about_HPEOneView.660 COPYRIGHT (C) Copyright 2013-2024 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP LICENSE Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. SHORT DESCRIPTION PowerShell library for HPE OneView 6.60 WHAT'S NEW Release 6.60.3990.1744 -- Updated Get-OVRemoteSupportSetting and Get-OVRemoteSupportEntitlementStatus to support interconnect resources. -- Updated New-OVBackup and New-OVRestore to support the HPE OneView 6.60.06 patch that introduced a backup passphrase. -- Updated [HPEOneView.Appliance.Version] class to support IComparable methods. -- Added new parameter option -UseInvokeWebRequest to Add-OVBaseline to use native PowerShell Cmdlet Invoke-WebRequest. Release 6.60.3530.1622 -- [#621] Fixed regression with New-OVServerProfileConnection and handling unassigned connections. -- [#622] Fixed issue with Get-OVComposerIloStatus returning a null value to the pipeline. -- Added Get-OVApplianceStatus Cmdlet to get appliance resource configuration (memory, CPU and LAN) and status. -- [#625] Refactored New-OVDataCenter to handle mandatory parameters. -- [#630] Fixed regression in Get-OVEnclosureGroup and Reset-OVEnclosureDevice mishandling Synergy frame resources. -- [#633] Fixed mishandling of network sets when assigned to a profile connection and processing with ConvertTo-OVPowerShellScript. -- [#634] Fixed missing -IloHostname parameter in ConvertTo-OVPowerShellScript when processing either a server profile template or server profile object. -- [#637] Fixed generating user role output in ConvertTo-OVPowerShellScript. -- [#638] Fixed Set-OVNetworkSet inadvertantly trying to change the network set type to REGULAR. -- Added Update-OVRemoteSupportEntitlement Cmdlet to refresh remote support entitlement data with the backend. Release 6.60.3332.3428 -- [#615] Added missing health category to Get-OVAlert. -- [#614] Addressed issue with iLO self-signed certificate handling within PowerShell Core. -- Changes to New-OVServerProfileLogicalDiskController and the -ControllerID parameter now has a new enum list that doesn't allow spaces in the parameter value. Prior, "Mezz 1" was an allowed value, it must now be "Mezz1". -- Updated New-OVServerProfileLogicalDiskController by adding spare drive policy parameter to manage spare drive policy with HPE Synergy D3940 and Gen10 or newer controllers. -- Updated New-OVServerProfileLogicalDisk by adding add spare drive parameter to manage spare drive policy with HPE Synergy D3940 and Gen10 or newer controllers. -- Added Cmdlets to help manage appliance static routes. Only supported with virtual machine appliance, and not HPE Synergy Composer. -- Removed support for HPE Insight Online, as it is now a deprecated service. Release 6.60.3234.2195 -- Added back BNA support after mistakenly removing. -- Fixed Get-OVNetwork returning all index resources when -Type FC parameter was provided. -- Added password property redaction method to hide passwords when using -Verbose output. -- Fixed PowerShell platform detection when attempting to identify .Net client installed. -- Fixed Copy-OVServerProfile to handle local storage configuration changes. Release 6.60.3227.2799 -- Initial HPE OneView 6.60 library release. -- [#610] Fixed Get-OVServerProfileConnectionList to support unassigned network connections -- [#512] Updated removing network set logic to appropriately handle removing associated networks, except when the associated network is assigned to another network set. -- Added NFSPath parameter to New-OVExternalRepository to support RMC firmware updates. -- Refactored Set-OVExternalRepository to use PATCH API call. -- Added -FirmwareInstallationPolicy switch to New-OVServerProfile and New-OVServerProfileTemplate Cmdlets. -- Removed "Brocade", "BNA", and "Brocade Network Advisor" from the -Type parameter in Add-OVSanManager Cmdlet as Brocade SAN Network Advisor is no longer supported with HPE OneView. -- The HPE OneView 6.60 release is an LTS release for HPE BladeSystem customers. Associated Cmdlets to manage HPE BladeSystem c-Class resources are deprecated and will be removed in the following release. This will not impact HPE Synergy customers. Deprecated Cmdlets will display a warning message. LONG DESCRIPTION This library provides HP OneView management capabilities for Windows PowerShell. The library can be used as either a CLI or using the core cmdlets to call from wrapper scripts. The core cmdlets are: -- Connect-OVMgmt -- Send-OVRequest -- New-OVResource -- Set-OVResource -- Remove-OVResource A set of sample scripts are also provided, that show how to fully configure an HP OneView appliance from the ground up. For information regarding this project, to request features or report issues, please see: https://github.com/HewlettPackard/POSH-HPEOneView/issues SEE ALSO https://github.com/HewlettPackard/POSH-HPEOneView https://hpe-docs.gitbook.io/posh-hpeoneview http://hpe.com/info/oneviewcommunity Update-Help HPEOneView.660 Get-Help about_Appliance_Connections Get-Help about_Appliance_Connection_Permissions Get-Help about_Two_Factor_Authentication Get-Help Connect-OVmgmt Get-Help Send-OVRequest [install_dir]\Samples |