.Synopsis Utility function to fetch cluster's hadoop configs based on the cluster type .DESCRIPTION This function takes the cluster DNS name and type and fetches the relevant Hadoop configs, For now the configs to fetch are the ones that can be modified directly in the ARM template, as below clusterIdentity.xml, core-site.xml, gateway.xml, hbase-env.xml, hbase-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml hive-env.xml, hive-site.xml, mapred-site, oozie-site.xml, oozie-env.xml, storm-site.xml, tez-site.xml webhcat-site.xml, yarn-site.xml, spark2-defaults, etc... .EXAMPLE ## To be added. .LINK https://github.com/mabushaireh/HDICloner #> function Create-FolderIfNotExist($folderName, $path) { Show-Debug "Passed Param for folderName is $folderName" Show-Debug "Passed Param for path is $path" Show-Info "Creating Folder $path\$folderName" if (-Not (Test-Path $path)) { Show-Error "Folder $path not found!" throw "Folder $path not found!" } if (Test-Path "$path\$folderName") { Show-Warning "Folder $path\$folderName already exits!" return } $null = New-Item -Path "$path\$folderName" -ItemType Directory Show-Info "Folder $path\$folderName is created" } |