about_HPEMigrationAdvisoryTool SHORT DESCRIPTION This module provides Cmdlets to migrate HPE Cmdlets to latest HPE Cmdlets module. LONG DESCRIPTION This module provide Invoke-HPECmdletMigration Cmdlet. Invoke-HPECmdletMigration Cmdlet suggests changes for existing HPE Cmdlets used in PowerShell scripts to update to the latest HPE Cmdlets module. Migration suggestion are provided for the following items. 1) ModuleName 2) Cmdlets 3) Parameter 4) Property 5) value. CmdletChangeItem Properties. ChangeType : Provides change type (Rename,Classify,Fragment, Obsolete) LineNumber : Line number of Cmdlet in the script file LinePosition : Line position of Cmdlet in the script file. Severity : Severity of changes. if it is high then Cmdlet execution will be failed if suggested changes is not considerd. (High,Mediem,Low) Cmdlet : Provide Existing Cmdlet and NewCmdlet If the Cmdlet name has changed. Parameter : Provide the parameter which required changes.Each item of parameter contains ExistingName and NewName. ParameterReference : Provide references for the parameter listed under 'Parameter' property. Each item contains (LineNumber, LinePosition, Name). Property : Provide the property which required changes.Each item of property contains ExistingName and NewName. PropertyReference : Provide references for the property listed under 'Property property. Each item contains (LineNumber, LinePosition, Name). Value : Provide the value which required changes.Each item of value contains ExistingName and NewName. ValueReference : Provide references for the value listed under 'Value' property. Each item contains (LineNumber, LinePosition, Name). Method Exposed By CmdletChangeItem. GetAdditionalMigrationInfo() :- This returns all the Changes (Parameter,Property,value) for the Cmdlet to migrate to latest HPE Cmdlets module. GetPipelineInputVariable() :- Returns the pipeline variable name.(If not pipeline input varaible then it return null). GetReturnVaraible() :- Returns the variable name where Cmldet result is stored. Enum Exposed by HPECmdletMigration. [HPE.MigrationAdvisoryTool.ChangeItemType] :- provide name for change item. (Cmdlet,Parameter,Property,Value). [HPE.MigrationAdvisoryTool.ChangeType] :- provide change item type (Rename, Classify, Fragment, Obsolete). NOTE 1) This Cmldet provides suggestion based on Cmdlets recognised as PowerShell cmdlet token. If the Cmldet is passed as string and invoke through Invoke-Command then no suggestion will provided for such Cmdlets. 2) If the change type is "Classify" in that case ParameterReference/PropertyRefrence will be null. Update the script with new Cmdlet and Parameter/Property (if availiable). 3) All the migraion suggestions are provided in context to HPE Cmdlets. 4) If the there is no suggestion for input script file,In that case the script file has Cmdlets which dont required any change for the migration. TROUBLESHOOTING NOTE EXAMPLES PS C:\> $returnObject = Invoke-HPECmdletMigration -ScriptFile C:\powerTest.ps1 -CmdletModule HPBIOSCmdlets PS C:\> $returnObject ChangeType : Rename LineNumber : 7 LinePosition : 30 Severity : High Cmdlet : Existing : Set-HPBIOSPowerprofile; New : Set-HPEBIOSPowerProfile Parameter : {HPPowerProfile} ParameterReference : {HPPowerProfile} Property : {StatusType} PropertyReference : {StatusType} Value : {Balanced} ValueReference : {Balanced} ChangeType : Rename LineNumber : 24 LinePosition : 30 Severity : High Cmdlet : Existing : Set-HPBIOSPowerProfile; New : Set-HPEBIOSPowerProfile Parameter : {HPPowerProfile} ParameterReference : {hpPowerprofile} Property : PropertyReference : Value : {Balanced, Maximum_Performance} ValueReference : {balanced, maximum_Performance} ChangeType : Rename LineNumber : 30 LinePosition : 2 Severity : High Cmdlet : Existing : Set-HPBIOSPowerProfile; New : Set-HPEBIOSPowerProfile Parameter : {hppowerprofile} ParameterReference : {hppowerprofile} Property : PropertyReference : Value : {balanced} ValueReference : {balanced} PS C:\> $returnObject [0].Parameter ExistingName NewName ------------ ------- HPPowerProfile PowerProfile PS C:\> $returnObject [0].ParameterReference LineNumber LinePosition Name ---------- ------------ ---- 2 24 HPPowerProfile PS C:\> $returnObject [0].Value ExistingValue NewValue ------------- -------- Balanced BalancedPowerAndPerformance PS C:\> $returnObject [0].ValueReference LineNumber LinePosition Name ---------- ------------ ---- 2 40 Balanced KEYWORDS SEE ALSO |