credentials in the connection object are either null or incorrect. Create a valid connection object using New-CLIConnection or New-PoshSshConnection" " ERR: " Write-DebugLog "Stop: Exiting Update-AOConfiguration. since SAN connection object values are null/empty" $Debug Return "Unable to execute the cmdlet Update-AOConfiguration since no active storage connection session exists. `nUse New-PoshSSHConnection or New-CLIConnection to start a new storage connection session." } } } $plinkresult = Test-PARCli -SANConnection $SANConnection if($plinkresult -match "FAILURE :") { write-debuglog "$plinkresult" Return $plinkresult } $Cmd = " setaocfg " if($T0cpg) { $Cmd += " -t0cpg $T0cpg " } if($T1cpg) { $Cmd += " -t1cpg $T1cpg " } if($T2cpg) { $Cmd += " -t2cpg $T2cpg " } if($Mode) { $Cmd += " -mode $Mode " } if($T0min) { $Cmd += " -t0min $T0min " } if($T1min) { $Cmd += " -t1min $T1min " } if($T2min) { $Cmd += " -t2min $T2min " } if($T0max) { $Cmd += " -t0max $T0max " } if($T1max) { $Cmd += " -t1max $T1max " } if($T2max) { $Cmd += " -t2max $T2max " } if($NewName) { $Cmd += " -name $NewName " } if($AOConfigurationName) { $Cmd += " $AOConfigurationName " } $Result = Invoke-CLICommand -Connection $SANConnection -cmds $Cmd Write-DebugLog "Executing function : Update-AOConfiguration. command -->" INFO: Return $Result } ## End-of Update-AOConfiguration. Export-ModuleMember Get-AOConfigurations , New-AOConfiguration , Remove-AOConfiguration , Start-AO , Update-AOConfiguration # SIG # Begin signature block # MIIhEAYJKoZIhvcNAQcCoIIhATCCIP0CAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgEFADB5Bgor # BgEEAYI3AgEEoGswaTA0BgorBgEEAYI3AgEeMCYCAwEAAAQQH8w7YFlLCE63JNLG # KX7zUQIBAAIBAAIBAAIBAAIBADAxMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAQUABCCkSYpVb8abI7fq # HImXUV/pmYm45Jt9QvZcoCbf32pvdqCCEKswggUpMIIEEaADAgECAhB4Lu4fcD9z # xUgD+jf1OoqlMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMHwxCzAJBgNVBAYTAkdCMRswGQYDVQQI # ExJHcmVhdGVyIE1hbmNoZXN0ZXIxEDAOBgNVBAcTB1NhbGZvcmQxGDAWBgNVBAoT # D1NlY3RpZ28gTGltaXRlZDEkMCIGA1UEAxMbU2VjdGlnbyBSU0EgQ29kZSBTaWdu # aW5nIENBMB4XDTIxMDUyODAwMDAwMFoXDTIyMDUyODIzNTk1OVowgZAxCzAJBgNV # BAYTAlVTMRMwEQYDVQQIDApDYWxpZm9ybmlhMRIwEAYDVQQHDAlQYWxvIEFsdG8x # KzApBgNVBAoMIkhld2xldHQgUGFja2FyZCBFbnRlcnByaXNlIENvbXBhbnkxKzAp # BgNVBAMMIkhld2xldHQgUGFja2FyZCBFbnRlcnByaXNlIENvbXBhbnkwggEiMA0G # CSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDmclZSXJBXA55ijwwFymuq+Y4F/quF # mm2vRdEmjFhzRvTpnGjIYtVcG11ka4JGCROmNVDZGAelnqcXn5DKO710j5SICTBC # 5gXOLwga7usifs21W+lVT0BsZTiUnFu4hEhuFTlahJIEvPGVgO1GBcuItD2QqB4q # 9j15GDI5nGBSzIyJKMctcIalxsTSPG1kiDbLkdfsIivhe9u9m8q6NRqDUaYYQTN+ # /qGCqVNannMapH8tNHqFb6VdzUFI04t7kFtSk00AkdD6qUvA4u8mL2bUXAYz8K5m # nrFs+ckx5Yqdxfx68EO26Bt2qbz/oTHxE6FiVzsDl90bcUAah2l976ebAgMBAAGj # ggGQMIIBjDAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBQO4TqoUzox1Yq+wbutZxoDha00DjAdBgNVHQ4E # FgQUlC56g+JaYFsl5QWK2WDVOsG+pCEwDgYDVR0PAQH/BAQDAgeAMAwGA1UdEwEB # /wQCMAAwEwYDVR0lBAwwCgYIKwYBBQUHAwMwEQYJYIZIAYb4QgEBBAQDAgQQMEoG # A1UdIARDMEEwNQYMKwYBBAGyMQECAQMCMCUwIwYIKwYBBQUHAgEWF2h0dHBzOi8v # c2VjdGlnby5jb20vQ1BTMAgGBmeBDAEEATBDBgNVHR8EPDA6MDigNqA0hjJodHRw # Oi8vY3JsLnNlY3RpZ28uY29tL1NlY3RpZ29SU0FDb2RlU2lnbmluZ0NBLmNybDBz # BggrBgEFBQcBAQRnMGUwPgYIKwYBBQUHMAKGMmh0dHA6Ly9jcnQuc2VjdGlnby5j # b20vU2VjdGlnb1JTQUNvZGVTaWduaW5nQ0EuY3J0MCMGCCsGAQUFBzABhhdodHRw # Oi8vb2NzcC5zZWN0aWdvLmNvbTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAY+1n2UUlQU6Z # VoEVaZKqZf/zrM/d7Kbx+S/t8mR2E+uNXStAnwztElqrm3fSr+5LMRzBhrYiSmea # w9c/0c7qFO9mt8RR2q2uj0Huf+oAMh7TMuMKZU/XbT6tS1e15B8ZhtqOAhmCug6s # 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